Mountain Magic

Mountain Magic

The summer between my junior and senior year in college, I decided to get out of my comfort zone and work at a National Park. I chose one with mountains, pine trees, rocks, bears, moose, waterfalls, lakes, and snow. It was a far cry from my home in Texas!

I'm a generally shy girl, not the partying type, so I was relieved to find that my roommate for the summer was also on the quiet side. We hit it off right away, and both of us were assigned to be waitresses in the lodge. The big difference between us, though, was that Jenny was fit and tan, had endless energy, and loved hiking. I honestly had never heard of going hiking, but Jenny had her boots laced up as soon as she got off work every day.

I confess I am kind of soft. Not fat, by any means, but a size 10 on a 5'2" body makes for a round, curvy shape. I had heard people refer to me as "that plump little redhead." My skin is typical of redheads - soft and white with a few freckles, prone to sunburn. I have bright blue eyes, and my hair is curly, but not kinky, thank goodness! I keep it about chin length.

Hundreds of employees are needed to keep things running at a National Park, especially if there is one of those famous old lodges on site. You have to have front desk workers, bellhops, hostesses, maids, waitresses, kitchen staff, shuttle bus drivers, tour boat captains, bartenders, stable hands, gift shop salespeople, and more. And yet I hardly knew anyone outside of the dining room and kitchen. Whenever I wasn't working, I hung out in our room, took a nap, read magazines, and relaxed with my guitar. I am into music, particularly country music, and I enjoy working on new songs. All that is to explain how, as the summer went on, I started to feel lonely in spite of the bustle going on all around me. Jenny was always hiking, and I didn't really know anyone else.

I want to say a word about the challenges 34DD breasts can be for a short girl. As beautiful as they are, they feel full and heavy. There are always annoying gaps between the buttons when I wear a uniform shirt because the fabric doesn't stretch to fit me. Plus, when I'm working hard on a hot day, sweat trickles down between my breasts and settles in my bra. Then the underwire chaffs my tender skin. I can hardly wait to get that thing off when my shift is over!

One day, I came off the breakfast-lunch shift just dripping wet. They don't put A/C in employee dormitories, so I whipped my bra off and went to stand by the open window in hopes of catching a breeze to cool "the girls" off. Instead of catching a breeze, I caught the eye of a man! Now, our room was on the second floor, so it could have been worse, but he did a double-take and then looked directly up at me and, smiling broadly, gave me a little wave.

I ducked down immediately, my heart beating wildly. Never would I have flashed a man on purpose! I hadn't expected anyone to be around in the middle of the afternoon. I peaked over the windowsill and watched as he walked on. I didn't recognize him, not that that was a surprise, given how few people I knew. He looked to be of medium height and stocky build as he moved away from me with a confident stride. He was wearing jeans and work boots with an employee uniform shirt - maintenance or groundskeeper? Maybe trail crew.

To tell the truth, I was turned on. I had exposed myself for the first time, and it met a need I didn't know I had. I was basically invisible in this busy place, and I felt a little thrill to have been seen.

The next day, I again came home from early shift in the middle of a hot afternoon, needing to release my boobs from the torturous bra. I have a little routine I typically follow. I unhook and drop the bra, then gently cup my breasts with my hands, lifting them to give them some fresh air. I use a towel to dab away perspiration underneath each one. I tap a little baby powder on my hand, lift up one breast, and gently rub the powder underneath. Repeat on the other side. I then use both hands to massage each breast, one at a time. Ah, what a relief! Before I started my routine I glanced out the window. Yep, you guessed it. That man was standing between two trees, gazing hopefully up at my window. He had remembered me! He had guessed my schedule and wanted to see me again. I decided to do my baby powder/breast massage routine right in front of the window for his pleasure.

It was a short exhibition - only a couple of minutes - but again, I felt a jolt of excitement at having been seen. I could feel the tingle spread from my nipples to my pussy. I wasn't even embarrassed this time. I just smiled at him as I massaged my breasts and enjoyed his obvious interest. A bulge appeared in the front of his jeans and his hand moved boldly down to rub himself. Oh wow. Did I make him do that?

The third day, I spent half my shift anticipating the possibility of doing my little routine for him again. I was surprised at how quickly my modesty had been broken down and how eager I was to see his eyes on me and his hand rub his crotch. In fact, I wanted more. I mean, why should I be the only one showing anything? I wondered if I could get him to show me his package.

