


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coin of Anund Jacob ( r. c. 1022–1050)
For the legendary kings placed in this dynasty by the Icelandic sagas, see List of legendary kings of Sweden § Munsö dynasty .
Attested in Antiquity (ca. 3,000 BC–500 AD), Migration Period ( c. 300–538 AD), and the Germanic Iron Age ( c. 476–793)

Segimerus ( c. 9 BCE–9 CE)
Arminius (9–21)

Maroboduus ( c. 9 BCE–18 CE)
Catualda (18 CE-)
Ballomar ( c. 166– c. 172)

Hermeric ( c. 419-438)
Rechila (438-448)
Rechiar (448-456)

Alaric I (395-410)
Athaulf (410-415)
Sigeric (415)
Wallia (415-418)
Theodoric I (418-451)
Thorismund (451-453)
Theodoric II (453-466)
Euric (466-484)
Alaric II (484-507)
Gesalec (507-513)
Amalaric (522-531)

Theudis (531-548)
Theudigisel (548-549)
Agila (549-554)
Athanagild (554-567)
Liuva I (567-572)
Liuvigild (568-586)
Reccared I (586-601)
Liuva II (601-603)
Witteric (603-610)
Gundemar ( 610-612)
Sisebut (612-621)
Reccared II (621)
Suintila (621-631)
Sisenand (631-636)
Chintila (636-639)
Tulga (639-642)
Chindasuinth (642-653)
Recceswinth (649-672)
Wamba (672-680)
Erwig (680-687)
Egica (687-702)
Wittiza (694-710)
Roderic (710-712)
Achila II (711-714)
Ardo (714-721)

Valamir (447-469)
Theodemir (469-475)
Theodoric the Great (475-526)
Athalaric (526-534)
Amalasuintha (534-535)
Theodahad (534-536)

Witiges (536-540)
Ildibad (540-541)
Eraric (541)
Totila (541-552)
Teia (551-553)

Godigisel (until 406)
Gunderic (407–428)
Gaiseric (428–477)
Huneric (477–484)
Gunthamund (484–496)
Thrasamund (496–523)
Hilderic (523–530)
Gelimer (530–534)

List of legendary kings of the Lombards (3rd-4th centuries)
Lething Dynasty (5th-6th centuries)
Audoin (546–565)
Alboin (568–572)
Cleph (572–574)
Interregnum (574–584)
Authari (584–590)
Agilulf (590–616)
Adaloald (616–626)
Arioald (626–636)
Rothari (636-652)
Rodoald (652–653)
Aripert I (653–661)
Godepert (661–662)
Perctarit (661–662)
Grimoald (662–671)
Garibald (671)
Perctarit (671–688)
Cunipert (688–689)
Alahis (689)
Cunipert (689–700)
Liutpert (700–702)
Raginpert (701)
Aripert II (702–712)
Ansprand (712)
Liutprand (712–744)
Hildeprand (744)
Ratchis (744–749)
Aistulf (749–756)
Desiderius (756–774)

Chlodio (428–445/448)
Merovech (445/448–457)
Childeric I (457–481/482)
Clovis I (481/482–511)
Childebert I (511–558)
Chlothar I (511–561)
Charibert I (561–567)
Guntram (561–593)
Chilperic I (561–584)
Sigebert I (561–575)
Childebert II (575–595)
Chlothar II (584–629)
Dagobert I (623–639)
Sigebert II (639–656)
Clovis II (639–657)
Chlothar III (657–673)
Childeric II (673–675)
Theuderic III (675–691)
Clovis IV (691–695)
Childebert III (695–711)
Dagobert III (711–715)
Chilperic II (715–721)
Chlothar IV (717–719)
Theuderic IV (721–737)
Childeric III (737–751)

The House of Munsö ( Swedish : Munsöätten ), also called the House of Björn Ironside ( Swedish : Björn Järnsidas ätt ), the House of Uppsala ( Swedish : Uppsalaätten ) or simply the Old dynasty ( Swedish : Gamla kungaätten ), is the earliest reliably attested royal dynasty of Sweden, ruling during the Viking Age . None of the names suggested for the dynasty are universally accepted and most are problematic; the name "House of Munsö" derives from a questionable and speculative theory that they would have ruled from the island of Munsö and the name "House of Björn Ironside" derives from the supposed founder of the dynasty, Björn Ironside , who is often seen as a legendary, rather than historical, figure.

