Murzilka 14. 

Murzilka 14. 

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

Internal terrorists are really about the covid-19 special operation.

We record the rebirth of an official, a journalist, a doctor, a police officer in an internal extremist with state content. 

We are talking about quite specific conditions, quite specific cases, quite specific cases.

A lot of people have crossed the line and are committing violent actions to change the social and state structure of national states under the deceitful decoy of the presence of a virus, using medical terms that have nothing to do with real medicine and knowledge. A year and a half is committed in an unconstitutional way of state spells with abuse of office. You've actually become domestic terrorists. You have to be arrested, you're going to be handed over to a fair trial with a loss of rights, that's perfectly normal. Any state should be able to defend itself, it is a civil history and a historical mission of responsible citizens of the world. 
COVID-19 and 5G research report in pdf 👇

O Hunger. 

I'm just going to be very frank. Everything has already gone mad, but it will become even more insane. World food stocks have already declined, but will decline even further. When even the UN begins to use the word "biblical" to describe the famine facing the world, it is a sign that everything has gone too far. Some people seem to think that if they save up food for a couple of months, they'll be fine. Unfortunately, this is not what we face. The huge demand that we are seeing in food banks in the U.S. right now gives us some clues on what we can expect when economic conditions get worse. In Alameda County, cars line up "already at seven in the morning" to get some food from local food banks... On the east coast, we see similar things. In fact, on Saturday at dawn at the food bank in queens there was a queue of a quarter of a mile ...

Until a pandemic broke out in the city, La Hornada's food pantry distributed food to about 1,000 families a week. Now this figure exceeds 10,000. The Food Bank of New York estimates that there are hundreds of thousands of hungry people in five districts. I found it very interesting that the New York Post compares what is happening now with "the queues for bread in the 1930s." This is the reality of what we face, People. 

In Richmond, Virginia, things are even worse. According to a recent report, cars were lining up at one food bank "six hours" before it opened ...

Every Friday, cars line up six hours before the food bank on Iron Bridge Road opens. At noon, the first 20 cars are allowed to park in the parking lot, where they wait another three hours. Can you imagine sitting in your car for six hours waiting for the opening of a food bank? That's how desperate some people are in America.

The United Nations uses the word "biblical" to describe hunger: "The famine of "biblical proportions" becomes a serious risk as the coronavirus crisis threatens to double the number of people approaching starvation."

Forecasts published by the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) said the number of people facing "acute food insecurity" would rise to 265 million by the end of this year, up from 135 million in 2019. In the "worst-case scenario" the UN predicts that "about a tenth of the world's population will not have enough food this year" 

Unfortunately, even though we've already seen so many crazy events in 2020, most Americans are still not preparing... 😉

🇺🇸Friends, do you believe this non-medical guy who manages WHO, CDC through his friend Fauci, and everything else depicted on the poster and in the nuclear power, which, according to his experience in all his previous endeavors, together with his vaccines can bury the whole world? 😂

🇺🇸 The notorious for his vaccine failures in Africa and India, from where he was expelled after his life, and where more than 450,000 children were maimed, Gates took up atomic energy.

Here's Bill Gates's next project, which, like his other projects, aims to address climate change and what he calls "saving the planet." In a report released on Thursday, Reuters first reported on a new campaign by Gates-controlled TerraPower LLC (Gates is chairman of the board of directors) to build commercial nuclear power plants called "Natrium" in the United States. The project will focus on the Pacific Northwest, where Gates has enlisted the support of three major utilities in the region, including PacifiCorp, owned by Berkshire Hathaway (Gates' best friend Warren Buffett is willing to help).

By mid-century, "we will see hundreds of these reactors around the world that will solve many different energy challenges," said Chris Levesque, President and CEO of TerraPower. "The 345 megawatt power plants will be cooled by sodium and will cost about $1 billion each, and sophisticated technologies will enable the introduction of nuclear energy in countries that do not have these resources." 

The Gates Foundation has already received affection from the press (because Gates owns the press) to experiment with its public health initiatives, which have only significantly and totally worsened, rather than improved the situation in poor countries. There is no doubt that his nuclear initiative will receive media approval. But when it comes to privatized nuclear plants, the mistakes that Gates has consistently made in the health field, sending his vaccines to the light and maiming an immeasurable number of people/children, will be much more significant and can destroy our Earth. One failure - and he will go to the tartare, taking with him the whole Planet. It's time to stop this guy before he deprives us of our Planet, Friends.

