Murzilka 40. 

Murzilka 40. 

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

🌎Y deleted

🔹Thoy post

🔹th of the book

🔹Thoy video


The UK government's official report, released to assist health professionals with Pfizer/BioNTech's BNT162b2 vaccine, conceals the surprising recognition that Phase III safety research will not be completed until 2023, but also that people taking any other medication should not take the vaccine because there is no data on possible adverse drug interactions.


The vanguard of mainstream pro-vaccine extremists has been preoccupied with the use of mass censorship tactics and the egregious acts of burning digital books on a scale never seen before in the Internet age. The dictatorship of the media, working without interruption to distort any information that threatens their hyper-aggressive official version, is staggering. During 2020, our basic civil liberties have been abolished, and a bunch of countless idiots of unelected officials in all countries associated with blackmail, threats and other things, with a small group of elites who sit at the top of the COVID-19 money train and use the greatly exaggerated epidemic to achieve their own long-term goals, have become mini kings in their countries.

Meanwhile, off. "Reg 174 Information for UK Healthcare Professionals" directly contradicts the stories of the mainstream media. A ten-page, official ten-page guide for British health professionals contains many interesting statements. In fact, the document, released in early December 2020, advises practitioners not to take risks and not to give an experimental injection to most people who should receive the vaccine, especially "priority" populations. "Responsible" persons insist on vaccinating as much of the population as possible before any important public questions can be asked and answered - a situation that at best has called into question the safety and ethics of the vaccination campaign, and at worst is anti-humanity.

Here are the ten most serious reasons for concern contained in the official UK guideline.

Perhaps the most exciting recognition throughout the paper is the lack of any research into the compatibility of the vaccine with other drugs or treatment. The manual makes it clear that "this medicine cannot be mixed with other medical products." This absolutely stunning proposal embarrasses many chronicles of being forced to take medication. Depending on which survey you read, between 50% and 70% of the population in the UK and America regularly take any prescription drugs. Well, if you include people on the list who take any over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin or some other syrup, you will probably exclude them from 90% of the British population to be vaccinated.

Interestingly, it is this vaccine that is widely promoted among older people (at risk) with many, if not all, of them taking blood thinners "from pressure", and even though studies have shown that people taking anticoagulants may experience serious complications after being vaccinated against influenza.

But we've already begun to understand, Friends, already seeing what will happen to these Pfizer vaccines - all side effects, autoimmune disorders and even death will be assigned to the "new strain" of this ubiquitous kovide, coVID-21, 22, 23, 24 and other until everyone is forced to take these vaccines.


"#HappyNewYear #DiscoverCIA

New Year. New Look." 😉

💉🇺🇸The origin of the FEMA camp conspiracy becomes a bitter truth for New Yorkers, where the "Health Act amendments to the health law are announced to eliminate cases, contacts and carriers of infectious diseases potentially dangerous to public health".

Agenda 2045.

🔹Avatar D 2040-2045: Hologram-like Avatar

🔹Avatar C 2030-2035: Avatar with an artificial brain in which the entire human personality is transferred 

🔹Avatar B 2020-2025: Avatar in which the human brain is transplanted after life

🔹Avatar A 2015-2020: An Arobotic copy of the human body remotely controlled by IMC

We might like to show you the media figures, Friends, and tell you the same horrors about the covid, but our innate decency doesn't give us any opportunity to do so, so let's take a look at the REAL survival rate from the cowid:

🔹BRITAIN: 99.972% 

🔹BELGY: 99.944% 

🔹SPATION: 99.956% 

🔹ITALY: 99.957% 

🔹BRASILIA: 99.935% 

🔹AFRICA: 99.997259% 

🔹ABSTRALIA: 99.99669%

🔹SUS: 99.954% 

🔹KITAI: 99.99967% 

🔹INDIA: 99.9935%

Source, WHO data, UN. Hopkins, Wikipedia and more.

