Murzilka 16.

Murzilka 16.

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

"TROYKI", in the USSR in 1933-38 the authorities "on the application of measures of extrajudicial repression." One of the instruments of mass political. repressions in the USSR in the 1930s. On the orders of the NKVD of the USSR from 27.5.1935 No 00192 "T." "in the case of criminal and declassified elements and of malicious violators of the passport provision" (police threes, "threes on SVE," "ordinary three") were formed under all NKVD offices. The members of "T." included: the chairman - the head of the NKVD Office or his deputy, members - the head of the Office of the Workers' and Peasants' Police and the head of the relevant department. Participation in the prosecutor's meetings was mandatory. Cases were generally to be dealt with in the presence of detainees (in some cases cases involved in absentia). "T." could make decisions about exile, expulsion from the USSR and imprisonment in labor camps for up to five years.

During the "Great Terror" period, on the basis of the order approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (b) of the NKVD of the USSR dated 30.7.1937 No. 00447 "On the operation to repress former fists, criminals and other anti-Soviet elements" in the republics, regions, regions in parallel were created "operational threes" ("special threes" (special threes"), for them the task of defeating "anti-Soviet elements" and expedited consideration of such cases. Decisions of "operational threes" were made in absentia - on the materials of cases submitted by the NKVD bodies, and in some cases in the absence of K.-L. on the lists of those arrested. "Operational threes" were sentenced either to imprisonment in camps for 8 to 10 years, or to execution. The decision of T., which was not subject to appeal, was usually the final document in the case was the act of execution. According to the NKVD circular of 7.8.1937 No. 61 "On strengthening the fight against robbers and recidivist criminals," the cases of "recidivist criminals who have not broken with the criminal world" should be considered on the "operational three" and "police trio" should focus "on cases of non-passport-free persons who do not have permanent residence and are not engaged in useful work". By joint resolution of the SNC of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of 17.11.1938 No. 81 "On arrests, prosecutorial supervision and investigation" all "T." were liquidated. The cases were referred to the courts or the Special Meeting of the NKVD of the USSR (see Special Meeting at the UGPU-NKVD of the USSR). 

Looks All-Russian Emergency Commission.

U.S. authorities have granted Pfizer and Moderna, which develops vaccines for "coronavirus infection," immunity from liability for possible serious side effects in vaccination. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar enacted a 2005 law requiring the agency to provide legal protection to companies that manufacture or distribute essential medical products, including vaccines and medicines, except in cases of "deliberate misconduct" by firms. This means that over the next four years, the company's data, as CNBC notes, "cannot be prosecuted for damages" related to harm to health due to the use or use of drugs to treat or protect against coronavirus infection.

🇺🇸CDC argues that their vaccines are so safe and effective that there is no need to conduct any research into the health effects of vaccinated people, that you just have to believe that the zeer vaccine will harm you or your unborn child. Oh, and don't bother looking for liability if you or your child is hurt, the CDC has removed this burden from the farm companies. Just trust them: 

"... A search of our records did not reveal any documents pertaining to your request. The CDC did not conduct a study on the health effects of vaccinated and unvaccinated populations..."

🇺🇸🧑🏿 🖕Sorosov's fist is becoming more popular by the day. Soon in all the countries of the world...

🇺🇸 Is it possible that everyone was deceived by a cold, repackought into a pandemic virus? 

The American Medical Association claims that it is the case that coronaviruses come when it is cold. 

They are just a big happy family of bankers and billionaires:

Christopher Dupont Roosevelt - Son of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.

🔹Born: December 21, 1940 (age 79), Philadelphia, PA

🔹 Brothers and Sisters: Franklin Delano Roosevelt III, Nancy Roosevelt (Ireland), Laura Delano Roosevelt

🔹Pleman: Haven Clark Roosevelt

🔹Battle and Grandpa: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eugene Irene Dupont Jr., Eleanor Roosevelt

🔹The People of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr., Ethel Dupont

🔹Plemen: Joan Lindsay Roosevelt, Anne Sturgeon Roosevelt, Sarah Delano Roosevelt.

 🤡 In India, the scotch scrubber for the bathroom is quite suitable for the installation, which in the plot on local TV said that it is a cruel co-video reality. 

Apparently, the hospitals of India are as empty as the hospitals of Germany, where actors are also hired to shoot stories about the chewy cane in the clinics.