Gates oversees the vaccination agenda in Britain. 

"The Prime Minister spoke to Bill and Melinda Gates via video link... discussed Britain's contribution to helping countries around the world fight against coronavirus and the important work of the Gates Foundation in this area... shared their commitment to the vital work of Gavi, the vaccine alliance..."🤦🏻 ♂️

It's amazing how a guy with no medical education dictates to the whole world anticosive, and in fact, anti-medical measures and where to invest money to get vaccines from what they were called a covid. 

It is no less surprising that his wife Melinda, who wears an upside-down crucifix on her feathers, is also in business. The whole world obeys the half-witted friend of paedophile Epstein, an elderly fascist eugenicist who dreams of vaccines to reduce the number of people on the planet, as he himself has repeatedly said, and destroy in people the "gene of God" and his crazy wife,Satanist? 

Such a sura, Friends, a year ago we could not even imagine😂

New Normality - New World Order.

"People act like they have a choice and they don't have one!- Billionaire, from whom it's time to ask for genocide, at least, Africa and India, Bill Gates.

🇺🇸👀#Epsteindidntkillhimself #Epstein

In August 2020, U.S. Customs agents intercepted $27 million in cash aboard a ship bound for the Virgin Islands, the largest confiscation in the region. No arrests have been made, authorities said, but the investigation is ongoing. And while investigators suspect drug cartels and criminal gangs of money laundering, we think the cache is somehow linked to the island of Bill Gates' friend, paedophile Epstein St. James, which is in the Virgin Islands archipelago in the Caribbean.

If anyone is wondering how many blond blue-eyed white 12-year-olds could buy this amount, then if you take the average cost of a child at 50K dollars, then 27/50,000 to 540.


🇺🇸 Republican philanthropist of conservative Christian groups Richard A. Dasen Sr. has been charged with rape. He allegedly paid a 15-year-old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, is married with adult children and several grandchildren, and told police that over the past decade he has paid more than $1 million for sex with a huge number of young women.

Democratic donor and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein ran a brothel for underage children and was convicted of engaging underage girls in prostitution.

New York Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner has pleaded guilty to transmitting obscene material to minors as part of a plea agreement for sexting and sending on Twitter to underage girls as young as 15.

Democratic donor, activist and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has been prosecuted and prosecuted for years of sexual assault (which was a well-known "secret" in Hollywood), including sexual acts with underage aspiring actresses.

Democratic activist and #metoo supporter Asiya Argento settled a sexual harassment lawsuit related to a sexual relationship with a minor actor.

The Democratic mayor of Rasin, Wisconsin, Gary Becker, was found guilty of attempted child endangerment, distribution of child pornography and other sexual offences with children.

Seattle Democratic Mayor Ed Murray has resigned after multiple child sexual abuse allegations were filed against him, including by family members.

Democratic activist and aide to Mayor De Blasio Jacob Schwartz has been arrested for possessing 3,000 children's pornographic images.

Democratic activist and actor Russell Simmons has been sued on charges of sexual assault when he forced an underage model to have sex.

Oregon's Democratic governor, Neil Goldschmidt, has publicly admitted to having sexual relations with a 13-year-old girl after the statute of limitations on rape charges expired.

Illinois Democratic congressman Mel Reynolds resigned from Congress after being found guilty of raping a 16-year-old campaign volunteer.

Democrat Congressman Fred Richmond of New York was arrested in Washington, D.C., for extorting sex from a 16-year-old boy.

Democratic activist, sponsor and director Roman Polanski has fled the country after pleading guilty to raping a 13-year-old girl. Democrats and Hollywood actors still defend him, including Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, David Lynch, Wim Wenders, Pedro Almodovar, Tilda Swinton and Monica Bellucci.

Alaska Democratic State Sen. George Jaco has been found guilty of sexually harassing an underage volunteer in the legislature.

The Democratic state representative for the Candidate of Colorado, Andrew Myers, was convicted of possession of child pornography.

