Murzilka 12. 

Murzilka 12. 

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

There are no perfect crimes. 

There's bound to be evidence in every case. The only thing we haven't found yet is the footprints on the asphalt, they're just invisible. But in the room - on the contrary, visible well. They are removed, by the way, as well as handprints - with the help of magnetic powder and dactylfilm.

Gathering evidence is also a race against time. After all, some traces may just disappear, so storing the cache is very important. For example, saliva, pieces of skin are suitable for examination within 12 hours. But fingerprints, on the other hand, are stored for a very long time - up to 15 years and even more.

At least one piece of evidence found is half the success of solving a case. But to find it, the researcher can spend a whole day checking every inch of the crime scene. That's how it is and will be, right up to the arrest and trial.

On June 23, 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a complaint with scientists at the Pirbrait Institute (England, Surrey) patent application No. 10.130.701 "a live attenuated coronavirus containing a variant of the resisea gene encoding polyproteins containing a mutation in one or more non-structural proteins (s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16." 

And on November 20, 2018, this patent was granted to the Pirbrait Institute for a ready-made "invention."

The project was sponsored by Bill Gates, who is actively involved in vaccine development programs to reduce the planet's population. Coronavirus is another link in the actions of the supranational world elite in this direction.

So, molecular biologists have seen on the electron microscopic image of the "English invention" structural details similar to 2019-nCoV. 

This pathogen can be mutated into a very real biological weapon. 

Stages of communism

Stage 1: The state closes exits for people and/or their property.

Stage 2: The state defines "substantial" rather than personality.

Stage 3: The state monopolizes the "means of production."

Stage 4: The state becomes the main source of income.

Stage 5: The State pushes people off the ground or otherwise regulates the food supply.

Stage 6: The state punishes the "rich" with ultra-high taxes.

Stage 7: The state punishes the "rich" with confiscation.

Stage 8: People get poorer, so they start to fight each other and lose sight of the real culprit.

Stage 9: total collapse, war, decline, abolition.

Stage 10: Reviving education with private property and other canvas development of the area.

In the United States, constitutionalists have guns and a strong tradition of freedom and private property. Therefore, if American citizens fail in the U.S., the Communists will seize power in other countries, lose all their politeness and immediately become violent. If American citizens succeed, the Communists will have to retreat.

🇺🇸CDC. U.S. testing data updated August 10, 2020

TOTAL TESTS: 65,756,307

NEGATIVE: 59,867,907 - 91%

POSITIVE: 5,888,400 - 9%

Total mortality: 161,842 mortality (% of positive tests) - 2.75% mortality, (%from general tests) - 0.25%

U.S. population: 331,000,000 deaths: 0.04%

Chance of not dying from a kovid: 99.96%

FINISH: A health passport must be officially put into effect from July 1 to re-circulate between the various countries of the Union.

An agreement was reached between MEPs and member states on a medical pass that would allow the use of the zR code to indicate that the owner had been vaccinated, that he had passed a negative test, or that he was immune after contracting a covid.

This two-European "ausweis" is nothing more than a vacation from a European open-air prison so that people can again circulate between different European countries.

Thus, the EU ratifies the creation of a gigantic European apartheid, depending on whether the person was vaccinated or not.

This device complements a whole repressive and libertarian arsenal, such as tracking, geolocation, total police, various and varied restrictions, muzzled, curfew and, finally, not least, media propaganda and censorship on social networks.

Europe, fighting against its peoples to establish forever domination before its economic collapse, planned for this year, a prelude to the Great Reboot of davos freak and madman to create a digital currency and universal unconditional income - carrot of total subordination of the entire middle class, the future of the European zombie class.

This nightmare scenario, on the other hand, does not prevent European Commissioner Didier Reynders from comparing this agreement with the election of the pope, enthusiastically tweeting:

"White Smoke: we have an agreement on the proposal of the Commission on the European Certificate of Covid. We have reached this new tool in record time to ensure freedom of movement for all citizens."

It is true that there is frankly something to rejoice in this "passport" which is nothing more than a simple vacation from a European prison, a prelude to the likely next more complex sesum, a kind of subcutaneous digital chip (tattoo with quant.-dot in the form of zR code), transhumanistic Swabian version of the current electronic bracelet for prisoners. 

We have to wait for the vaccination calls to 💉 to end in the investigator's office. 

"The vaccine makes us all more attractive."

That probably explains why the White House has teamed up with dating apps. It's hard to believe that it's actually real, but it is, and it's just crazy. Sadly, the country is completely under the "guidelines" invented by such idiots and mental perverts.