Hollywood nervously smokes 🤒 on the sidelines 👇

🇩🇪 Germany 🖕Patient number 63. (Koeki - 063 U-1-1 / Green Region)🤦🏻 ♂️😂

Nomination: 🇩🇪😷 "Leaders of the Absurdist" from Germany 😂

Covid is the only new disease that doctors are looking for patients, not sick doctors. Such is today's surreal world 🗺 😂

🇺🇸Proor Rainbow

Today there is so much information about the so-called Philadelphia experiment that a detailed representation of the whole process is no longer a big problem. At this stage I think it is absolutely necessary to outline the overall progress of the project to give you, dear reader, an understandable overview.

"... Scientists have worked on invisibility projects throughout history, but it is amazing how many Germans there were. This should be kept in mind when looking at the further progress of this documentation. The main idea of this whole project was to make the object (in this case the ship) invisible with the help of extremely strong pulsed magnetic fields. I wanted to use these fields to put around the whole ship a kind of electromagnetic cylinder or shielding. The radar beam and visible light would have been bent so hard that the ship itself would have disappeared under this camouflage cap. 

When the project expanded in 1936, Nikola Tesla was already its leader. Back in 1936, the first test was conducted, during which it was possible to establish invisibility for radars. Encouraged by this partial success, the U.S. Navy provided additional funding for research. By 1939, many more scientists from Germany had arrived in the United States - researchers who were also included in the project. Then in 1940 they decided to conduct the first major test in the port of Brooklyn... The first tender provided energy for the experimental ship, and the other supported the drive for the coil. Both "smaller ships" were connected to the experimental ship by cables so that the test could be interrupted by cutting off the cables as soon as a problem arose. But the test was successful and was considered a complete success. It is extremely important to know that the test was conducted without a crew. The events that took place on August 12, 1943 in Philadelphia, are of paramount importance. After this test also physicist Thomas Brown was involved in the study in the "Project Rainbow" ...

🇩🇪 When the shop is run by a WHO-complied conman: The Idiology of present-day Germany definitely gives away the aroma of fascism, and has a slight smack of 1935, but it's only a small taste yet. 

🇩🇪In the harmful effects of wearing a mouth-to-mouth device, there is a strict ban on masks in this institution✊

🇺🇸Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh, in their words, have discovered an antibody that "neutralizes" the virus that causes COVID-19. Its component is 10 times smaller than that of a full-size antibody. Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have reportedly identified a "tiny biological molecule" that "completely and specifically neutralizes" SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

The antibody component is 10 times smaller than the full-size antibody and was used to create the drug Ab8, according to a report published by researchers in the journal Cell on Monday. The drug is considered as a potential prophylactic against SARS-CoV-2. 

It remains unclear how scientists can see and create what is smaller than the cowid, versus the cowid, while the covid itself, its "gold standard" has never been seen.

According to the report, during the trials the drug showed "high efficacy in the prevention and treatment" of SARS-CoV-2 infections in mice and hamsters. It is also reported that the drug does not bind to human cells, suggesting that it will not have negative side effects in humans.

In short, there was another 100% not a vaccine, but a cure for a cooid.

China's strategy of capturing the world - digital colonialism

Analysis of the confrontation in the country - the "little brother" allows to model scenarios of future confrontation in the country - "big brother." Such analytical work is very useful. And a good example is the analysis of China's experience in transforming the 25 million Xinjiang, annexed by China in 1949, into the first digital colony on Earth. For this is not the 1st and, alas, not the last "joining" in the world. But the digital colony, exactly the 1st. And the way it is created on the basis of the most advanced technologies, is sure to become an exemplary case of "best practices" for already going and future "joinings."

The newly published Brookings study report, "China's Oppression System in Xinjiang: How It Evolved and How to Deal With It" is the first attempt at an in-depth analysis of the case. For the first time, the underwater part of the iceberg strategy of turning the giant region into a digital colony has been revealed. 

It is shown that at the base of the iceberg is a false substitution of the essence of the resistance of the Uighurs, allegedly their "terrorism". With the subsequent false substitution of the fact of the purposeful creation of a High-Tech system of oppression on the alleged "global war on terror."

It shows how super-mass surveillance technologies only turn into super-weapons when they are skillfully woven into state practices of "social fines", internment, ideological processing, separation of families, suppression of fertility and forced labor.

Finally, it shows how unbubsent any sanctions are to metastasise the penetration of this process into business. When point sanctions just stop working. After all, more than 1,400 companies are involved in the implementation and support of the facial recognition system operating in Xinjiang alone. 

