Mr Double Erotic Stories

Mr Double Erotic Stories


Mr Double Erotic Stories

The following websites are websites I
frequently visit.

LARGE website with an unlimited amount of erotic
stories with all content; nothing off limits. There is nothing that you like
that you can't find there. Stories can be read in simple text format, in
Word document format, on web pages, or all of these formats.

Another large website with a really large number of
stories including every possible category. Nothing is off limits, and you
can clearly see the story codes for the content before you choose to
read them. The website is also very customizable to your own specific reader

Although the site is free, you do have to register for
download counting and story voting purposes. Several other user-friendly
options have since a while ago unfortunately only been made available for
people that pay.

A very popular website that contains a lot of adult
material, including video's and pictures, although it is best known as a
large collection of erotic stories, that is daily updated with many stories.
Personally i rate the website lower than i do ASSTR and Stories-Online,
because first of all, not all fictional content is allowed. Stories
containing sex with people under 18 and bestiality come to mind. Second of
all, i find it to be not as user friendly as Stories Online, and they only
allow the stories to be categorized under one category, which in some
cases is not explanatory enough and has readers read material with other
content they don't wish to read. And third of
all, the story submission system can be aggravating, with my personal
experiences ranging from waiting a week until a story is finally posted on
the site, to publishing of a story with errors they made.
Aside from that the judges can also be quite anal.

A definite plus is the audio stories section, which
unfortunately very
few erotica websites have..

Mr. Double is a pay-site where anything and everything
goes. There is no limit to the amount of stories available there and no
content is taboo. It would be safe to say, I think, that the website
features an enormous amount of truly perverted stuff, and a lot of it
original too, as a number of writers write exclusively for the Mr. Double
website. Aside from posting my stories here, I also post them there because
i feel my type of stories are right at home in such a kinky, depraved place.
If you can afford it, I would recommend Mr. Double without question as the
only place to come close to ASSTR.

A sub-website of ASSTR, again with an unlimited amount of
stories of all categories. Usually updated every saturday.

A sub-website of ASSTR, specifically dealing with stories
about lesbian sex between older women and under-aged girls. If you're into
that sort of content there are a lot of really hot stories.

"If you like your buttfucking to be raw and dirty, if
you like to feel a fat turd up a woman's shitter when you fuck her, if you
like to see a gaping shithole drooling spunk, if you like to read about
dirty families indulging in incestuous buggery, if you like to read about
sluts so horny for cock that they use their arseholes more for fucking than
for shitting, then this site is for you!"

Emma and Tom are the English couple behind this
anal-themed story website, and prefer their stories to be written in the
English vocabulary (which means ass is spelled "arse", as "ass" means
donkey). All of the stories are anal-themed, but a whole bunch also includes
scat. If you're into that this site has many great stories. Unfortunately,
the site is no longer updated.

A webpage at ASSTR with links to sub-websites that host
large collections of stories, which may or may not be specifically themed.

A sub-website at ASSTR (like mine is too) with a whole
bunch of stories with content i usually like including in my stories myself.
Fans of stories containing anal, incest, scat or a combination of them
should check out Bluepervina's website for some good smut.

Lust Stories is a pretty nice site with a couple of boundaries (the site
doesn't seem to have any bestiality or underage-stories). It is updated
daily with plenty of stories and has what you might call a social network
behind it all.

Aren't there gradations of evil? Is evil a great perilous gulf into which one falls with the first sin, plummeting to the depth?