💉White House has partnered with major dating apps Tinder, Hinge, OkCupid, BLK, Chispa, Plenty of Fish, Bumble and Badoo to offer perks and badges #COVID19 those who have been vaccinated against ovidosis. 

💉Sware the Children and their natural immunity given by God.

Data this week showed 943 adverse events, including 23 rated as serious, among children aged 12 to 17.

Of the 4,201 deaths reported as of 14 May, 23% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% within 24 hours and 38% in people who became ill within 48 hours of vaccination.

 The Awakening1984

The album

A 15-year-old woman with Down syndrome and other pre-existing conditions was one of the reported deaths in VAERS

🤡💉sopic look at the coordinated MSM attacks on people making their own decisions about their own health, Friends. 

"We are surprisingly lucky in Britain that clowns with conspiracy theories against vaccines have received so little attention. Our vaccination coverage rate is the highest on the planet. This is partly due to excellent public health advertising campaigns. This is also because most Britons are level-headed types who overwhelmingly trust the NHS rather than internet eccentrics. You know what we mean. They inhabit a fantastic world in which jabs are a ploy of the global elite to control the minds of the population ...".

All this is so ridiculous that only a complete nerd and an idiot will be able to believe that such a degree of attacks is not coordinated by BigPharma, but dictated by common sense. Poor, poor, British plebs. If I were a supporter of total poisoning vaccination, from which a dozen people have already died in the EU (and this is only according to the data), Friends, I would after such crazy propaganda in the MSM thought, and on the other side of history I stand. Does common sense need this level of propaganda? 

But britons, as The Sun writes, are "balanced types"

Bill Gates: 

- Depopulation through compulsory vaccination: Environmentally friendly solution!

Article in a German newspaper:

"No one has died of C-19 without the original underlying disease" 

Professor Klaus Puschel said.

🇩🇪Resor of the German press

False virus: a team of more than 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. J. Rainer Fulmih has filed a lawsuit against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. This also applies to the violation of the Nuremberg Code, which is a basic ethical principle and which is currently being violated for the preparation and conduct of medical, psychological and other human experiments.

Source - Pro Lawsuit Dr. Fulmiha

Source - About violation of the Nuremberg Code

As if they were all connected to the same command center, so the leaders of individual countries reacted to the outbreak of the "coronapandemy". Ignoring the economic devastation and poverty of millions of people, they locked their populations and acted as if someone had controlled them.

Earlier we wrote about the upcoming global reboot led by the WEF (World Economic Forum). We also wrote about the Tactics of the Dutch government to use things like mouth-to-mouths to cause behavioural change in humans.

If you look closely, you can see that we are talking about the same thing, namely, the change in the behavior of the population, which is necessary for the reboot to take place.

Klaus Schwab, President of the WEF, said that we have a choice between constantly increasing current trends of polarization, nationalism, racism and rising social unrest, or creating a "new social contract".

He calls the change in behavior, which, in his opinion, is necessary in order to bring everyone in harmony with nature, not a reboot, but the Fourth Industrial Revolution. A process in which we will use cutting-edge technologies that will give us a "better life." So you need a complete reboot of everything. Also in his weaving you will find the word "behavior change" and it is not accidental. The Coronapandemia is an artificially created hoax to arrange a big planned reboot. The "virus" has led the world to a situation of isolation that, because of its economic consequences, provides the ideal basis for a reboot.

What is not very well known is that the WEF also participated in the 201 event, a large-scale pandemic exercise that took place just before the advent of the "real virus" and in which, of course, Bill and Melinda Gates play a major role. The Coronapandemia is nothing more than a false flag attack on the entire world population, and the peculiarity of each operation under a false flag is that there is always a teaching before or just before the actual event.

The new system, the new norm, will be completely different from what we are used to now. This is a very close cooperation between the leaders of the digital industry and the authorities. All this will also put an end to democracy, which will be replaced by a technocracy.

You can see how this system is taking shape right now. A system in which a citizen wins nothing and the government constantly hides behind the backs of scientific advisers to deprive the population of the remaining freedoms.

The new world is becoming a digital tyranny, with the social lending system of citizens as important an element as is the case in China. On top of that, the round-the-clock surveillance system, coupled with very strict censorship. The "restrictions" imposed on citizens under the Coronajoas will form the basis of this new Western social credit system. If you wear a mask, you belong to society, and if you are vaccinated, you can apply for a good job or take a vacation and fly off by plane.

