Most Erotic Lesbian Movie

Most Erotic Lesbian Movie


Most Erotic Lesbian Movie
Nerd Girl Makeovers from Teen Movies
Memes for Moms Who Need a Glass of Wine
Updated November 4, 2021 426k views 18 items
Photo : Blue is the Warmest Color / Wild Bunch
If you've ever found yourself gazing at the opposite sex wondering if the grass is greener on the other side, this list is for you. Ladies can appreciate a beautiful woman, that's for sure. But at what point does admiration turn into something a little more ? Given gender and sexual fluidity , how can you really know where you exist on the spectrum without exposure to alternatives? And what better form of exposure is there than mass media? If you sometimes find yourself watching sapphic cinema and lusting for another woman, at least a few of these movies that make you question your sexuality will be familiar to you. 
In light of all this, an obvious question arises: when does a film offer such a lucid picture of lesbian love it can make a woman question her own sexuality? The answer probably changes from person to person. Perhaps erotic lesbian movies get you hot and bothered, but it's great bisexual movies like Blue Is the Warmest Color , which explore the full spectrum of sexuality, gender, and the confusion that comes with it, that impact you emotionally. You should probably also ask yourself whether you're turned on watching Wild Things or heart broken from the social injustice and restrictive codes on display in Carol . The best movie on this list is not necessarily the hottest.
Female sexuality in film is ubiquitous, but when women turn their attention towards each other, well, that's a different movie altogether, especially when that film deviates from the male gaze and takes a distinctly female or nonbinary view of sexuality. The eroticism of movies with lesbian affairs is second to none and can certainly make any girl wonder. And if you like these movies, be sure to check out the best lesbian movies on Netflix .
You know how some people are just so damn interesting you could watch them read the newspaper and be enthralled? Cate Blanchett is that kind of person. Throw her in a great movie and you have a can't-lose proposition. Such is the case with Carol , a 1950s-set drama about a forbidden lesbian love affair, as directed by Todd Haynes, adapted from a story by Patricia Highsmith, and starring an equally terrific Rooney Mara.
Carol offers a lot to think about - a beautiful love story, some tender and very passionate sex, an unflinching examination of the hardships of being a gay woman in a straight man's world, an insightful look at the sexual confusion of youth, and the complexities of navigating the straights of desire and social obligation. 
At 179 minutes, Blue Is the Warmest Color is a serious commitment, but the film's depiction of female sexuality is unparalleled. The French drama, which won the Palme d 'Or at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival, is raw and real and probably shouldn't be the first film you view on this list, because the turbulent portrait it paints of discovering sexual fluidity in an antagonistic world might give you pause.
Just because Blue Is the Warmest Color is French, doesn't mean it's hard to watch. The relationship between the leads is riveting and erotic to say the least, and their performances are phenomenal. The film's structure is fantastic - it's divided into two halves, which mirror one another - and has a lot to say about class , race, and the politics of relationships, if you care to scratch the surface. Carve out some time and give it a try. 
If you were a nerdy girl in high school who admired the hot girl not because you wanted to be her but because you wanted to be her girlfriend, this movie manifests all your fantasies in one scene. 
The kiss between Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox is why Jennifer's Body will make you question your sexuality, or bring you back to a time when you did. What if you didn't just have to admire or look jealously at someone who embodies female sexuality? What if you could have that person?
Of course, the movie offers a lot more than that, if you care to look. It's a subversive fable about a young woman who, inhabited by a demon, turns her back on patriarchal society, murdering men and taking herself away from them as a sexual object by reserving her sexuality for other women. There's some stellar writing and genius plot twists in writer Diablo Cody's follow up to Juno .
Considered one of director David Lynch's best films, Mulholland Drive offers a little bit of everything. There's profanity, gore, sleuthing, surrealism, melodrama, outlandish humor, old Hollywood glitz and glamor, unabashed sapphic eroticism, and plenty of highly sexualized female nudity. Just because this is an award-winning film doesn't mean it's pretentious and boring. 
Though some find Mulholland Drive a bit confusing , a close reading of the film reveals a layered, cutting critique of the way Hollywood, and society more generally, exploits women for their youth, beauty, and sexuality, while duping them into believing there's value in playing along. Lesbianism plays into these themes by showing a world beyond the grasp of patriarchal values, in which women can be themselves, and truly love and be loved. A world that is corrupted by jealously, confusion, paranoia, and desperation when it's forced to coexist with mainstream society. 
Regardless of where you land on the sexual spectrum, Mulholland Drive may have you wanting to withdraw to an Arcadian world in which men have no influence and women are free to be themselves in all respects. needs to review the security of your connection before