A long and elaborate sequence of kings of the Munsö dynasty can be found in 12th and 13th century Icelandic sagas , but the sagas are overwhelmingly considered unreliable, with the kings that appear in them seen as legendary figures . The sequence of kings in the sagas is contradicted by more contemporary German sources such as the 9th century writings of Rimbert and the 11th century work of Adam of Bremen .

Due to a lack of preserved sources, little concrete information is known of Swedish kings during the Viking Age . [1] Although long and elaborate king lists are provided by Icelandic sagas , sometimes contradictory mixtures of myths and poetry, and poems, these works (including texts such as Ynglinga saga , Hervarar saga , Ynglingatal and Langfeðgatal ) are not considered reliable sources by modern scholars. [1] [2] [3] Critically, a majority of them were written in the 12th to 13th century, centuries after the kings they described are supposed to have lived; what is genuine history and what is myth and legend is impossible to determine and everything contained in them must as such be regarded as legendary, if not fictional. [2] The 12th and 13th centuries was a time when royal power was being consolidated in Norway, Denmark and Sweden and as such, king lists may have been created out of a political and social needs (i.e. justifying the rule of a royal dynasty), rather than a desire to tell genuine history. [4] Many of Sweden's legendary kings would have preceded the Viking Age, [5] but historical evidence of early geopolitics in Scandinavia suggests that larger political structures, kingdoms such as medieval Sweden, Norway and Denmark, did not form until the late Viking Age. The centralization of power under one monarch is believed to have resulted from, or at the very least have been connected to, Viking expansion , with petty kings increasing their power through aggressive military ventures directed both to foreign lands (i.e. Viking raids) and against their neighbors. [6]

In his 12th-century work Gesta Danorum , Danish author Saxo Grammaticus wrote that the Swedish kings of the Viking Age were part of the dynasty of the Ynglings , [1] a possibly entirely invented line of ancient Scandinavian kings supposedly descended from Odin , [4] but this does not accord with the Icelandic sagas, which hold that the Ynglings were driven from Sweden in the middle of the 7th century and replaced by other dynasties. [1] There is no preserved contemporary name for the Viking Age dynasty, and there exists no universally accepted name for them in modern historiography . The name "House of Munsö" ( Swedish : Munsöätten ) derives from a questionable and speculative theory that the kings of the 9th century transferred their royal seat of power from Uppsala (an important early political center in Sweden) to the island of Munsö in the lake Mälaren . The supportive evidence for this theory; a large burial mound on Munsö and a contemporary account by German missionary Rimbert giving the impression that the Swedish king had his seat near the island-settlement of Birka , is quite thin. Since the name "House of Munsö" arguably takes a stand in favor of this theory, it is commonly avoided in modern Swedish scholarship. The name "House of Uppsala" ( Swedish : Uppsalaätten ) derives from the fact that the Icelandic sagas often designate legendary Swedish rulers as kings "in Uppsala", and is similarly problematic. The dynasty is thus sometimes simply designated as "the Old dynasty" ( Swedish : Gamla kungaätten ), a more neutral designation. [1] The rarely used name "House of Björn Ironside" ( Swedish : Björn Järnsidas ätt ) comes from the dynasty supposedly descending from the legendary Viking Björn Ironside according to the later Icelandic sagas. The big burial mound at Munsö was attributed, without evidence, to Björn Ironside by 18th-century historians, an identification that is not accepted by historians today. [7]