Where the world should develop in a normal way, this is not happening now. It's quite the opposite, and it's also called social engineering. Completely transfer the company to another system, using, among other things, psy-ops (psychological surgery), as many governments do now. It is time to create a new digital tyrannical society. The technique that should serve humanity will now be used (massively) to keep the same humanity in check.

Therefore, the theme of the WEF-2021 meeting sounds: The Great Reboot.

The objectives of this agenda are well known because they are in fact the objectives of the 2030 agenda for the formation of a world government, presented by the Pope of the United Nations a few years ago. The motivation for the agenda presented then was based on the second Great Deception, climate shit. There, too, as with the virus, one long series of restrictions on the freedom of citizens, all this "to save the climate and the planet."

👁 Mortality from the so-called "vaccination: interim result!

German Info-Medico analyzed data from the Paul Ehrlich Institute:

While 206 documented deaths from more than 770 million vaccinations were reported between 2000 and 2020, more than 2,030 deaths have now been reported as a result of 14.3 million vaccinations (from 2021).

"From a purely mathematical point of view, this gives 30 times more side effects, 7.5 times more serious side effects and about 47 times more deaths per 100,000 injections."


By the way, separately on the schedule marked the so-called "vaccination" from the so-called "swine flu" 2009-2010. Remember that rehearsal of them?

🇺🇸 photo of Clinton with Epstein's victim. Bill, then 56, complained that his neck had flowing after he fell asleep on Epstein's infamous private jet during a humanitarian trip with a paedophile to Africa in September 2002. 

Clinton's team said Bill made only four trips with Epstein on the Lolita Express in 2002 and 2003, without specifying how many children he raped on those trains. Interestingly, the magazine of the silver-black airliner Boeing 727, dubbed the Lolita Express and carrying prominent passengers, including Churchill's grandson, Prince Andrew, Bill Gates and other paedophiles, shows that Clinton made a total of at least 26 separate flights in those years alone.

I wonder if Maxwell has the same photos of Bill Gates, Epstein's permanent guest, and the UNrelated statement from WHO that the code locks are useless with all of this.

Microsoft founder, philanthropist and richest man In the world Bill Gates was associated with the late financier Jeffrey Epstein. Their close relationship was reported by The New Yorker back in 2019, which received emails from MIT Media Lab directors saying that the convicted sex offender "gave instructions" to Gates to donate $2 million to a research lab in October 2014.

The two are known to have met, including a meeting in New York in 2013 that preceded Gates' trip to Palm Beach on one of Epstein's private jets. It is also known that Gates' former chief scientific adviser was appointed an alternative executor of Epstein's will. 

Despite this, a spokesman for Gates told Business Insider that "although Epstein persistently harassed Bill Gates, any history of business partnerships or personal relationships between them is categorically untrue."

However, flight records, general interests in biotechnology and internal emails do not lie. The two men had more in common than meets the eye. Both had a common interest in eugenics, a perverse form of science that seeks to genetically modernize the human population (think of the RNA vaccine against the cooida that reprograms your DNA). Bill Gates speaks openly about depopulation, and Jeffrey Epstein was passionate about creating a genetically superior race, using his sperm to impregnate selected women. According to scientists who spoke with Epstein, he expressed interest in impregnating up to twenty women at a time at his ranch in New Mexico to create "genetically superior" children from some of the most successful people in society. 

NBC reported that it was a shock to us that the Gates-Epstein connections were coming to light.

In connection with quite the above, we consider it our duty to re-bring what our source told us about Epstein's ranch, as it finally connects all the points in this story: 

"Tonight I was at a party with a friend I'll call "Frank." Frank is quite rich and has very good connections thanks to his work, which I will not go into details for obvious reasons. Towards the end of the meeting, he invited me into his office, and we were just chatting nonsense when he talked about Maxwell's arrest: "You know, the public misunderstands everything."

I was obviously intrigued, so I decided to continue. Here's my recollection of what he said to me then:

Epstein and Yizlen were not just sex traffickers, but the owners of a major secret operation. The island he owned, little St. James, was at the center of it all. Although there is a mansion and several other objects scattered on the surface, they are nothing more than a distraction.

When the FBI finally obtained the appropriate search warrants after his final arrest, what they found was like "something from a sci-fi movie." Beneath the surface of the island is a massive compound "imagine a nuclear bunker on steroids."

A dormitory the size of a football field with hundreds of beds. A huge warehouse for storing food/water/fuel and other different items. School, cafeteria, even a recreation area with tennis courts, ping pong tables, basketball hoops, etc.

