Murzilka 19.

Murzilka 19.

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

🇺🇸 Friend and associate of the infamous paedophile friend Epstein Gates, who recycles the population of Sharic, the conman Fauci again warns that the vaccine Covid-19 will not eliminate the need for masks and public health measures.

"There is good enough evidence to say that aerosol transmission is really happening," fauci Murphy said, referring to the fact that the virus can hang in the air "for some time" rather than falling to the ground, which means that an effective vaccine against Covid-19 will not replace the need for other public health measures such as wearing a mask, social distance and other 🤦🏻 😂

😷😳Spirator acidosis develops when air inhaled and exhaled from the lungs does not receive adequate replacement of carbon dioxide from the body for oxygen from the air. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common group of diseases that are particularly common in respiratory acidosis.

Breathing problems can lead to inefficient gas exchange and the development of pH imbalance in the blood. Respiratory acidosis means high levels of acid in the blood due to elevated levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the body.

CO 2 is a spent gas that is usually exhaled by a person with a healthy respiratory system.

If it stays in the body, CO 2 can change the normal balance of acids and bases in the body by making it more acidic. It is mixed with water in the body with the formation of charcoal acid.

In chronic respiratory acidosis, the body partially replenishes the remaining CO 2 and tries to maintain an almost normal acid-alkaline balance. The main reaction of the body is to get rid of more carbon dioxide and keep as much bicarbonate base in the kidneys as possible.

Respiratory acidosis can also be acute, rather than chronic, suddenly developing as a result of acute respiratory failure. In severe acute respiratory acidosis, a person will need emergency medical care to:

🔹recover normal breathing

🔹recover acid-alkaline balance

🔹re removal of the cause of respiratory failure

When the level of acid in the body is in balance with the level of lye in the body, the blood pH is about 7.4. The lower pH reflects a higher acid level, and the higher pH corresponds to a higher base. The narrow pH range considered normal leaves 7.35 to 7.45.

Acidemia, which is very acidic blood, occurs when pH blood is below 7.35. Alkaliemia, i.e. blood with a high base level, refers to pH of blood above 7.45.

Doctors call elevated CO2 levels in the bloodstream as a result of respiratory acidosis hypercapnies.🤒

😷🤧Scientific on the benefits of "wearing" a mask👇

🔹Jourd Neurosurgery: "Preliminary report of the study on the surgical mask causing deoxygenation during surgery, revealed a decrease in blood oxygen saturation"

🔹 (NEJM) new England Journal of Medicine: "We know that wearing a mask outside medical facilities does little, if any, protection against infection."

🔹Annals of internal Medicine: "... both surgical and cotton masks appear to be ineffective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV-2 from coughing patients with COVID-19 into the environment."

🔹 Journal of Life and Environment Science: "This study showed that the effectiveness of facial mask filtration was relatively lower, and washing and drying techniques were ineffective.

🔹 The Journal of Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses: "None of the studies have found a conclusive link between the use of a mask/respiratory system and protection against influenza infection."

🔹American Journal of Infection Control: "The use of a face mask in health care providers has never shown benefits in terms of cold or flu symptoms"

🔹Journal of Epidemiology: "There is little evidence to support the effectiveness of face masks in reducing the risk of infection."

🔹British Medical Journal: "... laboratory-confirmed virus was much higher in the group of fabric masks. The penetration of particles into tissue masks was almost 97%... This study is the first RCN of fabric masks, and the results caution against the use of fabric masks... moisture retention, reuse of fabric masks and poor filtration can all lead to an increased risk of infection."

🔹Edinburg University: "Conversely, surgical and hand-made masks and facial flaps create significant jets of leakage that have the potential to scatter virus-infected fluid particles for several meters... it is important to be aware of this jet in order to avoid the false sense of security that can arise when standing on the side or behind a person wearing a surgical suit or mask"

🔹 (JAMA) of the American Medical Association: "Healthy people should not wear face masks to protect themselves from the acquisition of respiratory infusions. because there is no evidence that face masks worn by healthy people are effective in preventing human disease."

