Mothers And Daughters Nude

Mothers And Daughters Nude


Mothers And Daughters Nude
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Pour plus de détails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution
Mother-Daughter Exchange Club est une série pornographique lesbienne américaine de vidéofilms produit par les Studios Girlfriends Films à partir de 2008.

Le slogan du film est Mother Knows Best! (« Une mère sait le mieux ! »).

Jusqu'à présent, 59 volets ont été publiés.
Chaque volet comporte 4 scènes où un couple de femmes fait l'amour , mais parfois, c'est un trio de femmes qui s'adonne aux plaisirs charnels.

Mother-Daughter Exchange Club 12 en 2011 et Mother-Daughter Exchange Club 17 en 2012 ont chacun remportés un AVN Award dans la catégorie Best Older Woman/Younger Girl Release soit Meilleure film femme mure/jeune fille .

Le nom de l'actrice est suivi de son âge lors du tournage.

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Victoria Derbyshire: I walk around naked in front of my boys
This website is owned and published by Immediate Media Company Limited. © Immediate Media Company Ltd. 2022
And she says her 11 and 13-year-old sons don't bat an eyelid ✌️
The issue of nudity and being naked comes up a lot in parenting: and people have lots of different views on it.
Some were shocked when Stacey Solomon revealed she still baths with her sons, aged 9 and 5 .
And that story, about the mum who won't let her husband bathe with their daughters , really rocked the internet.
And now BBC presenter Victoria Derbyshire has ruffled a few feathers by revealing that she walks around naked in front of her sons - aged 11 and 13.
Victoria had a right-side mastectomy in 2015 after being diagnosed with breast cancer, and says walking around in her birthday suit in her house is 'no big deal'.
Speaking to Radio Times she said: "In my house I don’t have body issues. I have a partner and two boys... I walk around naked in front of them and it’s no big deal.
"I am happy for them to see what a mum of two who’s had breast cancer looks like."
Here at MFM we definitely take an 'each to their own' approach about this kind of stuff - we think Victoria might have got everyone talking because her boys are that bit older - in fact, one's a teenager.
But everyone's different, right? And different families do things in lots of different ways.
And we'd love to know what happens in your house. Are you happy to be naked in front of your little ones? What age (if at all) do you think you'll stop? Does it make a difference if you have boys or girls?
Tell us in the comments below or over on Facebook





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