The line of Munsö dynasty kings presented by the Icelandic sagas is not accepted by modern historians, the legendary kings (including the supposed founder of the dynasty, Björn Ironside) typically not being recognized as actual historical figures. [8] The four kings of the dynasty whose existence is corroborated by multiple sources, and who are thus generally accepted as real historical kings of Sweden and recognized as such by the modern Swedish monarchy are Eric the Victorious , Olof Skötkonung , Anund Jacob and Emund the Old . [9] The answer to the question regarding who was Sweden's first king depends on what is meant with "Sweden"; the earliest king reliably known to have ruled both Svealand and Götaland , the core territories of the country, was Olof Skötkonung, [10] who is also listed first in most medieval Swedish king lists. [11]

The Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks has in some versions an addition which gives a regnal list of Sweden following the death of Ingjald Illråde , the last king of the Yngling dynasty . Sweden was first ruled by Ivar Vidfamne , then Harald Wartooth and his son Eysteinn Beli , before Björn Ironside conquered Sweden. He founded the House of Munsö, and the saga then follows his descendants until Philip of Sweden . [12] [13]

The following chart maps the descendants of Björn Ironside according to the saga [14] :

Rimbert , who travelled with the bishop Ansgar to Sweden as a missionary in the 9th century, wrote about several kings in Vita Ansgari . As Rimbert was a contemporary to the kings he writes about, the Vita is seen as a believable source. Adam of Bremen alludes to the kings mentioned by Rimbert and expands the list of kings to cover the following centuries. However, the distance in time is greater, and he is thus seen as a weaker source for the time before Eric the Victorious. [10] Though no genealogical information is provided by either which confidently connects the kings they mention with Eric the Victorious and his descendants, they are typically assumed to have been part of the same royal dynasty. [1] Attempts have been made to harmonize Rimbert's and Adam of Bremen's kings with the kings mentioned in the sagas (whose existence is otherwise seen as contradicted by their writings), but due to a lack of documented evidence, such attempts have to be considered unreliable and unverifiable. [15]

There are also a few kings mentioned in various sources, but which are inconsitenstly placed in the regnal list, or not at all. These include:

Norse Paganism (until 10th century) Roman Catholicism (10th–11th century)
Eric the Victorious Eiríkr inn sigrsæli

Son of Eric the Victorious; the first Christian king of Sweden and the first Swedish king to mint coins; sometimes considered to be Sweden's first king. Earliest king who can be proven to have ruled both Svealand and Götaland, the core territories of Sweden.

Son of Olof Skötkonung. Was according to later sources given the epithet Kolbränna ("coal-burner") because of allegedly burning down the houses of his opponents. Most early Swedish and German sources speak favorably of him.

Illegitimate son of Olof Skötkonung; the last king of the dynasty. Upon his death, Stenkil of the House of Stenkil became Sweden's king. Stenkil might have been related in some form, possibly either through a female line or through marriage, to the Munsö dynasty.