The report can be read here 👇

Without a detailed study of this 1st case on Earth to create a digital colony, an effective strategy to counteract the emergence of new and new cases is impossible. And they're just around the corner. For the 21st century, among other unpleasant jokers, the prospect of becoming the century of digital colonialism shines clearly. Starting with Xinjiang, he seems to octopus, launches tentacles all over the world. And the pace of raking the world under itself is such that even Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan could not dream. And in CIA smoking rooms, analysts can only nervously smoke bulls from the urn ⚱️. For it is scary to look at the interactive map of the development of this process (more on this in my post "China's strategy of capturing the world has been determined"). 


🇺🇸😂Trump advertises Russian MiG-29 fighter jets and Kalashnikov assault rifles. Or rather, or rather the order made in another bureau 

Support our troops, show your support. Trump's ad asks people to support troops. But he uses the image of Russia. The Trump Make America Great Again committee is run by both the Republican National Committee and the campaign.

Those who consider themselves elected, if someone has not yet understood what and how will happen, will be in the same place where those who are called "chosen" goyami will be. The "chosen" will fall the first victim of the New World Order and they will understand it only when the bowl of the NWO is already poured on their huting, but not heart-smart heads, and when it will be too late to change anything.

The abhorrence of the desolation of their homes and their souls will be their reckoning for their hidden but too long reign in the World, which is governed, according to the Savior, by the Prince of this world.

Until the last moment, they and those whom they call goy, will think that the chosen ones rule the world, and that soon their star hour will come, when there will be no need to change names, encrypt and hide, that the goyi would accept him as a kind and of their kind.

"He will come and deceive everyone" - so it will be and this should be kept in mind.

Indonesia 🇮🇩 and mask refuseniks must dig graves as punishment: Those who do not have a mask in Indonesia suffer severe punishment.

No comment 

🇮🇱🇺🇸Mincha (afternoon prayer) at the White House in mid-September 2020 👇

🇺🇸The New Times: The police union has disclosed the arrest of the daughter of New York City Mayor Blasio for privacy violations. The Sergeants Benevolent Association released a police report on Chiara de Blasio's arrest during a protest Saturday night.

It should be added that the mayor of American Sodom is quite interesting and colorful personality.

🇺🇸 Jim Cramer, stock market expert, columnist and author of many books and articles, A CNBC presenter, right in person called Nancy Pelosi crazy:

"Between you and me, Secretary Mnuchin.., I mean, what kind of deal could he have with crazy Nancy... I'm sorry, it was the president. I, I have such reverence for the post and I would never show.., would not use this term..."

Interestingly, realizing that he accidentally said something that he shouldn't have said, Kramer, that "it's Trump." 😂

Britain. Coronavirus (preservation of fingerprints and DNA profiles in the interests of national security) (No.2) regulations 2020



The Secretary of State issues the following orders in the exercise of the powers granted by Sections 24 (2), (4) and (8) of the Coronavirus Act 2020 (1). The Secretary of State, under section 24 (3) of the Act, considers that coronavirus has, or may have, had an adverse effect on the ability of those responsible for national security decision-making to make or resume national security decisions, and that it is in the interest of national security to preserve fingerprints or DNA profiles, as stipulated in these Regulations...

1.- (1) These Rules may be called the 2020 Rules on Coronavirus and come into force on October 1, 2020. 

Waiting for the second wave? Well then let's go 

Experts and scientists have warned that Britons could face tougher measures on boiler restrictions "within two weeks" if the new "six" rule fails. Ministers are reportedly considering a curfew from 10pm and closing pubs early to avoid a second wave. But Boris Johnson insists schools should be closed last if another form of national isolation is introduced. 

"Honestly, isolation is the only thing we know works," a leading scientific adviser told ITV.

"I think that if we want schools to stay open, we probably need to think seriously about a wide range of other measures to stop the big second wave.

The member of the government added: "We cannot wait for the death rate to rise before we can act." ✊😂

The temple of the soul is destroyed. 

When the Church stands destroyed, the angel does not leave it. He stands and cries, begging God to return people's minds and to reject the way of thinking that could lead to the destruction and/or abandonment of the Church. 

Isn't seven times sadder and sadder than the Angel, when at the time when the Temple is open, and when everything is ready for the Celebration of the Lightest in the whole universe of the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, and people do not go, because they are not ordered?

Is it not the ocean that the angel sheds instead of a sea of tears, asking God to be merciful and to reason with the lost human herd?