Illinois Democratic Congressman Gus Savage has come under investigation by the Democratic-controlled House Ethics Committee for the attempted rape of an underage female Peace Corps volunteer in the city. The Committee concluded that, although the events had indeed taken place, his apology had been sufficient and no further action had been taken.

A Democratic activist, donor, and Subway spokesman, Jared Fogle, was found guilty of distributing and receiving child pornography and unlawful sexual conduct with a minor.

Democrat Carl Carey, under Hillary Clinton's government, was arrested on ten counts of possessing child pornography.

A Democrat (Maine) assistant attorney general, James Cameron, was sentenced to just over 15 years in federal prison on seven episodes of child pornography. 

State Department employee Daniel Rosen of Hillary Clinton's State Department has been arrested and charged with allegedly extorting sex with a minor over the Internet.

Democrat James Cafferty pleaded guilty to one count of transporting child pornography.

Democrat radio host Bernie Ward has pleaded guilty to one count of sending child pornography over the network. 

A Democrat deputy attorney general from California, Raymond Liddy, was arrested for possession of child pornography.

👆Cristin Lagarde and The Philippines de Rothschild. 

Comments are superfluous or, as they say, you are all obscurantists and idiots with your perverts Lagarde and Gates, believing in some kind of goat

"In search of a new enemy that will unite us, we have come to believe that pollution, the threat of global warming, water scarcity, famine and the like will meet all requirements." - "The First Global Revolution," 1991 report by the Council of the Roman Club of Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider

"Banking originated in lawlessness and was born into sin. Bankers own land. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the movement of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy the land again. But take it away from them, and all the huge fortunes like mine will disappear, and they will have to disappear, and it would be a happier and better world for life. But, if you want to remain slaves to the bankers and pay the price of your own slavery, let them continue to create money." Sir Josia Stamp, former director of the Bank of England.

Have you ever thought something was wrong? Have you ever thought that you are being lied to by your politicians, government, teachers? Have you ever thought that you are being manipulated by television? Have you ever thought about how the world really works? Have you ever caught the media lying? Do you want to know how money actually works? Have you ever wondered what the elite of this world believe and where they lead us? Here you will have the opportunity to at least get a first glimpse of the true nature of the world and how we were misled and deceived at every level. This site is not everything, but this is just the beginning.

The Globalist Agenda is a plan to bring all the inhabitants of the Earth under the control of a single global state. There is a small but influential group of people who are the architects and masterminds of the formation and implementation of this "New World Order". Using its influence through international organizations such as the IMF, the World Bank, the Royal Institute of International Relations (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Club, the UN, NATO, WHO and hundreds of other non-governmental organizations, the aim is to subjugate everyone on the planet as servants of a single world government. A government governed by the same small group of elites, which for a very long time ruled the masses under different masks, is the elite - descendants of those who ruled for at least the last two centuries: kings and queens, bankers and barons, robbers and priests and various subordinate oligarchs and members of the media. Their desire to return to a single world feudal state should not surprise someone who has read history a little. After all, it's their nature.

In the modern incarnation of these people can be seen as kings and queens, international bankers, military-industrial complex and their servants - CEOs of corporations, scientists, professors, lawyers, heads of NGOs, politicians and media leaders - all of them - the elite. partially or completely controlled. Sadly, but the fact is that even you, Friends, can buy or brainwash most national bankers, ministers, law enforcement officers, bureaucrats, CEOs, academics, lawyers, politicians and journalists so they can say what you want them to say.

If, Friends, who deny the existence of such plans, being absolute obscurantists, by refusing to accept the reality of what it is, prefer to remain in the one you have been told that it is what it is, and then allow their plans to be implemented, you will see how, under the pretext of security, including medical-chemical bio- and other, all of us, through anti-terrorism laws, the globalists will gradually take away all your vaunted civil liberties and prevent any dissent against governments or the ruling elite. There will be no banners of a possible rebellion against this Hell, for only if they are cursed, they will be pulled from the soil of our society by the servants of Hell, who think that they care about the Nazis. Security. There will be no names of banners, as well as their corpses, which the People instead of a living banner could come across the tree. 