In 2011, 47,500 children died and were paralyzed from Gates vaccines in India. In Africa, I think, Gates and Melinda were no less... 😢

Charlatan (and Italian. ciarlatano and Italian. chiarlare to speak with pathos, pompously) is a pseudo-medical, pseudo-medical. activities to benefit from misleading people. The methods used for such activities are called quackish.

Let me introduce you, Friends, Vice-Chairman of the Soros Open Society Foundation and world leader of the World Economic Forum 2018, son of George Soros, Alexander or Alexandra  (we have not yet understood) Soros

🇩🇪Pays for doctors/monitors/nurses for covid testing in Germany.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, in recent weeks we have been in close contact with the Ministry of Bavarian Testing Strategy. The aim was to agree on a billing procedure and, in particular, to reward the lower medical profession for testing asymptomatic individuals.

1. Increased remuneration for asymptomatic face tests (Bavarian test offer) retrospectively, starting from 01.07.2020

A. The cost of smearing

(depending on where the smear is taken)

🔹in the doctor'€ office € 25

🔹 when you visit home, it'€ 45

🔹re a joint visit of 35...😉


0-19 years 00003%

20-49 years 0002% 

50-69 years 005% 

70+ 054%


And this, given that the flu has gone to zero, and deaths for various other reasons have been recorded in the covid. The material on this subject is presented quite a lot earlier.

Mother Teresa was a child trafficr who sold babies and transferred between $50 million and $100 million a year to the Vatican. Teresa's connections include Baby Doca Duvalier, the Haitian dictator, Charles Keating, Sewing and Loan, Robert Maxwell, the father of Jeffrey Epstein's child trafficking partner, Giselle Maxwell. Mother Teresa also opened a baby house with the help of Hillary Clinton. This type of orphanage was tacitly closed in 2012. 

Belgian medical experts are calling for a WHO investigation into the falsification of the covid pandemic. 

However, it seems that The Ethiopian Gebreus, this puppet of Gates, will safely complete the story of the second wave of the kovid, which is referred to in the Rockefeller Lockstep plan of 2010, and will begin the third, which is also mentioned there, if the plebs do not fall under the New World Order at the second.

⚠️ Social Capital founder and former Facebook CEO Chamat Palihapitia told Students at Stanford University GSB that there are only 150 people who run the world. In order to get a seat at the table and realize your own worldview, you need to accumulate capital.

"That's what this is about. There are about 150 people who run the world. Anyone who wants to go into politics, they're all puppets. There are 150 of them and it is all the people who run the world. They control most of the important assets, they control the cash flow, and it's not the tech entrepreneurs. And when you find yourself behind the curtain and see how this world works. What you understand is unfair - set up for them and their offspring. Now, I'm not going to say it's something we can tear apart. But first of all, I want to break through and be at their table. And I do that by proving that I can do what they do, just as well as they do. They're commercial animals, okay? They'll open the door out of curiosity and let me stay because I'm adding value. And then when I get there, I can open the door to other people who might try to do the same. So my whole goal now is to be able to collect enough capital of the world to then redistribute it according to my worldview. And I'm not saying my worldview is the best or the right one, but it's mine. And at the end of the day, there are 150 guys with their own worldview. And they don't care what you think of their worldview. "

It may be woven, but in today's world of communications, a girl - a chant, you can smear the shit, but so smear that you can not wash and in a golden bath. It seems you have slept through reality, or have lost touch with reality. 

Rothschild's patent for the Covid-19 Methods and Testing Systems was back in 2015, although Sars-Cov2 was not discovered until 2019.

If paragraph 11 of patents says: "The use of REcombinant SARS COV-2 proteins as part of the ATEST system for IFA-testa with the determination of IGM, IGG, IGA serum levels of COVID-19 patients. (Kostin Nikita Nikolaevich {Russian} - 2020-07-01)" then in paragraph 12 of "System for COVID - 19", where the owner of the patent is listed Rothschild Richard, in the graph "prioritatsdatumn" (priority date/receiving) for some reason is the date of September 12, 2015, when no one has heard anything about the covid. 

