Most Impressive Deepthroat

Most Impressive Deepthroat


Most Impressive Deepthroat

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If you want someone to be good at giving blow jobs, you should be good at receiving them too.


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How to Do It is Slate’s sex advice column. Send your questions to . Don’t worry, we won’t use names.
Every Thursday night, Stoya and Rich will answer one bonus question in chat form. This week, a deep issue.
Can we talk about how guys now expect deep-throating as the norm? When did this happen? I am single for the first time in a while and having a fair number of partners, and I have found the majority of them expect oral sex to go there without really discussing it first. I don’t hate it, but to me, it’s a pretty aggressive form of sex that should be discussed first! Instead it seems totally normalized to these dudes, like it’s just a natural part of a blow job. I finally brought it up with the most recent guy, and he seemed genuinely surprised. What’s going on here?
Rich : Ah, blow jobs. One of my favorite subjects.
Stoya : I’m just … I’m one of the first digital natives. I grew up with (low production value, but still) porn in all media available at my fingertips. And I’m terribly worried that I’m about to prove years of anti-porn feminists right here …
Stoya : Is deep-throating not the BJ norm? Like, that’d be like eating someone’s vulva and neglecting to insert a finger for g-spot stimulation.
Rich : Yes, I believe it is the norm. I think that the 1972 film Deep Throat did a lot to normalize it. It was such a sensation with that angle that you have to figure that, up until then, not many people could do it—or were doing it. I believe the film made it standard. Imagine a movie coming out today whose sole angle was … one woman’s magical ability to deep throat. It is LITERALLY the stuff of amateurs these days.
Stoya : I’m wondering if the guys the writer is encountering are being aggressive about it?
Rich : There are definitely some aggressive thrusters out there, and I do get a sense that some guys like going deep out of principle—that, in fact, punishing a throat is what’s getting them off.
Stoya : Ah, that’s different from a friendly deep-throat.
Rich : Yeah, I think an important divide to note is between who’s doing the desiring, the sucker or the sucked. I take blow jobs seriously, and I do think it’s something like a duty to know how to do this, repress gag reflex, etc. But am I perfect at it? No! Do I want to be made to vomit or suffocate so one guy can orgasm? Hell no!!!
Stoya : What do you do when the receiver of a blow job starts to thrust deeper or faster than you’re prepared to handle?
Rich : I really try to keep up, but I’m also not good at keeping cool when I’m suffering, so I’ll eventually just tap out if it’s clear that the only way he’s going to get off is by keeping me on the edge of death. I prefer to take care of guys who like more about oral sex than just deep-throating.
Stoya : I use the Hand of Pause. It doesn’t actually matter which hand: I splay my fingers and push with my palm into the inside of his hip bone.
Rich : Ah, literally stopping him in his tracks.
Stoya : Literally. It almost always lessens thrusting. Of course, discussion works too.
Rich : Yeah, and it’s sometimes necessary, but I like the subtler approach that you describe. To me, in that kind of a situation, the whole fun of it is to give him what he wants, and I hate to interrupt that with my own limitations.
Stoya : You’re there to service the cock?
Rich : One hundred percent. That’s the fun of it! It’s also, like, such a relief to be told what to do?
Rich : Life is such chaos. Receiving instructions on how to service the dick in front of you and then accomplishing that task is a way of achieving momentary order.
Stoya : So, for our writer, maybe they want to talk about their blow job style around the same time they have the safer sex discussion. (Yes, I’m assuming they have a safer sex discussion before they engage in sex, as I recommend.)
Rich : I think that makes sense. If men are carrying around this sense of entitlement, thinking that their dicks need to be all the way down every throat they encounter, the most straightforward way to correct that is to discuss it. Because the writer does have a point: It can be a little rough. And no one is obligated to put up with roughness that they’re not into.
Stoya : To start, “I like to focus on the sensitive parts like the head” might sound more appealing than “I don’t want your dick jammed down my esophagus.”