In Georgia, the tablets are constantly updated wall painting. It was the case the other day we planned for the coming week to advance on the editorial tank Abrams to this masterpiece of modern architecture in order to level it with the ground, but now we think how the folk art 🧑 🎨 orphans without concrete slabs. 

Now in South Africa you can go to prison for six months, if you do not have a rag on your face:

"We are all responsible for enforcing the rules and containing the second wave. In terms of disaster management rules:

- Everyone should wear a mask in public places

The manager or owner of the building.

a place or room (including a retail store) must ensure that all customers wear a mask

- Employer must ensure that all employees wear a mask while performing their duties

Anyone who does not wear a mask in a public place now commits a crime. If convicted, they will be punished with a fine or imprisonment for up to six months, or a fine and imprisonment at the same time..."

💉Sif few information about the FDA's Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, which WHO has deemed desirable for use throughout the balloon.

"In clinical studies, adverse reactions of participants 16 years and older included 

🔹bol at the injection site (84.1%), 

🔹Southability (62.9%), 

🔹 headache (55.1%), 

🔹muscular pain (38.3%), 

🔹nob (31.9%), 

🔹bol in joints (23.6%), 

🔹lihodka (14.2%), 

🔹th of injection site (10.5%), 

🔹indrst of injection site (9.5%), 🔹to-ness (1.1%), 

🔹nour of domestication (0.5%), and

🔹limfadenopathy (0.3%).

Severe allergic reactions were reported after the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was introduced during mass vaccination outside of clinical trials."

If in some cases the presence of more than 80% of recipients with adverse reactions to Pfizer poison recommended by WHO, with packages of which it is not clear what is going on - whether they are frozen, whether not quite - is not a red flag, it seems that it is not for nothing that BigPharma has broken through the legalized impunity for the possible negative consequences of vaccination, including even such a case as human death. 

No one is surprised that the Bestev WHO recommends an experimental vaccine for consumption, attention.

I wonder why 23.6% experienced joint pain? 23.6% with a large stretch is one-third of all vaccinated and joint pain has a strange effect, atypical. Can anyone know, Friends, what is going on or can happen to people's joints after the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine?

Not only that, in the annotation is generally empty, this white portico of papyrus may well serve as wrapping paper for herring or keel (salt fish 🐟) at the fish market in a hanging from a wooden barrel 👇

Fake prick from fake virus 👇

Fake syringe, fake fake fake clown 🤡 👇

Pfizer's mRNA vaccine is under the microscope. It looks like living biological objects👇

Another virologist from L.A. came to us 🇺🇸 the Mayor of Los Angeles has us all residents of Los Angeles to tell

From his words it turns out that No. The LAPD will work with our city and county partners and use all our resources to identify and close any "underground" parties." Looking into these clean 🧼 the man's eyes unwittingly raises the question 🙋 ♂️ How does he manage a huge city? After all, what this glutton broadcasts is the greatest folly and deviation from the state constitution and state law. 

Trend 2020-2021: using modern means of communication, phone camera video, as well as poor mental development of each and every one, it is possible to deal with information biological terrorism with impunity from the comfort of the house 🏡 

SPARS 2025-2028 Pandemic: A futuristic scenario to facilitate communication on medical countermeasures

It mentions a new virus that will infect humanity in 2025. In this simulation, they chose the name SPARS, based on the city in which it first appeared (St. Paul). The spaRS PANDEMIC 2025-2028 simulation also mentions that in 2021 the coronavirus will mutate in animals in Southeast Asia that will need to be sacrificed to stop the mutation... Pdf👇

We all know Friends than end simulations at Johns Hopkins University... 😂

😳💉On long ago, we told you, Friends, that some media/TV claim that an anticosive vaccine can increase the size of a fertility organ, and we in turn recommended that PR virus specialists indicate the possibility of growing a second member growing in the opposite direction. It's nice that we are heard and creative about the work of journalists from CNN and apparently the doctors went further after hearing the recommendations. 

CNN: "Doctors are encouraging injections of the cooida vaccine into the penis.