September 12, 2018

Copyright © 2020 STORIES BY XPANTHER — Escapade WordPress theme by GoDaddy

Feature Writer: Nomad
Feature Title: Little Orphan Sally
Copyright: (c) 2010, Nomad. ALL Rights Reserved Uploaded: Mr Double’s Palisade 27.02.2010 / This story may be downloaded by Palisade members uniquely for their private use, and may not be distributed for profit or posted to newsgroups or other websites. Mr Double may be contacted by emailing
Story Codes: Pedo, NC, fisting, masturbation, WS, spanking / CP, incest, femdom, religious fervour, coercion, anal
Author’s Notes: Alice clutched at her head as her lower body cavorted up and down, legs unfolding to straighten and quiver as the mounting mammoth wave she had been surfing finally succeeded in tumbling over her. It carried her breathlessly along with it as it rolled and rolled within her, swirling and spinning, tossing her upon its dying flow until beaching her upon the low couch, spent and tranquil, Sally’s withdrawing fingers causing a last lurch of her loins and a ripple to her belly muscles.
Life in Our Saviour’s Orphanage was a drudgery; menial and repetitious. It was run by a group of nuns, and they ensured the children in their care were well mannered, obedient, and disciplined.
The children, aged from babes to fifteen, were uniformly dressed in plain grey uniforms, the boys strictly segregated from the girls. Punishments were frequent, quickly and severely given, delivered for the slightest of offences, often with malicious scrutiny. The children’s days were monotonously the same, with only Sunday mornings given over to worship and prayer. Otherwise, the children were expected to work, eat when told to, study, and sleep. If they weren’t busy between those four tasks, then they were given idle tasks, like counting pencils, sheets of paper, or beans, or otherwise punished for being lazy or negligent.
Most of the orphans had been there from birth, or soon after. Some arrived later, if their parents died and there was no other family for example, but they were rare and were always set apart. Those who had been there all their lives hated the newcomers for having enjoyed a life they could never know, and the newcomers kept away from the ‘lifers’ because they were different; hard as granite, cold and unloving.
The Nuns taught the children that their only pleasure was to be obtained from working or studying hard. The Lord blessed those individuals. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Games were for sinners; a distraction to work and study. Playing was frowned upon; it detracted from working and learning, therefore it came from the Devil.
What pleasures the children had, they were kept secret from the nuns. And the most common pleasure was a nocturnal activity which called for two or more to share a bed.
If they were found out, it would mean a beating, often in front of the whole orphanage. A doctor was also present to deliver smelling salts so the sinner would feel every one of the fifty lashes that were the normal award for such behaviour.
Hence not many dared defy the nuns.
But there was some, and Sally was one such child, one of four girls in St Agatha dormitory who, once lights were out and the large building had fallen silent, would creep from their beds to visit one of the younger girls, one too shy, too frightened, or too in love to stop them. Being compassionate, the nuns only beat the instigator; so many of the younger girls pleaded with their elder, dominant partners to make sure that any Nun coming upon them would know that they were reluctant partners, pressed into it.
For Sally, there was a terrible dark thrill to be had from creeping from her bed so late at night. It was as good, nearly, as coercing one of the younger girls into becoming her lover, teasing the child with soft kisses and loving hugs until the child consented to more devilish advances. Sally, hardly into her teens, was already well practiced in such coercion, teasing her until her young body craved for more, then further teasing, until she consented to do things to her mentor, things the Nuns taught were the Devil’s own work.
Just being out of bed would get her ten strokes of the martinet, a wicked length of leather the nuns kept at hand, just for such as she. But the nuns slept soundly most of the time, and so she and her similarly excited brethren would pass each other in the darkness, each of them using some method to lead them to the person they wanted.
Sally counted beds, letting her hand run lightly over each one until she reached the one she wanted. Other’s counted steps, or softly and daringly called out their lover’s name to wait for a softly answered guide.
Sally, having reached the bed she wanted, pulled off her nightgown, the only thing she wore, before drawing back the covers to slide within the bed. Clara silently made room for her, too nervous, ashamed and excited to do otherwise. She was barely eleven and Sally was a strapping thirteen year old, budding breasts and a little tuft of pubic hair testament to her puberty. She stood a foot taller than Clara, and she knew how to look after herself too, her nails groomed not so much for beauty, but to discourage any of the bigger girls from picking a fight on her.
