Multiline Latex

Multiline Latex


Can I write a LaTeX equation over multiple lines? Using the multiline, aligned packages.

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To enter math expressions in comments just include your expression written in LaTeX as follows:
"$latex expression $"
Find more in the link LaTeX .
Ideas, opinions and comments related to machine intelligence, cognitive science, computer vision, etc. By Joao Kögler.
March 21, 2008 in Documentation , LaTeX | Tags: LaTeX
This is the 3rd post in the series. Previous ones:
Many of the examples shown here were adapted from the Wikipedia article Displaying a formula , which is actually about formulas in Math Markup.
You can present equations with several lines, using the array statement. Inside its declaration you must :
Example: {lcr} means: 3 columns with indentations respectively left , center and right
\begin{array}{lcl} z & = & a \\ f(x,y,z) & = & x + y + z \end{array}
\begin{array}{rcr} z & = & a \\ f(x,y,z) & = & x + y + z \end{array}
\begin{array}{rcl} f: R^3 & \to & R \\ (x,y,z) & \to & x + y + z \\ f(x,y,z) & = & x + y + z \end{array}
\begin{array} {lcl} f(x) & = & (a+b)^2 \\ & = & a^2+2ab+b^2 \end{array}
Used when a definition have two or more cases. Use the case statement. Notice that the spaces after the instances of if were included inside the mbox declarations.
f(n) = \begin{cases} n/2, & \mbox{if } n\mbox{ is even} \\ 3n+1, & \mbox{if } n\mbox{ is odd} \end{cases}
Here we have a very simple application of the case statement.
\begin{cases} 3x + 5y + z \\ 7x – 2y + 4z \\ -6x + 3y + 2z \end{cases}
Matrices can be assembled by using the array statement, like in this example:
\left| \begin{array}{cc} x_{11} & x_{12} \\ x_{21} & x_{22} \end{array} \right|
Matrix frames are provided by \left and \right. If you suppress these statements, it will be displayed like:
\begin{array}{cc} A & B \\ C & D \end{array}
However, there is another statement, the matrix declaration, slightly easier to use:
\begin{matrix} x & y \\ z & v \end{matrix}
The frames of the matrix can be displayed in several forms, by just changing the matrix declaration to vmatrix, Vmatrix, bmatrix, Bmatrix or pmatrix , as shown ahead:
\begin{vmatrix} x & y \\ z & v \end{vmatrix}
\begin{Vmatrix} x & y \\ z & v \end{Vmatrix}
\begin{bmatrix} x & y \\ z & v \end{bmatrix}
\begin{Bmatrix} x & y \\ z & v \end{Bmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix} x & y \\ z & v \end{pmatrix}
As a final example, let us construct more complicated matrices and matricial expressions:
\begin{bmatrix} 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \cdots & 0 \end{bmatrix}
Now, we will show a first matricial expression:
\left[ \begin{array}{c} x_1 \\ x_2 \end{array} \right] = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{bmatrix} \times \left[ \begin{array}{c} y_1 \\ y_2 \end{array} \right]
and, here is another example, now using two kinds of vectors:
\begin{bmatrix} xz & xw \\ yz & yw \end{bmatrix} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} x \\ y \end{array} \right] \times \left[ \begin{array}{cc} z & w \end{array} \right]
For multiline equations the »align« command family is much more convenient. See
Hi, thanks for your suggestion, however it doesn’t seem to work. I’ve gotten an example of page 53 of the document that you have cited and I’ve adapted it to conform to the LaTeX version used in WordPress. However, it didn’t parse.
WordPress uses a particular implementation of LaTeX that is just a subset of AMS LaTeX, with some simplifications. So, it is not expected that all constructions written in AMS LaTeX will work here. The WordPress implementation is more likely the one used in Wikipedia. Although it is just a subset, the WordPress and Wikipedia implementations are very powerful and provide a wide expressiveness for displaying math equations.
This one can’t parse; (this one follows your suggestion)
$ latex \begin{align} y & = x \\ y & = x^2 + 1 \\ y & = x^3 + x^2 + 1 \end{align} &fg=aa0000&s=2 $
This one works: (is the usual way shown on my posts)
$ latex \begin{array}{rcl} y & = & x \\ y & = & x^2 + 1 \\ y & = & x^3 + x^2 + 1 \end{array} &fg=aa0000&s=2 $
Maybe you would provide some examples, checking by yourself if I am not doing any mistake.
[…] pemutusan baris (line breaking). Seorang blogger telah menulis empat seri mengenai hal ini di blog-nya, termasuk bagaimana menuliskan formulasi matematika yang terdiri lebih dari satu baris, […]
Fantastic post !! Very useful to me . thanks !!
When I use the cases code you use for simultaneous equations, the equations all appear on the same line for some reason. What am I missing? By the way I enclosed the code with \[ \], as it would not work otherwise.
