Mother Daughter Raped Porn

Mother Daughter Raped Porn


Mother Daughter Raped Porn

A mother and her 10-year-old daughter are raped by a late-night thief in their house.

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A mother and her 10-year-old daughter are raped by a late-night thief in their house.

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A mother and her 10-year-old daughter are raped by a late-night thief in their house. ...
By Simon Masaba                                                     
After successfully breaking into their house at around 3.00am, he knocked out the woman, tied her to the bed she slept on and raped her. Done, he turned to her 10-year-old daughter and did the same.
At around 6.00am, the cocky burglar causally walked out of the house with the woman’s mobile phone and sh15,000, according to the statement recorded at police.
After an intensive search, police has since netted Robert Niyonzima, aged 24 as the main suspect of the early week agonizing incident.
The victims live in a single-roomed house in Kabiri, Makindye suburb.
Identified as a casual labourer (porter) at a building next to the victim's home, the accused remains detained at Katwe police station.
The defiled girl whose identity was withheld is in bad shape at Mulago hospital where she was admitted following the incident, Katwe police boss Richard Ecega revealed.
 According to the woman's written statement to police she felt ashamed and failed to disclose the incident to her neighbours but what prompted her to reach police was the worsening condition of her daughter.
According to his recorded statement at Katwe police, Niyonzima “confessed to the accusations but blamed it on the influence of alcohol," Ecega said.
The offender claimed he left a nearby drinking spot and decided to head to the victims’ home since they lived in the same village.
"We are to take Niyonzima for an HIV test on Friday [today] at the national referral hospital in Mulago before forwarding his file to court," Ecega said.
The police official added that Niyonzima is being held on four charges of burglary, theft, defilement and rape as investigations are still ongoing. 

