Mother Friend 2

Mother Friend 2


Mother Friend 2
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92min | Release date in South Korea: 2016/09/01
"Come on in~ this is your first time here, isn't it?"
An art student named Gwang-ho gets dumped by his girlfriend because she was only his source of comfort, and that he's a Mama's boy and a premature ejaculator. He tries to avoid seeing her by going to a different academy and that's when his mother introduces him to her friend Soo-yeon, a sophisticated and intelligent looking woman. Gwang-ho falls for her.
Gwang-ho's mother suddenly leaves for Australia because his father is sick and Gwang-ho gets to stay in Soo-yeon's house for a few days. Looking at her, he thinks of all the things he would like to do with her and Soo-yeon's niece Ha-kyeong stimulates him to do something about his feelings.
One day, Gwang-ho finds out that the man in the background of Soo-yeon's phone is his father and finds a picture of his father in Soo-yeon's work room while having sex with Ha-kyeong. He asks Soo-yeon about her relationship with his father. Soo-yeon tries to hide it saying that she has a crush on him but in the end she tells him the truth. Gwang-ho packs his bags and swears to tell his mother about it but Soo-yeon begs him not to and that she'll do anything for him. So, he asks her to help him become a man by becoming good at sex...
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‘친구 엄마들 2’

Directed by Kim Hwan

Junho and Jungkook are friends. They each live with their mother. One day, Jun-ho goes to his friend's home to meet Jung-kook's mother Mi-jeong. However, she falls in love at first sight with her younger and more beautiful figure. Mi-ho, who has lived alone without her husband, falls in love with Junho. Meanwhile, Jungkook is going to have a wild conversation with Junho's stepmom Yujeong whom he met with a chat application and feel her actually...

61 mins 

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‘엄마친구 2’

Directed by Kim Dae-seong-I

An art student named Gwang-ho gets dumped by his girlfriend because she was only his source of comfort, and that he's a Mama's boy and a premature ejaculator. He tries to avoid seeing her by going to a different academy and that's when his mother introduces him to her friend Soo-yeon, a sophisticated and intelligent looking woman. Gwang-ho falls for her. Gwang-ho's mother suddenly leaves for Australia because his father is sick and Gwang-ho gets to stay in Soo-yeon's house for a few days. Looking at her, he thinks of all the things he would like to do with her and Soo-yeon's niece Ha-kyeong stimulates him to do something about his feelings.

92 mins 

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Copyright © CinemaCrush . Date Source: TMDb
An art student named Gwang-ho gets dumped by his girlfriend because she was only his source of comfort, and that he's a Mama's boy and a premature ejaculator. He tries to avoid seeing her by going to a different academy and that's when his mother introduces him to her friend Soo-yeon, a sophisticated and intelligent looking woman. Gwang-ho falls for her. Gwang-ho's mother suddenly leaves for Australia because his father is sick and Gwang-ho gets to stay in Soo-yeon's house for a few days. Looking at her, he thinks of all the things he would like to do with her and Soo-yeon's niece Ha-kyeong stimulates him to do something about his feelings.

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