He was there again, waiting in the trees. I stood by the window and released my girls from their cage, boldly lifting them up for his approval. He smiled broadly in encouragement and blew me a kiss! Before I started in on the baby powder and massage, I brushed my hand over my crotch and pointed to him to do the same. He got the message right away and began rubbing the bulge in his jeans as I fondled my breasts in front of him. Then I boldly unzipped my pants and pulled them down. I didn't take off my panties - that would have been going way too far. His eyes widened and his hand moved faster. I motioned for him to unzip his pants, and he did! He pulled out a gorgeous cock and showed it to me for my approval. Oh, I approved, all right. Even from the distance of my second-story window, I could tell it was long and hard, thick and ruddy. I blew him a kiss, as he had done to me, and he grinned. As I played with my breasts and rubbed the crotch of my panties, he jerked himself off right in front off me! His legs were slightly spread to brace himself, and he kept his eyes trained on me. When he climaxed, his cum pulsed wildly into the air between us. I watched the whole time. I had never seen anything so exciting and sexy.

When he was finished, I backed away from the window. I heard his voice for the first time call, "What's your name?" I wasn't about to answer that. I wanted to remain anonymous. I stayed quiet and out of sight until he left. Then I lay back on my bed, slid my panties off, and brought myself to the hardest orgasm I'd ever had as I replayed the image of that handsome man and his beautiful cock shooting his cum.

But now our work schedule changed. The next day was our day off, and Jenny and I went to town for the day with some other girls, just shopping and seeing the local sights. Then came three days of working dinner shift. So it was four days before I had morning shift again and another private afternoon in my room. I wondered if he would be looking for me. Part of me thought it would be better if he had given up. I mean, how could this continue? I didn't want a relationship with him. That would be so embarrassing. Anonymous exhibition was OK (how had I gotten to that point so fast, I wondered?), but how could I talk to him face-to-face after what we had been doing?

There he was, under the trees, waiting for me. My heart jumped and my pussy became wet just thinking about watching him stroke himself. I wanted to see him cum again. I unhooked my bra and unzipped my pants so he could see my panties. I began to stroke and play with my girls and rub my wet crotch, expecting him to bring out his beautiful cock. But he didn't. Instead, he motioned for me to take off my panties. I was shocked! I couldn't go that far. Or could I? He was adamant - he wasn't going to show me if I didn't show him.

I had to do it. I turned around so my curvy bottom was facing the window and gave him a good look at my plump ass as I eased down my panties. When I turned back, he had his dick out and was slowly pleasuring himself while watching me hotly. Emboldened, I put one foot on the windowsill to widen my legs and expose my pussy more. I slid my fingers all around and between my wet pussy lips with one hand while lifting and stroking my breasts with the other. He gasped and spoke so softly I could barely hear him, "You are so beautiful."

His words sent electricity through me. So many times I had been called the plump little redhead, but I had never been called beautiful. I rubbed my clit and squeezed my nipples and watched in fascination as he pumped faster and faster, turning me on more with his grunts. Then I was moaning, on the edge of my own climax. He softly said, "Cum for me, Beautiful." And I came so hard and long I thought I'd pass out. I almost missed his own spectacular orgasm. I could no longer stand. I sank down by the window, and we gazed into each others' eyes. Wow. "What's your name?" he pleaded. But I shook my head and sank the rest of the way to the floor, exhausted.

This could not continue. I had enjoyed our anonymous encounters so much, but everything had escalated, and it was starting to go too far. I needed to step back from this.

Thankfully, Jenny distracted me. "Maryann, you have got to come hiking at least once! The summer is half over and you haven't seen anything."

I protested that I didn't have any hiking boots. She just laughed, "You don't need them for the hike I have in mind. It's only a couple of miles and the trail is mostly flat. Your gym shoes will work fine." Then she grinned. "But I might suggest one thing..."

The next afternoon, Jenny and I went to town to get my first sports bra. As I said, I'm a singer, not an athlete, so I didn't even have one. All tucked up tight, I felt like a new woman. I experienced a twinge of sadness as I thought about my handsome mystery man waiting under the window, but I was determined to move forward.