Doctors at the University of California have found that in male patients from the entire body it is the penis that ensures the fastest release of the vaccine." 🤦🏻 😂

Exclusivity - usurpation of control by individuals of the "exclusive club"

What those who are called freaks in a normal society are concerned about, the technocracy movement is not new even by name. The transition to the New World Order is a continuous process, in what is the darkness of evidence in history. At different times we have encountered the non-linearity of this process, with the short, for the happiness of our ancestors, the intervals of time during which, as if overnight all the reins of government were very stretched. And the freaks always had an excuse in the form of a crisis or that it is necessary to urgently "manage or everything will collapse and everyone will die". The Great Depression and the New Deal, the rise of the Third Reich and world war II, 9/11 and the surveillance state/world security/big brother, for example. The new Green Course, the Great Reboot, Build Back Better - all these dialectical antithesis of the Covid-crisis, will be that in the end humanity more and more falls into the hands of an increasingly exclusive club of sociopaths.

The video shows the arrest of a woman who filmed an empty Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, while the British government said hospitals were full because of Covid 👇

I would not like to fantasize about the nature of dust, which is magnetized in 2018 in the 🇮🇹 of Italy, but except for "fell from the sky" we have no versions of its origin ... 👇

🇬🇧 Inwatching the arrest of one of the Britons, people continue to record empty hospitals in Britain. To your attention, Friends, another hospital, where according to the media there are no places because of the co-workers. Princess Hospital in Bromley, south-east Greater London. Friday night. New 2021.

In the video, the Intensive Care Unit and operating theatres. Everywhere empty beds and silence (the sound of the camera is turned on!), empty corridors.

2021 .The video 🖕also shows how the ambulance arrives: Cars arrive, but no one is brought and they do not unload the covidniks. The department of emergency medical care, which is usually full in clinics, is also almost empty. 


Friends, we can no longer remain silent and look at all this and have to succumb to emotions and call things by their names. Or rather, the people who mock our old people in empty hospitals all over Europe. 

Apart from the "cattle" constantly rotating in the language at the sight of the world of sura, we can not find another word to refer to the main actors and the people who voluntarily participate in their affairs.

We want to apologize to the old people and say, "Excuse us, Grandfathers. We couldn't keep what you found - a world without fascism. Forgive us ingmalis for those we have chosen and for the honey they have carried out. fascism.

💉Vaccine Light at the end of the tunnel. 

Scottish Liberal Democrat politician Christine Jardig, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, British Prime Minister Johnson, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, US President Trump, and many others all talk about the vaccine as the light at the end of the tunnel. For some reason we remember the Gottard tunnel, the satanic coven when it opened in 2016, and its light, which is essentially the darkness of reason and the clouding of humanity of the bacchanalia that arranged the bacchanalia when it opened.

💉 A few more dancing 🖕 nurses waiting for dying co-workers, who, according to the media, crammed all hospitals and hospitals. 

Friends, it's now obvious that if you still don't see this clown show as it really is, for many of you there is no longer any hope.

Apparently, that's why many people like the false sense of security that the mask instills in them, which also shows an ignorant sense of their own virtue when people think

that they are taking care of themselves and others while they are merely masking the danger that the media says is carried by the tweed...

🇨🇳 Locals weren't happy 🖕about honey. PPC attack aircraft with PCR tests in Dalian and gave them a fight.🤦🏻 😂

If you want to smoke while wearing a mask, you can use Edward Duncan's device. 

The truth is, when you use it, Friends, we can't guarantee you that in the masked camp and anti-maskers, you won't look like an idiot.😂

😳Flag of the New World Order (UN, NWO) over 10 Downing Street replaced by Union Jack 🇬🇧 👇

🇧🇷 Minister for Foreign Affairs of Brazil said "no" to The proposed Schwab and his pocket WEF agenda "a big reset." 

"No" was said at the UN special session on COVID-19 on December 3, 2020 . In his view, "totalitarian social control is not a remedy for any crisis."

