Moving Day

Moving Day

This story was supposed to be posted with my first stories but was delayed after reading your comments. I have listened to several well-meaning and I believe knowledgeable commentators who don't care for where I choose to end my stories. The INTERMISSION point is the story's original ending. If you enjoy the original ending I suggest you stop there.

The second part of this story picks up at the original ending and takes an unexpected turn. At least it was unexpected to me.

The second half of this story turns darker and deals with child abuse and the darker aspects of the porn industry. Also, there are sexual situations. Please consider yourself warned.

The second Warning is the fact the story is unedited. I hope to have future stories edited.


Bruce placed the final box in the back of his car. The move had gone much faster than he had anticipated.

His kids and their friends had helped him load up his belongings in just under 3 hours. Bruce thought it sad that what had taken over 25 years to accumulate could be moved so quickly.

The move had not been Bruce's idea. The children had pushed him into doing it. He looked at his three children and felt a real sense of pride. The marriage had ended. But when Bruce saw the three wonderful people it had produced he had no regrets.

Why were they pushing him to move you ask? It all started 3 years ago.

Three years ago Bruce had caught his wife Helen in an affair with a co-worker. He had sensed something was wrong for several months. Bruce also realized that while this was the first time she had been caught, it was most likely not her first affair.

Bruce yelled, she cried. She lied, he cried. Bruce moved out and started the divorce process. He gave up on his marriage but his children did not give up on their parent's marriage.

Helen and Bruce's children were Troy, aged 20, a senior in college. Tina, aged 19, a junior in college. And Zack, aged 13, a seventh grader in middle school.

One night they staged what could be called an intervention. They talked with Bruce like sane rational adults. To be honest, it was something Helen and Bruce had not been able to do. They shared with him all the good reasons Helen and him should stay together after 22 years of marriage. To seal the deal the kids promised to help Bruce move if Helen ever cheated on him again.

Bruce had not known about her latest affair. Unfortunately, it was Zack who had come home to pick up his baseball gear and found his Mother in bed with a strange man.

Zack left the house without being seen and called his brother and sister. This had happened on Wednesday afternoon.

Troy and Tina came to see Bruce Wednesday night after Helen had gone to a real estate closing. Together with Zack their conversation started with these words "we will be here Saturday morning to move you to the cottage." Zack added, "I saw her Dad, they were in your bedroom."

Tina continued, "Mom is out of town with Debbie this weekend. We should have you out of here in one day. Also, I called Zack's school. The cottage is in the same school district." "I am going with you," Zack added.

Bruce did his part by taking Friday off. He went to the same lawyer he had three years ago. Smiling a sad smile Bruce told her, "I'm back and nothing is stopping the divorce this time." She told him she would have a set of papers to him by 6pm Saturday night. Helen would be served Monday at her work.

Bruce made stops at their bank and the investment firm they used. Helen was going to be very surprised come Monday morning.

Bruce thought it said a lot about Helen that she never realized anything was going on Thursday or Friday. She seemed to be preoccupied with planning her weekend. Bruce realized that Helen and Debbie's girls' weekend probably included a couple of male guests.

Troy had rented a 24 foot moving van. Bruce thought it was way too big but he had underestimated his children. They felt the new living room furniture would look great in the cottage. Also, the lawn furniture, the hot tub and grill would be perfect for the deck at the cottage.

Zack wanted everything from his room. Tina wanted the same since the furniture had been her grandmother's.

Bruce didn't feel right taking almost everything in the house. Tina walked up to him and said, "I know what you are thinking Dad. We would take the walls and floor if they would fit. We are sorry for talking you into giving her another chance." She kissed him on the cheek, gently pushed Bruce back and rolled up the area rug he had been standing on. She gave it to Zack to take out.

After the last box had been taken out, the boys and Bruce did a final inspection. He had to admit it felt good, real good. Tina came down from upstairs and put a large knife back in the drawer. She said, "I just wanted to make sure she hadn't hid anything in her mattress."