🇺🇸🇨🇳 THE PCC sends Trump "666" in his congratulatory message on the occasion of his queance.

🎵 🎧

A video posted by the official account of the #Weibo of the CPC Youth League, in which the audience sends pop-up messages of congratulations due to Donald Trump's infestation with covid -19, the main idea is the narrative: 

🔹"The virus has finally found someone who understands him best. You'll be buried in front of the White House. Know, know, know! I got it. Yes, yes, yes! You got it, you got it, you got it. Now get out of bed and laugh. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Husband and wife." 🤦🏻 

Interestingly, in the report, the CPC uses a figure that is present in Gates' patent for the chip and in the address of the laboratory in Wuhan, where Gates/Soros and Franz invested. government, and where the Chinese covid came from: 

🔹"... 666❗️ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 666❗️. Can you still breathe? I feel a little better!".

China Pure Evil, Friends.

🏴 666 Fifth Avenue. 

A 41-story office building on Fifth Avenue between 52nd and 53rd Streets in New York City. In December 2006, Tishman Speyer Properties, together with the German investment company TMW, announced the sale of the Kushner Properties building for $1.8 billion, the highest price ever paid for an individual building in Manhattan. The 483-foot (147 m) tall building is not even among the tallest buildings in New York City. However, the building is considered a trophy building because of its location on Fifth Avenue opposite Rockefeller Center. One of its most famous exterior features was the visible address 666, which was applied to the top of the building. Kushner is the son of New Jersey real estate developer Charles Kushner. 

As of October 2008, Kushner was engaged to Ivanka Trump, who was preparing to convert to Judaism before her wedding. Kushner is an orthodox Jew. 

In 2008, a user named "babablacksheep" made a bunch of weird posts on David Icke's forums, saying he knew who had become the new head of the Illuminati. He was uncertain, but claimed it was a young man in his early twenties who was a boy genius who married donald's daughter and Ivana Trump.

"I know who the Head of the Illuminati is. He is very young and he is only 26 or 27 years old. He's Jewish, too. Rupert Murdoch works under him, although Murdoch is much older than him, and he uses News Corp...

To continue the study on its own:

Rothschild's Interesting Patent: European Patent Office/RESVS US2020279585A1 11 

"The way the user captures and transmits biometric data is analyzed to determine whether the user is suffering from a viral infection such as COVID-19.

The procedure involves the use of a pulsoxymeter to detect a percentage of heart and oxygen saturation in the blood, which is transmitted wirelessly to the smartphone. To make sure the data is correct, the accelerometer in the smartphone is used to measure the movement of the smartphone and/or the user. Once the exact data is collected, it will be uploaded to the cloud (or host), where the data will be used (alone or along with other vital functions) to determine whether the user is (or probably suffering) from a COVID-19 virus infection. Depending on the specific requirements, the data can be used to alert medical staff and take appropriate action."

🇺🇸Sy, America. 

Spring will come summer, and there autumn 🍂 in the yard,

October will rise red-eyed over the U.S. and the world of the whole ...

Illustration as nothing paints a obscurantist plebs, rejecting the reality of what is happening and stupidly believing the box, and his wet dreams, a picture drawn in their eyes by a part of the elite, consisting mostly of perverts, in the retrograde sense of the word: "Dream is so close and even smells, but there is no way to take it now, now, never."

The former head of the Nobel Committee admitted that he lied about the fact that Gates and Epstein had never been to his residence. 

December 2019: Berit Reiss-Andersen, chairman of the Nobel Committee, asked committee members whether any of them had ever contacted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Former committee chairman Thorbjorn Jagland, who is now a permanent member of the committee, was among those who responded negatively. 

However, on Friday DNMagasinet published a shocking report, which reported that former Nobel Committee chairman Thorbjorn Jagland denied meeting Jeffrey Epstein when asked about it, now admitted to having entertained paedophile Epstein and his friend infamous Bill Gates at his residence in Strasbourg in 2013. 

