Most Fucked Up Websites

Most Fucked Up Websites


Most Fucked Up Websites

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Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

What is the most fucked up site you've ever seen? (Besides shockers).
I remember once I was looking for a site on pet care, when I came across the message board for beastiallity.

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006


Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

You people get weirded out by the most ordinary things.

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Good ol' mediocre porn sites and their bizarre stabs at arousing morons....

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

there was, but it's been down for ages. =(
Theres always Ogrish and Consumption Junction as well.

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

I was also pretty grossed out by the one that was the guy putting his shit into a needle and injecting it into his dick, then masturbating it out.

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

is newgrounds at war with ebaums or something

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

I would say any shock site....Like bottleguy.

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006 is pretty fucked up. It's all user-submitted shit, too.
Also: Not Safe for Work. Or church. Or home. Or anywhere.

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

~¥%¥%+oint##so soft ¤%% ++-%¥-~-^->

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Maikes apartment, i was looking for one, ot a porn site, i mean wtf

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Are you joking?! Doesn't sound fucked up to me, anyways, ratemypoo is a really disgusting site to me.

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

every flash website on the internet hates ebaumsworld. that bastard steals flash and says its his own

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

There was this real nasty one.. . . oh wait it was NEWGROUNDS!! lol

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Sorry, didn't finish. Any way like I was saying besides shock sites there are really wierd porn sites out there....The worst I've seen was beastiality. Something like "Girl chugs dog cum." Really, who wants to see that.

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Newgrounds. I mean, a little infant can make it while sucking its index finger.

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Meh, it's better when it's guys on animals.

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Monster Count: 2999 - Countdown to 3000

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

NO people go here, this is the only preview of you Hell beleivers. You'll be amazed.
Dont Click This I'm super duper cereal!

Response to
Most fucked up site you've seen?

May 10, 2006

Hey kids! Now gather up everybody! Frank is going to show you a little video!
Destroy the house before it destroys you
Spaghetti Western Hex-based Roguelike in PICO-8
challenging click-to-dash platformer

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You are here: Home / Dark web / 15 Most Scariest and Horrifying Sites on the Deep Web – Found more Illegal and Awful Experimentations
You might have heard the stories of the dark web. But have you ever visited the sites this is too horrifying and disturbing on the dark web? If not, then read this article to get the complete list of dark web’s disturbing sites. The Dark Web is a shadowy world where you have a nasty thing that you have never seen before. The most horrifying deep web stories happen on these sites which are considered as the scariest thing on the internet. Don’t ever visit these sites unless you need to be scared in your life.
This site is considered as one of the most disturbing sites on the dark web. They experiment with living people like injecting bleach into pregnant women, starvation, sterilisation, radiation exposure, and several other tortures. The Human Experiment is a warehouse of scariest human experiments.
They possibly do all the experiments on the homeless people who are more painful and arrogant. This site has a tagline “Not all humans are equal, for some of them, were born superior to others”. They torture the homeless people and live streamed to the user
To the top next, it stands next to it. Here, you can get content like animal abuse, and bestiality.
It is one of the most disturbing sites on the dark web. About 80% of videos on the dark web is filled with this explicit content. Several horrible video contents are available on the dark deep web sites.
Go ahead and summon a demon and get party tonight. Jokes apart. These kind of websites are explaining how to summon a demon and bringing back the old and new demons to the world. This site is so creepy and scary.
Cannibalism is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of other people. An individual who practices cannibalism is called a cannibal. You can find cyber cannibalistic discussing on how they feel when eating a man or woman’s internal organ or flesh?.
Then it teaches you how to cook women and which part tastes good? They explain everything in a live stream. Some meet outside and feel their flesh in the dinner. Yes, its insane and horrible.
I really want to be apart of the dark web let me in.
I get the duck search engine when I open .TOR. How do I GET to the sites I want to see (the weird and illegal stuff?)
i want to connect in deep weeb help me guys
Hi there to get to the dark web is simple download the tor browser and you can use a search engine that covers the deep web like grams thats very like google on the dark web! But you need a vpn to make sure your untraceable!
About the mystic site with about unlimited links its probably used by isis or is used by super powerfull jews so whatever the case is you would sure not want to mess with it.
Have a safe time.
what happen if i didnt used VPN in entering deepweb?and darkweb?
The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by Deep Web Sites and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. Read more>>