"Totalitarian social control is not a cure for any crisis," said Ernesto Araujo, "Brazil is one of the founders of the UN and is therefore committed to its core principles: peace and security, cooperation between countries, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. 

COVID-19 should not be used as an excuse to promote programmes that are extrapolated from the constitutional structure of the UN system. Fundamental freedoms are not ideology. Human dignity requires freedom as much as health and economic opportunity. 

Those who do not like freedom always try to benefit from crisis moments to preach restriction of freedom. Let's not fall into this trap. 

Totalitarian social control is not a cure for any crisis. Let us not make democracy and freedom another victim of COVID-19."

Incidentally, back in April 2020, the Brazilian Foreign Minister said that everyone was turning the tongue, saying that now "globalism replaces socialism as the preparatory stage of communism" and called the coronavirus "comunavirus". 

Some people think it's prez. Brazil's Bolsonaro has chosen "a foreign minister who believes that climate change is part of a conspiracy by cultural Marxists" to stifle Western economies and promote China's growth," which you will agree, friends, is true, which does not only see blunt.

In his speech to the UN, Araujo also called for coordination and cooperation during the crisis at the international level, allowing countries to pursue policies in their own way, at the national level, without pressure.

🇺🇸Occult gesture by a friend of paedophile friend Epstein Gates to the head of CDC conman Fauci: Hidden Hand.

This gesture is said to be a sign of intent. And it is not only Masonic, but also Jesuit and means for those who understand that man always acts in the interests of the agenda and his clique, even when no one is looking.

Both the left and right hands are used in gesture, but with slightly different meanings, a touch of value. 

The digitalizers hiding behind the covid are modern Barbarians, and Schwab is their commander.

"Since the invasions of the barbarians were not sudden, but gradual, many Roman citizens could ignore their significance. Although they bemoaned the fact that times were no longer as good as they once were, they tried to continue living as if nothing had changed. But from time to time a sudden shock awakened them to reality and forced them to admit the extent of what had already been decomposed or destroyed. 

Only the most deplorable preachers, such as Salvian, persistently reminded everyone in the season and off season that the Barbarians are no longer at the gate, but inside them. Most people have tried to imagine that things are not as bad as it sounds. Nevertheless, everyone had to adapt to new circumstances. This can be done in a moment of clairvoyance, or in a moment of panic, or blindly and unconsciously, but it had to be done in some way; and there are three main types of reaction. One could go into oneself and, like St. Augustine, focus only on the Kingdom of God; or it was possible to cooperate with the barbarians in the hope that the best of them would appreciate Roman civilization and be satisfied with life in friendship with the Romans; or it was possible to fight back, as Emperor Justinian did. Many people, of course, reacted at first so, and then in a different way; but the three main types are most convenient to consider in isolation and in turn..."

🇨🇳 Influenza Strain 1996- News from the homeland of the covid, from Wuhan. 

Influenza strain poses a danger to older people who are advised to avoid contracting the A-Wuhan virus: This season, influenza is a more dangerous strain of influenza that can cause fatal complications, especially in the elderly.

Apparently, in 1996 the Chinese did not ride. 

Britain has the highest level of lock-up- No.5.

To reinforce the message of the blockade, the government will use the hospitals of Nightingale. Hospitals they have deprived of equipment but are now being re-equip. This is done so that the media can convey their narrative through the many videos of ambulance queues. A Level 5 national lockdown will be announced later, with the country moving to the highest level for the first time ahead of Boris Johnson's speech. This means experts believe there is a "material risk of overburdened health services" and should be 'extremely

strict social distancing."

Hospitals accept many patients (good video and media photos). The military will assist in vaccination, etc., and other...

"We should give all newborns numbers, not names, until they are ready to define their own gender identity"

"What if you "call" them an odd number, and they identify as an even number?"

Fascist shiza is progressing...

🇩🇪Emorthion by calendar week and age group from 2016 to 2020 in Germany.☠️

🇩🇪Coy: When you found 🖕themselves without what is called a mask...