"We are not going to reach a new world order without paying with blood, as well as words and money." Arthur Schlesinger Jr., in "Foreign Affairs" , July / August 1995

Tesla and Curevac have developed vaccine printers. In June 2019, the German biotechnology company Curevac and a subsidiary of Tesla Grohmann Automation jointly applied for a patent for the so-called RNA printer. The printer is a small mobile production unit that allows the production of more than one hundred thousand doses of vaccine in a few weeks.

The Epidemic Prevention Innovation Coalition (Cepi) has signed a contract worth up to $34 million with Curevac to develop the printer also in 2019.

Of course, the fact that half a year after the aforementioned movements our world is visiting what has been called a coe pandemic declared by paedophile Gates Gates WHO is just a coincidence and nothing more...

Humanity has become some kind of sacrifice of Dr. Mengele.

WHO, the mouth of the Chinese puppet Ethiopian terrorist Gebreus, not so long ago burned in a club without a mask in the same panties, says that Covid19 is not a virus, but a change in our society. When these marsh creatures begin to tell what they really intended, the last sleeping sheep should also wake up, although this is unlikely to help our species.

This is not a virus, it is about eradicating humanity and introducing the NWO. "It's about humanity."

Jesuit Council 13:

Aldobrandini / Borghese, Borja / Borgia, Kiji, Colonia, Conti, Farnese, Gaetani/Kaetani, Merdici /Medici/Domecichi, Orsini / Maximus, Pampi, Somalya, Este Estens

Papal pedigree:

Orsini, Brexit, Aldobrandini, Farnse, Somala

Jesuit Houses:

Borya Homes

Brixpir House

Somal House

House of Orsini (Orso)

Conti House

Kiji House

House of Colony

Farnese House

House of the Medici

House of Gaetani

Pamphili House

House of Este

House of Aldobrandini

Advice of a black nobility of 13 people:

Bruce, Kennedy (Cavendish), De Medici, Hanover, Habsburg, Krupp, Plantagenet, Rockefeller, Romanov (was struck out and betrayed), Sinclair (St. Clair), Warburg (Bank), Windsor (Saxe-Gota-Coburg)

Black Know:

Astor, Stanley, Morgan, Goldman, Coon/Con/Co./Cohen, Oppenheimer, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Spencer-Churchill, Stewart/Stewart, Planck, Smith, Jasper, Levy, Palmer, Gordon, Moore, Fitzgerald, Kennedy (Cavendish), Noble, Bennett, Forbes, Beresford, Bancroft, Barclay, Cabot, Higginson, Adams, Baker, Coffin, Cooper, Delano, Gardner, Otis, quincy, Rice, Bush, Lehman, Tudor, Sassoon, Sherman, Clark, Royce, Lindsay, Raffles, Robinson, Pratt, Bartlett, Abraham, Guggenheim,,

Black Noble Houses:

Bernadott House, Sweden

Bourbon House, France

Braganza House, Portugal

Grimaldi House, Monaco

House of Guelphs (Welf), United Kingdom (the most important of them)

Habsburg House, Austria

Hanover House, Germany (second most important)

House of Hohenzollerns, Germany

Karajordjevic House, Yugoslavia (former)

Liechtenstein House, Liechtenstein

Nassau House, Luxembourg

Oldenburg House, Denmark

House Orange, Netherlands

House of Savoy, Italy

Vettin House, Belgium

Wittelsbach House, Germany

Wuerttemberg House, Germany

The House of Sogu, Albanian

Committee 300 (2018)

The founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret explore these topics in their new book COVID-19: The Great Reset.

The main purpose of the book is to help us understand what lies ahead: it consists of three main chapters offering a panoramic view of the future landscape. 

🔹In the first is the impact of the pandemic on five key macro-categories: economic, social, geopolitical, environmental and technological factors. 

🔹On the second is the impact at the micro-level for specific industries and companies. 

🔹Thirn hypothesis assumes the nature of possible consequences at the individual level (vaccination, covid-passport/chips and other).

Professor Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.

Dr. Thierry Malleret, Co-Founder, Monthly Barometer.

Saadiya zahidi, Managing Director of the World Economic Forum.

Editor: Adrian Monk, Managing Director of the World Economic Forum.

