Mpreg Oviposition

Mpreg Oviposition


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Перевести · Harry undergoes a scary and unusual transformation over the summer. Can the Order stop him mating, or will Hogwarts be overun with Harry's offspring. Mpreg,Oviposition, …
Перевести · 12.01.2006 · Classic Draco and Harry are veela mates cliche. or is it!When the Ministry decides that Veela are an endangered species the couple must join the breeding program and save the Veela race!slash, DMHP, multiple mpreg,Oviposition…
Перевести · 16.08.2020 · Tiny fairy boy gets filled with wasp eggsTimed myself this time, took about 4-5 hours …
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"Can you see them yet Mione?" asked Ron as they stood in the charms corridor and stared at the marauders map.
"THERE!" Hermione pointed to the disused east wing of the castle, both Harry and Draco's names where written in bold black ink.
Harry was stationary, but Draco seemed to be circling the owlery tower, but where there were usually footsteps near his name, this time there was a small pair of fluttering wings.
"I think he's flying Ron!" Mione smiled.
"Oh god! A Malfoy with wings" Ron sighed
By the time Ron and Hermione had climbed past the wooden slats that boarded up the entrance to the disused east wing of the castle they where already exhausted.
"Oh shush Ron we're nearly there" Hermione snapped
They edged along the dusty, cobweb-filled corridors, which were lined with broken stone and hadn't seen a student in hundreds of years.
The stairs at the bottom of the old owlery tower had long since crumbled leaving a vertical stone tunnel about a 100 feet high.
Ron and Mione could see the large oak trapdoor above them that seemed so far away.
"How the hell are we suppose to get up there?" We aren't fae Mione! We don't have wings!"
"No but we do have wands" Hermione pointed hers at Ron and spoke an incantation that he had never heard before.
Ron gasped as a huge transparent set of stairs curled their way up the tower walls; Mione pushed Ron up the filmy staircase.
"No you won't the stairs are made of pure magical energy, it only lasts 30 minutes so we'll have to hurry!" Said Mione as she joined Ron on the staircase.
Harry Potter lay in his nest covered in a warm blanket as Draco Malfoy flew around the owlery tower, Harry was roaring with laughter as Draco did loop-de-loops before finally landing on the wooden floor with a creak.
His large translucent gossamer wings spread from high above his head to his calves, they had come through painfully a week before, sadly Harry's wings where nowhere to be seen, but at his current size he doubted he would be able to fly anyway.
"Bravo!" cried Harry and Draco leaned into the nest and kissed him on the head.
"Did you like that my Queen?" Smiled Draco flapping his wings in excitement.
They both laughed as Draco lit many candles with the wave of a hand.
"Stay here! It's coming from the trapdoor," shouted Draco
Sliding straight into dominant mode.
Draco carefully opened the trapdoor ready to attack and was shocked when Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley quickly climbed through.
Draco waved his arm and both where pinned against the wall as the trapdoor slammed shut beneath them.
"What are you doing here! Speak quickly or die!" Draco was positively murderous.
"Malfoy! You have to listen to us, Dumbledore and Snape are planning to kill you and take your kids away when they are born!" Shouted Ron as he struggled against the magical bonds that held him.
"Prove it Weasel! How do I know YOU aren't here to destroy my hive!" Draco growled at Ron.
"Draco listen to him! We swear an oath, to protect our friend Harry, his mate and his hive, we would die for him, we love him! Draco we are trying to save you both" Cried Hermione, the tears running down her face.
"Let them go now Draco, I…trust them" Said a tiny voice emanating from a large pile of clothes.
Draco turned and walked towards it as Ron and Hermione felt themselves sliding to the ground.
From under a blanket in his nest of materials Harry stuck his head out to look at his two best friends.
"Come here" Harry, said as he motioned for Draco to lift him to his feet.
Both Hermione and Ron gasped at Harry's gravid stomach; he could barely stand and looked like he was carrying a fully-grown man inside him.
"WOW" Ron cried as Mione elbowed him in the ribs.
Harry waddled slowly to them and licked both their foreheads in turn.