Perhaps in this photo, Friends, just the moment when the door of Lisa's grandmother and a close friend of paedophile Epstein the second son of Britain's queen Elizabeth II Prince Andrew knocked. 

Read the full version and enjoy the beauty of the Russian script.

"The negative impact of population growth on all our planetary ecosystems is becoming horribly apparent." (David Rockefeller). 

In May 2010, a meeting of the Rockefeller Charitable Center was held, at which several scenarios of further events on our planet were voiced. The scripts are futuristic in content, but what is futurism performed by the lords of the world? It is clear that these projections are based on the plans that guide the world government. And through fantastic text we can easily understand these plans.

The text is very voluminous, but we didn't write it. You can read diagonally.




A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback

In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults. The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers. 

The pandemic blanketed the planet — though disproportionate numbers died in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols. But even in developed countries, containment was a challenge. The United States’s initial policy of “strongly discouraging” citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but across borders. However, a few countries did fare better — China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.


Editorial review on this masterpiece from Rockefeller:

This is the occupation of the United States 🇺🇸. And how it all started with goose flu just. We also learn from the document that all nations will be kept within the borders of their states until 2026, at least. That's how the geese are! That's the flu! This is already a clean gulag with a worldwide police operation to consolidate unconstitutional order in all countries, which the authors modestly keep silent about. 

From the text of this totalitarian masterpiece we also learn that under the pretext of protection from bioterrorism will develop technologies of control over citizens, food, information, develop medical directions. So it is supposed to kill a bunch of birds with one shot (sick goose). 

The plan is very simple. 

In laboratories create biological weapons, for example, that hit Germany, and the whole of Europe to varying degrees, the bacterium E.coli will provide immunity to eight types of antibiotics. The goal is obvious from the LOCK STEP scenario. Strains of viruses, bacteria, microbes are released into the wild, and the peoples of the Earth will ask to strengthen their safety. There are suspicions that some of the previous terrorist attacks were committed on the same terms. We suspect that terrorists and provocateurs are already being trained, and are waiting in the wings. Some of them are already in place. By the 2018 World Cup, the intensity of such groups will reach such a magnitude that people will be forced to go to football in bulletproof vests painted in patriotic colors. It is clear why the authorities release them without bringing them to justice. This, by the way, is also in our interest, because otherwise we will be terrorized by biological weapons. They don't care about the fact that they are here to live here, and apply. Hence the tactics of the struggle:

To simulate the tension associated with the national issue. The more we howl from longing, the more joyful the Jew, the more chances that they do not grass like the Spaniards with the Germans. Such a ridiculous tactic looms, and the other is not visible yet completely. But there are three more scenarios. We can read, perhaps, there will be other methods of fighting for the constitutional order. 


Manisha gazed out on the Ganges River, mesmerized by what she saw. Back in 2010, when she was 12 years old, her parents had brought her to this river so that she could bathe in its holy waters. But standing at the edge, Manisha had been afraid. It wasn’t the depth of the river or its currents that had scared her, but the water itself: it was murky and brown and smelled pungently of trash and dead things. Manisha had balked, but her mother had pushed her forward, shouting that this river flowed from the lotus feet of Vishnu and she should be honored to enter it. Along with millions of Hindus, her mother believed the Ganges’s water could cleanse a person’s soul of all sins and even cure the sick. So Manisha had grudgingly dunked herself in the river, accidentally swallowing water in the process and receiving a bad case of giardia, and months of diarrhea, as a result. 


Manisha - a simple Indian guy became smarter than his mother, and instead of swimming in the flooded waters of the Ganges learned to be an ecologist, and helped clean up the river.

In fact, this story should sound different:

Manisha suddenly realized what brought the nature of his native country scoundrels, forcing her to move along the path of market relations and competition. But what can a single Indian kid do? And instead of taking the idolaters out of the country with their chemicals, Manisha redirected the cash flows to clean up the river (such an almighty, but helpless young man in the right places). A very comfortable young man. He always spends money. And if earlier he spent them on production, now spends on cleaning the territory poisoned by that production. And he will buy medicines to cure diseases acquired in the process of interaction with poisonous Nature, lie in hospitals, bringing income to medical institutions. Very comfortable Manisha. Always buys something. All would be like this - there would be no grief.