I loved the hike with Jenny on our next day off. I found out hiking was really just walking through beautiful woods on a trail - what's not to like about that? We sat by a waterfall, listening to its roar as it spilled over a cliff and into a lake. We watched other hikers come and go as we soaked up the sun. We lay back on flat rocks to look into the circle of intense blue sky ringed with tall pines. We walked farther upstream and saw cascades of smaller falls tumbling toward the big one, the stream edged with wildflowers of many colors. It soothed my aching heart. I did not know I would miss my secret man so much.

After that, things started getting busy for me. Preparations were underway for a variety show that the employees were going to put on for the hotel guests with a dance to follow. I was planning to sing and play the guitar, of course. I got a couple of other girls from the dorm to learn some backup harmony for me, and we spent free afternoons practicing and having a great time. I did not look out my window.

I also started hiking more with Jenny, and she showed me more of her favorite trails. One morning I was relaxed and laughing at something Jenny had said when we came upon the trail crew clearing rocks from the path. And there he was. He greeted us with a friendly "How's it going, ladies," then froze when he saw me. Our eyes locked, and I blushed furiously. Ducking my head, I rushed past with Jenny behind me.

"What was that about?" she asked. "Do you know that guy?"

"No!" I said.

"Hm," she mused. "It kind of looked like he knows you. I mean, that was definitely a hot look he gave you. What's his name?"

"I honestly don't know," I protested!

"Whatever." Jenny let it go but I could tell she didn't believe me. I didn't stop blushing for a half a mile.

A couple of days later, Jenny came back from her hike with a little bottle filled with wildflowers and set it on my dresser. "Oh, how pretty!" I exclaimed.

Jenny said, "They're for you. From that hot guy on trail crew."

I stared at her. "What?"

"I ran into trail crew again on my hike today, and he recognized me. He asked me what your name was. When I told him I was your roommate, he gave me these to give you."

"Oh no!" I cried. "Did you tell him my name?"

"Of course! Why not? Oh. And he told me to tell you his name is Jake. So what is going on with you two?"

I couldn't tell her, of course, but it made my heart sing to know Jake hadn't forgotten me. Since the last afternoon we had enjoyed watching each other, I had replayed everything about him dozens of times. His smile, his appreciation of my full breasts, his intense eyes on me, his erotic response to me, his insistence on pushing me farther, his handsome cock, his words, "Cum for me, Beautiful." I wanted to get myself off as I thought about him, but I knew it wouldn't be enough. I needed him to watch me again.

Jake started leaving me little notes. "I miss you, Maryann." "Maryann, please talk to me." "You are so beautiful and I can't stop thinking about you." "Dance with me after the show this Saturday."

Saturday night's variety show was so much fun. I sang with my back-up group and received a standing ovation. I knew Jake was somewhere in the audience, but didn't see him. That was OK. Something had changed during the course of the summer. I didn't feel invisible any longer. I had friends, new activities, and a chance to shine in what I do best. I felt confident and beautiful. I was ready to see Jake again, but openly now.

He found me after the show and led me onto the dance floor. He looked into my eyes and shook his head. His voice was husky as he said, "You are amazing." I blushed, but with pleasure, not embarrassment. I was so happy to have his eyes back on me, and this time his hands as well. He pulled me in close and whispered, "I can't believe I finally have you in my arms."

That night, there was more than just watching between us. He took me back to his room and asked me gently if I would show him my breasts again, but close up this time. Of course, I was more than happy to. He asked if he could touch me. Of course I ached for him to.

He stroked, patted, and worshiped my breasts, kissed and licked them all over, buried his face between them, smelled and tasted them, suckled my nipples until I almost came from his wonderful attentions. He told me I was beautiful, talented, bold and brave, and the only woman he wanted. We took the night slowly, each of us enjoying the erotic sight of clothes coming off and close-up enjoyment of what we had previously seen from afar. I got to see his gorgeous heavy cock, hold it with both my hands and caress it with my breasts. I got to hear his breath catch as he watched me peel off my panties and open my legs to his eager view, making me wet from just his eyes on me. And yes, I got to feel that big, beautiful cock inside my pussy. We made sweet love for the first time that night, but not for the last.

Years have passed since that summer. I remember how exciting it all was, and I sometimes replay those days in my memory. I became a music teacher, but not in Texas, as I had once planned. I fell in love with the mountains as well as with my trail crew man, and I decided to stay. I haven't regretted that choice, and as his cock still rises in appreciation of my nightly breast release routine, I can tell he hasn't regretted it either.

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