Hi Patrick,
the supposedly enclosed code is missing. However, I guess that the problem you reported above happened because you forgot the \\ between two consecutive lines containing equations.
[…] WordPressでmultilineでlatexするときの便利なまとめ. Series on Blogging with LaTeX This is the 3rd post in the series. Previous ones: Basics and overview Use of mathematical symbols in formulas and equations Many of the examples shown here were adapted from the Wikipedia article Displaying a formula, which is actually about formulas in Math Markup. . Multiline Equations You can present equations with several lines, using the array statement. Inside its declaration you must : Define the number of co … Read More […]
hi, in “Simultaneous Equations” , the first example, I need to give a text that is common to the 3 equations shown. The text exceeds the length of the line….How to do the same?? Plzzzz help
3x + 5y + z \\
7x- 2y + 4z \\
\text{Here is the comment that exceeds one line and is required to be inserted appropriately.}
Jus take a look at the output and u’l understand wat i mean.
Sorry, I don’t understand what you want to do. What is the purpose to use a text that exceeds the line length ? Maybe you would like to make a caption to your illustration or explain the facts referring to the equations in your main text. Anyway, I suggest that you try latex to wordpress :
This would enable you build your text, compile ad debug it before going to wordpress latex.
oopssss….. “\be” and “\ee” represents, “\begin{equation}” and “\end{equation}” respectively,…..
For the “case definition” (syntax = \begin{cases}……), is there any officially defined counter part to display a right bracket “{” on the right?
I mean, I know I could combine matrix and a non-matching right bracket to do the trick, but I would like to know if there’s any way to do it without fiddling and tricks.
[…] [2] Like this:LikeBe the first to like this post. […]
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[…] Online LaTeX equation editor Multi-line Equation LaTeX tutorial LaTeX tutorial for […]
I like your matrix in Latex form. Simple . Good work.
What is the meaning of {*{20}{c}} in array definition?
it not getting parse coming as it is as a simple text can any one please guide me I am very new in Latex please dont mind if it is stupid question
Oh my good ness for you its coming whats wrong with my page then I am trying below thing “DOLLAR”latex \begin{bmatrix} xz & xw \\ yz & yw \end{bmatrix}”DOLLAR”
DOLLAR=$ // just because so it didn’t convert to latex
In preview its not coming but for your page its work do i have to do something like setting or some plugin
Maths matrics Exacise 3.1 /question 6
[…] This is a blog post I’ve been using since 2008 for reminding myself how to write matrices in . […]
Reblogged this on Singapore Maths Tuition and commented:
This is how to type LaTeX equations on WordPress blogs!
The posts gave me everything I need on multilines matrix. Thanks.
For the array-type of alignment you don’t usually need to add each small thing from your equation to a different array-cell. I tried it with a multi-line matrix-equation and it works like a charm. Thank you so much for this great post!
How do you do the bra-ket notation?
i have used this coding but the column space between the equal symbol is little bit wider, how reduce the space between the two column. Please advice
{\begin{array} {rcl}
{x\mbox{-}{\rm intercept:}} \hspace{.5em} {4x – 5(0)}&=&20\\
x &= &5\\
{y\mbox{-}{\rm intercept:}} \hspace{.5em}{4(0) – 5y}&=&20\\
I’d totally forgotten about “cases”. Google brought me here, saving a lot of fussing with \begin{array}. Thanks!
[…] LaTeX – Multiline equations, systems and matrices […]
[…] (12/13) after some more wild/ feverish scratchings last nite, just came up with this neat/ remarkable derivation! (equivalent to prior function with no hadamard operations as desired; the 4th line converts column vectors to diagonal matrices. took awhile to fmt this within rather substantial wordpress math limitations, which allow a lot less than “typical” latex with std packages, found helpful pg on that, multiline aligned eqns in latex without amsmath align [x]) […]
[…] This is one of the places where I was able to find some useful instructions for inserting LaTex code into WordPress blog pages: […]
Disappointing: adjustment of matrix entries not mentioned.
[…] Algunos ejemplos los tomé de acá. […]
[…] (12/8/2008) Latex – Multiline equations, systems and matrices (link) […]
Blog at Ben Eastaugh and Chris Sternal-Johnson.
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Multiline Latex

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