Multiple support numbers
Telegram SupportSome TSF members need access to many accounts. Here's how you can do this without having to log in and out all the time.
You can create two shortcuts and launch the Tsupport client with parameters, like:
-many -key data_42490
-many -key data_42410
Something like:
"C:\Telegram Desktop\Tsupport.exe" -many -key data_42449
"C:\Telegram Desktop\Tsupport.exe" -many -key data_42450
"C:\Telegram Desktop\Tsupport.exe" -many -key data_42451
Each of these shortcuts will then open a separate Telegram instance that will remember your login.
Simply create a separate folder with a copy of the TSupport app. Each one of these copies will act as a separate instance, so you can log in to multiple accounts and switch between support accounts without logging in and out again.