Moto Camera 3: Unofficial List N° 1

Moto Camera 3: Unofficial List N° 1

Nemesis Team
Moto Camera 3


Android Versions:

Android 10

Current version: 1.0-EXPERIMENTAL

Android 11

Current version: 1.0-EXPERIMENTAL



- Download the Moto Camera zip.

- Download the Imager Tuning. (optional)

- Reboot your device on recovery.

- Go to Mount and select "System" & "Vendor".

- Install Moto Camera zip (install in each update of your ROM).

- Install Imager Tuning zip (install in each update of your ROM).

- Reboot your system.

- Then go to Play Store and update Moto Camera 3.

- Done!.


Downloads: (set desktop mode before download)

Moto Camera for Unofficial List N° 1

Imager Tuning (soon)



Flash this fix for problems with permissions, flash after the moto camera zip.

Download Fix (set desktop mode before download)


XDA Forums:

• Moto E⁵ (nora)

• Moto E⁵ Plus (a/r/hannah)

• Moto E⁵ Play (r/james)

• Moto E⁵ Go (rjames)

• Moto E⁵ Supra (hannah)

• Moto E⁵ Cruise (james)

• Moto E⁵ Play Go (pettyl)

• Moto E⁶ (surfna)

• Moto G⁴ (athene)

• Moto G⁴ Plus (athene)

• Moto G⁵ (cedric)

• Moto G⁵ Plus (potter)

• Moto G⁵ˢ (montana)

• Moto G⁶ Play (al/jeter)

• Moto G⁶ Forge (jeter)

• Moto G⁷ Play (channel)

• Moto G⁷ Power (ocean)

• Moto G⁷ Supra (ocean)

• Moto G⁷ Optimo (channel)

• Moto G⁷ Optimo Maxx (ocean)

• Moto Green Pomelo (montana)

• Moto X³ Style (clark)

• Moto X³ Pure Edition (clark)

• Moto Z (griffin)

• Moto Z Droid (griffin)

• Moto Z Force Droid (sheridan)

• Moto Z Play (addison)

• Moto Z Play Droid (addison)

• Moto Z² Play (albus)

• Motorola E⁵ Plus (ahannah)


Credits to:

Maintainer: Deivid_21



Comunity: @NemesisTeamCommunity

News: @NemesisTeamNews


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