🇮🇱"Signed Abraham's Agreement! 

 Today's historic signing proves that the countries of the Middle East are freed from the failed approaches of the past. 

 After decades of divisions and conflicts, we are marking the birth of a new Middle East. 

 Congratulations to everyone! "(c)IvankaTrump

🇺🇸Reader photos of Jeffrey Epstein,

Galloping with scantily clad young women on his "paedophile island" where he provided exquisite food, luxurious bedding and cosmetic lotions and spent hours watching topless teenagers in Girls Gone Wild "for inspiration." New details of Jeffrey Epstein's life have been revealed in previously unseen photographs of his private island of Little St James.

Nearly two-thirds of American youth don't know that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust: According to a survey of people aged 18-39, 23% said they thought the Holocaust was a myth, exaggerated or unsure of what it was.

🇩🇪S'ddeutsche zeitung (who didn't know, translates as "South German newspaper"): 

"Dresden. Saxony's prime minister, Mikael Kretschmer, should not pay a co-ore penalty. The Dresden Penitentiary Agency decided not to initiate proceedings. The prosecution said Kretschmer violated the minimum distance and obligation to wear a mask while talking to demonstrators in a large garden. He acted as part of the state administration. The activities of the state government have been excluded from the relevant rules of the protection against the cooida." 

There are other rules for minions in Germany.

Who reads our materials knows that Soros, like Epstein, sells children. We brought another scheme of child trafficking under the guise of cabinets through the website Wayfair, where some "caskets" were sold for the price of a car. This is one point that we missed by describing in that material the aspect of behind-the-scenes paedophilia and child trafficking. Namely, photo Of Giselen Maxwell with Wayfair Operations President Bill Hutcherson. We hope that now none of you are left perplexed as to why the names of the cabinets sold for the price of the car, coincided with the names of children who had disappeared once.

⚠️ Ofigne Wilk came from the EU in the form of a 2012 comic book, which describes the leak of the cooid. 

We want you to know, Friends, about another strange fact in our opinion. On January 31, 2012, the Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development of the European Commission published a comic book modeling the future, called "Infected." This comic describes the leak of a particularly dangerous virus from the well-known Wuhan laboratory P4 because of the evil human will. The comic, as his description shows, is an attempt to popularize the viral agenda in the world society with the help of a comic book.

"Ms. Chan Wenling and her friend-of-the-future are engaged in an exciting business to convince people to act together and save the world. While the story may be fictional, it is nevertheless intertwined with some factual information..!" - says the preamble to the comic. 

🇮🇱Secretary letters written in urine reveal the horrors of death in Nazi camps: these secret messages, written in urine, were sent from the Nazi concentration camp to the families in 1943-44.

🇺🇸 The most costly civil unrest in the United States, including civil unrest resulting in insurance losses for the insurance industry: The looting of the #BLM, which lasted from May 26 to June 8, 2020, and continues to this day, have become the most expensive riots. The insurance industry was forced to cover the damage of 1-2 billion U.S. dollars. 

New rules allow Australian police to detain "conspiracy theorists": the Australian state is playing out increasingly fascist laws. 

On the social distance in the UK).

Henry Makov, author of "The Cult That Stole the World": "Bill Gates is a crypto-jews. Crypto-Jew pretends he's not Jewish. I'm Jewish and I'm proud of it. I am not proud of what most Jews are a part of, consciously or not. I've been trying to warn them and the world for 20 years." 

🇺🇸US CDC is seven Fridays a week and he once casually admits that the masks are completely useless:

-CENTRE CONTROL OF THE WORLD: CDC tissue masks, which are used to slow the spread of COVID-19, do little to protect against the smoke of wildfires. They do not capture the small particles found in the smoke of the forest fire, which can harm your health. Limit your time outside when it's smoky. 

 🇩🇪 the owner of the store of the retail chain checked the laws on the account of masks and issued this order for their sellers. 

It prohibits all store employees from requiring shoppers to wear a mask or show their release and call the police. It is enough to ask politely once and so they have fulfilled all obligations that they would not be fined. People without masks are free to buy in the store.

Musical 🎶 a pause from Pink Floyd. Roger Waters.