According to the Norwegian newspaper, after several requests last week for new information about the meeting, Jagland confirmed that Gates and Epstein attended an official meeting at his residence in March 2013. He said the notorious Gates and his paedophile friend Epstein had arrived together.

On March 27, 2013, Jagland hosted a small but exclusive group of very famous people, where Bill Gates was a member of the International Peace Institute (IPI) think tank, which in the same year became a partner of the Gates Foundation in the fight against polio, the Gates vaccinations from which WHO of. recognized the cause of the polio epidemic in Africa, as well as Bill's friend paedophile and financier Epstein. 

Epstein, who had known Gates for a long time, was the man who introduced and brought Bill to the IPI. It was a meeting at which IPI presented Gates with a polio eradication project. 

"They came to my residence with their delegations. Bill Gates and Epstein arrived together, followed by the others. I introduced a European drug control system. After that, the conversation moved on, Jagland writes in an email, explaining that Epstein was not the most active participant in the meeting, Bill Gates asked for a meeting when he visited Strasbourg. He was interested in the work of the Council of Europe to ensure the drug safety of medicines for all. 

There's clearly something more to this story, and maybe even something very coe- in it. 

🇺🇸 Under the new guidelines for combating what has been dubbed the "kovida pandemic," Governor Brain 🧠, Governor's Doctor- An Infectious Diseaser, Distanceman, Just God Cuomo Has Brought Out in His Erotic Fantasies a Historic Verdict of Faith: The number of visitors to synagogues cannot be higher than ten .

Later, the brain 🧠 thought and went even further. New York governor Cuomo announced that he was preparing to close synagogues in New York city if the Jewish community living there did not comply with the recommendations on the caucus, announcing that he would close schools in the Brooklyn and queens districts:

"Tomorrow I have to say to the orthodox community, "If you don't want to live by these rules, I'm going to close the synagogues,"" Cuomo threatened, adding later at a news conference, "Forcing is good. You know why? Because coercion saves lives. Any rule is as good as execution. Too many local authorities do not enforce enforcement. Warnings are not enforcement. You'll see people die if we don't take additional action." . What a fuck. 

Now tell me, what is the difference between this grief-gouer, who consider everyone around to be idiots from many other hundreds and thousands of officials, including the country's chief infectious agent and others who have not been out of the airwaves of stupidity all 2020 and continue to do the same in 2021?

RFID chips 🖕, in addition to the clothes from the C'A, underpants, bras and other were also found in masks. And then auto plants stand up for the lack of chips and the president promises to help $50 billion plants certainly not with their money. A wonderful decision to help everyone.

🤡 Prepare for a "marathon" and two years of wearing COVID-19 masks, says renowned Spanish virologist

"Public transport should be safer, and to improve its safety it is necessary to increase the number of trains and buses ... so they're not that loaded. We also need to set a start time - in different companies at different times, so that we don't have rush hour, which is very concentrated," said Margarita del Val, a virologist and immunologist with the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), "Some people can't buy surgical masks every day, and they use low quality masks, and they're not as effective for them or others... I think when people ate and drank outside, outdoors, which is good, they forgot the second measure... either distance, masks, or limited contact. We will overcome it in a few years, but we should not expect it to be a 100-meter race. It's going to be a marathon." 😂

Marathon runners march 🥁 

Friends, well, at least someone understood that ordinary masks, rather useless, as a real means of combating the covid, and thoroughly approached the cause of salvation😂, wearing what really will save from the virus, flying through the cells of paper-tissue mask like peas through the net slave.

The illustrations show an in-depth comparative diagram of different respirators, masks and the comparative size of the virus and mask cells that you usually wear for some reason. 

Sky News Australia (October 10, 2020): 'Great reboot': World leaders use COVID to pursue a 'sinister' climate agenda.

Sky News presenter Rowan Dean says the World Economic Forum in Davos has gone from a "jet-setter climate gabfest" into an ominous "anti-democratic enterprise designed to destroy your work, steal your prosperity and deprive your children of your future": "It's a tough leftist IVF horror show rife with quasi-fascism."