It was a 20 minute trip to the 3 bedroom cottage. The house had been left to Bruce and his siblings by his Mother when she died 2 years ago. Bruce's Mother had not been in favor of Helen and him reconciling. Thankfully his Mother had listened to some good legal advice and left her entire estate in a trust for her children. Nothing from her estate would be included in a divorce.

The cottage had a nice, quiet setting on a private lake with a pier and swing by the water.

The caravan of cars followed Bruce as he drove the moving van. Everyone jumped out and in just 2 hours they had transformed the empty house into a comfortable lakefront home. Zack and his friends were jumping off the pier and swing. Bruce knew Zack was going to love it here.

Bruce ordered pizza and they had a great evening of swimming and dancing to music from his stereo. He had a turntable and a bunch of old LP's that the kids loved hearing. Helen had never let him turn up the volume. She never understood you had to crank it up to listen to Led Zeppelin.

The legal courier came and stayed for a few hours. Neighbors from around the cottage came to introduce themselves bringing covered dishes and staying for pizza. The move had turned into a block party.

Tina introduced Bruce to two blushing single women from the neighborhood. He apologized for his daughter and they promised to get better acquainted in the near future.

Sunday afternoon Bruce returned to his old house. It was no longer his home, just a house. It seemed so empty and he realized it wasn't just the furniture. Bruce had taken with him the three most important items from this house, his children.

Bruce set the divorce papers on the kitchen counter and walked out the door.

That evening Helen parked her car in the driveway. She took a minute to collect herself. It had been a wild weekend with Ben, Debbie and Fred. She couldn't wait until they could meet again.

But now it was time to go back to being the perfect mother and wife. "Showtime" she said to herself as she opened the front door.


Helen turned on the light switch and illuminated the empty room. Her keys, purse and jaw all hit the floor at roughly the same time.

The living room was empty. The furniture was gone, the rugs were gone, and every picture that had hung on the walls were gone.

"We've been robbed" she shouted out to no one.

She ran to the dining room. It appeared to be intact. She couldn't believe her luck. Her husband had always called the dining room set gaudy and ugly. But Helen loved it.

Relieved, Helen went to sit at the kitchen table only to notice it too was gone. She looked over the kitchen. The coffee maker was missing but her trusty Keurig was still there. After opening all the cabinets and drawers Helen determined that some silverware and pots and pans were also missing. But the thieves didn't take everything. Helen couldn't understand what she was seeing.

As Helen scanned the kitchen again she noticed the large manila envelope on the counter. Helen opened the envelope and read the heading of the enclosed papers, "Petition for Divorce." Helen said, "Oh shit, Oh Shit". As she walked upstairs she continued saying, "Oh shit, and Oh shit." She looked in Zack's room, "Oh shit." She looked in Tina's room, "Oh shit, oh shit." She walked into the master bedroom. The room was still fully furnished but she saw the empty closet and dresser drawers. She knew Bruce had taken everything of his from the house. Helen sat on the edge of her bed.

"Shit, shitttt, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!!" Helen closed her eyes and mumbled to herself, "This can't be happening." Helen started to cry and went into the bathroom to get some tissues. They were gone, looking at the toilet she screamed "Damn him, he even took the toilet paper!"

Helen sat back on the bed and used the comforter to wipe her eyes. She loved her bed. The mattress was a Royal Pedic, very expensive but worth it.

Bruce had complained about the $7000 mattress set. Helen remembered thinking how really angry he would be if he had known she and Ben christened the bed before he could sleep on it.

Helen composed herself and started talking to herself, "Ok, Bruce knows something but he had caught her once before. They had worked it out that time. They could work it out this time too. Bruce isn't going to give me up, he cannot live without the sex I give him."

Helen realized their twenty fifth wedding anniversary was only two months away. Helen smiled as she remembered meeting Bruce Sterns. He was the hot new engineer at the engineering company where Helen was employed as a secretary. The single women at the company all started coming on to Bruce but Helen knew that approach wasn't going to work on him. While her coworkers dressed more and more provocatively, Helen started dressing more conservatively. Her skirts were now 3 or 4 inches longer. She buttoned her blouses up to the top. She stopped going to lunch with her friends and started bringing her lunch and eating in the cafeteria. Soon she was eating with Bruce, then as the weather warmed they ate on the picnic tables.

