Murzilka 27. 

Murzilka 27. 

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

Boris Johnson's father is a guest of our studio.

Unbelievable, Friends, but the fact from Pope Boris Johnson and that needs to be said. 

Boris's couple published one of their works in 1970, followed by other books on the disposal of unnecessary plebs. 

A quote from the introduction of Johnson's book: 

"Actions on the demographic front mean trying to somehow slow down or even stop this rate of growth by reducing the number of children who are born each year. The alternative to this, both pessimists and optimists agree, is inevitable. If the number of new births cannot be reduced, the number of deaths each year should increase until the net increase in the world's population is reduced to a more acceptable level. This business of increasing mortality is certainly not attractive. Recipes - which include thermonuclear warfare, global famine, plague and a newly discovered horror called "ecocatastroph"-all it's inedible. The goal of achieving a decline in global fertility and increasing mortality are a form of population control"🤦🏻

What is called an apple 🍏 from an apple tree not far fell. 

This is what today's realities look like. 

George Soros's son Alex Soros wants these photos removed from the Internet. 

Going down, row after row:

🔹Elyzabeth Warren

🔹 Nancy Pelosi


🔹Al Franken

🔹Barak Obama

🔹Hillary Clinton

🔹Tim Kane


🔹 Chac Schumer

🔹Kirsten Gillibrand

🔹Susile Richards

😳🎚Papa Francis disagrees with an expert in allergy and respiratory therapy with 23 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, ex-chief researcher of Pfizer Michael Yidon, who said that "there is no second wave" and that "PCR is a huge problem", compared the protesters against the deprivation of freedoms of citizens with animals: "They are not able to go beyond their small world." 🤦🏻 😂

Australia's security services were caught collecting data from contact tracking app COVIDSafe within the first six months of its launch. A report released Monday by the Australian government's inspector general for intelligence, which oversees government spy and eavesdropping agencies, said the app's data was collected "in the course of legitimate collection of other data." 🤦🏻 😂

🇩🇪Cosed by the Germans Soviet poster: 

-No, thank you, I'm staying in the resistance.

Still, then you'll finally be 

Free again.

🇩🇪 On November 2020 Sebastian Fribel, parliamentary adviser to the Bundestag, resigned before writing an official letter exposing how the globalists use Covid-19 to destroy democracy, freedom and justice. The Great Reboot of the CREATOR of the WEF Schwab and its consequence of the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" (turning People into pets tied to the owners of the World) is a plan of a sustainable economy that will "save the planet". The world economic forum is the initiator of all this nonsense, at the annual conference of which in the Alpine resort of Davos billionaires, often lovers of visiting Epstein's pdo island, decide how to live mortals. Now it is not obvious that you, Friends, want to turn all of you into digital slaves.

"Conspiracy Theory" is an analogue of the term "racist," "anti-Semitic" and other, and it is used to suppress debate and demonize those who ask Big Farm fair questions. But what if the conspiracy really exists, Friends? The New York Times, on the same day that the WEF proclaimed the Great Reboot of old Marxist Schwab as a bright future, denounced it as a "baseless conspiracy theory," demanding that Facebook and Twitter erase any mention of her. And this is despite the fact that the founder of the WEF notorious Klaus Schwab in 2020 released 💡 and presented his work in the form of a book with the sonorous name "Great Reboot". This phrase as the incumbent repeated many politicians, apparently reading only the name of the work of neo Marx. Why did the mainstream media hide this as well? And more importantly, why do governments of all countries, once a pillar of democracy and traditionalism, morality and normality, suddenly unleash an all-out technocracy with "beast marks" in their bewildered media and obscurantist journalists in societies?

Meanwhile, it is the covid that makes the freak dream come true: the pandemic "justifies" global emergency response through laws and restrictions that prevent debate, debate and demonstration. 

The aforementioned Sebastian Fribel noted that "after many decades of great freedom and economic prosperity, the world seems to be moving again towards authoritarian forms of government with massive oversight, censorship and broad control over the population".