"What the hell was that all about?" whispered Ron
Hermione just smiled "He's marked us as part of his hive Ron"
"Oh..That's okay then" Smiled Ron sarcastically.
"You'll be staying with us then?" said Draco who was still a bit pissed at having his nest invaded by his least favourite humans. He waved his hand and two beds appeared not far from the nest.
"We can't! We'll be missed" Said Ron
"I'm not having people stroll in and out of here leading anyone into my hive! Not with my mate so close to birth!" Said Draco
"He's right Ron, promise you'll stay! At least till after the babies are born" pleaded Harry.
Ron looked at Mione and nodded his head, "Okay we'll stay but I'm not eating any bloody insects!"
They didn't have to wait long as two short days later Harry's contractions began. Draco lay in the nest with Harry, holding him close as he moaned with the pain.
Draco's own stomach cramped with sympathy as he brushed Harry's sweaty black hair off his forehead.
"Don't worry my love it won't be long now before can see our children" Draco whispered softly.
Hermione sat on the other side of the nest, holding Harry's hand over the rim.
Ron who was feeling very uncomfortable with the whole situation had fallen asleep on his conjured bed.
Hours and many contractions had passed before Harry finally pushed out a large white, green speckled egg that had to be at least the size of an ostrich's.
Soon another followed and another until sitting in the bottom of the nest between Harry's spread legs where 4 large eggs.
"What are they Draco? Said a panting and exhausted Harry as he stared at the blood coated orbs.
Draco just stared at them in awe; he shook his head bewildered.
"Hermione already had her notebook out in which she had compiled as much information on Anbians as she could find, she began to read aloud.
"Anbian queens give birth via oviposition; the laying of eggs. Anbian Queens always give birth to multiple offspring, which will hatch as adolescent Anbians (they will appear to be 10-12 years old in human years.) In as little as two weeks, They will then begin growing normally.
It is believed that pure Anbian offspring (in which both parents are Anbian.) are born with all their parents memories of people, places and things but not events."
"What does that mean Granger?" asked Draco
"It means your children will know and recognise all of the people you and Harry have ever met. They will know the layout of the castle, but they won't know anything that happened in the past, like you being in Slytherin or what happened during 3rd year."
"Wow" Said Harry before finally giving in to exhaustion and laying his head on Draco's chest.
"Carry on" Said Draco as he stroked the jet-black hair of his sleeping mate.
"Anbian offspring often have characteristics of both parents much like humans. They will also have a different coloured Saura (the glitter that permeates their skin) Dominants or Kings will have a silver Saura whereas the Submissives or Queens have a golden one.
All Anbians appear male to onlookers but Queens are often smaller and are natural hermaphrodites enabling them to bare children.
"That's all I could dig up but if I can get to the library I will do some more research."
"Thankyou Granger, for everything" said Draco as he curled around Harry and their eggs and went to sleep.
The eggs where now so big that they filled nearly the entire nest. They where easily the size of beanbag chairs and would occasionally rock with the movement inside.
Harry was also was very very hot, Mione measured his temperature at well over a hundred degrees.
"God he's boiling" said Draco as Harry lay amongst the eggs, no-one could drag him away from them, it seemed to physically hurt Harry to be away from his children.
"Apparently he's warming them with his increased body heat, he will most likely cool down when they hatch." Smiled Hermione.
"Should be soon, they've been rocking all day long," said Ron as he paced the room.
Draco was bored out of his mind and all Harry wanted to do was sleep next to their eggs, Granger and the weasel where just about driving him insane.
After a few hours of blowing his fringe out of his eyes there was a cracking noise and Draco and Harry gathered round the first egg to hatch. A small crack appeared down one side and an impatient Harry helped pull away the rest of the thick eggshell. They gasped to see a small curled up boy who looked about 11, he was as blonde as Draco but had Harry's Golden Saura and when he looked up at them his eyes where a startling green.
The young boy shivered, coated in the slimy albumin from inside the egg as he looked into the faces of his parents.
"M….Mother?…..F..Father" he said as he stared at Harry and then Draco.
Well hope you enjoy ,i will be updating all my stories and also have 3 more new stories to share with you!
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