Rich : I like the idea of asserting that you have a style. Because the thing is, as much as this scenario can be about getting pleasure from giving pleasure, everyone’s got their own personal relationship to what that feels like, and it might not always coincide. So just like you might make tempo suggestions during intercourse, it’s totally OK to have someone meet you halfway when you’re giving him a blow job. In the best-case scenario, it’s equally fun for both of you.
Stoya : The only other thing I have to add is the Fist of Stroking (everything is an action-figure upsell today): You can totally wrap your hand around the shaft of the cock to give that satisfying “buried” feeling without choking or tearing up.
Rich : And in fact, I find that many guys prefer some hand action as well . Do you have any thoughts on the more philosophical points within the question about whether the expectation of deep-throating is a sign of normalized aggression?
Stoya : Oh jeez. Fisting and deep-throating are both alarming-sounding terms used to describe sexual practices that can be surprisingly gentle or shockingly violent. Actual consumption of porn and discourse around porn both have a normalizing effect, I think. But, like, wouldn’t it be great if we normalized some other stuff that happens in porn? Like active consent? Or talking about the things we’re going to do before we shoot them? And I’m not so sure that porn is where these things come from so much as where these things reach the masses.
Rich : Yeah, I think the most reasonable assumption is that porn exposes people to ideas and practices they never even would have thought to think about.
Stoya : This goes off into a giant tangent, but I wonder how big the range of “odd” sex was before we started categorizing it.
Rich : Maybe it was even weirder when people were making it up as they went along without any —or with far fewer—external templates/inspiration. I will close by saying that even if guys carry a certain expectation, they should really be respectful when they see it goes beyond their partner’s actual abilities. If you want someone to be good at giving blow jobs, you should be good at receiving them too.
Stoya : Assume nothing, ask about everything, and remember not everyone likes choking during oral sex.
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There’s a decent chance you know a few of your own sex statistics: how many partners you’ve had, the most times you’ve orgasmed in a day or the exact dimensions of your genitalia.
As much as the heated passion of sexual arousal and the cold, calculating search for knowledge and facts might seem like they’re at odds with each other, since sex is such an important and fascinating part of life, people have historically sought to learn about it from a more analytical perspective. That’s where the concept of sex records comes in. And no, not songs to have sex to — we’re talking about world records (think biggest, fastest and best).
Well, best is harder to nail down as one person’s dream sex could easily be another person’s nightmare. But when it comes to objectively measurable statistics, you’re not the only person who’s curious.
In order to alleviate that healthy — and purely scientific — curiosity, here are some sex records. At least, as close as we can make; given that most sex happens in private without any lab technicians or Guinness Book of World Records employees present, it’s possible that some of these records are way off. And because of the, ahem, intimate nature of the subject matter, the record holders in some cases are actually anonymous. 
Regardless, they’re fun little windows into what the human body is capable of at extremes.
In 2004, Lisa Sparks (formerly Lisa Sparxxx) had sexual intercourse with a whopping 919 men in a 12-hour period as part of a competition with two other women to see who could have sex with the most men. Of course, “sexual intercourse” is used somewhat loosely here; at an average length of 45 seconds per partner, it’s closer to a “sexual hi-then-bye.” Anyway, the experience is on film, in case you’re the curious type.
When it comes to the animal kingdom, according to research conducted in the Royal Society Journal’s Biology Letters , the male Australian scaly cricket (aka Ornebius aperta) has been shown to have sex as many as 50 times over a three- to four-hour period — in part to counteract the female cricket’s habit of removing the male’s nutrient-rich sperm and eating it after sex. Kinky...
This one is surprisingly tricky to track down, in no small part (heh) because lots of different guys want to hold the title. Two different men with 13.5-inch penises have laid claim to it: one, an anonymous man measured by an aptly named Scottish doctor named Dr. Robert L. Dickenson, and an American actor by the name of Jonah Falcon with an equally large penis.
