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Emma gets more than she bargained for when her tickle-hungry boyfriend spends the night, proving to be equal parts torturous and overwhelmingly passionate. [M/F]
PART I:...
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and light
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Dan Savage
October 7th, 2011 August 29th, 2020
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I am an 18-year-old straight male. I have a hodgepodge of birth defects that affect my genitalia: severe hypospadias (my urethra—my piss slit—is at the base of my penis), micropenis (less than two inches), and anorchia (I was born without testes). I have never been naked around anyone else. I don’t really like being naked by myself, to be honest.

Lately, my sex drive has skyrocketed. It is driving me up the wall. Couple this with the fact that women see me as attractive, and I’m not doing well. It’s frustrating that sexual situations are presenting themselves to me and there’s nothing I can do. I’ve recently started college, and it’s endlessly frustrating to see my friends having relationships and being sexually active. I know that casual sex/flings will never be an option for me, but I am dying over here! —Messed Up Junk

“His story is one that is very familiar to us,” says Tiger Howard Devore, vice president of the Hypospadias and Epispadias Association (HEA). “He should know that he is not rare and many with his kind of genital difference have learned how to communicate about their difference to potential intimate partners.”

You’re right, MUJ: Casual sex/flings—shucking off your clothes and jumping into bed with a girl you’ve just met—may never be an option for you. But you know what? Drunken college hookups last an hour or two, while the communication skills you’re going to have to develop to navigate your sex life will last a lifetime.

You will have a sex life, MUJ, and there is a lot you can do. There are women out there who prefer tongues, toys, and touch to vaginal penetration. On the Savage Lovecast, I took a call from a woman who was worried she would never find a partner because, although she enjoys other kinds of sex, she’s physically incapable of vaginal intercourse; there’s a new dating website for straight men and women “who cannot engage in sexual intercourse” ( ); and if you fall in love with a woman who enjoys vaginal intercourse, sex shops sell strap-on dildos to men, too.

In short, MUJ, you have options. You also have role models.

“One of the most validating and reassuring experiences someone with genital difference can have,” says Devore, “is to meet with others who share their birth history and have dealt with the same issues of self-acceptance, shame, and isolation, and the challenge of intimate relationships.”

HEA hosts an annual conference and it’s coming up, MUJ. If you can get your ass to Chicago over the weekend of Oct. 21–23, I strongly encourage you to attend HEA 2011.

“Connecting with others who share his difference is the best way to end his isolation and begin his healing,” says Devore. “At the conference, he’ll get expert information from doctors and psychologists, and he’ll meet men who have grown up just like him and have faced the same fears and overcome them.”

HEA offers financial aid to men who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend—an experience that is life-changing and, in some cases, life-saving—and I’ve made a donation so more men with hypospadias can attend this year. I’m encouraging my readers to do the same: . —Dan

I’m a 26-year-old girl from Austria currently seeing a guy who likes to tie me up and gag me. It is just cuffs and ball gags so far, and I am enjoying it!

Recently he sent this text message: “mummification sounds fun.” In his case, “sounds fun” means “I wish to try it.” I looked it up online. Holy! I was scared after watching this video of a guy wrapping a woman first in cling film and then in duct tape! Face and everything! It seemed like out of a horror movie! I texted him back: “I realize this could be a lot of fun for you, but I don’t think I can do that.” He’s never mentioned it again.

I feel awful for denying him. I tell myself it’s about trusting the other person—yes, we have safe words!—but I just can’t shake off the feeling of creepiness! Is there anything I can do to get over being terrified? Was it fair to say, “Not gonna happen”? —Because I Am Scared

“BIAS should know that it was absolutely okay for her to say, ‘Not gonna happen,’” says Tynan Fox, kinkster, activist, and blogger ( ). Fox, just 27, has been into mummification for more than a decade—he’s been on both sides of the duct tape—but says he can appreciate why even some bondage fans aren’t into it.

“Many people are claustrophobic,” says Fox, “and they can’t stomach the idea of being wrapped up, and who can blame them? Mummification is extreme play. But her boyfriend is being completely appropriate—she said she wasn’t interested, he hasn’t mentioned it again—and they should both be commended for their open and honest communication.”

The only way to get over your feelings of terror, if you want to explore this, is to try it while taking things very, very slowly.

“She doesn’t have to go directly to the full-out body-and-head-covering Saran wrap/duct tape combo,” says Fox. “Pace yourselves! Begin with Saran wrap only, just from the shoulders to the ankles. If she freaks, the boyfriend cuts her loose and it’s over. If the scene goes well, they can add a little more next time. Eventually, she may find the restriction and sensory deprivation provides a heightened sense of sexual awareness and makes her extremely horny.” —Dan

I moved in with a friend of a friend when I was desperate to find housing in a new city. The guy I live with would be an ideal roommate except he sometimes makes homophobic comments. I never told him I’m gay—I didn’t feel the need up front and now I don’t feel comfortable—but homophobia is not the reason I am writing you. The situation goes deeper.

