Mult Porn One

Mult Porn One


Mult Porn One
when your computer dies and you cant look at yourself so you turn around and see your parents 
Imagine getting caught settling up a mirror so you can watch yourself masturbate. OMG!!!!
So how long will this contest take place? 
Do you really want "multporn sent you $300" on your PayPal history 
Uh... so is the comment considered a description? I cant find it...
KInda reminds me of Stell Ball Run and i love jojo so i will surely participate
nice tactic to get more descriptions written. I like it
Oh I make the best descriptions did you knoe that I have actually made all of them so far, and anyones that will appear in the future? This vill be simple as jajaja
would do it but i don't have an account
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The competition for the best description of the comic begins!
The competition will last until the end of the month, conditions:
write an original and interesting description of the comic that matches it, humor is welcome.
(an opinion about a comic does not count as a description)
It must be at least one sentence long and no more than 4 sentences.
This must be done using a special new function under the comic, and the site admins will choose the winners.
What will the winners receive?
First place - 300 USDT (ERC20)
Second place - 200 USDT (ERC20)
Third place - 100 USDT (ERC20)
From the first place to the tenth, they will also permanently receive the disabling of advertising on the site.
All winners will be shown on the website.
Good luck!

Paid by a pornsite to give a description? That's unheard of. 
What? You planning on participating? 
Not sure. On the one hand I don't need the money, but on the other, how funny would it be to say I got 300 dollars in Crypto from a pornsite?
I don't want any of the money. I'm just seeing if I'll get a place because why not?
Hey that, and no more of those goddamn ads. 
All I get are fucking lesbian hentai ads.
The ads are barely noticeable for me, and I don't look at them. In fact you reminded me that they were even there.
The prize is cryptocurrency. That's what USDT is. Maize did not die for this.
A big request to the winners - write back when you receive the prizes at the end of the month.

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