Sally had long since learnt that size and strength weren’t the only factors important to winning a fight. The willingness to inflict pain and disfigurement were of far more value, and Sally had only had to prove it once, for other to take note and back away.
Clara whimpered as Sally slid her hands around her dainty waist, feeling her firm young flesh through the thick and starched cotton of her nightgown.
Sally, a frequent visitor to Clara’s bed, already knew she was slender and small, but getting to know her once again with her hands was always exciting, quickening her breath as she imagined her mouth, lips and tongue following her fingers, feeling, tasting and inhaling Clara’s young and barely developing body.
“We shouldn’t,” Clara murmured nervously, just as she often did as she felt Sally begin pulling her nightgown off. Her legs came together too, closing on her treasure in an effort to hide it from the older girl. As if that would stop her.
Sally chuckled, well aware of Clara’s coy little games. And yet she the young girl had a passionate streak within her.
Sally smiled in the darkness and, with the gown around Clara’s waist, slid herself astride of the girl’s thighs to finish pulling the gown urgently upwards and off, over her head, but to remain caught up in her slender arms, imprisoning them.
Clara’s legs were warm under Sally’s own, her belly flat, her chest small. With her arms stuck over her head in her rolled up gown, Sally was free to bring her hands down, over her trunk, then down the sink of her belly to the small and smooth hill of the younger girl’s pubis.
“Please, don’t” Clara whispered, trembling with the sudden touch against her sensitive pubis.
Someone giggled from the darkness and Sally grinned. “You know you like it,” she told the child beneath her, dropping her head so she could inhale the scent of her freshly washed hair, then stroke her cheek with her own before tasting the skin of her neck.
Sally’s hands rose again, taking their time to renew their friendship with Clara’s gentle curves, her smooth skin, the warmth that radiated from her, and the hardness of her body beneath her skin, harder here and there, softer elsewhere.
“We’ll get in trouble,” Clara whimpered, Sally’s finger making her squirm, her breath to quicken as it grew short and urgent..
Sally lifted a leg to bring her knee down against Clara’s tightly linked thighs, and pressed it downward until it sank between them, levering Clara’s to either side of her own, sufficiently parted for her hand to slip between and feel the warm soft skin of her inner thigh. “It’s worth it though, isn’t it?” she teased. She dropped her head and blindly found Clara’s mouth with her own. They kissed; or Sally kissed her, probing with her tongue until Clara’s lips reluctantly yielded to let Sally in.
“Please, Sally,” she begged, her breath washing over Sally’s face as their lips parted.
She smelt so lovely, Sally thought. Her free hand slid down the girl’s chest and felt her fluttering belly as she went towards her crotch again, her excitement building.
“What will you do for me if I don’t?” Sally asked softly, teasing her young lover.
Her finger traced the smooth line of flesh between Clara’s abdomen and her thighs, following the soft and tender skin towards Clara’s crotch and Sally’s other hand, knowing the rise of her vulva would interrupt the passage of her hands.
“Sally,” Clara whispered urgently, beginning to quiver.
“Tell me,” Sally urged, her hands nearing each other, slowing as they did so.
“It’s dirty!” Clara told Sally fiercely, stopping to gasp and jerk as the older girl’s fingers pressed against the outer curve of her vulva. “Don’t!” she begged once again.
Sally moaned instead, and heard moans from down the darkened dormitory, and giggles, and the movement of bedsprings, heavier breathing and little gasps. She moved her head down, lifting her bottom into the air as she searched for, and found, Clara’s tender little nipple.
Clara was only eleven, and still owned such small little teats; still those of a child, and yet so terribly sensitive. Sally knew this from experience and sucked until the younger girl gasped and arched, her arms struggling in the rolled up confines of her nightgown.
“You like it,” Sally accused her, lifting her mouth to pass a hand over Clara’s chest and small developing breasts to feel the engorged thimble of flesh and the warm wetness of her saliva.
“I don’t want to be thrashed,” Clara whimpered.
“Then you know what you have to do, don’t you?” Sally teased. She slid up to kiss Clara on the lips once more, stroking her face as their tongues played with one another’s, Sally’s body bending to press down on Clara’s.
“It’s dirty!” Clara panted, freed to talk again.
“Which do you want? Make up your mind,” Sally told her softly but urgently. She didn’t mind what her choice was, or told herself she didn’t. Waiting for a reply, she began moving down Clara’s trunk, as if her decision had been made, and watched the silhouette of her face in the small amount of moonlight coming through the nearby window, smiling at the agony on her face as she strove to make up her mind.