For years, a fake story has been sold around the world that the Gates vaccine is a defense against the disease. But.., now the UN/WHO is forced to recognize that the Bill Gates polio vaccine is causing a polio outbreak in Sudan. WHO / circulating vaccine poliovirus type 2-Sudan

WHO's Gates oral vaccine causes another polio outbreak in Africa

A week after WHO announced the success of a decade-long vaccination campaign in Africa, its own oral vaccine itself triggered a new polio outbreak on the continent. A new polio outbreak in Sudan is linked to an oral polio vaccine that uses a weakened form of the virus. News of the outbreak comes a week after WHO announced that wild polio in Africa had been eradicated. In a statement on new cases, WHO reported that two children in Sudan, one from the State of Southern Darfur and the other from Gadarif State were paralyzed in March and April. Both were vaccinated against polio. WHO said initial investigations into the outbreak showed that the cases were linked to continued vaccination in Chad. 

As early as last November, new cases of oral vaccine polio were reported in four African countries. According to global health data, more children were paralyzed from vaccines than children infected with viruses in the wild.

The use of the oral polio vaccine was discontinued in the UK in 2004 and in the US in 2000, and the UN agency recommends that the use of the oral vaccine be discontinued due to the risk of outbreaks. Indian doctors have blamed Bill Gates' campaign for a devastating epidemic of acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) that has paralyzed 490,000 children in the country. In 2017, WHO reluctantly acknowledged that the global polio explosion is primarily a strain of vaccine, and that the worst epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan and the Philippines are linked to vaccines. In fact, in 2018, 70% of polio cases worldwide were caused by the vaccine strain.

Can anyone explain to us if COVID-19 appeared at the end of 2019, why on the website of World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) in 2018 were placed orders of countries for the kits for its testing?

The Russian Federation placed an order for "COVID-19 diagnostic test tools and devices" worth $20,843,01 and requested 35,111 units of what was called "COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Instruments and Apparatus"

The World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) is developed by the World Bank in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNSD) and in consultation with organizations such as the International Trade Center, the UN Statistical Office and the World Trade Organization.

🇨🇳In the Chinese kindergarten there is not only a slippery window sill, but also wooden toys. But Chinese children in the garden have a 🇷🇺Russian tricolor😂

A cooida propaganda helicopter flies over EU beaches and warns adults and children who are immune for the winter that they don't need to do so, and that other nonsense has nothing to do with medicine and health. 

And after all, the funds for refueling is not sorry. But they could actually save someone's life. 

Fact check: Rothschild did not patent a test for COVID-19 in 2015 and 2017

US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701 issued November 20, 2018)

You asked me when today's Hell would end. Answer. 

According to the World Ecomonic Forum, the "quarantine" and quarantine measures will end on March 25, 2025. By then, these perverts plan to send all of you, Friends, to a digital concentration camp. And it's perfectly official. 

The World Bank's document on this in pdf format in English can be read here

In the illustration part of the document - a screenshot of page 6/63: 

🔹Atat Approvals 02.04.2020, 

🔹Ator closing program - 31. 03. 2025.

You can read the World Bank's document about it in pdf format here 👇


Mark Dolan, an English TV and radio presenter, cuts his mask with scissors live: "If you want to save lives and get the country back on the road, the only way is to get back to normal.

The first step to achieving this is to cut all those pathetic masks."

☠️🇩🇪Crisis of Deutsche Bank: $50 trillion in debt leads to systemic collapse. 

Be prepared. 

"Always ready.

Just as in the case of the domino effect, just one fallen element is enough to bring down all the others, and this fragment can be Deutsche Bank. While many central banks around the world are experiencing a collapse but are still holding on, the collapse of Deutsche Bank could destroy the entire global financial system. 

As the banking crisis unfolds, the world's major central banks lose control and the world economy wanders without any hope or direction. From 2006 to the present, major central banks such as the Fed, the ECB, the Bank of Japan and the NBK increased their balance sheets from $5 trillion to $25.5 trillion, and most of the additional 20 tons of gold created was designed to support the financial system.

Simply put, central banks recklessly and endlessly create money out of thin air, which in real terms means that this money has no value. Even with these additional dollars, the world economy continues to crumble and, worse, global debt has skyrocketed from 125 trillion. 2006 to 280 trillion. dollars today.