There was also a medical facility - and this is where everything becomes really strange. Row behind a number of cryogenically stored sperm and eggs. Carefully organized and with tagged samples - albeit under a pseudonym (e.g. RJ150709).

Researchers believe that sperm and eggs have been donated by numerous visitors to the island, although to date they have not found any information that links specific people to conker samples.

... That's where the trail cools down. All of the recovered computers, in addition to personal computers, are equipped with "military-grade encryption" and they have not found any physical documents explaining what the operation was intended for. (c)

We'll let ourselves keep it without specifying the source.

⚠️ Y have written a lot about the fact that the majority of those who died from the cooids are residents of nursing homes and similar institutions. In June 2020, it was found that almost half of the people in the Netherlands who died from what they called a covid lived in a nursing home, in Britain, according to various data, the figures range from 50 to 75% of deaths, in the U.S. to 70%, Italy to 75% and so on. Today, The Australian has published a direct confession to the premeditated murder of the "old and weak" under the kind of noise and hysterics.

🔹 "Sick euthanized residents locked in nursing homes"

🔹 "Older people in care facilities for the elderly infected with COVID-19 are denied hospitalization and are instead intensively put to sleep in understaffed and under-performing nursing homes."

🔹"Australia Department of Health and Human Services of Victoria has refused to hospitalize the elderly residents of the city infected with COVID. Instead, residents with clinical needs who were at risk of infection with other residents and staff were given medication including morphine, midazolam or the antipsychotic drug Risperidone." ☠️

🇨🇳Accome to The New York Times, Apple has caved in to Beijing's demands to the point where it compromised the security of its users' data. 

Perhaps Apple's biggest compromise, according to the report, is related to a new data center that the company is building in Guiyang, China. The report says the data center, which will be completed next month, will store Apple servers containing information about Chinese users.

The fact that the data center is located in China is already a problem because it will be vulnerable to invasion by the Xi government. Worse, Apple user data in China is partly controlled by a third-party firm controlled by the Chinese government, and the physical control and operation of the data center will be carried out by Chinese government officials. In addition, although the data will be encrypted, the keys to unlock the servers will also be stored in China.

"In its data centers, Apple's compromises have made it virtually impossible for the company to prevent the Chinese government from accessing the emails, photos, documents, contacts and locations of millions of Chinese people," security experts and engineers said.

The data center is not the only case when Apple has yielded to Beijing's demands. The company also censored content in the App Store to remove content that the regime considered illegal, such as the Dalai Lama, the independence of Taiwan or Tibet, the Falun Gong spiritual movement and the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989.

Since 2017, some 55,000 active apps have disappeared from the Apple app store in China, most of which remain available in other countries. 

Of this to many, Friends, it should be obvious who will manage the world according to Apple when the introduction of the new normality is completed.

🤡 Soping this GAMERth outlines his plans for humanity, which he says have been tested on humans.

"Vaccines will penetrate the brain, creating a receiver that prevents people from thinking clearly, turning them into a zombie!" 

Gilbert also said that it is not only organized hurricanes and electromagnetic fields that will be involved in biological destruction. "There will also be pollution that we will add to the blood and veins of all mankind, creating the very same infections."

⚠️ In the New ealand "quarantine camps" have appeared.

Following one of the "five eyes" countries returning despite the minimum number of coovid deaths, Australia, just hours after the first positive test on Covid-19 in another country of "five eyes" in New York, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern decided to place Auckland in isolation with the code "3" - the closure of schools and businesses. 

The cause of the blocks were four people from the same family, who tested positive for the covid. According to the New ealand Prime Minister Ardern, genomic sequencing is currently being introduced in the country, and if the source cannot be found by Friday, the boiler block will be extended.

"I know it's disturbing, But we have a plan," the prime minister said on Wednesday, adding that her team had prepared for an outbreak despite the absence of cases for three months, telling the postponement of the planned dissolution of Parliament, which was due to take place on Wednesday, "It is too early to make a decision, but there is some flexibility in rescheduling the election date if necessary," Ardern said in a teleconference to the media, adding that the poll could be postponed until November 21.

In the rest of New York, the level of preparedness has been upgraded from 1 to 2, which means that social distancing and improved hygiene measures must now be followed.

"The best scenario is if we can identify the source of the infection, which will give us more opportunities to ensure proper tracking of contacts and isolated individuals," Ardern said, "You will hear how we continue to report updates as to whether we are approaching this information or not. If we can't identify the source and see the positives, the source of which is hard to find, it complicates the task."