As Fribel noted, the response to the disease has increased the profits of megacorporations and banks, as well as the strength of supranational bodies such as the UN and IMF. Cheating works: "Many citizens view the economic crisis created by the co-or.0 measures as proof that governments are putting public health ahead of business interests. Unfortunately, the opposite is true: the crisis plays into the hands of the world's most powerful corporations, which are striving to transform the world economy."

The great reboot entails the destruction of everything to pieces, using the cover of "covid" to radically change society and its structures, under the benevolent slogan "build better" ("Build Back Better 6️ 6️ 6️" ("Build Back Better" ("Build Back Better" ("Build Back Better" ("Build Back Better" ("Build Back Better" ("Build Back Better" ("Build Back 

The globalists want countries to accumulate debts, because this increases their dependence and, therefore, submission to the New World Order. In June, the IMF offered Belarus $940 million on the condition that it impose isolation, forced wearing of masks and quarantine (Lukashenka refused and told about it, as did the Tanzanian president, who took $27 million but kicked the Sheep out of the country and refused to obey). National sovereignty is steadily being undermined in all countries. All this will lead to total deregulation and privatization in favour of global corporations.

Digital surveillance deprives us of our right to privacy. And if anyone is not aware, then the digital passport, Friends, was introduced by the WEF even before the Covid with investments of the Rockefeller Foundation, Google, JP Morgan, BlackRock and UN agencies. Now it will feature vaccination records that deprive people who have chosen the freedom to make decisions, the right to travel and other, as John literally describes in his Apocalypse. After all, in the very end of all this crap, the subcutaneous microchip will reveal your biometric identity to any authorized person, appear a completely cashless society, with social statuses, and where the corporation will control your credit transactions. Communist China has already shown this way when Xi proposed at the G20 forum to introduce a worldwide "beast mark" that is almost done in China. Ethical validation, informed consent and confidentiality will be nothing but fanciful romantic ideals.

So, The New Norm is when the cure is much worse than the disease.

The arrest of a 76-year-old woman in London prompted MP Sir Charles Walker to take the front bench in Parliament and speak out🤦🏻 

🇺🇸 "Obama, Obama Mom"

They say Obama had a Jewish mother, Anna Dunham, from a danron knee. She was a friend or, as someone said, that she was the mother of Eva Braun, Hitler's wife. This someone believes that Hitler never really died, and that he and his wife Eva lived their time near Moscow .

Hitler lived in the USSR after the war.

As an example of "The Lake" - "the dungeon" of Paulus .

Field Marshal of the Third Reich was detained in Odintsov.

Located at 24 Odintsovo Street, Odintsovo, Moscow Oblast, Russia, 143002. 

"Dacha Paulus" was located on the site of the holiday home "Lake" (former holiday home of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union). But only old-timers remember that the German left his last name here. This is not a former landowner or merchant, not a breeder or philanthropist. This is the same Friedrich von Paulus, Field Marshal of the Wehrmacht, one of the developers of the Barbarossa plan, who was captured in the encircled Stalingrad.

Winter 1943. The German 6th Army, surrounded by Soviet troops, suffers huge losses in Stalingrad. Out of 330 thousand, only 91 thousand soldiers remained. The commander of the army, Friedrich Paulus, sends a radiogram to Berlin from the basement of the Stalingrad department store, which can last no more than a day. In response, a message is received that Paulus has been awarded the rank of field marshal. A strange reaction from the Fuhrer. What does it mean? The fact is that not a single German field marshal has ever surrendered to the enemy. Hitler was clearly pushing Paulus to commit suicide. But he miscalculated. The newly minted field marshal surrendered.

 In total, during the war years, about 3.2 million Wehrmacht servicemen were captured by the Soviet Union, of which 1.1 million people died behind barbed wire. Moreover, the German generals were captured five times more than the Soviet - about 400 people. True, a significant part of them ended up behind bars after Germany's surrender or were arrested in the following months. Information about the fate of prisoners of war and internees in Soviet captivity was kept in strict confidence. Most of the archival documents that could shed light on the activities of the Directorate for Prisoners of War and Internees (UPVI NKVD-USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs), specially created in the NKVD system back in 1939, were closed for study. These documents are still labeled "Top Secret".