In the midst of my online exploits, I found an Xtube channel for a guy who is most certainly my roommate. He wears a mask in the videos, but the voice and build are the same, same tattoos, and his bedroom is unmistakable. In the videos, he fucks himself silly with massive dildos—MASSIVE—while begging for cock. Part of me wants to pull one of the videos up the next time he makes a comment. Part of me loves the idea of giving this homophobe a good fucking. What would you do? —Roommate’s Anal Movies

Your living situation sounds like a setup for a great porn parody, RAM. ( When a Stranger Comes: “The ass-stretching amateur porn is coming from inside the apartment!” ) It also sounds like an opportunity. If you’re into this guy—and, having watched his videos (thanks for the link), it looks like you could literally walk right into this guy—why not seize that great, big, gaping opening created by your little discovery?

The next time your roommate makes a homophobic remark, RAM, tell him you’re gay, tell him you don’t appreciate his comments, and tell him you’re somewhat mystified by his remarks in light of his body of work. Then roll the tape.

There’s a chance—a slim chance—that he’s not gay and just enjoys anal play, sexual transgression, and the attention he gets from men online. Here’s hoping you wind up fucking some sense into your roommate and an apology out of him. —Dan Savage

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My permanent Shackles

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I posted the pics of my shackles on my IAm page and have recieved numerous messages from people that are curious about them So I wanted to submit the story about them so that others can know the story behind them.
I was 18 when I had them put on by a very very dear friend of mine.
I had seen many pictures of women in other countries with permanent jewelry before,but none in the United States. I always thought to myself how that is a step way beyond what piercing could ever give me.
I had a few piercings at that time, nipples, tongue, lip, septum, my bridge, my genitals and was stretching my ears.
I have played around with bondage a little and found that it interests me but that finding a partner worth sharing that with was incredibly hard.
So most people I talk to think that I had the shackles put on by a Master and that I am someones slave. That is not the story even though I am reminded of the expierience of them being put on, and of my friend that helped me create and put them on, every time I look at them.

So in a sense I am bonded to him for ever and that doesnt bother me.
Now I wanted them to look girlie, nothing bulky, and too noticable. I just couldnt find anything that would work just right, and my friend came over one day, and said he had just gotten back from an antique yard. He put in front of me a long piece of shiny metal 1/2" wide and slightly rounded on both sides. It was purfect.
He told me the pieces came off a 1930's bi wing plane they were the cross beams that hold the wings on. To me that was really awesome I will have antique shackles. SO it was a done deal now, so he took a cast of my ankles about 4-5 inches tall and made a mold. then cut the metal in two pieces and molded it around the molds he had made of my ankles. Then filed the ends so that they met up perfect it looked like if you were to hold one hand face up and then lay'd the other on top face down they met up and made a thickness the same size of the rod. then he took a piece of stainless steel tubing and flattened it we were ready then to put the shackles on.
he opended the prebent shackle and places it sround my ankle, then slid the tube over. After that he used a welding mixture and put it on the metal and inside ithe tube. Then we put a huge c clamp on the shackle because it would not stay together, with a towel to protect the shiny shackle. One on each leg. I remained like this for a full 24 hours to allow the welding compound to dry.
I have to admitt I really enjoyed trying to walk around my house with the C clamps on my ankles. I also think my friend enjoyed watching me hobble around the house.
After 24 hours the compound was dry and we removed the clamps and the towel, there were a few scratches so I used a dremmel to polish them.
At first they bothered the back of my leg where the foot bends. They caused blisters but after the blisters went away there was a calous so the discomfort was small. I have a hard time finding tall boots that I can wear now also but most boots they fit in as long as I push the shackle up away from my ankle inside the boot.

I really like the fact that I chose to use a more discrete look for them because I can wear heels and a very nice dress and go out and even classy ladies will ask me about them because they find them beautiful. The women that do approach me have their own permanent mods that are commonly over looked and accepted in the mainstream... permanent toe rings. So in my mind I feel this type of adornment could be accepted and in my life has been.
On rare occasion I will have someone from the BD/SM world approach me and ask about them.. In hopes.
I have never used them for bondage purposes not saying if I met the right person I would'nt it just has not happened.
I have seen other shackles since mine but noone has had them on as long as I have. It has been 11 years now I am very proud of that actually. Most shackles I have seen since have been riveted or have screws and look very bulky I'm a ladie and I wanted something beautiful to adorn a ladie.
I have had problems with them but nothing that is so uncomfortable that I would ever take them off. they could be removed but not without great effort.
I love them they are unique and I do feel honored to be one of very few people in the world to wear true permanent adornments.
I hope this explains enough about my shackles and my expierience having them. If anyone has any other question feel free to contact me.
submitted by: Anonymous on: 25 Dec. 2006 in

Corsetry and Binding

Artist: William+J+Meyer+III

Studio: Home

Location: Denton%2CTX

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