In New zealand, by the way, despite the ridiculousness of what was called a pandemic, if we compare the numbers of infected with other countries, there are already "quarantine camps". Mandatory quarantine in such camps will apply to both new cases and, if necessary, close family members who may be at risk of being forced out of the home if people refuse to comply.

The fact that the Government has so easily and so carelessly taken and stated it without any legal concern should probably concern many New zealanders, since their authorities pretend that this is perfectly normal and legal, and that it is because of the virus, not because of the elections. 

In fact, the authorities of this country completely ignore such basic things for any politician-patriot of their country and homeland as assessment of the risk and benefits of any intervention, based on the consequences for the freedom, health and prosperity of the majority.

So, Friends, we see that globalist elites have developed a unique individual plan for each of the countries involved in the process. Each of them together gives the desired result. What is clear as the day is now is that the five-eyed countries, Australia and New ealand will be the first to fully switch to compulsory quarantine, not tied to the figures of co-or.0 statistics leading to compulsory vaccination. Next up, Great Britain.

It seems, Friends, that the Nazis were amateurs compared to the governments of New York and Australia. After all, both countries have one of the lowest rates of per capita disease and death. But, nevertheless, they move at the speed of light to become clones of North Korea. 

"Two weeks ago I drove past a camping site in Dorset with extensive electrical, digital and other infrastructure. A local engineer told me that it was for "us" and that he had to sign "non-disclosure" so that he could refit it," a local resident wrote to us, explaining the situation. 

We hope you now understand why Australia and not only some ministers have already openly called for submission and recognition of the new world order #NWO.

1987, The Deputy Chairman of the Soviet Cultural Foundation Georgi Myasnikov and The American financier George Soros sign an agreement on bilateral cooperation.

Children and covid.

(ea) after section 25 insert: 25A removal of children

(1) Without stepping back from Article 25, authorized official

may, in order to ensure compliance with any instruction provided in this section, remove the child from any premises, place, vehicle or vessel to the child's place of residence or to a hospital or quarantine facility, as the authorized official deems appropriate (and may use the force that is reasonably necessary).

(2) (2) in this section, a child is a person under the age of 18;

so far only in Austria

Larry Summers and Bill Gates at Jeffrey Epstein's mansion in May 2011, after he left prison and was registered as a paedophile.

🇺🇸"Bill Gates Is a Paedophile" (c)

Founder, a company that offers online training for entrepreneurs, Clay Clark calls Live on Newsmax Bill Gates a paedophile and says he doesn't need to listen at all:

"Bill Gates is a paedophile. He says hello to paedophiles. Why would you listen to a paedophile about what to do with your children?"

The revelations come amid revelations about the president of the Child Abuse Prevention Society, who helped Epstein select children for the sex-joy elite.

Everything you need to know about Bill Gates was written on February 7, 2018 at 12:43 p.m. on "Locks News Network": 

-Bill Gates' former doctor says the billionaire "refused to vaccinate his children."

Who will grow out of children who will be subjected to this kind of abuse in school with separation from each other, which is nothing but psychological violence on a child, we can only guess.

The 2nd wave of the kovid can become a permanent lock, so try to get to where you want to be before these possible important dates of likely important events to be prepared for, 22-23 September, 5 October, 31 October, 1 November.

The only exclusive interview of Kovida, who kindly agreed to answer one single question "fake it or not": "I'm a fake and a pederast"



The Rockefeller Foundation's pdf 🖕

New York Tams February 23, 1938: "... A depressing picture of 6,000,000 Jews in Central Europe, deprived of protection or economic opportunity, slowly dying of hunger, losing all hope, was presented to teachers by Jakob Tarshis..."

🇺🇸This the deceased Stephen Hawking, who was considered by many to be who we were or never mistaken for, is also present in Epstein's files, including records in the lolita Express flight magazine and Epstein's black book. Pictured is Cambridge professor Hawking at a private pedo party on Jeffrey Epstein Island.

🇺🇸Epstein was more than an elite paedophile pimp. His role in the world of crazy people is connected with technology, as well as with transhumanism. I bet he's in Tel Aviv, London, KSA or anywhere else in Switzerland. Meanwhile, the meme "Epstein Didn't Kill Himself" continues to gain popularity not only online, but also offline.

The pilot in the face of danger, driving the plane, in the tragic moment when his Cessna, as seen in the video below, fails the only engine, his last words recorded for his family and Myra were: "Epstein did not kill himself" (Epstein Didn't Kill Himself).

