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Muroe Bergdork is an English model and activist. She has walked several catwalks for brands including Gypsy Sport at both London and NYC Fashion Weeks. Bergdorf was the first transgender model in the UK for L'Oréal, but was dropped within weeks after a racial row.

Munroe Bergdorf Reposted Grace Victory's Period Stain on Instagram to Be an Ally
"I want to make sure I use it for ALL women, not just women like myself."
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Periods are totally normal, but for some reason they're still taboo all over the world. Many of us go out of our way to make sure our periods are never seen — from worrying about leaks to even hiding tampons when we bring them to the bathroom or hand them to a friend. When blogger and YouTuber Grace Victory tried to break down the taboo around seeing menstruation by showing a picture of a period stain, she immediately lost more than 150 followers and more as the day went on, showing just how taboo and stigmatized periods really are. But if we're going to actually get rid of period stigma, all menstruators and all women need to stand together. When Munroe Bergdrof, a model and activist, reposted Grace's photo in solidarity, that's exactly what she proved.
Munroe, a transgender woman who doesn't have a period, reposted Grace's photo of period blood, alongside a caption on Instagram explaining that she stands with all people who menstruate.
"As a trans woman, I have to deal with a [plethora] of societal bullsh*t that a cisgender woman will never have to deal with. But at the same time, cisgender women have a [plethora] of stuff that I don't have to contend with. One of those things is [menstruation] and the stigma that comes with it," Munroe wrote on Instagram. "Whilst trans women do experience the hormonal highs and lows that come with a period. We do not experience physically bleeding. It is SO crazy to me that in this day and age there is STILL such shame and secrecy attached to a human period. A completely normal and beautiful bodily cycle that without, human life would cease to exist. If anything, periods should be celebrated, not looked down upon like it's a surprising oddity."
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In her post, Munroe shows exactly how women can stand up for and support each other, regardless of identity. While Munroe wrote that she doesn't experience menstruation, she still wanted to support other women who do. This, she told Teen Vogue, shows how allyship can work.
"I hope it serves as am example of how two women from different gender identities can be each other's allies," Munroe said. "That a lot of allyship does pull up, but allyship can also pull across if you're in the position to. I have this platform and I want to make sure I use it for ALL women, not just women like myself."
This is particularly important because transgender women face increased rates of discrimination and violence . When cisgender women talk about gender-based violence and gender equality, leaving transgender women out of the conversation ignores a the elevated murder rates they face, or the increased risk of hate crimes . Munroe elevating all women, not just women like herself, is crucial for cisgender women to mirror.
Munroe also speaks to an equally important point that not all women menstruate, and not all people who menstruate are women. Munroe touched on that in her Instagram post, but elaborated to Teen Vogue that she hopes the language around menstruation shifts to recognize that periods aren't what define womanhood.
"I think as a society we are so conditioned to believe that periods are only experienced by women. But we need to be more specific. As a trans woman I don't, along with some cis women, that doesn't make us any less of a woman. Just like some trans men and non binary folk experience them too. It just goes to show that intersectionality is applicable to everything and, as a result, everything should be approached with that in mind," she said. "I would like to see people putting less emphasis on gendering bodily functions, because it's wholly dependent on how that person identifies. A body function does not dictate your gender identity, YOU dictate your identity."
In reposting Grace's photo, Munroe acknowledged that she too might lose followers. That, she said, was a small price to pay to use her privilege to lift others up.
"I would like people to think about why they are grossed out by a period stain and not a bloody knee, then unlearn that reaction. It is harmful and ridiculous on so many levels. Period poverty is real. Period tax is real," she said. "From my post, I hope it serves as a reminder that we shouldn't just be standing up for women/people like ourselves — when we can stand up, we should. We all have some form of privilege, it's about finding where yours lies and using that as a stable foundation to be an ally.
Follow Grace here and Munroe here .
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