A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies emerge for addressing both urgent and entrenched worldwide issues 


Recession 2008-10 . And here's the revelation. Crisis in English - Crisis, not recession. Yet the recession, not the banal crisis, has occurred and continues! This confession indicates that the document does not involve reading it by outsiders.


No, the communists - fascists without experiments on living people .This is the primary need of the members of the world government - to put experiments on living people. Pharmaceutical giants have released thousands of drug compounds that have shown their effectiveness against diseases such as; they have also opened their archives of R q D in the field of neglected diseases, which are considered commercially unpromising, giving initial knowledge to scientists who would like to conduct new research. And this is very curious. It says here that there is a list of classified diseases, the treatment of which is considered unprofitable for pharmaceutical companies. Cures for these diseases can not be created in principle, because the very existence of such diseases knows a limited number of people. We bought medical directories, and classified. 

We really read and see 

a scenario that shows the impossibility of further human development on the path of consumption growth. In the proposed scenario, everything develops on the basis of mutual assistance, cooperation between countries on a regional and global scale. The result was sad. There seems to be no reason for this in the script at all. Why should growth stop? The answer to this question was left to the text. It is that the needs of some part of humanity are so limited that no increase in production will saturate them. It seems to us that such people should be limited in their needs in a violent manner, because they really put the whole world at a standstill, preventing them from feeding the hungry and dressing the naked. The author correctly says that no measure can provide an endless increase in consumption. But leaves the reader with this problem alone without offering any recipes. why? You can assume, or you can know from one big and long historical experiment and example. Artificial meat 🥩 and other worms 🪱, this crazy plot tale of the Rockefeller plan. Feeding humanity some rubbish instead of healthy food is a long-standing trend of science. It's nothing new. 


Devastating shocks like 9/11, the tsunami in Southeast Asia in 2004 and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 certainly made sudden disasters common to people. But no one was prepared for a world in which large-scale disasters would occur with such spectacular frequency. The period from 2010 to 2020 were nicknamed the "decade of doom" not without foundation: the 2012 Olympic bombing (What is it?), which killed 13,000 people, the world closely watched the earthquake in Indonesia, which killed 40,000 people, the tsunami that nearly destroyed Nicaragua, and the onset of famine in western China due to a drought that happens only once in the millennium, which is associated with climate change.

It seems to us that this is a specific instruction, as the addresses of cataclysms are called extremely accurately. Who is it intended for? It can be assumed that this instruction is published for a certain circle of persons in order to inform them of the upcoming actions directly, bypassing the meetings in Masonic lodges, mailing documents, and so on. A well-known truth - if you want to hide it - put it in the most prominent place. 


When we get to know the text, we mark a curious moment. Or in the U.S. IS gangsters have taken over pharmaceutical companies ? After all, the drugs they send around the world are dangerous for children, destructively affect the brain and urine-sex system. Parents are really afraid of these vaccinations, and not in Africa, but even in Russia. How to understand this moment? Trying to blame everything on mythical bandits in advance? Or an instruction to an unknown tribe of readers how to refute accusations against pharmaceutical companies in case of unrest? Very interesting information.

Interestingly, not all "hacking" brought problems. Genetically modified crops (GMOs) and do-it-yourself (DIY) biotechnology have enabled citizens to step up their activities, leading to significant successes. In 2017, several African scientists returning home from working for Western multinationals introduced the first of a series of new GMOs that have increased agricultural productivity on the continent.

(It's not very clear here.)


But despite such efforts, the global is/is, not the gap has grown wider than ever. Very rich still financial means to protect themselves; enclosed communities originated from New York to Lagos, providing shelter surrounded by slums. In 2025, it was a good tone to build not houses, but fortresses behind high walls, guarded by armed personnel. The rich are also capitalizing on the free regulatory environment for experimenting with advanced medical procedures and other out-of-the-radar activities.