Dean highlighted the "alarming trend among many of the world's left-wing elites to increasingly mix COVID-19 with climate change."

"Many go so far as to suggest that all the measures applied to coronavirus, blocking, destroying businesses, suppressing dissent, curfews, strong policing tactics should become the "new norm" for combating climate change," Dean said, noting that the next World Economic Forum plans to "convince governments with big business and big technology to implement something deeply sinister called the "Great Reset.""

"This is a program aimed at depriving us of all our fundamental democratic rights in favor of a new form of society dictated by the elites," Dean said, noting that the "Great Reboot" advert was "almost as formulaic and vomiting as the most pointless corporate advertising," "This advertisement says that all the worst things in the world, from the "Great Reboot" to the environment, from the virus to the wildfires, the pollution. , somehow connected.".

He also argues that all this can magically disappear in an instant, appear on the will of those who muddied it - literally at the touch of a button and everything in the world again becomes right and clean, as it was. He said that ultimately "the lunatics, including Prince Charles, the United Nations and the IMF, want to replicate the global response to COVID and refocus it on climate change to ensure zero net emissions."

It is strange that this, as such people are called, conspiracy theorist Dean allowed to the ether, and that he, given that this is Australia, where the toughest anti-cancer measures in the world, and whose official in one throat declare that it is necessary to recognize the New World Order, is still alive or not in prison ...

In 2020, a documentary about Pedogaite was removed from YouTube. YouTube mistakenly imagines itself as the moderator of the world by video content. But it's not.

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

What Gates is reading in 2020. Frame video of Bill Gates 2020. 

🔹Book "Should We Eat Meat?" by Vaclav Smila

🔹Book Hyperbole and a Half, a collection of stories by artist Ellie Brosch.

🔹The collection of answers to hypothetical questions in the genre "What if?" by Randall Munro, NASA engineer, artist and creator of internet comics 

🔹 Richard Dawkins' "The Magic of Reality" on how we learn the truth. 

🔹 "How to Lie With Statistics" by Darella Huff (1954), which describes various ways of abusing statistics in order to deceive the audience and manipulate its opinion, where many specific examples are considered, and where the first epigraph to the book is chosen a quote from the Count of Biconsfield (B. Disraeli) about statistics: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, brazen lies and statistics".

To figure out how Hillary's books are related to illustrations of satanic "erotic glass artist" and what Gates reads about statistics with statistics on the covid, we provided earlier. 

There are no conspiracy theories here. There are just over 600 pages of documents 👇

Police records, articles, handwritten testimony, affidavits and more about the real problem of Satanism combined with drugs, ritual killings, abuses in the financial industry and government collusion, and the profit from it and more.

🇺🇸 Strange "phenomenon" of the disappearance of the common flu. 

Where he disappeared asks with amazement the presenter. Or maybe he hasn't disappeared, and now he's just called a covid and they just scare people? There is no other explanation for the 20-fold reduction in the number of flu cases last year, Friends, for you. WHO has the same data - flu outbreaks in 2020 have suddenly disappeared dramatically. 

If you believe this graph of the fiduce of a friend of paedophile Epstein Gates of the World Health Organization with information about laboratory surveillance of influenza, it seems that the covid completely, at all, at all, under zero destroyed the phenomenon of seasonal outbreaks of influenza. 

🇺🇸Photography of President Roosevelt at a meeting of the Masonic lodge, described as "made on November 7, 1935." This photo was taken in New York on the day the President and his sons James and Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. attended the lodge meeting. From left to right sat Daniel K. Roper, then Minister of Commerce; Jacob Klink; President Roosevelt; Robert Elliott Onens, Townsend Scudder; (standing) Frank Herwig, Henry C. Turner, William Klingenstlight in Fecora, F. H. LaGuardia, Morris Ragglessrownell Jr., James Franklin D.

Roosevelt Jr., Peter, Frederick Curnohan, Marshal R. Curnohan, Guy H. Brown, Guy Farsons, and Augusta Gennerich. 