"Pigs rule the world"

The new normality 🖕for newborns is the usual dolbodyatlysis🤦🏻 ♂️

The surviving royal 👑🖕in anticipation of the opening of Climate Week in New York, offered "quick and immediate action" on the "military plan" using a "military campaign" around the world to combat climate change, and where he explained why British people need to prepare a "disturbing suitcase" (containing a first aid/whistle/torch) to evacuate.😂

Meeting of the Marxist circle in Davos, Switzerland. January 2020 👇

⚠️ In the West, and in all the rest too, Australian police officers will forcibly take off their pants/skirts/shorts/shorts and other to vaccinate the plebs. 

Australian law has been updated and now without any conspiracy theories you can read this and wonder why Australia wants to forcibly remove its underwear from the plebs to introduce the vaccine? Since vaccines are administered to them by intramuscular injection, the most practical means for forcibly injecting a person against his will would be to keep the person in a "face down" position by removing his trousers/underwear so that the drug can be injected into the glute area. It would be much more difficult to try to introduce the drug into the alternative muscle area if the person who is given the injection resisted.

The fact is that before the adoption of this law, Australia really thought about the simplest way of forcibly injecting someone.

"If an authorized official instructs a person under article 157 (1) (j) to undergo medical supervision, medical examination or medical treatment, or to be vaccinated, an authorized official or police officer may use reasonable force to enforce this instruction.

(a) Arrest and detain the person to whom the referral is applied (the person concerned) and take the person concerned to a place where the person must undergo medical supervision, medical examination or medical treatment or be vaccinated in accordance with the direction; and

(b) Detain the person concerned in the place where he is located; require medical supervision, medical examination or medical treatment or be vaccinated in accordance with the direction; And (c) hold the person in person.

(d) remove everything (including underwear) that the person in charge wears if the removal of items is reasonable and necessary for medical examination or medical treatment or, as appropriate, for the person to be vaccinated; and

(ii) the person concerned is given a reasonable opportunity to take things off on his own..."

The 2005 film "V as Vendetta" tells the story of a totalitarian dictatorship that gains its power by creating a society of chaos and fear over a virus supposedly spreading around the world. In the film, the media spread propaganda that has nothing to do with reality on the monitors on the streets of each city.

Dictator a la Gates promises security, but not freedom and his constant theme "it's for your safety" is repeated throughout the film. 

But most importantly, during the storyline society wakes up just as some part of it wakes up today, and destroys the regime of medical fascism. This gives us strength and hope for retribution for the already killed millions of people who have already starved, as well as those who do not get to the doctor because of locked doors, boiler blocks, hysteria Gates and other evangelicals, including all other rude homegrown parrots ...

In the 1920s (or 30s) the far-right Carl Popper introduced the concept of "public opinion." This became a hallmark of Western civilization in the post-war period. The theory of public opinion states that the masses do not have their own opinion or, if it is, it is flexible/malleable. Thus, the dominant classes can lead the masses, like a shepherd, to their will.

Friedrich von Hayek - a colleague of Popper and father of British neoliberalism (the man behind Thatcher) - then developed this issue, proposing to institutionalize public opinion. He proposed a system of three or four levels of intellectuals, which should be in a capitalist society. 

The first level is the very class of capitalists, who will rule the whole world anonymously, through secret assemblies. These meetings will release secret reports, the ideas of which extend to the second level. 

The second level is academia and the most prominent politicians and other political leaders. 

The third level is the teachers of basic education who will teach children. 

The fourth level is MSM, whose job is to transform first-level ideas and opinions into "common sense" ("public opinion").

Therefore, this is not the case when Western journalists are deceived. Their job was never to inform the public. When they publish a lie and try to kill their citizen on their own territory, they do not lie in their own eyes: they say what they consider "truth" but that has gone through the filter of lies. The goal is to convince (teach") the masses. To call what the Western media, especially in the United States, journalism, doing is an affront to this noble profession. What they do is propaganda and shorthand on behalf of those in power. 

"Prostitution" is a good attempt to describe their profession.

Unfortunately, they have made amazing strides in brainwashing people. One of the most relevant examples from the set, which can be cited, is public opinion 2020-2021 and some kind of viral infection 😷 

While Western corporate media lie on a permanent basis - and this has a predictable effect - it is not these actions (lies) that are insidious, but their inaction (i.e. the exclusion or understatement of the importance of contextual information), leading people to the wrong conclusions. 

And what is most alarming is that after the successful creation of the audience and readership, believing in their "facts", the mainstream representatives of TV 📺 and the press have moved to create a completely devoid of any logic and meaning of the narrative from the category of "haili lykley". 

But Piple eats this canned rotten and even with great hunting it does. 

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈

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