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THERE’S another internet that only the truly depraved delve into. Where you can watch live torture or hire a hitman. Warning: Graphic
CHRIS Monteiro stares at his computer screen, heart in his mouth.
When the two-minute show finishes, the cybersecurity expert restarts it, looking for signs that it has been faked.
The video is substandard both in terms of plot and production values, but the content is chilling. A white sedan is engulfed in flames and the arsonist stands in front of it, his gloved hand holding a sign up to an unseen light so that the words are clearly displayed to the viewer as the car burns in the background: ‘Besa Mafia dedication to Pirate London. 10 April 2016.’
Besa Mafia is a site on the dark web offering murder-for-hire services. And Pirate.London is Monteiro’s personal website. The video is real and it is a warning.
On the other side of the world, I click on to the 15th email in as many hours from the administrator of the Besa Mafia website. He calls himself Yura, so that is almost certainly not his name. Earlier emails had been all business, offering bribes if only I would stop reporting on the site’s nefarious activities. As the day wears on and Yura’s offers are met with silence or a refusal, the emails take on an increasingly hysterical and menacing tone.
Yura promises me that his army of hackers will ruin my life. Child porn will be placed on my computer. Incriminating evidence will be planted across the internet, with all digital footprints leading back to me. This latest email has yet another new silencing tactic:
You don’t know my name, you don’t know who I am, but I know your name and I know where you live. I will get my gang members, and I will send them to rape, beat and destroy you. And believe me, it will be successful.
Remove your articles now. All of them.
Monteiro and I have let ourselves into the back door of the Besa Mafia website, thanks to the assistance of a friendly hacker. We have been watching every interaction between the most successful dark web murder-for-hire site in history and its customers.
We know all their dirty secrets. We have traced the Bitcoin that has been sent from around the world accompanying orders for the murder, beating or rape of spouses, business partners or scorned lovers.
In the few short months the site has been operational, the website has taken in hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now the hitman-for-hire knows that we know.
A hooded figure sits, defeated, in a concrete cell. Beside him are two dog bowls, one filled with water, the other empty. Propped against his feet, a piece of paper bears a handwritten message:
A web address (URL) is also scrawled on the sign, but instead of .com it ends in .onion, signifying that only somebody who has downloaded the Tor software can get access.
ISIS Red Room. Free, BRUTAL, live! A countdown clock ticks towards the deadline. The words that greet those who dare to enter the URL tell viewers what they can expect on 29 August:
“We will with official media pictures and ISIS propaganda material prove to you that we have 7 very real ISIS jihadists in our capture. Everything is live and interactive. Their fate will be in your hands.”
‘Red rooms’ promise pay-per-view torture, culminating in murder, of an unfortunate captive. Those who want to watch pay the website owner in Bitcoins. Rates vary from site to site, but payment is always a prerequisite. A certain amount to watch passively; more if you want to interact in the chat room with other viewers as the torture is being carried out.
Then there is the director. The director is the voyeur willing to pay the most. In return they get to direct the action, choosing what happens next to the victim. Red rooms are a staple of the dark web, a natural progression from tales of the snuff movie that have been part of popular culture for decades.
For one, it is free. For another, these are no innocent victims to be tortured, sexually assaulted, mutilated and murdered. Vigilantes have captured ISIS terrorists, whom they promise to slowly torture to death, one by one.
As the timer counts down, word is spreading across forums and chans, not only on the dark web, but on clear web (regular web) sites like reddit and Twitter. A few hours before deadline, thousands of people from around the world are in the dark web chat room, waiting for the show.
At 00:01 UTC on 29 August 2015, the site updates: Let the Games Begin
The quiver in the senior constable’s finger is almost imperceptible as it hovers above the mouse. On the screen, the cursor points to a link: Daisy’s Destruction Pt 1 . A screenshot acts as a preview, promising that the most sought-after video of the dark web may be just a click away.
Daisy’s Destruction has become a dark web urban legend. It is discussed furtively in chat rooms and forums, on chans and in IRC.
A few claim to have seen the video themselves, but most have only second-hand information from a ‘friend of a friend’. The details of what is in the video change depending on who is doing the telling.
The one thing they all agree on is that it can only be found on the dark web, and only within the murkiest bowels of that. To find it, you have to venture into places few even know exist; into an empire run by a man known only as ‘Lux’.
Lux’s empire comprises a number of sites. A chan promises censorship-free images. Another provides live streaming video. There is a wiki and a community support forum.
But it is Hurt2theCore that has the police officer’s attention.
Hurt2theCore is the worst of the sites, not just within the empire, but in all of the dark web. It is the site Lux considers his greatest achievement.
Lux is reviled by most, idolised by a select few. In a place inhabited by thieves, deviants, junkies and paedophiles, he is proud of his reputation as the epitome of evil. He claims to be an American paediatrician, but she suspects he is Australian. She is closing in. That’s why she has to click. It may bring her one step closer to finding him and closing down his evil empire.
The video flickers to life. A bedroom, nondescript. A masked woman. Hanging above the bed, tied with rough rope by her ankles, a child, or toddler rather, no more than two years old, screams in fear and agony.
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