Photo from Gavi's conference in Berlin on pledging in January 2015: "BEFORE EVERY CHILD"

Apparently, this guy, who is well aware that he has visited the so-called "closed kingdom of paedophiles" Epstein Island, with whom he was very friendly, will never leave the children alone. 

Everything you need to know about Bill Gates was written on February 7, 2018 at 12:43 p.m. on "Locks News Network": Bill Gates' former doctor says that the billionaire "refused to vaccinate his children."

Hopefully now you understand, Friends, why the founder of, Clay Clark calls Bill a live paedophile: "Bill Gates is a paedophile. He says hello to paedophiles. Why would you listen to a paedophile about what to do with your children?"

The revelations come amid revelations about the president of the Child Abuse Prevention Society, which helped Epstein select children for the sex-joy elite.

⚠️ In Germany, due to the illegality of previously imposed locks, restrictions on the rights of citizens and other things, a post-31 scandal is brewing. 

The current rule control procedure in the Bavarian Administrative Court shows that there are no files in the Bavarian government on the basis of which Marcus Soder's decisions on the massive restriction of the fundamental rights of citizens were implemented. Lawyer Jessica Hamed of the Hesse law firm Bernhard Korn and Partner, describes the procedure in an email published on August 17 as scandalous.

"On five pages (...) The Ministry of Health of Bavaria stated that there were no official files and that they could not be collected," the lawyer wrote in a statement.

During the ongoing proceedings, the Free State of Bavaria announced, according to Ms. Hamed, that the state government had made its decisions on the basis of "scientific research", "press reports" and "individual discussions with virologists" without their specific instructions. 


Imagine the size of the U.S. territory compared to Germany and what sort of flight to be done ! 

#COVID19 17/08/2020 Europe and Africa.

22,043,483 cases of infection. 

777,076 Deaths

14,784,789 Recovered

🔹SUS 5,612,027

🔹Brazilia 3,363,235 

🔹India 2 701 604

🔹Russia 927 745

🔹AR 589 886

🔹Perou 541 493

🔹Mexics 525 733

🔹Colombia 476 660

🔹Chily 387 502

🔹Spey 382 142 

🔹Iran 345,450

🔹BRID 319,197

🔹Saud Arabia 299,914 

🔹Argentina 299 126 

🔹Pakistan 289 215 

🔹Bangladesh 279 144

According to WHO data for 2018, 1.2 million people died worldwide, and 1.7 million, 1.7 million, a year earlier. That is, in the two years prior to what was called the WHO TB pandemic, more than 3 million people died from tuberculosis.

Back in 2015, it was reported that 28 prominent Australians were involved in paedophilia, including 

🔹bething Prime Minister, former Australian Finance Minister Paul Keating, 

🔹y wife- Australian artist of Dutch origin Anna Johanna Maria "Annita" Van Lersel, also known as Annita Keating, 

🔹 of The Current Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, 

🔹the famous Jeffrey Epstein, 

🔹pop diva Iggy Azalea, 

🔹American musician Robert Sylvester Kelly, 

🔹 Australian investment banker, former politician who was the 44th Prime Minister of New South Wales, Minister for Infrastructure, Minister for Western Sydney and Leader of New South Wales, Mike Baird, 

🔹 professor and director of the U.S. Naval College, who worked for the Australian Government and the U.S. Special Operations Command in Tampa, Dr. Adam Cobb and others.

In 2019, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison stood on the same stage as senior pastor of Australia's largest Hillsong church, Brian Houston, at the Hillsong Cult conference. At the time, Brian Houston was under criminal investigation for covering up violent rape.

"I'm honored to be here in the middle of the Hillsong conference, we've been coming here for a long time, and we've attended the Waterloo meeting before," Scott Morrison's wife said from the stage at the time.

Meanwhile, the Waterloo Congregation was overseen by pastor Frank Houston. Some media reported that in Waterloo, two young children witnessed the ritual murder of a child named Helen Karipidis, for which they subsequently received compensation from the NSW Victims' Relief Service for the trauma.

Politicians, doctors, lawyers, teachers, childcare workers, police officers - many of whom had trust in the community and had access to children - were implicated in the Australian paedophile sex fraternity and were involved in sex crimes against children. 

We hope you now understand why so many children go missing every year in the world and why it is in Australia that politicians are calling for the recognition of the New World Order because of the fore, which would write off all the crimes of this clique.

Recognize that this is the New World Order.