 The captive generals were of too much interest for counter-propaganda and disintegration of the enemy army from within. They had to be saved, won over and used. In 1943-1944, the UPVI, together with the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army, actively worked to create anti-fascist organizations of prisoners of war, including the Union of German Officers (SSS). Some of the generals, led by Field Marshals Paulus and Heitz, reacted negatively to the creation of the SSS, turning to the Soviet government with a special statement. Beria's messages to Stalin and Molotov show what kind of work the operational and political organs of the UPVI launched around Field Marshal Paulus in response to this. He was reminded that in 1941 he himself tried to recruit proven Soviet prisoners of war and residents of the occupied territories to serve in the Wehrmacht. After such pressure, on October 17, 1943, the application was withdrawn, and its authors joined the SSS.

 Von Paulus, along with other generals at that time, was in a prisoner of war camp near the village of Cherntsy, located 28 kilometers from Ivanovo. This place, surrounded by dense forests, was not chosen by chance. the Soviet command feared that the Germans might land troops and kidnap the field marshal. By the way, it was here that Paulus became a real field marshal. True ... fake. German officers cut out the marshal's baton and shoulder straps from linden to their commander, since they did not have time to hand over the field marshal's regalia to Paulus.

 During this period, the leadership of the NKVD actively involved the field marshal in anti-fascist work, which he avoided for quite a long time. He condemned the actions of Hitler, but believed that the honor of the officer did not allow him to speak against his army. Paulus resigned from the post of chairman of the CHO. By the summer of 1944, the situation around the Field Marshal had become tense. In connection with the offensive operations of the Red Army for the decomposition of the enemy's troops and in order to avoid unnecessary casualties during the liquidation of the encircled groups of the German Army, the UPVI prepared the conversion of prisoners of war generals to the German army and the people, with a senseless sense of war. Most of the German officer corps by this time believed that the war was lost. Many generals who were in captivity were ready to speak out against Hitler for the sake of saving Germany. For them, as well as for the Soviet leadership, it was important that Paulus also put his signature on this document. Every few days, the head of the UPVI Petrov sent special messages to Beria about the progress of work with the POW Field Marshal. In order to break the obstinate prisoner, on July 25, 1944, he was transferred to the special object No. 35 / B “Ozera”.

 This object was a partially rebuilt estate of the merchant of the first guild Karzinkin, to whom it belonged until 1917. The Soviet government nationalized the estate, and soon it, like many others located in the vicinity of Odintsovo, came under the jurisdiction of the NKVD (later the MGB and KGB of the USSR). At first, a so-called rest house was organized here, or, more simply, a country dacha, where middle-level NKVD officers came in their free time. In 1920 and 1921, VI Lenin also visited the "Lakes", taking short walks in the vicinity. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the rest house became one of the many bases for training scouts and partisans, who were thrown into the rear of the enemy in the western direction. Then the estate, which was quite comfortable for those times, was given the status of a regime facility, which became a kind of dungeon for the captive field marshal.

 The "Lakes" were guarded by specially selected soldiers of the 36th division of the NKVD convoy troops and watchmen from the NKVD troops trained in courses. A plan was developed to defend the facility in the event of a surprise attack or an enemy landing. Special conditions were created for Paulus. Beria and his deputies were regularly reported on his statements and moods. The most essential and filtered information by the NKVD was sent to Stalin, Molotov and Malenkov. The field marshal guessed about the presence of agents and was very careful. In one of the reports of the UPVI addressed to Beria, it is noted that Paulus, apparently aware of the observation of him and the installation of special equipment in his room, says only what he considers it necessary to bring to the attention of the Russians. Not only agents, but also each "being in development" by the operational bodies were assigned nicknames, which were often very pretty. For example, Paulus's nickname was Satrap.