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was ordained a Freemasons in 1911 and later became a great master in 1934. The official blog of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum contains several historical materials pertaining to the president's participation in the community during three terms. 

In 2020, the number of cases of influenza decreased by 98% compared to the usual statistics.

What if we tell you that the world-confirmed influenza surveillance has decreased by 98% year-on-year since April?

Confirmed cases of influenza decreased by only 0.8% worldwide in the first 8 weeks of the year. 

But as soon as they started talking about the covid and it started to spread, the flu cases stopped. Year-on-year, 69.4% for 10 weeks and 97.9% for 15 weeks. The study, published September 4 in The Lancet

confirms this theory. One colleague scurrilously approached the issue of influenza's disappearance as a phenomenon and collected statistics for all regions of the world. And, as it shows, the official WHO data

)very recommend to see them witnesses for the flu) on the flu, the picture of his disappearance against the background of the appearance and increase in the number of cases of covid everywhere is the same.


Probably everyone remembers, Friends, how the covid started. Smoothly, with the teachings organized by the Koch Institute, which now fools the whole world with statistics, with the participation of the Mellinda Foundation and Bill Gates. Pandemic teachings were called "Event 201." 

Today we will say why "21" and not "666", as it happened with the acclaimed patent gates and with the address of the Wuhan laboratory, where Soros and Gates invested, and who had "in themselves" this sign "666".

The fact is that, as you know, people like Gates are committed to all kinds of obscurantism, witchcraft, Satanism, rituals and signs that they believe should precede events. 

So, William Henry Gates's full name in a simple hematria is 201. That's why the event was assigned such a number - "Event 201." By the way, the "Jesuit Order" has the same hematrius. 

🇩🇪In Germany very responsibly approached the disposal of clothing and medical devices possibly contact with the boiler patients when taking tests for this infection.

Things that can represent, as we are told by the media and TV, a dangerous threat to health, the Germans neatly put in the trash and covered the lid. 

And despite the fact that some recycled waste is still blown away by the wind, we still believe that this kind of disposal of contact with the most dangerous virus on Earth can serve as an example for other countries.😂

🇺🇸 Of Tweed-Censorship was and is total, with this also overdone and betrayed themselves with giblets.

Twitter deleted a tweet by White House #COVID-19 adviser Dr. Scott Atlas, where he wrote that the masks did not work: 

"Masks work? No: Los Angeles, Miami, Hawaii, Alabama, France, Flipness, United Kingdom, Spain, Israel. WHO: "widespread use is not supported" - a lot of harm; Heneghan/of CEBM: "Despite decades, significant uncertainty is overvalued"; CDC: "there is no significant protection against influenza-en"; Find out why"😂

With the statistics of manipulation rude and overdone everywhere with statistics ...

Swiss statistics have risen by 1,500 in less than three weeks. Friends, tell me, how is that even possible? Is there anyone left alive in that country with such dynamics? 

It is interesting in this connection to remember the book, which reads and accidentally or intentionally illuminated Gates - "How to lie with statistics"🤦🏻 😂

Article by Don Harkins

Behind the first veil: there are about 6 billion people on the planet. Most of them will die after living their whole lives without any serious thought, except on how to make ends meet. 90% of the population will live and die without penetrating the first veil.

The first veil: 10% of us will be imbued with the first veil and will discover the world of politics. We will vote, take an active life position and have our own opinion. Our opinion will be formed on the basis of the physical world around us, we will have a tendency to trust the authorities - officials, representatives of the media and other "experts" from the authorities. 90% of people in this group will live their lives and die without penetrating the second veil.

The second veil: 10% of us will break the second veil to open the world of history, human-state relations and the importance of local government in the order of constitutional and common law. 90% of people in this group will live their lives and die without having penetrated the third veil.

Third veil: 10% of us will be caught in the third veil to learn that the resources of this world, including people, are controlled by extremely rich and powerful families, whose perennial assets, together with modern credit strategies, are the basis on which the entire world economy is based. 90% of the people of this group will live their lives and will die without having penetrated the fourth veil.

