Мурманск меридиан алкоголизма

Мурманск меридиан алкоголизма

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Привет, друзья! Я решила поделиться с вами интересной информацией о Мурманске - городе, который известен не только своими суровыми зимами и живописными пейзажами, но и "Мурманским меридианом алкоголизма". Вы наверняка слышали о том, что алкоголь культурно входит в жизнь многих россиян, однако в Мурманске это становится настоящей проблемой. Я расскажу вам о том, как этот меридиан стал таким популярным и как жители борются с этой проблемой. Если вы хотите узнать больше о том, как алкоголизм влияет на жизнь мурманчан, то читайте мою статью!

Murmansk Meridian of Alcoholism: The Struggle Against Addiction


Murmansk, a port city located in northwestern Russia, is infamous for its high rate of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems. The city's location on the Arctic Circle, harsh climate, and isolation from the rest of the country have all contributed to the alcohol epidemic that has plagued Murmansk for decades. This article will explore the reasons behind the city's high levels of alcoholism, the consequences it has for its residents, and the efforts being made to combat the problem.

The Scope of the Problem

According to statistics, Murmansk has one of the highest rates of alcohol consumption in Russia. In 2019, the city ranked seventh in the country in terms of per capita alcohol consumption, with an average annual consumption of 18.6 liters of pure alcohol per person. The consequences of this excessive drinking are dire. Alcohol-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths are common in Murmansk, and the city has one of the highest mortality rates from alcohol-related causes in Russia.

Causes of Alcoholism in Murmansk

Several factors contribute to the high levels of alcoholism in Murmansk. The city's harsh climate and isolation from the rest of Russia make it difficult for residents to engage in outdoor activities or socialize with others. This leads many to turn to alcohol as a means of coping with boredom and loneliness. Additionally, the city's history of heavy industry has left many residents unemployed and struggling to make ends meet, which can also lead to excessive drinking.

Efforts to Combat Alcoholism

Despite the challenges, there are a number of organizations in Murmansk working to combat the city's alcohol epidemic. One such organization is the Murmansk Clinical Narcological Dispensary, which provides medical and psychological assistance to individuals struggling with addiction. The city also has numerous support groups for recovering alcoholics, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and the White Crow movement.


In conclusion, Murmansk's high rate of alcoholism is a complex issue with deep roots in the city's history and geography. However, with the help of organizations working to provide support and assistance to those struggling with addiction, there is hope for reducing the number of alcohol-related problems in the city.

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