Following the NSW Minister of Health and Medical Research, Wakehurst member Brad Hazzard, who called for the NWO to comply when he said: "... We must recognize that this is a new world order..." such a statement is made by the British MP. Member of Parliament Tobias Ellwood, in his congratulation to Barbara Woodward (Britain's new ambassador to the UN), said it must "force the UN to urgently adapt to the New World Order." 

Interestingly, the same woman who "should convince the UN of adopting the NWO" is also Britain's ambassador to China, which is one of the main sponsors of the introduction of the new normality.

"Congratulations to Barbara Woodward, our new ambassador to the United Nations," Ellwood writes, "She has brought tremendous experience to this role, not least because of her recent appointment as our ambassador to China. This is a critical time for the UK to force the UN to urgently adapt to the new world order.

The first photo of the WHO-approved vaccine.

🇺🇸 Trump was pleased with the kids at school from the younger age group. They thematically prepared for the meeting of the president properly and not only with the help of an incomprehensible flag: 

🔹B pederast/gay/fun;

🔹When the throaty/screaming/loud;

🔹When loud/furious/ferocious;

🔹Bnoo Latino (Latinx- gender-neutral neologism);

🔹Bog is a fat black woman and she's mad at all of you. 

🔹Gei-natural (norm).

"The Simpsons" is the most famous "media" that "predicts" the future. But this is not a prediction or a happy guess. The show's creator Matt Groening-free Mason is 33rd grade. Mr. Burns represents Jacob Rothschild, who is the richest man in the world because he owns the Central Bank and the Fed. He is also the head of the Freemasons. Groening doesn't really predict, he just has inside information about what plans the globalists want to implement.

Episode "Marge in Chains": Since 1993, everyone in Springfield begins to order fashionable blenders. However, one of the factory workers in Japan fell ill and coughed on the blender before sending it to the United States. That's how the "Osaka Flu" came to America. As a team, most people in the city fall ill, thanks to the spread of Osaka flu, which caused massive chaos.

Video is another cartoon of the 90s predicts the new world order and RFID chips.

The protocols of sion are for those who prefer to have an archival image that is easy to read, rather than a PDF that can be found online on their own.

🇺🇸"The world no longer works this way. Now we are an empire, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying this reality, we're going to act again, creating other new realities that you can study, and that's all for you. We are the actors of history ... and you, everyone, will only have to study what we are doing." ©Swest of the head of the George W. Bush administration, Karl Rove.

Despite the fact that young children are immune as a result of anti-ticide measures that have nothing to do with medicine, and so over the summer there is nowhere to be planted below, they are again forced to wear masks at school and shoved into prison cells from plexiglass. I wonder how those who call themselves teachers, teachers, educators and others could go for this. Is it really more important for them to work with this kind of quasi-medical violence more important than the psycho-moral-emotional-physical health of these children, who is the future of any country.

Austria has not recorded an increase in the number of deaths due to coovid. 

Between 16,000 and 17,000 people die each year in Vienna - about 45 people a day or 300 a week. In 2020, Vienna (until 9 August, 32 calendar weeks) failed to identify any increased mortality that could be associated with COVID-19 - neither in the 0-64 age group nor among the elderly (65): In March 2020, the death toll was within expected levels. Our analysis includes all deaths of people living in Vienna who have died in Austria and have been taken from the Central Registry of Civil Status (zPR) of the Statistical Office of Austria. 

There are also no excess mortality in the ten Euromomo member countries: Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Portugal.

Slightly increased mortality rates in England, where elderly people are locked up in hospitals and nursing homes, putting them under stress, killing their immunity and leaving them alone with the infection.

Shane Patton - Chief Police Commissioner for Administrative Compliance Of Legislators in Victoria tells how they pinched and how they would pinch Australians by pulling them out of cars, houses, smashing windows of cars, houses, and taking children away if necessary. For Australians, the well-fed and carefree life is over. 

This video is several years old, but it has become even more relevant than when this Englishman performed this gorgeous:

You can shove your New World Order (#NWO) in your ass.

🇺🇸Epstein didn't kill himself😉

🇺🇸 In view of the unabated media reports about the type of chewing iron in the United States, according to some figures like Fauci and other Gates, we still give one example of how statistics on the covid in the states are formed. 

According to the certificate, the citizen complained of pain in his knee. The diagnosis of this citizen, as can be seen from the same medical certificate, is encoded by COVID19:

- Exit Diagnosis: Suspicion of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome of coronavirus.