Fourth veil: 10% of us will penetrate the fourth veil and open the Illuminati, Masons and other secret societies. These societies use symbolism and conduct ceremonies that transmit through generations of hidden knowledge used to keep ordinary people in the political, economic and spiritual grips of the oldest families on Earth. 90% of people in this group will live their lives and die without having penetrated the fifth veil.

Stained veil: 10% of us will penetrate the fifth veil and realize that secret societies are so advanced technologically that time travel and interstellar contacts are real for them, and managing human actions for their members is as easy as it is for us to tell a child to go to bed. 90% of people in this group will live their lives and die without having penetrated the sixth veil.

Sixth veil: 10% of us will penetrate behind the sixth veil, where dragons, reptiles and other creatures we considered fictional monsters of decency are real and are the true constoling forces behind secret societies. 90% of people in this group will live their lives and die without having penetrated the sixth veil.

Seventh veil: I don't know what's behind the 7th veil. I think the soul behind it becomes as developed as possible on Earth - people like Gandhi or the Pilgrim of the World - so enlightened that they illuminated the world around them no matter what.

The eighth veil: the penetration behind the eighth veil probably opens up God and the pure energy that is the life force in all living beings - which I think is one.

If my mathematical calculations are correct, there are about 60,000 people on the planet who have penetrated the sixth veil.

And the most ironic thing about all this is that those who are behind the veils from the first to the fifth, there is almost no chance not to consider the people who penetrated the rest of the veils, insane. With penetration for every next veil, an exponentially decreasing number of increasingly enlightened people are seen as madmen by the exponentially increasing masses of less enlightened people. Adds irony and the more amplified penetrated for 6 and further veils tries to explain what he is able to see to those who can not, the more crazy it seems to them.

Behind the first two veils we find the vast majority of people on the planet. They are the tools of the state: before the second veil are gullible voters, whose ignorance justifies the actions of politicians who send people to other countries from the first veil like cannon fodder. The position of both is to believe that serving the own goals of the governing elite is a matter of national security for which it is worth dying.

The people behind the second, third, fourth and fifth veils respectively are the growing burden on the state because of the diminishing ability to use them as tools to consolidate the power and wealth of many in the hands of the governing elite. It is not uncommon for these people to sacrifice their relationships with family and friends, their careers and personal freedom with every veil they penetrate.

Albert Jay Nock (1870-1945), author of "Our Enemy, State" (1935), explains what happens to those who find the sixth, seventh and eighth veil "What was the best thing the state could do with Socrates and Jesus? To poison one and crucify the other, because it was simply unbearable to let them live on."


Now we know that our compatriots are not so immersed in their lives that they "do not want to see" the mechanisms of their enslavement and exploitation. They just "can't see" it just like I can't see what's behind the closed curtain.

The task consists of three parts: 

1. Help a small number of people from the higher veils understand why the masses have little choice but to perceive clear explanations as madness; 

2. To help people behind the first two veils understand that breathing and thinking is just the beginning; 

3. Show people that the greatest adventure of their lives is behind the next veil, as it removes another veil between us and God.

Perhaps the organizers of the special operation are already tearing the hair on the head asking each other why everything has surfaced. We have been talking to some of the then respected announcers for a long time, it seems, in the spring of 2020. In this link of the special operation for the plausibility of people had to be killed immediately and on the spot. Any forgery on this scale is impossible. That is, you say that 1,000 people died today, so all 1,000 must be strangled dead and lie in one row with heels forward, naked and with a tag around their necks. And flying 6 Hollywood cameras to shoot this wonderful spectacle and broadcast. That's when it would be possible the special operation would look more plausible. In general, snot-smothered snot, experience is not enough, and the real specialists liquidators were not invited, decided to save money 💰 on professionals. Due to the great free time, these uns engaged liquidators have started working for us 😂

In general, you got involved this time very substantively and specifically, urks cheap. 

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈

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