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Published: 14:17 BST, 14 May 2022 | Updated: 15:28 BST, 14 May 2022
A woman who sexually abused a young child alongside two men has been disowned by her family because of her 'depraved' conduct. 
Vicki Bevan, 37, was jailed for life after admitting 34 sex offences including one joint charge of rape. 
Bevan's mother Shirley has spoken out after her paedophile daughter was ordered to serve a minimum of ten years following her trial at Liverpool Crown Court. 
Vicki Bevan had discussed with another man their desire to 'kidnap, rape, torture, kill and then eat children' after sexually abusing them
Bevan, 37, filmed and photographed the girl being abused and the images were shared online - which led to their downfall when they were found on a mobile phone
Mrs Bevan told Sun Online : 'We've all disowned her. We don't want anything to do with her anymore.
'The whole thing is just too upsetting.'
Another family member said: 'Everyone is disgusted by what she has done. We hate her for these vile crimes. They should throw the book at her. We're all scared we'll be tainted by this and people think we are like her.' 
Vicki Bevan had discussed with another man their desire to 'kidnap, rape, torture, kill and then eat children' after sexually abusing them.
A judge this week told Bevan and her two co-accused, Paul Rafferty and Tony Hutton: 'The scale of depravity represented by your combined offending really beggars belief, representing as it does your collective perverted sexual conduct.'
Bevan, 37, filmed and photographed the girl being abused and the images were shared online - which led to their downfall when they were found on a mobile phone.
Liverpool Crown Court heard that Bevan was caught out after police seized the phone from a man, not before the court, which revealed 458 pages of highly sexualised WhatsApp conversations with Bevan and indecent images.
'The contents of some of those chats is truly, truly shocking. Even allowing for some people's capacity for perversion - some of these conversations are beyond disturbing,' said Judge Andrew Menary, QC, the Recorder of Liverpool.
The court heard that Bevan's parents have spoken of having brought her up in a loving environment and knowing right from wrong and describe how their lives having 'fallen apart' because of her offending.
They want nothing more to do with her and the judge imposed a lifelong restraining order on Bevan to keep away from them.
The defendant, from St Helens, pleaded guilty to a total of 34 sex offences including one joint rape charge and five sex assaults with Rafferty and one charge of sex abuse jointly with Hutton.
Rafferty, of St Helens, was jailed for ten years with an extended licence of four years. Hutton, 62, also of St Helens, was jailed for four years.
Judge Menary told Bevan, who showed no emotion, that in the WhatsApp conversations with the other man there were 'hundreds of messages in which you discussed in graphic details your shared desire to kidnap, rape, torture, kill and then eat children after sexual abuse.
'The plan is apparently for you, Bevan, to charge for the abuse of children and then use the money to purchase a house with a cellar where together you can carry out your plans.
'Much of this will have been sexual fantasy, however horrific...but these were not just fantasies. They became to an extent a reality.'
He said that the online discussions led to the serious sexual abuse of a very young child - 'In other words your fantasies became a nightmare reality for her.'
Judge Menary ruled that Bevan, of St Helens, is a dangerous offender and given the nature of the risk she presents and the fact it cannot be reliably estimated how long she will remain a danger he said he was satisfied a sentence of life imprisonment was required.
He imposed a minimum term behind bars of ten years eight months but warned her that did not mean she would then be automatically released and it was the earliest date she can apply for parole.
He said that the victim will suffer severe psychological harm and her ability to have normal healthy relationships is likely to have been damaged.
The defendant, of Napier Street, St Helens, pleaded guilty to a total of 34 sex offences including one joint rape charge and five sex assaults with Rafferty and one charge of sex abuse jointly with Hutton
She also admitted two counts of possessing extreme pornography, relating to 100 'grossly offensive, disgusting or otherwise obscene' animal porn images
Miss Snowden said that when police seized the phone from the man not before the court, as well as the many online conversions, it also showed images of Bevan and Rafferty showing them raping and sexually abusing the child.
After she was arrested her phone was seized which showed chats with men about fantasies of sexual abusing the girl.
When Hutton was arrested his phone was found to contain images of the child abuse including him abusing the girl.
He pleaded guilty to one offence of sexual assault along with Bevan and three of making indecent images of children.
Rafferty pleaded guilty to one joint rape charge with Bevan, two joint sex assaults with Bevan and six of making indecent images of children.
Jonathan Duffy, defending, said that Bevan understood the seriousness of her situation but urged the judge not to impose a life sentence. 
He said that her mental health was deteriorating at the time of the offences following the break up of her marriage and she has since been diagnosed as bi-polar.
Defence barrister Tom Watson said that Hutton, a married father-of-three, had 'taken ownership' of his offending behaviour. 
He said the defendant and his family were 'at a loss' to understand how after a law abiding life he had now offended.
Rafferty's barrister Simon Christie said the defendant 'accepted he deserves to be punished.'
Rafferty, who has had problems with alcohol for a number of years, had contemplated suicide but decided that was 'the coward's way out' and he knew he needed to be punished.
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STEAMBOAT SPRINGS — As a kid who grew up skiing on Howelsen Hill and swimming in the Yampa River, I love this place. The mystical beauty of the valley coupled with the wonderful people makes a town that is arguably one of the best places in the world to grow up. However, my beloved hometown has been forever tainted in my memories by one event that happened during the summer of my freshman year of high school and the fallout that followed.