 The next day after his arrival at the "Lakes", on July 26, the field marshal was handed a message from 16 prisoners of war generals, which made a great impression on him. But the warlord still hesitated. To talk to Paulus were sent his adjutant Colonel Adam, Generals von Seidlitz, von Lenski, General Müller and other officers. To make a final decision, Paulus asked permission to speak with Lieutenant General Zikst von Armin, who enjoyed his full confidence. However, radical changes in the course of the war finally broke the field marshal in favor of the anti-fascists, information about which was skillfully brought to the attention of the field marshal. On August 8, Paulus agreed to openly speak out against Hitler with an appeal to the German army. A message about this was immediately sent to Stalin, along with the text of the appeal signed by Paulus and another 40 generals and officers. From that moment on, the field marshal revised his positions in relation to the anti-fascist movement and on August 14 joined the Union of German officers.

 From the summer of 1944 to the spring of 1945, the UPVI, together with the army organizations, organized Paulus's radio performances. 29 generals headed by him signed an appeal to the army group "Nord" with a request to end the resistance in order to avoid senseless bloodshed. 31 generals and 8 colonels called to turn the weapon against Hitler. “The war is over! Every day its continuation entails new senseless sacrifices and turns our homeland into heaps of ruins, ”the address said. Most of the officers found it difficult to decide to put their signatures on such documents. In their souls there was a complex struggle between the consciousness of the disastrous policy of Hitler for the German people and the concept of the honor of an officer. In addition, they not without reason feared for the fate of their relatives in Germany. Many family members of prisoners of war who took part in the anti-fascist movement were sent to German concentration camps. The Paulus family was also arrested by the Nazis in 1944 and held in prisons and concentration camps. The wife died without waiting for his return.

 UPVI took part in the preparation of materials for the meeting of the International Military Tribunal in Nürnberg, which took place from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946. An important role in the Nyurnberg process was played by the speech of Field Marshal Paulus, who testified about the development of the Barbaross plan. It was prepared in "Lakes" secretly from the participants in the trial and was unexpected even for his personal adjutant, Colonel Adam, who was close to Paulus. Some of the generals - Moritz Drebber, Fritz Golwitzer, Alexander Konradi and others - assessed the field marshal's performance as a reasonable step in the current situation, which could help him and others taken prisoner in Stalingrad to avoid accusations against his address. Paulus himself believed that the process over the main military criminals was only the beginning, that others would follow, and he himself could be accused of developing a plan for an offensive against Russia.

 On October 30, 1945, a decision of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee was adopted to liquidate the National Committee "Free Germany" and the Union of German officers. And less than a year later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs made an attempt to create a new organization of prisoners of war to conduct propaganda work and form supporters of the Socialist Unified Party of Germany. For the leadership, it was decided to involve Field Marshal Paulus, who, thanks to restrained behavior, managed to prove his loyalty and avoid a negative reaction to the development of events related to the post-war fate of Germany. Paulus agreed with the idea put forward and even showed a certain enthusiasm, having developed detailed proposals for the organization of the so-called "Democratic Union of German Prisoners of War in the Soviet Union." However, the reaction of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was negative: "Paulus's project ... goes beyond the proposals made to him", since "it was drawn up on the basis of the construction of the regular section, which is part of the United Socialist Party of Germany." The creation of this organization was considered at the level of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), but it was never created. Perhaps the experience of previous POW organizations inspired fears of possible claims of the new alliance for a leading role in defeated Germany. Perhaps the leaders of the SED were opposed, who did not want to increase the influence of the generals.


 Paulus had a terrible disease - rectal cancer, vigilant control was established for him, and he was provided with proper care. Paulus was taken to the hospital incognito. The German general was a pitiful sight: an emaciated, earthy face was always gloomy, sometimes overgrown with stiff stubble. He was assigned a diet: soups, vegetable and red caviar, smoked sausage, cutlets, fruits. The Field Marshal ate reluctantly. In addition, his right arm was broken, which was clearly perceived by the hospital staff: an unnamed patient was being tortured.

