Mouth Whore

Mouth Whore


Mouth Whore
I warned you not to hook up with that stripper. I think that you should get that checked out . You might have whore mouth .
Whore Mouth is an excess of talking. Whore Mouth includes cussing way too much, talking loudly , talking very quickly, and talking while someone else is talking.
by THEcAPTAINLINEBECK_ March 2, 2011
A female whose lip region is marred up by cold sores and scabs .
I have got to get some Herpecin on my lips soon. Prom is next week and I can't go with whore's mouth .
Man: We should go fishin agian
Friend: Hell yeah
Woman: You better not, I wont be at this house when you get back
Man: (Punch woman) Shut your whore mouth when men are talking
Oral herpes .

Oral herpes is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus.
I think i got whore mouth from that bitch i met at the club
Someone who is using fowl language .

Usually used in the sentenced "Shut your dirty whore mouth!"
Tim :Ya i fucked that bitch last night!
Tom: Shut your dirty whore mouth!
1. the mouth of a treacherous whore .
2. the mouth of any enemy who seeks to publicly oppose you.
3. any mouth that continually produces extremly irritating noises.

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1. “I once gave a blowjob to an ex-boyfriend behind a gas station and we weren’t even getting gas. Absolutely he remembered what he’d been missing.”
2. “Let a guy eat me out in a public parking lot. It was during a concert so everyone was inside but this was without a doubt one of those moments I don’t want my father to ever hear about.”
3. “I had done anal with my ex-boyfriend before but it never really did much for me. After we broke up I hooked up with a friend who wanted to do it and when I told him I’d never really enjoyed it he said ‘let me try.’ He then positioned my desk in front of a mirror in such way that when he bent me over it all I could see was my own face and body. Then, when I was about to cum he started to lightly choked me. I literally fell down I came so hard.”
4. “Once dated a guy that would come into the shower and put his fingers in my vagina and lead me to the bedroom that way when he wanted morning sex.”
5. “Let my boyfriend cum in me and then straddled his face. We hadn’t talked about doing that before, totally spontaneous. I must have cum three times while he was cleaning me up.”
6. “Was with a regular FWB who was a demon in bed and felt totally submissive to him. Ended up telling him ‘this is your pussy’ over and over and over. I think it turned me on even more than it did him. I don’t think I’ve felt as open and full since.”
7. “There is nothing hotter to me than my bf cumming inside me. This might be tame to some people but looking him in the face when he’s cumming in me is the biggest turn on.”
8. “Had sex with my college boyfriend when I knew his roommate was watching us and jerking off.”
9. “Pretended to be his secretary and got under my man’s desk while he was working on a Saturday and sucked his cock while he kept working. Definitely plays into my sex in public places fetish and my submissive tendencies.”
10. “Pegged my boyfriend with the dildo I usually use on myself while calling him a ‘bitchboy’. What can I say, I have a thing for dominating men.”
11. “Told a guy to eat my asshole in a public bathroom stall. He did.”
12. “One night when I was both drunk and high my boyfriend at the time started fingering me and putting more and more fingers in. Before I knew it he was slowly trying to fist me. It hurt but at the same time the feeling really turned me on. I ended up soaking the couch with his entire hand in me about ten minutes later. It was never something I thought I would have liked but damn did I like it.”
13. “This might be something that not everyone can understand but sex when you’re pregnant is amazing. I asked my husband to cum inside me everyday for weeks after I started showing. In my mind he was getting me pregnant over and over again. Something just so hot about it.”
14. “I once let a guy cum in my mouth and then spat it back in his mouth. Turnabout is fair play, guys!”
15. “Went to a swinger party once and had sex with three different strangers in under an hour while blindfolded. I won’t lie, this was off the chain amazing although I never went back because I could easily see that becoming a lifestyle for me.”
16. “A few years ago, I used my dildo on my boyfriend while giving him head. Talk about a power trip.”
17. “A guy once went down on me while I was sitting in a lawn chair on his front lawn right after everyone else, including his wife, went inside because the bonfire was out.”
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By Holly Riordan
Updated February 1, 2022

By Holly Riordan
Updated February 1, 2022

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1. “I love blowing him right before I leave for work, so that I’ll still have the taste in my mouth when I get to the office. It’s a naughty little reminder of what I’ve just done. So yeah, I enjoy the taste.” — Amber, 25
2. “I don’t know if he needs to change his diet or something, but his semen always tastes so sour. I swallow, but then I run to the bathroom to wash my mouth out. He doesn’t know that, though.” — Amy, 20
3. “At first I wasn’t into it. And then, once, my boyfriend kissed me after eating me out, and the taste on his lips was horrible . Made me want to vomit. So yeah, I’d much rather swallow his load than taste my own fluids ever again.” — Taylor, 23
4. “For me, the taste isn’t a big deal. Nothing to brag or complain about. It’s the amount that gets me. When a lot comes out, it’s hard to swallow. Literally.” — Victoria, 28
5. “I pay pretty close attention to what he’s been putting inside of his body. If he’s had a lot of fruit and pineapple juice lately, then I’ll let him cum in my mouth. But if he’s been having a lot of beer and cigarettes, then I tell him to cum on my tits instead and we’re both happy.” — April, 31
6. “It doesn’t really taste like anything to me? Is that weird? It’s just like… nothingness. So I don’t like or dislike it.” — Olivia, 22
7. “That’s an impossible question to answer. Every guy tastes different. One particular guy could taste different on different days. It’s not always going to taste sweet. It’s not always going to taste sour. Sometimes, it’ll be in the middle. And sometimes, you’ll want to gag. It really depends.” — Laura, 29
8. “Taste is fine. Smell is gross.” — Shelby, 26
9. “I hate going down on guys. So when he squirts into my mouth, I’m just so happy that the blowjob is finally over that I don’t even notice the taste.” — Erica, 24
10. “Let’s get this straight, I hate the taste. Hate it. But I swallow and act like I’m loving it, because he finds it sexy. And when he thinks I’m sexy, I feel sexy. So I deal with it.” — Madison, 21 
11. “I refused to swallow for years and my friends would always make fun of me. But when I started dating my current boyfriend, I tried it, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as I imagined in my head. Still bad, but not unbearably bad.” — Lindsey, 30
12. “Honestly, I’ve never even considered spitting. The taste is fine. And it’s easier to swallow than to find a place to spit.” — Alicia, 25
13. “My ex tasted delicious. My current boyfriend tastes… pretty bad. I make fun of him for it all the time. Does that make me a horrible person?” — Miranda, 26
14. “I’ll be honest here, I don’t give blowjobs all that often. So when I do, I feel like I have to make it special. Swallowing once or twice a month isn’t really that big of a deal. It’s like eating salt. ” — Whitney, 23
15. “I’m bi and I personally prefer going down on women. I think they taste better, but that’s just one girl’s opinion.” — Alexa, 29
16. “Yup! I’m obsessed with the taste of him. Even when he’s inside me, sometimes I ask him to pull out so he can finish in my mouth.” — Faith, 24
17. “I mean, it’s not going to taste like a cappuccino. It came out of his dick. It’s about as good as it’s going to get.” — Paige, 23 

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Ari has absolutely no interest in visiting the island resort where traumatic memories are repressed. She would much rather deal with her sister’s death the old-fashioned way. Booze. Even though her gut warns her to stay home, visiting the island becomes inevitable—and more dangerous than she ever could have imagined.
Forget Her is the new must-read sci-fi thriller by novelist Holly Riordan that will keep you on the edge of your seat!
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