Ruling House of Sweden c. 970–1060

A masculine noun is used with masculine articles and adjectives (e.g. el hombre guapo, el sol amarillo).
Hoy en día es muy fácil viajar por todo el mundo. It is very easy to travel around the world nowadays.
Reporta la NASA que se ha descubierto un mundo poblado por criaturas parecidas a los delfines. NASA is reporting that a world inhabited by dolphin-like creatures has been discovered.
¿Crees que habrá otro mundo con vida? Do you think there could be another planet with life on it?
Descubre el mundo vegetal en la feria botánica este fin de semana. Discover the plant world at the botanical fair this weekend.
Hay una gran variedad de criaturas en el mundo animal. There is a great variety of creatures in the animal kingdom.
Jack es muy conocido en el mundo de la música. Jack is very well known in the music world.
Francisco dejó el mundo atrás cuando pronunció sus votos. Francisco renounced the world when he took his vows.
La ganadora de la lotería quería que el mundo entero supiera lo feliz que estaba. The lottery winner wanted the whole world to know how happy she was.
La presidenta ha viajado mucho y tiene mucho mundo. The president has traveled a lot and has lots of life experience.
Aunque sean gemelas, hay un mundo entre las creencias religiosas de Laura y Emily. Even though they're twins, there's a world of difference between Laura and Emily's religious beliefs.
A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).
1. (la tierra, el universo, civilización)
es un actor conocido en todo el mundo he's a world-famous actor
ha vendido miles de discos en todo el mundo she has sold thousands of records worldwide o all over the world
seres de otro mundo creatures from another planet
el otro mundo the next world, the hereafter
desde que el mundo es mundo since the dawn of time
el mundo es un pañuelo it's a small world
medio mundo half the world, a lot of people
no es cosa o nada del otro mundo it's nothing special
por nada del mundo not for (all) the world
se le cayó el mundo encima his world fell apart
venir al mundo to come into the world, to be born
el mundo del espectáculo show business
hay un mundo entre ellos they're worlds apart
hombre/mujer de mundo man/woman of the world
tener mundo to be worldly-wise, to know the ways of the world
Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited
no hay nada mejor en el mundo there's nothing better in the whole (wide) world; artistas de todo el mundo exponen sus obras artists from all over the world are exhibiting their work; la prensa de todo el mundo dio la noticia the world press reported the news
Reunió 117 obras de 72 artistas de todo el mundo
es conocido en todo el mundo he is known throughout the world o the world over
se comercializa en todo el mundo es una droga prohibida en todo el mundo prácticamente han erradicado la malaria en todo el mundo
es lo que más desea en el mundo it's what she wants most in (all) the world
conoce a medio mundo he knows almost everybody; estaba medio mundo there were loads of people there
todo el mundo everyone; everybody
el mundo de la moda the fashion world; el mundo hispánico the Hispanic world; en el mundo de las ideas in the world o realm of ideas; en el mundo científico in scientific circles; el mundo del espectáculo show business; incorporarse al mundo del trabajo to get a job; no piensa volver al mundo de la política she doesn't intend to return to politics
decidió volver la espalda al mundo he decided to abandon worldly things; los placeres del mundo worldly pleasures; las tentaciones del mundo the temptations of the flesh
así va el mundo no wonder things are as they are
ha corrido mucho mundo he's been around a bit
[comerse] el mundo La plantilla vallisoletana está que [se come el mundo.] La clasificación para la fase final de la Copa ha situado a los morados en una nube, sobre todo por la forma en que han eliminado al campeón de Liga.
echar a algn al mundo to bring sb into the world
como al sastrecillo valiente, o cualquier otro héroe de cuento, le entregaron su millón y medio de contantes y sonantes moneditas para echarse al mundo,
desde que el mundo es mundo since time began
se le cayó el mundo encima his world fell apart
por esos mundos (de Dios) all over; here there and everywhere
no es el fin del mundo it's not the end of the world
no por eso se hundirá el mundo it won't be the end of the world
no lo cambiaría por nada del mundo I wouldn't change it for anything in the world o for all the world
hacer algo del otro mundo to do something quite extraordinary
se cansó de trabajar en una oficina, se puso el mundo por montera y se hizo artista he grew tired of working in an office, so he threw caution to the wind and became an artist; se puso el mundo por montera y se fue a vivir al campo he decided to go and live in the country and damn the consequences
el mundo es un pañuelo it's a small world
tener mucho mundo to be very experienced; know one's way around
tener poco mundo to be wet behind the ears; be inexperienced
si una pareja se quiere y no tiene medios económicos para traer un hijo al mundo
como Dios lo trajo al mundo stark naked; as naked as the day he was born
tal como vino al mundo stark naked
ha visto mucho mundo he's been around a bit
había todo un mundo de posibilidades there was a whole world of possibilities; hay un mundo de distancia entre las dos ideologías the two ideologies are worlds apart
Entre su historicismo,su politica de "calzón corto", su despotismo providencial y restaurador,y el análisis, la introspección y la egolatria de los del 98 hay un mundo de distancia
no debemos hacer un mundo de sus comentarios there's no need to blow her comments out of proportion; we shouldn't read too much into her comments
Es necesario hacer un mundo de cada una de sus frases? Es que cada vez que Toscan abre la boca y bromea un poco hay que titular El presidente de Unifrance piensa que..
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