 Spring in the monastery

 In the spring of 1943, Paulus met at the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery in Suzdal. He stayed here for six months. After the revolution, the monastery housed military units, there was a concentration camp, during the war - a prisoner of war camp. The field marshal lived in a monastic cell. He was guarded vigilantly. For the Soviet command, he was the number one prisoner. Even then it was obvious that they wanted to play Paulus in a big political game. The decision to abandon Nazi ideas began to mature in Paulus after the assassination attempt on Hitler. The participants in the conspiracy were brutally dealt with, among them were the field marshal's friends. A huge achievement of Soviet intelligence was the operation to deliver a letter from his wife to Paulus. In Germany, they were confident in the death of the field marshal. Even the symbolic funeral of Paulus took place, at which Hitler personally laid on an empty coffin not given to the ex-commander of the Field Marshal's rod with diamonds. The letter from his wife was the last straw that led Paulus to a very difficult decision. On August 8, 1944, he spoke on a radio broadcasting to Germany, calling on the German people to renounce the Fuhrer and save the country, for which it is necessary to immediately end the war.

 Paulus in the country

 Since 1946, Paulus lived at a dacha in Tomilin near Moscow as a "personal guest" of Stalin. Paulus was surrounded by attention, protection and care. He had a personal doctor, his own cook and adjutant. The field marshal, despite the honor shown to him, continued to rush to his homeland, but by Stalin's personal order he was forbidden to leave. Paulus was a valuable personal trophy for Stalin. The "leader of the peoples" could not lose him. In addition, letting the field marshal go was unsafe for him: in Germany, the attitude towards him was, to put it mildly, hostile, and the death of Paulus could seriously damage the reputation of the USSR. In 1947, Paulus was treated for two months in a sanatorium in the Crimea, but the field marshal was forbidden to visit his wife's grave and communicate with children.


 Paulus was one of the main prosecution witnesses at the Nuremberg Trials. When Paulus entered the hall as a witness, Keitel, who were sitting in the dock, had to calm down Jodl and Goering. As they say, nothing is forgotten, nothing is forgotten: Paulus was one of those who were directly involved in the development of the Barbarossa plan. Even the inhuman Nazi criminals could not forgive Paulus's frank betrayal. Participation in the Nuremberg trials on the side of the allies, in fact, saved the field marshal from a term behind bars. Most of the German generals, despite their cooperation during the war years, were still sentenced to 25 years. Paulus, by the way, might not have made it to the courtroom. On the way to Germany, an attempt was made on his life, but the timely work of counterintelligence helped to avoid the loss of such an important witness.

 Paulus at the villa

 On October 23, 1953, after Stalin's death, Paulus left Moscow. Before leaving, he made a statement: "I came to you as an enemy, but I am leaving as a friend." Field Marshal settled in the Dresden suburb of Oberloschwitz. He was provided with a villa, service and security, a car. Paulus was even allowed to carry weapons. According to the archives of the GDR intelligence services, Friedrich Paulus led a secluded life. His favorite pastime was disassembling and cleaning his service pistol. The field marshal could not sit in his place: he worked as the head of the Military Historical Center of Dresden, and also lectured at the Higher School of the People's Police of the GDR. Working out a benevolent attitude towards himself, in an interview he criticized West Germany, praised the socialist system and liked to repeat that "Russia cannot be defeated by anyone." Since November 1956 Paulus did not leave the house, doctors diagnosed him with "sclerosis of the brain", the field marshal's left half of the body was paralyzed. He died on February 1, 1957.

Paulus's performance as a witness at the Nuremberg Trials


🔹 Minister of Justice and Security in the office of Rutte Graterhaus works for the WEF 

🔹Bill Gates owner of Linked In 

🔹Brat Dutch businessman who served as CEO and chairman of the board of DSM, Faike Siibesma is the CEO of Astrazenica, Germany.

🔹Duch Fauci works on Twitter.