She remembered their first dates. Bruce was always the perfect gentleman. He opened doors for her, he always paid for dinner. He listened to her and seemed to be really interested in what she had to say. They went to shows and long drives to the mountains. Bruce never pressured her for sex. He told her, "I can wait until you are ready."

Helen wasn't used to waiting for sex. Helen took great pride in her sexual abilities. She had learned about men at an early age. Since she was sixteen Helen did Kegel exercises to tone her sexual muscles. She loved to ride a man and manipulate him with her sex. Helen loved the feeling of control she only felt when riding her lover. Helen loved sex but she and Bruce were going to wait.

Helen's roommate, Debbie, thought the whole Bruce courtship thing was funny. Debbie always laughed at Helen after her dates with Bruce. "Sent him home with blue balls again didn't you?" Debbie would tease Helen.

Debbie and Helen had been best friends since their freshman year in high school. Debbie had been in the front seat when Helen and Bobby first did the deed in the back seat of Donnie's car. The duo had many sexual adventures together including the occasional time with each other.

Debbie asked Helen, "Why are you teasing that man? He's a good looking man, I know you want to fuck him. I know he wants you, I've seen the bulge in his pants when you send him home. He appears to be pretty well equipped."

Helen replied, "Men like Bruce need to be worked very slowly, I don't want to scare him off." Helen looked at Debbie and said, "I think he could be the one."

Debbie was puzzled by her friend's reply. "You think he could be the one? If he is the one why are you getting dressed to go out after he leaves?"

Helen smiled at Debbie and said, "Well he could be the one but I sent him home. Right now I'm horny and Steve is willing to help me out tonight."

It took Bruce 3 months and over 30 dates to get Helen into bed. Helen made sure Bruce would remember their first time. As Helen rode Bruce her sex clamped down on his organ. She would have him begging to cum in minutes.

Bruce was amazed at how wonderful Helen felt. But Bruce wasn't there just for sex. He reached up to kiss Helen and holding her tight rolled them over into the missionary position. He kissed her lightly on the lips, then her cheeks, followed by a light peck on the nose. Then he kissed her forehead and down the side of her face to the nape of her neck. He wanted to kiss and taste every inch of her beautiful body.

Bruce couldn't believe what she was doing to his dick but it was a distraction to him. He pulled out of her and continued orally exploring her body. The texture of her nipples were wonderful and he loved Helen's moans as he nibbled on them.

Helen asked Bruce, "Please, I need you in me." Bruce rose up and kissed her, "Soon Helen, soon. I need to explore you first. I have waited so long to be with you." Helen would plead several more times. Bruce always answered, "soon, soon."

Bruce took an hour exploring Helen's body. He loved hearing the giggle when he tongued her belly button, the low growl when he probed her ass, the moan from kissing the back of her knees. Helen's sex tasted delicious as Bruce gave her three wonderful orgasms.

When Bruce entered Helen again he felt he knew her. Bruce knew this is where he belonged. He kissed her deeply and told her, "I love you."

Helen had stopped trying to manipulate Bruce. She lay beneath him enjoying and reacting to the sensations. She had been with many men but she realized at that moment she had never made love. Helen crossed her legs across Bruce's back and drew him even deeper into her. She told Bruce, "I love you too. I love only you." Helen wasn't playing her game any longer, she truly loved this man. Helen knew she needed him.

That weekend the lovers only left Helen's bedroom for bathroom and food breaks. Actually mainly just bathroom breaks since even much of the food was incorporated into their lovemaking.

Bruce and Helen knew they had found the one person they would love for the rest of their lives. Time would prove them to be correct but unfortunately other factors would test their love. But in spite of what this tale may led you to believe their love would never die. Helen would never love another man. Bruce would never love another woman.

After their first night Helen and Bruce's relationship sped ahead at light speed. They married four months later. On their wedding night, Helen promised herself to be true to Bruce for the rest of her life.

