Msp Close Off Dates

Msp Close Off Dates

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statutory holidays in british columbia

Employees who must work on a statutory holiday are entitled to holiday pay or a compensatory holiday, based on the employer’s choice. Employers and employees can agree in writing to substitute another day for a statutory day. They may also opt for their regular wages plus a substitute paid day off. If you work on a statutory holiday, you are entitled to the general holiday pay plus 1.5 times your regular wages. If the employee works on a stat holiday, they receive this 4% pay plus 1.5 times their regular wage rate for the hours worked. The holiday pay is equal to a regular day’s pay. For commissioned employees, the holiday pay must be equal to 1/60 (1.67%) of the wages earned in the 12-weeks prior to the week of the holiday (excluding overtime). If the employee works for a lesser number of hours on a stat holiday when they would normally work, they receive the regular rate of pay of the actual work done, plus a regular day’s pay. Employees who work on a public holiday receive their regular day’s pay, plus a premium that is 1.5 times their regular hourly wage rate. Employees who work during a stat holiday receive their regular pay, plus 1.5 times the regular wages for hours worked.

statutory holidays in british columbia

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