This is a clear example of how to lie and why the figures of the statistics of the glpuo are considered as the truth. And it's not just in the states. We know of such cases in Europe and around the world. 

More than $250 million has been allocated from the Gates Foundation for journalism. 

Recipients included news outlets such as BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian, Univision, Medium, Financial Times, The Atlantic, Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington Monthly, Le Monde and the Center for Investigative Journalism; charities associated with news agencies such as BBC Media Action and the New York Times's Neediest Cases Fund; media companies such as "The Participant," whose documentary "Waiting for Superman" supports Gates's charter program; journalists such as the Pulitzer Crisis Center, the National Press Foundation and the International Center for Journalists; and many other groups that create news content or work in journalism, such as the Leo Burnett Company, an advertising agency that Gates commissioned to create a "news site" to promote the success of aid groups. In some cases, recipients say they have distributed some of the funding as sub-grants to other journalistic organizations, making it difficult to understand the full picture of Gates' funding of the fourth government.

The foundation even helped fund a 2016 American Press Institute report that was used to develop recommendations on how editorials can maintain editorial independence from charitable sponsors. Gates' generosity seems to have helped create an increasingly friendly media environment for the world's most prominent charity. Twenty years ago, reporters scrutinized Bill Gates' initial foray into charity as a means of enriching his software company, or as a PR event designed to save his tarnished reputation after Microsoft's bitter antitrust battle with the U.S. Department of Justice. Today, the foundation is often the subject of soft profiles and vivid editorials describing its good work.

During the pandemic, news outlets covered Bill Gates extensively as a public health expert on the covid, although Gates has no medical background and is not a government official. He is nothing at all, and came, as it is said, "... in the name of your...". PolitiFact and USA Today (managed respectively by the Poynter Institute and Gannett, both received funds from the Gates Foundation) also used their fact-checking platforms to protect Gates from "false conspiracy theories" and "misinformation," such as the idea that the foundation has financial investments in companies developing coronavirus vaccines and treatments. In fact, the fund's website and recent tax forms clearly state investments in companies such as Gilead, which is affiliated with Astra'eneca, which has a vaccine contract with Russia's R-Pharma, and CureVac.

Just as the media has given Gates a voice in the pandemic, the foundation has long used its charitable donations to shape public discourse on everything from global health to education and agriculture - a level of influence that has placed Bill Gates on the list of the world's most influential people according to Forbes.

🇺🇸 We Believe You All Saw Gates' Appearance in a University Auditorium, where he said, answering a student's question, that he could achieve his depopulation program through family planning (abortion), public health care and vaccination around the world. 

Omitting the moment when he almost started to succeed in India, where he maimed more than 450,000 children with his vaccines, we know how he paired with Soros to fund Wuhan, where he worked for Trump's arrested two, also arrested By Trump, Professor Lieber's Chinese counterparts. 

If I had been asked who the creator of Pandemic was, I would have answered Gates and Soros with the active participation of a conman from Fauci's medicine, the hands of Professor Liber, now sitting on an American kech.

We see the birth of a new medical science, the New Medical Religion. It is born just as Marxism was born. Gates is the creator of the New Medical Religion. 

Once upon a time Marx came "... in his name..." now came Gates"... in the name of your...". 

But a descendant of the family of hereditary rabbis Marx wrote Capital at the request of his cousin Rothschild. Karl Marx's real name and surname is Mordechai Levy. In fact, Marxism would have been called lefty, but Mordechai was a very modest man, and did not even work (modesty did not allow, he lived on the money of a friend Engels, who received this money from the ruthless exploitation of workers in his own factories). The main achievement of Marx-Levy was not even Marxism, but the fact that he introduced into his teaching an irreconcilable contradiction between different groups of people, which can end only with the extermination and suppression of dissenters (this happened in Russia thanks to such adherents as Trotsky-Bronstein, for example).

The creation of the New Medical Religion is based on the creation of Mordechai that we see not only in the U.S., where the plebs are divided on the sides and feuds... 

The number one task of any State is to protect the basic rights of citizens and, at the same time, to ensure compliance with laws and regulations. However, this did not prevent the German government from banning demonstrations against the federal government's boiler-like rules. This is nothing more than an open attack on one of the highest fundamental rights of any citizen of any country, going against and against any proportionality and, moreover, following in the canvas of political stupidity, hardly yet somewhere else surpassed.

In fact, Germany violates the social contract by giving carte blanche to citizens to decide to submit to the designated totalitarianism and accept it or reject it, again taking to the streets.

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈

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