If you’re willing to accept a slightly less verified account, a man by the name of Roberto Esquivel Cabrera allegedly has an 18.9-inch penis. And for those who weren’t satisfied with the hand nature dealt them? There’s the world record holder for the longest penis extension held by an unidentified man who was operated on by Brazilian doctor Richardo Fischer. In 2000, Fischer added 6.3 inches to the man’s penis, bringing it over 10 inches in total length.
Oh, and the longest penis in the animal kingdom? The blue whale penis, which can measure up to 8 feet long. Figured you’d want to know that, too.
Ahhh, the smallest penis. The microscopic yin to its macroscopic wang — err, yang. If you’re in the running in this category, it’s most likely because you have a micropenis , a condition that affects less than 1 percent of the male population where the bulk of the penis is actually inside the body rather than outside. There’s also a condition called congenital hypoplasia , where a boy is born without a penis shaft at all — just a glans attached directly to his crotch.
With the way so many men seem hyper-focused on penis size, it’s hardly a surprise that smallest penis isn’t exactly a title anyone’s excited to grab the crown for. In fact, one popular factoid about the holder of the world’s smallest penis, which allegedly belongs to a Florida man named Mike Carson, is unverifiable. The best we can do is note an anonymous man in a penis size study whose penis measured a microscopic 0.39 inches.
At the end of the day, however, being a good lover has almost nothing to do with penis size — so if you’re closer to the smallest penis than the largest one, don’t worry too much. Good oral skills can go a long way.
Listen up, guys with one penis — you’re not that special. That’s because there’s at least one man out there with two penises. While he never disclosed his name, he did pen “ Double Header: My Life With Two Penises ,” a best-selling tell-all book on the subject of being affected by diphallia, a rare condition that leaves you with, well, two separate (but functioning) penises. As yet, no man appears to have three penises.
Mind-bendingly enormous breasts do exist. Just ask Annie Hawkins-Turner, aka Norma Stitz (yes, that’s a stage name made to sound like “enormous tits”), who has 102ZZZ breasts — and they’re natural.
A woman going by the name Maxi Mounds, meanwhile, claims to have the world’s largest surgically enhanced breasts with a mere 42M-sized bra. Which, yawn. Regardless, this seems like a good time to mention that having big breasts is really hard on a woman’s back.
Tatyana Kozhevnikova was inspired to start working out her pelvic muscles after feeling like they’d been weakened after giving birth. Eventually, she was able to pick up a 31 pound kettlebell with her private parts. Whoever said women were the weaker sex?
It’s not sex per se, but it’s hard to pass up the opportunity to note that the record for the world’s longest kiss is held by a couple from Thailand. Laksana and Ekkachai Tiranarat’s lip-locking session began during a Ripley’s Believe It or Not!-sponsored Valentine’s Day Kissathon in 2013, lasting a whopping 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds.
While Orgasms are great, and extended periods of post-coital bliss are as real as they are lovely, the actual moment of climax tends to be over in an instant. Unfortunately, your puny orgasms could never measure up to the longest orgasm on record, when an unnamed woman experienced an orgasm that was comprised of 25 different contractions over a period of 45 seconds.
A man named Horst Schultz holds the world record for the furthest ejaculation. How far did his ejaculate travel, you ask? Fully 18.75 feet, clocking in at42.7 mph. In case you were wondering, the average ejaculate speed is closer to 28 mph.
As much as female ejaculation deserves a place at the table, women don’t exactly measure up in this particular sex category; the furthest a woman has been recorded ejaculating is a mere 9 feet.
Women do have bragging rights when it comes to OPH (that’s orgasms per hour). A study at the Center for Marital and Sexual Studies in California found a woman experiencing 134 orgasms in a single hour. That same study’s most impressive male candidate put up a puny 16 orgasms in an hour, by comparison.
You might not be a record holder in any of these categories — or even close to breaking them — but there’s more to sex than setting world records. Next time you’re getting it on, solo or with a partner, just try setting a personal best instead. That’s more than enough to be proud of.

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