The 15 largest U.S. banks have allocated $76 billion to cover bad debts, and 32 major European banks have allocated 56 billion euros. This is the highest volume of loans granted since the 2006-2009 crisis, which resulted in the collapse of Lehman and Bear Stearns. Accenture's consultants estimate that losses from bad debts could rise to $880 billion by the end of 2022. This will be 2.5 times more than the reserves on loans in 2009. Now Deutsche Bank is pursuing a very tough austerity program to try to balance the accounting after several years of losses. Their total assets amount to 1.3 trillion euros, and their own capital - 62 billion euros, respectively, their net worth is 4.7% of their total assets. Consequently, losses on loans of 5% will destroy their capital, but strategists are discussing that the upcoming losses on Loans Deutsche Bank may exceed 25%. 

Thus, if we add to the gross rate of derivatives of 50 trillion, a loss of 0.1% will be enough to bankrupt Deutsche Bank. In addition, being one of Europe's largest banks, Deutsche Bank has asked hundreds of its managers to voluntarily give up their monthly wages to try to keep their jobs under a cost-cutting program. The bank also plans to lay off about 18,000 employees by the end of 2022.

However, despite its fragility and financial difficulties, Deutsche Bank is the main supplier of the economy of European countries and has many bonuses from Italy, Spain, Portugal and other European countries. countries that fear economic deterioration that could lead to bankruptcy, which will force the bank to sell these values at low prices to pay off its debts, destroying or seriously damaging a number of European economies.

The Financial Stability Board issued a report listing financial institutions whose size and power are so large that their bankruptcy could be affected by a systematic global crisis that they called "too big to go bankrupt", which means that the bankruptcy of one of them could have unprecedented consequences and jeopardize the survival of the entire financial system.

They just stole everything. 

A 2020 study from medical researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles and Stanford University found that the chances of getting infected or dying from a cooid are much lower than previously thought. The study found that, on average, 50-64-year-olds are 1 in 19.1 million people more than 1 in 19.1 million people who die from COVID-19.

- The current likelihood of getting infected, going to hospital or even dying from covid-19 is an "extremely rare event".

🔹"people greatly overestimate their chances of getting sick and getting to the hospital"

🔹"average person in the middle district has a 1 in 3,836 chance of contracting coronavirus, and this is without wearing a mask or any social distance"

🔹" chances of getting to hospital are vanishing even for those at risk"

🔹" for the average person aged 50 to 64, the chances of contracting the virus and needing hospitalization are 1 in 852,000"

🔹" for the same person at risk, the chances of dying from coronavirus are 1 in 19.1 million"

🔹" and these figures have been since the last week of May, when the death rate was 16 times higher than last week"

"the risk of dying in a car accident is 1 in 114"

Satanic 33-degree Masonic ritual 👇

Engineers finish collecting Mark zuckerberg (May 14, 1984).

2007 Federal Office of Information Technology Security Udo Seifert, President of the Federal Office for Information Technology Security.

Nanotechnology's capabilities are moving further and further, and many researchers are looking at what quality will take scientific progress in the future. Does a person understand the further development of technology and mastering it, so that new technologies can be used as an aid to compensate for its physical and psychological shortcomings (#Синергия)? Or does a person overestimate their capabilities, and machines will one day not yield to him in their capabilities and even surpass it, so that there will be more partnership between man and machine (symbiosis)? Or will a new human race be born, when all parts of the body and brain can be replaced by artificial replicas (exchange)? 

4.3.4 application of biochips page

SS 58 DNA - chip Protein Chip Chip Cells Laboratory chip aufeine


4.3.4 biochip use DNA - chip Chip Protein Chip Cells 

... Nanits improve human genetic material... Thus, medical nanorobots usually destroy themselves so that they do not clog and turn into life-threatening embolisms (Corona???), for this reason nanorobots are also allowed to have only a certain maximum size depending on the area of use in the human body. For example, a maximum size of 5 microns is used for nanobobots floating in the blood, the most common medical Nanita. There are different ways of injecting nanites into the body, in addition to injection of conventional syringes there is also the possibility of nanitis inhalation. In this case, nanorobots enter the body through the lungs. Another method is to add nanites to the body through the mucous membrane or directly through the open wounds of Nanite.

Well, that's it. Now no one is hiding. 

