Mother Daughter Porn Film

Mother Daughter Porn Film


This mother-daughter duo may have thought twice about starring in adult films together. But the thought of big bucks means that they now appear on the same credits – and that they’re now known as “The Sexxxtons”. Monica, 22, and Jessica, 56.
So how did the two of you get started in porn?
Jessica: We were mostly money motivated. Monica lost her job, it was Christmas time and we needed money, so Monica began dancing and did really well there. I was bartending, but I wasn’t making a lot of money, so Monica suggested that I should do porn. I’d never done anything like that, but I decided to give it a try. I liked it and the money was good. Then she gave it a try and she liked it and the money was good.
Okay, that’s kind of, sort of understandable, I guess. But why make porn together?
We had producers come to us and ask us if we’d perform together. Of course, with it being a real mother and daughter, it couldn’t involve any sexual contact between the two of us because that would make it illegal. So we started doing that and we enjoyed it a lot. We enjoy working together – we’re just a couple of performers chasing the American dream.
How old were you when you shot your first film, Monica?
Monica: I was 20. Things are really open between my mum and I, so I just went to her and said that doing porn together was a really good idea and that we should do it, so we did.
Did you always dream of shooting porn together?
I’d already thought about it because I knew it would be worth a lot, but it took somebody coming to us to make us do it.
No, but we don’t really care. My mum was a single mother raising me my whole life, so I don’t really give a fuck about not having a dad.
My mum has guys that she sees, but they’re not boyfriends. I’m the same way. I see people but we don’t necessarily date. Some of them know about what we do and some of them don’t.
Have you ever shared the same partner off camera?
Only once. It was one of mum’s boyfriends. He came over and we were all hanging out and watching TV and stuff. We were drinking and having fun and things just got a little out of hand.
Isn’t it awkward sharing the same guy as your mother?
Not really, no. We’ve watched each other shoot porn and we’ve watched each other fuck, so it really wasn’t a big deal.
What do you enjoy about shooting together?
I just like being with my mum. But I also like fucking.
What do you normally think about when you’re filming?
I think about how much money we’re going to make. We want to have an amazing life and there are some charities and things that we want to give to.
I wouldn’t mess around with my mum, but other than that I’ll do pretty much anything.
In one video, I saw a guy pull out of you and then put it inside your mum’s mouth. Isn’t that kind of weird?
Yeah. That wasn’t supposed to happen. There are some things that we’ve discussed with the producers since then and that was like our second time ever shooting together. It was actually supposed to be taken out of the video altogether. It was supposed to be edited out.
Is this something you want to keep doing for the rest of your life?
Jessica: We hope so. I might do another film, but that’s probably going to be about it for me. Monica will be the porn general.
Monica, what does your brother think about you and your mum shooting porn together?
He’s 19, so as long as he has video games, a computer and whatever it is that he wants all day, every day, then he’s happy. He doesn’t care.
What’s the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen your mum do?
Oh, that’s hard to say. We’ve done a lot of shooting. She was with a big black guy once and I wanted to fuck him. He was kind of hot.
No, that was a scene she did independently. It’s probably the sexiest thing I’ve seen her do, though.
I enjoy doing the damsel in distress type stuff. Sort of like I’m being kidnapped and stuff. It’s fun. I was murdered once. That was a lot of fun, too.
No, we weren’t fucked, we were just killed. It was weird, you know? We were just murdered and there was really no sex involved. They took off our clothes but they didn’t fuck us when we were dead.
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Yeah thats pretty fucked up. I mean, I've seen a scene of their porn and its like the mom was bent over doggystyle and the daughter was bent over doggy style on top of her mom.. and the dude is like.. double dipping them and the daughter is all like, " aw yeah! now give it back to my mom!" thats when I had to bow out. my dick was like, "nah...too wierd." and this wasn't even on newsfilter or nothing, just the plain old hub.
Nice blog five stars and a fav...creepy girls
Where I'm from,we call this a sportsman's double. No shame in the game bruh. ^_^

Film 2016 | Drammatico 90 min. Dettagli 
Valutazione: 2,00 Stelle, sulla base di 1 recensione.

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Un film drammatico che affronta le relazioni all'interno di alcune famiglie, dove madre e figlia parlano, discutono, si odiano e si amano.
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Un cast all star per un film che mescola le storie in modo del tutto estemporaneo.
Rigby è una fotografa professionista che sta per fare il salto di qualità potendo seguire da vicino il tour di un importante rockstar ma un'imprevista e non desiderata gravidanza la blocca. Georgina è una stilista di reggiseni glamour che viene contattata in anonimato dalla figlia che diede in adozione da neonata. Gayle fa fatica a chiedere a sua madre il denaro necessario perché il suo compagno possa realizzare il suo sogno di aprire una pasticceria d'autore. Layla deve confrontarsi con lo schiacciante successo della genitrice mentre Becca ha scoperto, alla morte di colei che credeva fosse sua madre, che in realtà si trattava di sua nonna e che sua madre è invece chi pensava fosse la sorella maggiore.

C'erano una volta, in particolare nel cinema italiano, i film a episodi che potevano essere di qualità diversissime tra loro ma che comunque portavano a compimento il loro percorso narrativo. Questo avrebbe potuto essere un interessante film di quel genere se i due registi, sulla base del soggetto di uno di loro, non avessero deciso di mescolare le storie di cui sopra in modo del tutto estemporaneo.

Entrambi all'opera prima nel cinema, dopo una lunga gavetta nelle serie tv, sono riusciti misteriosamente a mettere insieme un cast all stars alle quali però non hanno reso un buon servizio. Perché pochi sono degli Altman capaci di non perdere il filo della narrazione di una molteplicità di personaggi. Qui ci sono vicende che occupano il centro dello schermo per poi scomparire.
Purtroppo Duddridge e Levy hanno sovrastimato la sceneggiatura di Paige Cameron, a sua volta esordiente, insieme alla loro capacità di controllarla in sede di montaggio. Susan Sarandon recita in un cameo role via Skype con la propria figlia Eva Amurri Martino che interpreta Gayle. A volte il cuore delle mamme è troppo generoso. 
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domenica 5 marzo 2017
Massimo de Micheli
Film gradevole,che tratta un argomento delicato come il rapporto tra madri e figli.Quache difficoltà iniziale nell'inquadrare le storie parallele che si sviluppano nella struttura del film,ma che per questo motivo lo rendono ancora più interessante.Attori all' altezza,buona la regia.Da vedere.            [...] Vai alla recensione »
Rigby è una fotografa professionista che sta per fare il salto di qualità potendo seguire da vicino il tour di un importante rockstar ma un'imprevista e non desiderata gravidanza la blocca. Georgina è una stilista di reggiseni glamour che viene contattata [...]
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