Murder Hole

Murder Hole


"Meurtrière" redirects here. For the 2006 French film, see Meurtrières.
For the feudal execution site, see Drowning pit.
A murder hole or meurtrière is a hole in the ceiling of a gateway or passageway in a fortification through which the defenders could fire, throw or pour harmful substances or objects such as rocks, arrows, scalding water, hot sand, quicklime, tar, or boiling oil, down on attackers. Boiling oil was rarely used because of its cost.[citation needed] Similar holes, called machicolations, were often located in the curtain walls of castles, fortified manor houses, and city walls. The parapet would project over corbels so that holes would be located over the exterior face of the wall, allowing the defenders to target attackers at the base of the wall.
The primary difference between these two features is in their location. Murder holes were located on the interiors of castles and other fortified buildings at the entranceway. Their supposed intention was to discourage (or kill) invaders once they had breached the walls, though it has been suggested that they may have in some cases also facilitated more prosaic activities, such as communication between levels.[citation needed] For example, the murder hole at Audley's Castle in County Down, Northern Ireland is located not over the main threshold, but over the entry way to an interior room.[citation needed]
In tower houses, often considered aetiologically to be small castles, the most common location for these features is located over the lobby, the effective equivalent of locating them over a gatehouse in a true castle. It bears note that most, if not all, murder holes have only a restricted view of the lobbies below, supporting the idea that other uses may have been common.[citation needed] However, murder holes have been described in a variety of areas within fortified buildings, and there is no completely reliable formula for their placement. The murder hole in Tully Castle, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland is located in the central portion of the first floor of the house, west of a cross wall and piercing the vault of the lower chamber.[1][2]
^ Waterman, D. M. (1959). "Tully Castle, Co., Fermanagh". Ulster Journal of Archaeology. 22: 123–126. JSTOR 20567540.
^ "The Murder Hole at Tully". TripAdvisor.
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en hole in the ceiling of a gateway or passageway
Get it through the murder hole and then take cover.
Кинь ее через " дыру-убийцы ", и прячься.
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Get it through the murder hole and then take cover.
Кинь ее через " дыру-убийцы ", и прячься.
We know what a murder hole is, but it won't work.
Мы знаем, что такое убийственная яма, но это не сработает.
Move fast and clear those murder holes
Двигайтесь быстрее и уничтожьте эти норы
Сговор с целью убийства Лэйна Хола.
Well, I was hoping they would charge me with the murder of the sweet old guy rather than conspiracy to murder Lane Hole.
Я надеялся, что они скорее обвинят меня в преднамеренном убийстве безобидного старичка, чем в заговоре с целью убийства Лэйна Хола.
And you're paying me back by trying to blow a hole in my murder case.
И вы отплатили мне, развалив мое дело об убийстве? Дело не в этом.
Send you down the rabbit hole on Miguel's murder so you don't solve Olivia's.
Подстроил тебе ловушку - послал расследовать убийство Мигеля, чтобы отвлечь от убийства Оливии.
They died today, murdered by some real arse-holes.
Они умерли сегодня, убиты какими-то ублюдками.
Someone wanted to make sure Emory didn't survive, and used the bullet hole to hide the murder.
Кто-то хотел убедиться, что Эмори не выживет, и использовал рану от пули для скрытия убийства.
Yeah, that bullet hole may have solved the murder.
Да, и отверстие от пули позволяет привязать их к убийству.
Chris Winter witnesses Abigail's murder..... buries something here, down one of these holes.
Крис Винтер очевидец убийства Абигайл закапывает что-то здесь, в одну из этих ям.
“These missions have not yet been completed and the army will continue to operate as fast as possible until the mission is completed, until they dismantle the terrorist infrastructure of Arafat and until they catch the murderers who are holed up in various places, including the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.”
«Эти миссии еще не завершены, и армия будет продолжать по возможности быстрее осуществлять свои операции до завершения миссии, до тех пор, пока не будет уничтожена террористическая инфраструктура Арафата и пока не будут пойманы убийцы, которые окапались в различных местах, включая Храм Рождества Христова в Вифлееме»
“These missions have not yet been completed and the army will continue to operate as fast as possible until the mission is completed, until they dismantle the terrorist infrastructure of Arafat and until they catch the murderers who are holed up in various places, including the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.”
«Эти миссии еще не завершены, и армия будет продолжать по возможности быстрее осуществлять свои операции до завершения миссии, до тех пор, пока не будет уничтожена террористическая инфраструктура Арафата и пока не будут пойманы убийцы, которые окапались в различных местах, включая Храм Рождества Христова в Вифлееме».
You know, it's as if your victim found a hole in the time-space continuum and was murdered decades ago.
Похоже, наша жертва нашла дыру в пространственно-временном континууме. И была убита десятки лет назад.
The last thing I need is the two of you poking holes in a solid public confession where an innocent citizen was murdered.
И последнее, чего я хочу это вы двое, создающие дыры в твердом публичном признании в котором невиновный гражданин был убит.
We also spoke to Nelson Avila, a caddie who saw you at hole number 19, where the golf clubs were stored the morning after the murder.
Мы также поговорили с Нельсоном Авила, работником гольф-клуба, он видел вас возле лунки 19, где хранились клюшки в утро после убийства.

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