United Nations: "The pandemic #COVID19 demonstrates what we all know: millennia of patriarchy have led to the dominance of men in a male-dominated world that is detrimental to all women, men, girls and boys. It is time to rebuild more equitable, inclusive and sustainable societies. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on 31 August 2020. 

It's time to leave not only WHO...

"Mysterious" Africa

🔹THE NEW YORKPOST: "Scientists cannot explain the mysterious absence of coronavirus outbreaks in Africa."

🔹Who interactive map Ookla 5G tracks 5G deployment in cities around the world: Morocco, Tunisia, 

Iraq, Iran, Libya, Egypt, S.Arabia, Oman, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Sudan, Yemen, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Kenya, Tanzania...

Wherever the feminine Bill Gates and his courageous wife go, they bring death and disease to them - these are modern Angels of Death. There was no autism in Vietnam until this sinister couple arrived there, just as There were 450,000 paralyzed children in India.

🔹CDC: Number of autism in America between 2000 and 2016

🔹Friend paedophile Epstein Gates and Eugenics

🔹 Article on Autism Trends 1975-2016.

 In the time the economies of nation-states kneel, the wealth of billionaires during what they have called a pandemic is growing:

🔹Jeff Bezos q $81,000,000,000 

🔹Ilon Musk $60,000,000,000 

🔹Mark zuckerberg q$41,000,000,000 

🔹Daniel Gilbert - $38,000,000,000

🔹Bill Gates q $15,000,000,000

🔹Charles Koch q $6,000,000,000

Meanwhile, 40 million Americans face eviction. 

🔹Sthiv Ballmer of Microsoft, who registered the notorious patent for an implant with three sixes in March 20, $11.6 billion.

These gentlemen in the foreseeable period of our reality increased their net worth, and in an eight-week period alone, they received 14 new billionaires who joined the list of US billionaires, bringing their total number from 614 to 628.

 Ravwin Baruch Levy in a letter to Karl Marx, La Revue de Paris, page 574, June 1, 1928: 

"The Jewish people as a whole will be their own Messiah. It will achieve world domination by destroying other races, abolishing borders, destroying the monarchy and establishing a world in which Jews everywhere enjoy the privilege of being citizens. In this NWO (New World Order) the children of Israel will destroy all leaders without opposition. The management of the various peoples forming a world republic will easily pass into the hands of the Jews. Then the Jewish rulers will be able to abolish private property and use public sources everywhere. Thus was the promise of the Talmud, which says that when the messianic time comes, the Jews will have in their hands all the property of the whole world." 

I was just joking when I said all these things on the internet about you, C. Please let me go now.

I was able to figure out where you took me while you were holding the bag on my head. We're in Lanfan. 

"Science 85" <program it by reading Tiananmen's copypasta.

🇺🇸 After As Saragosa (Spain) hastened to install a pavilion at the U.N. Exhibition Center to limit people infected with covid, who are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms of the disease, which marks the long-forgotten use of concentration camps, under the cover of night without covering it, Ohio Governor Mike DeVine and the Ohio Health Ministry have signed an order to prepare FEMA camps to isolate "asymptomatic" people.

I, Lance Hymes, interim director of the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), under the authority granted to me in R.C. 3701.04, "request reports and conduct inspections and investigations that the director deems necessary": R.C. 3701.13 - "to issue special orders... to prevent the spread of contagious or infectious diseases"; and R.C. 3701.14 - "to investigate or investigate the cause of illness or illness." including contagious, infectious, epidemic, pandemic or endemic conditions, and take immediate action to control and suppress them" ordering the following to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Ohio:

1. No non-congregate shelters should be used in the state for those who cannot safely carry self-carrantine in their place of residence and isolate those who are diagnosed or develop symptoms of COVID - 19. Examples of the types of persons included in this order are those who tested positive for COVID-19 who do not need hospitalization but need isolation (including those who leave hospitals); those who have been exposed to COVID-19 who do not need hospitalization, and high-risk asymptomatic persons who need social distancing as a measure. The placement of specific populations in uncongregate shelters should be determined by the instructions of a local health official and based on individual needs.