(It's literally drawn from today's Russia).


Those who could not pay for security and escape from the chaos, and most of the people, had no choice but to seek any opportunity to protect themselves. Family ties began to be revived, people began to unite on religious or national grounds. The union provides security, no matter who you team up with, whether it's a field commander, an evangelical preacher, or a mother. In some places, the collapse of the state led to the revival of feudalism. In other areas, people have managed to create more resilient communities, operating as isolated micro versions of previously large-scale systems. The weakening of national governments has also lifted the grassroots movements that have formed and begun to grow, creating rays of hope amidst the gloom. By 2030, the differences between "developed" and "developing" countries no longer seemed particularly relevant.

Since it is drawn from Russia, we can confidently say that mass unification of people will not follow. In the U.S. everything is somewhat wrong - their people are armed, and some are armed very well, because gangs will be difficult to take power entirely. They should be limited to only a part of the government, or move to heavy armored vehicles. In any case, a person is interesting to the dundee until that person has something to take away. The process of terror against the population is limited. Further, such terror makes senseless any assistance to citizens by the state or charities. All help will go to criminals. Or there should be sources of income for gangsters, which will be so great that will make the robbery of an ordinary citizen uninteresting, troublesome business.

The main thing is that we have already entered into this scenario. Our products are forged, even those sold in boutiques. Fake vodka is life-threatening. Fake other foods destroy health too, albeit not so fast.

As we can see, the author of the script sees the only way out of the situation - it is the union of citizens on any basis. The transition from a society divided into atoms to a society of people folded into molecules. In fact, it is progress in the construction of life. In general, the author of this scenario did not need to strain the imagination, and enough to live a little in the current Russia. Or be an employee of one of Rockefeller's two offices in Moscow. The author would understand, or maybe already knew that the bandits will soon seize state power, and will cover their brothers in the grass-roots structures, protecting them both from the wrath of law-abiding citizens, and from the legitimate demands of the grassroots structures of power.




The following is a list of the 15 critical uncertainties presented to participants during this project’s primary scenario creation workshop. These uncertainties were themselves selected from a significantly longer list generated during earlier phases of research and extensive interviewing. The uncertainties fall into three categories: technological, social and environmental, and economic and political. Each uncertainty is presented along with two polar endpoints, both representing a very different direction in which that uncertainty might develop.

Below is a list of 15 key uncertainties presented to the workshop participants during the initial scenario of the creation of this project. These uncertainties themselves were selected from a list of significantly longer-formed early-stage studies and extensive interviews. Uncertainties fall into three categories: technological, social and environmental, and economic and political. Each uncertainty is presented along with two polar ends as representing very different directions in which that uncertainty can develop.


new technologies

The advent of new technologies


technologies with the most impact on development

existing technologies

Technology won't evolve

both developed and developing worlds

In both developed and developing countries


origin of technology innovations critical to development

developed world and some BRICs

In developed countries and some BRIC countries

slow the adoption of novel technologies

Technology is slowly being introduced


social and cultural norms

Allow for rapid adoption of novel technologies Technologies are being introduced quickly



new innovations that substantially reduce child and infant mortality (vaccines, treatments, cures)




new innovations that substantially reduce child and infant mortality (vaccines, treatments, cures)




static, traditional


community identity in the developing world

dynamic, open to the novel and nontraditional



educational and employment opportunities for women


infrequent and manageable


occurrence of “shocks” like disease, famine, and natural disasters

frequent and highly disruptive

poor and worsening


quality of the local environment in the developing world (air, water, sanitation, built environment, etc.)

improved and improving



global climate change awareness and action



worse than expected


global economic performance, 2010-2015

improves significantly



rules and norms around entrepreneurial activity




education and training opportunities in the developing world


marginal and contained


conflict in the developing world

pervasive and widespread

weak, with barriers to cooperation


international economic and strategic relationships

strong, with more supranational cooperation

worse and more prone to disruptions


food security in the developing world

better and more secure


This report is the result of extensive effort and collaboration among Rockefeller Foundation initiative staff, Foundation grantees, and external experts. The Rockefeller Foundation and GBN would like to extend special thanks to all of the individuals who contributed their thoughtfulness and expertise throughout the scenario process. Their enthusiastic participation in interviews, workshops, and the ongoing iteration of the scenarios made this co-creative process more stimulating and engaging that it could ever have been otherwise.