🔹 Jr. brother of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands and Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport Hugo de Jonga works at Merc / Astra zenica

🔹Ladie Gaga receives 50 million euros from Hugo de Jong and spoke at WHO

🔹TH gets 150 million euros from Hugo de Jong

🔹Cole of the Netherlands Maxim's widow Prince Frizo Mabel participates in Smartmatic.

🔹Astist and leader of the political party Forum for Democracy. Thierry Bode, a member of the House of Representatives and leader of his faction in the Dutch Parliament, was a puppet of the far right.

Perhaps this kind of convergence of interests, the craving for elections in the states, the vaccines, the gates, the Dutch politicians and the other queens of our reality is just a coincidence, Friends, and is not something we would need to pay attention to.

🇩🇪96% of COVID-19 deaths in Ontario, Canada,

people 60 years and older. One human rights activist even called it "ageism in action," we call it the age genocide that former IMF chief Lagarde said when she said that there was not enough money for everyone and that it was time to get rid of the old people.

Are mental perverts and those involved in genocide on the basis of age, those who are satisfied with all this, disposing of our mothers, Fathers and elderly people across Europe and America in nursing homes, which gave WHO statistics 70% to 90% of the victims of the kovid, Friends, and those who support this agenda in the media and TV, hushing up the massacre, this quiet medical "Holocaust" all over the world, to decide, of course, to you, but we have long given ourselves an answer to it and this brave German guy, who gave himself an answer today. His car read, "You are the damn killers of children and old people" and "stop the politics of globalization."

PCR tests. How they "work" and what you do not tell.

PCR test. They get a sample using a tampon. They then remove RNA (ribonucleic acid) from it and turn it into DNA. Then the received multiplies/"enhanced" by the primers.

They then take the results and interpret them based on the presence of viral RNA.

Judging by their own research and reports, in 27 cycles the test rate drops to 65%, after 33 cycles the test will be correct only in 20% of cases. With 34 cycles, the chance of a true result is 0%. 

At 27 cycles on the 4th day the test is correct in 60% of cases.

At 17 cycles on the 5th day the test is correct in 33% of cases.

After the 6th day, the probability that the test is correct is 0%.

Even after the CDC conducted these studies and there know how much and how the number of cycles affects the results, they have not changed the testing system.

Most PCR tests are conducted with 40 cycles, some with 37. I'm sure most of you understand what this means, Friends, so it makes no sense to go further about PCR.

A link to a diagram comparing amplification (CT) and test accuracy.

A link to a diagram showing "enhancement" and the time of the test.

We don't know what country leaders think about this, but we just have to weigh the above and add the words of Carey Mallis, the inventor of the PCR test itself, who explained that the test results are misinterpreted, and that the test does not tell you that you are sick or that the virus you have will harm you.

🇮🇱Friends, we have long seen how globalists voluntarily/unwittingly by their actions initiate a new wave of couid and fascism.

Sadly, one of the goals of Europe's nascent fascism was another child, a sick girl Gretta, who was put under their attack by neocontering perverts, and about which such memes go in the western segment of the Internet.🤦🏻

honey. Fascism on the march: A Melbourne teenager who thought he didn't need a mask was punished by hotel guards, strangled, unconscious and thrown to the floor like rubbish. 🤦🏻 

⚠️ Gates used his vast wealth to buy control, and did so under the guise of "charity." An important part of this control is control over population growth. The Gates family has also long supported eugenics.

According to Gates, the global population could shrink by 10 to 15% if he/we "do really more work on new vaccines, health care, and reproductive health services." 

In 2017, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, founded by the Gates Foundation in partnership with WHO, the World Bank and vaccine manufacturers, decided to provide each child with digital biometric identification to provide 100% vaccination coverage.

Gates has also invested in the development and implementation of digital currency-related biometric identification programs.

Ultimately the plan is to tie everything together - our identity, finances, medical data, vaccine records and more - and then we'll be 100% enslaved.

🌎There in 2017 at the World Economic Forum in Davos Gates, a year before the exercises "Event 201" spoke about the "dark winter" of Schwab, "pandemics," "bioterrorism," "mRNA vaccines." 🤦🏻 ♂️

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