I was 14 years old and giddy about finishing my freshman year. He was 15 years old and also a member of the upcoming sophomore class. Our families had been friends for years. I had known him since we were 10, and he was and still is a very prominent member of the sports community.
I was excited to hang out with him. We were both sober, and it was the middle of the day. I thought that nothing could go wrong. He told me I was pretty, he told me everyone did it, he told me it would be quick, he physically pushed me, he forced and coerced me to perform sexual acts on him. Then he left. Within 20 minutes, he changed the course of my life.
I spent the majority of the next year in my bedroom. I had once been a girl who had perfect grades, competed regularly in sports and was very involved in the community. I honestly and truly did not think that the 20 minutes with him my freshman summer had anything to do with the missed classes and lack of interest I was suddenly experiencing.
I didn’t think it was sexual assault. I thought it was my fault. I was so ashamed.
Finally, almost exactly a year later, I told my mom what had happened. My mom was the first one to tell me what I had known deep down but had feared for the past year — what had happened to me was wrong, and it was sexual assault.
The content of this series can be upsetting or triggering in relation to a trauma you directly or indirectly have experienced. Advocates of Routt County offers 24/7 support. Reach out confidentially to an advocate by calling the crisis line at 970-879-8888.
After a whirlwind of tears, counselor conversations and questions, I decided to report. To this day, sitting in the sterile police interrogation room with a male detective and elaborating on each microscopic detail of that day is one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do.
After reporting, I waited to hear my attacker’s response. To my surprise, he admitted everything. I expected that a confession would result in action, however, the District Attorney said my report was untimely and, therefore, could not be taken on as a case.
Feeling betrayed and shocked, I had to keep moving forward. For me, forward meant my junior year in high school with him.
Ever since my assault, high school became hard. Academically, I still kept almost perfect grades, but socially, I lost my friends and isolated myself. He was one of the popular kids in school, and he seemed to have it all while I struggled to learn when he walked into my classes. I struggled to have fun when he was three seats away at a football game. I struggled to enjoy prom when he was dancing close enough to touch me.
At almost every high school event, he was there. Seeing him almost daily forced me to constantly relive my trauma. Even when I walked across the stage to receive my diploma, he was just a row behind me.
To my knowledge, the Steamboat Springs High School administration, or at least the school resource officer, knew about my assault, but I was never once talked to or checked on.
The high school has wonderful aspects: great teachers, many of whom I became close to at my years there, a grand campus and a gorgeous backdrop. However, in my opinion, there exists a culture that protects athletes and ignores anyone who may stand in their way. As a girl, and I can’t speak for all girls at the school, I often felt sexualized by the male students.
For me, my graduation day felt like an iron door of a prison in which I had been shackled to my abuser finally opening. Today, I am happy to report that I will be attending a great college in the fall. I have been able to compete at an international level in my chosen sport and rebuild my ties to family, friends and community.
In no way have I moved on or forgotten. I still have dark days. I still struggle. But, I have tried my best to use my story to empower others and create change.
As I said, I will forever cherish my childhood here, but I want to challenge us, as a town, to do better.
Parents, I challenge you to talk to your kids about sexual assault and make it clear that sexual assault is not OK.
Students, I challenge you to support and talk to one another.
Survivors at the high school and in town, I challenge you to stand up and speak your truth. Do not let anyone else dim your light.
And Steamboat community, I challenge you to believe survivors. I challenge us to expect more education for students, support for survivors and assistance from the school leadership surrounding sexual assault at the Steamboat Springs High School. I also challenge us to come together and support one another and talk about hard issues.
We all live in this beautiful town, and it is easy to get lost in the wildflowers and Champagne powder. However, we need to remember bad things still happen here, and it is OK to talk about them.
My daughter graduated from Steamboat Springs High School in June, and it was a gloriously happy day. Beautiful words were spoken about the graduates, the incredible teachers and our special town. As I watched my daughter walk so graciously across the field and take her seat, I felt a very familiar heartache, and I know she felt it, too.
You see, my daughter was sexually assaulted by another high
school student at the end of her freshman year, and he walked that same field
and took his seat at graduation, as well. As I watched him sitting in his seat,
his back to me, I wondered if his assault on my daughter even crossed his mind
that day. I doubt it, and here’s why — he had no consequence to his actions. In
fact, he truly got away with it.
On a rainy evening in the Safeway parking lot, my daughter
told me about the assault. As you can imagine, I was shaken to my core. It was
the hardest thing I’ve ever listened to in my life. The one question she kept
asking me over and over again through her tears was, “Mom, do you think I’m
At her request, we reported the sexual assault to the
police, my daughter so, so bravely telling her story in excruciating detail.
The officer was kind and sensitive to her, but he said he doubted anything
would come of it. And he was right.
I was told by the police that the boys’ parents were
notified, and that they brought him in to meet with the same officer. According
to the officer, the boy didn’t deny anything and made no excuses. In fact, he
agreed with my daughter’s version of what happened — completely.
I was also told that the high school resource officer was
informed of the case, and we were assured that this boy would not be allowed to
retaliate against my daughter in any way,
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