Mr. Gasket (ep.0)

Mr. Gasket (ep.0)

Short Rhymes

I woke up early cuz it's Monday today 

There's terrible feeling inside me 

Next 5 days I will come back too late

Only on Friday I'm gonna break free 

I hate most of my colleagues and those 

Who serves our company needs 

We have company's motto and vows 

To sell oil, gas and other shits 

I'm the goose that lays the golden eggs

For the company, and for my own chief

This watchdog is going to fuck my brains

Cuz I took extra cup from the coffee machine

Every employee plays his own role 

Trying to prove that they have a right 

No time to think about your soul 

When white is black as black is white 

| to break free - вырваться на свободу

| to serve - обслуживать

| needs - нужды

| motto - девиз, лозунг

| vow - клятва, обет

| the goose that lays the golden eggs - курица, которая несет золотые яйца (устойч. выр.)

| watchdog - сторожевой пес

| employee - сотрудник

| soul - душа

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