Project Leads

Claudia Juech, Managing Director

Evan Michelson, Senior Research Associate

Core Team

Karl Brown, Associate Director

Robert Buckley, Managing Director

Lily Dorment, Research Associate

Brinda Ganguly, Associate Director

Veronica Olazabal, Research Associate

Gary Toenniessen, Managing Director

Thank you as well to all Foundation staff who participated in the scenario creation workshop in December.

A special thank you also to Laura Yousef.


G.K. Bhat, TARU Leading Edge, India

Le Bach Duong, Institute for Social Development Studies, Vietnam

Aidan Eyakuze, Society for International Development, Tanzania

Michael Free, PATH, Seattle, WA

Namrita Kapur, Root Capital, Boston, MA

Paul Kukubo, Kenya ICT Board, Kenya

Joseph Mureithi, Kenyan Agriculture Research Institute, Kenya


Stewart Brand, Cofounder of GBN and President of the Long Now Foundation

Robert de Jongh, Managing Regional Director, SNV Latin America

José Gomez-Marquez, Program Director for the Innovations in International Health initiative (IIH), Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Natalie Jeremijenko, Experimental Designer and Director of xdesign Environmental Health Clinic, New York University

Athar Osama, Visiting Fellow, Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University

Isha Ray, Professor, School of Information (Energy and Resources Group), University of California-Berkeley

Enrique Rueda-Sabater, Director of Strategy and Business Development for Emerging Markets, Cisco

Caroline Wagner, Senior Analyst, SRI International and Research Scientist, Center for International Science and Technology Policy, The George Washington University


Andrew Blau, Co-President

Tara Capsuto, Senior Practice Associate

Lynn Carruthers, Visual Practitioner

Michael Costigan, Practitioner

Jenny Johnston, Senior Editor

Barbara Kibbe, Vice President of Client Services, Monitor Institute

Brie Linkenhoker, Senior Practitioner

Peter Schwartz, Chairman

The Rockefeller Foundation

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Impressionable readers are asked not to read our editorial non-parliamentary text burst 💥.

We already do it by family, regardless of the high statuses, because we give a rug of your statuses, for us you are nobody, for us you are a communist shusher and smelly red - brown dirt. 

All who promised heaven on earth

 created a semblance of hell.

 M. Weber

 The parallels between fascism and communism cover all aspects of life. Fascism and communism are actually tracing copies of each other with one unknown: which of them cost more to humanity, the German and Russian peoples. Alas, the whole history of communism and fascism is a history of underestimating the danger, including underestimating their deep unity. Let's look at this intrinsic affinity, point by point, so to speak.


 The political ideals of liberalism, democracy, freedom, priority of the individual and human rights, the rule of law, the whole complex of Western ideas have never been associated with "blood and soil", chauvinism, nationalism, anti-Semitism, racism, extremism, terrorism. But as soon as we touch the complex of "great ideas", all this invariably pops up like the devil out of a snuffbox. Why? Because whenever it is necessary to hide the inner devil, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin and others like them need "great values" - demonic temptations to tempt the masses.

 Alas, the movements of the masses are often based on natural human reflexes: hunger, lust, hurt feelings, desire for revenge. You just need to kindle dark passions by speculating on classism, nationalism, infringed dignity, or something else of this kind, and the aunt-hunger will help. Plus - the notorious "scientific" ...

Continuation of a bright future in the next part of Murzilka 41.

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