3. The Ohio State Emergency Management Agency (EMA) must obtain the necessary permits to use uncongregate shelters throughout the state, and local agencies must take all necessary measures to identify both public and private facilities, secure accessible space, and enter into any contracts or mutual assistance agreements that may be required to acquire, equip and operate uncongramried shelters throughout the state. If officials decide that there is a need for the state to operate a non-congregated shelter, the Ohio EMA should coordinate with the relevant government agencies,

4. Public colleges and universities are required to provide vacant land, buildings and facilities to such a college or university, which will be deemed necessary and appropriate after reasonable consultations between the relevant college or university officials and the local health board, the Ohio EMA or the District Emergency Management Agency for temporary use as a non-congregate shelter to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

PS: EMA is FEMA (F-federal) statewide.

A little drunk vice-chancellor of Austria.

The video caught the so-called "green" vice-chancellor Cogler in a slightly undesirable form. I wonder where he's coming from without security; Why drunk; and whether Austria will pay for the taxi driver/bomb this night trip.

We wouldn't recommend the vice-chancellor to walk around the city unguarded like this. That night, he was an easy victim of the "Novice" poisoners.

Your view is the schedule of mortality in Switzerland, where you can see the absence of excess mortality, statistically expected mortality in 2010-2020. Swiss Policy Research

2016. Photo By Sacher Wien Hotel. Alex Soros, creator of ASFAward:

"The question is, which of these flags will fall first?"

In the Stockholm dungeon in Sweden could not find a single mask, which, of course, we are about the high I.I. users of the capital subway.

Somewhere in another Europe. 

Kevin Spacey, Clinton, Pizza, entry in the black book of paedophile Epstein and Oscar . 

🇮🇱In a photo of a paedophile Spacey. The reason for the arrival of Oscar winner Kevin Spacey in Israel is simple: this once successful actor arrived at the Hotel Ganei Yerushalayim to comfort the family of Giger after the death of Rabbi Giger, the rabbi of the hotel. It is not clear what the connection between the family and the rabbi is, but if he went so far as to comfort her and even forced the dome over his head, it was probably a very close bond. If you know the connection of Casey with a paedophile of Jewish origin Epstein, all this leads to interesting thoughts ...

Both the masks and your distancing look something like this for the elite that watches you, Friends, with pleasure...

Economist (Rothschild): Britain and America have long resisted the introduction of a system of national identity. The pandemic showed why this is a mistake. The pandemic has highlighted the need for digital identification systems. 

🇬🇧 Johnson, who is Boris and who has been "sickened" by the cause of his legitimacy, is now going to spend $100 billion to test everyone in the UK and issue immunity passports that will allow residents to leave their homes. Jobs, schools, football stadiums, entertainment facilities, GP offices and pharmacies are all designated as potential testing sites. 🤦🏻 ♂️

Digital immunity passports will also be issued for those with a negative test result to ensure safe travel, return to work and other activities. The memorandum reads: "The Prime Minister called it our only hope to avoid a second national isolation before vaccination, which the country cannot afford." 😂

NWO on the march, Friends. And you've probably just calmed down...

Hollywood nervously smokes 🤐 on the sidelines 👇

Know HOW and a shocking video for suckers about the transfer of co-id patients in the UK in garbage bags, which are placed inside dump trucks carrying them and rubbish in an undisclosed place. 

In Britain, everything will be tough from Monday😂

From Monday to September 2020 in England a group of more than 6 people will be illegal. People will be encouraged to report to their neighbors. One of their control methods will be to turn normal people into snitches.

6 feet apart, 6% of the deaths from the cooids, no more than 6 people, what else can Satan say? He says 6 feet is the right distance for a facial recognition camera to recognize and tag you.

But even in the Middle Ages, people protested and resisted, even if it meant the risk of painful death. But now are different times, and men are not what they used to be. 

Interestingly, British politicians/government advisers who were caught violating social distancing/isolation rules: D. Cummings, Neil Ferguson, Catherine Calderwood, Rosie Duffield, were neither fined nor convicted verbally. But plebs, it's not politicians, plebs should go after their plan. 

The days of plebs will become increasingly oppressive, Evil and Tyranny will finally harden, and because of the increase in wickedness, love will cool down forever

🇺🇸 Probably looking at this photo from an American supermarket, we should wish you health and recommend to take care of your safety, which, in fact, we do.

🇩🇪 Minister for Environment, CDU-in-party Norbert Roettgen Frau Ebb.

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈

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