“Ok, ok!” she groaned. “I’ll do it.” Clara breathed.
Sally stopped her descent at the base of Clara’s breastbone, hands on her warm flanks and her lips on her smoothly descending skin. Her little pink treasure was just a little further down, its scent coming up to her from under the covers to hint at girlhood and excitement. But she had elected the other, and while her head felt disappointment, her body felt new exhilaration.
Clara was such a little pussycat; always worried the nuns would come in, always afraid they might judge her an equal partner, or an instigator in their little games. Yeah, Sally nearly 14, and she just eleven!
Sally had arrived at a solution and Clara, screwing her face up in disgust, had complied, driven by poor choice to select what she thought was gross, just to keep from being beaten.
Sally’s descent astride the slender young form of her lover reversed, and Sally drew her thighs further up Clara’s young trunk, legs spreading to pass over her, her little spread pussy sliding over the skin of the young girl’s warm her chest.
She met the top of the bed and used the headrest to help her straighten, her legs passing Clara’s shoulders.
Sally’s pussy hovered above Clara’s neck while she looked down to look at Clara’s half-dark face.
“Remember, no faking or I push you on top!” Sally whispered fiercely.
There were more giggles from down the dormitory, but mostly the sounds of panting and rhythmically moving bedsteads softly creaking to and fro while the moonlight made weird shape of the two bodies under the covers.
Sally gripped the top of the painted iron bed and slid her pelvis forward, bringing her crotch over Clara’s face and biting her lip as she felt her breath wash over the top of her thighs.
“Do it!” she urged, waiting tensely for that first timid touch. It came, a sudden and slight lick sending spiralling knives of pleasure shooting into her groin.
Sally groaned, hung her head, gripped the bed, and shook as she waited for the next timid touch.
It came, pressing that little bit more daringly against her slit, sliding that little bit further into the hollow of her pussy mouth.
“Come on!” she gasped, shaking with her need to have her little tongue explore her down there.
Clara’s head rose and, eyes closed, she licked at Sally’s open furrow, a slide that took her warm wet tongue from the very rear of her vaginal slot, all the way to the front, flicking out across the swollen bump of flesh at its helm.
Sally flung her head back with delight and gasped with the fierce pleasure it brought her. “Oh yes!” she all but sang, and waited breathlessly for the next touch, quivering with want and seeping with lust.
Clara’s tongue wriggled at Sally’s slit, teasingly worming just a little into her warm dell, then retreating, laden with Sally’s juices.
As the pleasure of Clara’s tongue spiralled up, into her body, Sally pictured her savouring her flavour to decide whether to do it again, the time of her monthly cycle dictating the flavour she received.
“Yes, again,” Sally urged with a breathless whisper, sliding her knees further apart and offering Clara her peeled open pussy.
Sally bit her lip and sobbed with delight as the little pointed tongue delved deeper into her sensitive slit, sweeping over her tender skin to recover more of her sweet wetness. And again and again, moving deeper, her tongue sweeping wider for that tart flavour she had come to enjoy.
Sally hovered above her in bliss, panting and groaning, holding the bed as her legs threatened to give way.
Her little lover pressed her face more ardently to her crotch, licking with fervour, her nose pressing against her pubis bringing yet more excitement to her groin.
The lights were suddenly turned on and, wincing against the sudden brightness, Sally froze and stared at the black clad women marching in, their faces set in scowls as they marked the beds where there was more than one girl.
Sister Ann looked toward where Sally knelt, astride Clara. The woman scowled, a look of horror flowing across her features as she realised what they were doing. “You disgusting child!” she cried, and marched forward with even greater speed to grab at Sally’s neck and pull her forcefully off of the little girl beneath her.
Clara knew immediately what had happened. “She made me, Sister. She forced me to!” she cried, terror behind her eyes as she saw others being dragged away too.
Sally and the three other girls were ordered back into their nightgowns, and then pulled into the Doctor’s waiting room, a small and plain room where the nurse normally sat, instructing the children to prepare for his regular check of their health. There, they were made to wait, one of the Sister’s remaining there to make sure the girls didn’t speak.
She scowled at them, looking from one to another, her expression never changing. “You despicable lot!” she told the girls fier
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