Debbie had been the Maid of Honor. Debbie still didn't understand Helen and Bruce's relationship even as they approached marriage. They would be together and after Bruce left Helen would call another man to come over. Debbie asked Helen, "Why are you doing this? Is Bruce a bad lover?" Helen snapped back, "Bruce is a wonderful lover. He satisfies me and makes me feel loved. He is the only man I have ever loved." Debbie was even more confused, she asked again, "Then why?" Helen quietly replied, "Bruce loves me and makes me feel safe and protected. The others fuck me and remind me that I'm a whore."

Debbie held the bachelorette party at their apartment. Helen wanted one last fling so after the guests had gone Helen, Debbie, Don (Debbie's boyfriend) and the two male strippers had their own party. Don filmed the evening with his camcorder as his girlfriend helped Helen with her last sexual tryst as a single woman.

The tape from that night was logged in and stored in the chest Helen kept in her closet. Helen loved to be filmed performing sexual acts. She had a collection of over 100 tapes, all with the date and name of her playmates listed.

Bruce and Helen Sterns began their life as Man and Wife. They had their first child, Troy, a year into their marriage. Tina and Zack followed in the next few years. The Sterns were a wonderful loving family. The family Helen had always wanted.

The first twelve years of their marriage were a fairy tale. Helen had the perfect family and the perfect husband. Helen had quit working with the birth of Troy and loved being a stay at home mom. When Zack started school she started to feel a little lost. She was alone in the house all day until the kids started coming home. She never had a hobby, other than sex, and just watching TV got very boring.

It was Bruce who suggested Helen start working again. He saw the changes in Helen and thought a part-time job would help her. They didn't need the m

oney but it would be nice to have something extra for a special vacation.

Helen went to work part-time for a real estate company as a receptionist. Debbie had been working at this company for several years and was one of the firm's top selling agents. The two women rekindled their friendship.

Debbie had married Don. They had divorced after a couple of years. She had married again only to have it end in divorce after 6 months. Debbie thought she just wasn't the marrying type.

Helen worked at the company for several years before deciding to become a real estate agent. She passed the real estate license exam and became an agent. Bruce wasn't happy about her becoming an agent. He asked Helen, "How are you going to be a full time Mother and a full time agent?" Helen assured him, "I will only work part-time. I can be home when the kids get off the bus. I will have to work on Saturdays but not all of them." Bruce had many reservations about Helen taking on this new job but thought Debbie could help her.

Helen felt wonderful being back in the world of adults. She loved being a Mother but it was great to talk about more than just children. She had fun buying a whole new wardrobe.

The real estate market was tough when Helen decided to go to work. Interest rates had gone up and a recession had clients and banks holding on to their money.

Helen had been working for almost three months without a sale. It was that first home sale that marked a change Helen's life.

She had a newly married couple as clients. The wife loved the house but the husband wasn't totally on board. Finally Helen had talked the couple into making an offer. The couple's offer was low but in these times Helen hoped the seller might accept. After several offers and counter offers the two sides were still several thousand dollars apart. Helen knew the husband was the controlling factor and made an appointment to meet him at his office.

Helen met with him and started discussing the house. The agent for the buyer had given Helen another counter offer. The agent had let Helen know this was their final counter offer. As Helen spoke with her client she started to study him. She understood men and she was starting to understand this man. The client told Helen, "I think I need a little more to be convinced."

Helen knew the sale depended on this man's ego being stroked a little. Helen stood up and turned the contract around to face her client. She walked around his desk and dropped to her knees in front of the sitting man. Helen looked up at him and said, "Sign the contract and you get my mouth." Helen heard the pen scratch across the paper as she unzipped him and took him into her mouth. She was sure she gave the man the best blow job of his life.

Helen finished, picked up the signed contract and walked to the door. At the door she smiled and said, "It was a real business doing pleasure with you."

Helen sat in her car for more than an hour. She cried and cursed herself. Why didn't she trust her ability to close the deal without sex? Why had she cheated on Bruce? Why had she broken the promise she made to herself about being true to Bruce? But what really bothered her was the realization that she was like an alcoholic who had taken her first drink after years of sobriety.

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