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Posted on Last updated: March 11, 2022
Who doesn’t love movies? Especially lesbian movies? We are so fortunate we live in a day and age where there are more lesbian films and lesbian shows than ever.
In this article with the best lesbian movies, we will talk about classic lesbian movies, lesbian romance movies, and the best new lesbian movies 2022 to watch. Plus, we will talk about lesbian tropes: lesbian clichés we should all be aware of.
A lot has changed since the first lesbian film Mädchen in Uniform was released in 1931. The genre really came alive in the late 20 th century though, and we have some oldies but goldies (or shall we say they deserve a gold star ?).
And lucky us, there are more lesbian movies made every year! And there is an increasing amount of (queer) female directors creating magic: we live in exciting times.
What we’re excited about especially? Other genres! We want diverse storylines; we need movies where ‘being a lesbian’ is not the only story of the movie.
Sure, the lesbian romance movies and period dramas are cute (spoiler alert: the ‘new’ lesbian movie Portrait of a Lady on Fire is HOT), but we need more thrillers and horrors (and no, we didn’t like The Perfection !), more action and sci-fi.
Because history can be rewritten through movies, and we deserve to have it all.
Enjoy watching these lesbian movies!
A couple of years back, I was a film major student, and after my studies, I have briefly worked as a film critic, so let me give you a little bit of background on the flaws of lesbian cinema so far!
There are a few clichés in wlw movies that we should all be aware of while watching a lesbian movie!
In addition to these tropes, it’s always a good idea to see if the movie passes the Bechdel test: does it have at least 2 named women? Who talk to each other? About something other than a man/men?
Glad we settled that, now let’s dive into the best lesbian movies!
We’ll start with some classic lesbian movies, then the best lesbian romance movies, and last but not least: the best new lesbian movies!
You can find these lesbian movies on Amazon Prime Video and some on Netflix .
Let’s start with a few classic lesbian movies. Of course, old lesbian movies aren’t perfect, but they paved the way for the lesbian movies that are made nowadays!
This is one of the most ground-breaking lesbian movies. Set in the 50s, this lesbian romance movie is still relatable for many queer girls.
It’s a love story about a woman that is out, and one that isn’t.
Will they get their happily ever after?
Extra special: Desert Hearts is directed by a queer woman, in a time when there weren’t many female directors!
This movie takes place in an artsy Manhattan in NYC . Young Syd is treated as an intern at her job for a magazine.
She tries to impress her colleagues by getting her neighbor (a famous photographer that fell off the map years ago) Lucy to do submit her work for the magazine.
Then, the lines begin to blur between their professional relationship, which then becomes intimate.
It’s an artsy movie about seduction, and it’s great!
High Art is directed by lesbian Lisa
This movie comes very close to the psycho lesbian trope, but it’s one of the classics nonetheless.
Yet again set in the 50s, two best friends Pauline and Juliet share a deep love of fantasy.
Pauline is diagnosed as gay (categorized as a mental illness), and the relationship between the girls is ambiguous. But the two are emotional connection is real.
The movie is based on the true story of the Parker–Hulme case in New Zealand. Pauline’s diary was one of the sources of the movie.
Amazing news: the Oscars will have new diversity and LGBTQ+ inclusion rules in the near future (going into full effect in 2024)! If movies don’t meet at least 2 of 4 diversity requirements, both on- and off-screen, they may not win the Oscar for ‘Best Picture’. Huge win for the community!
15-year-old Claude and Ellen are best friends until one summer, they aren’t. We all know how hard it is being a teenager, and this movie addresses it all.
Claude loves Ellen in a more-than-friends kind of way, but… it’s difficult.
Then, Claude meets cool girl Lucy (Alice from the lesbian shows The L Word and The L Word Generation Q !) who turns her world upside down.
How this love story ends, you have to see for yourself!
A little side note: it’s refreshing the ‘gayness’ of the movie just happens – it’s not talked about it as much.
Directed by late female director Alex
Sichel , written by her sister Sylvia!
If you’re looking for an exciting thriller, this is it.
There are activities that aren’t legal, there are struggles and there’s intimacy, all included in the lesbian movie Bound .
Not just some lesbian kissing, not some suggestive intimacy, but within 20 minutes of the movie, there’s a very explicit scene.
The movie is also feminist, Violet is a badass woman, she’s a woman of the street and proud of it. Yeah, this one’s a goldie!
Created by the Wachowskis (two sisters
who are both trans women), known for The Matrix trilogy.
Groundbreaking and low budget (hence filmed in black & white), Go Fish is something special.
Created by lesbian couple Guinevere Turner and Rose Troche, Go Fish is an all-female picture about Gen X lesbian life around Chicago’s Wicker Park.
The movie isn’t globally received very well. Actually, a lot of people say it’s a bad movie.
So if you’re not into experimental films, this is not one for you! But if you are, definitely check it out!
Initially, I only wanted to include movies from the 20 th century in this classic lesbian movies list, but since a large portion of this movie was made in 1999, this movie still counts in my opinion!
A woman hides out in a residence after surviving a car accident on Mulholland Drive (but has amnesia). The residence is Betty’s aunt’s LA home.
Betty helps Rita (a name chosen from a movie poster) find out who she is and their connection grows. And then they sleep together!
The movie’s tagline is “a love story in the city of dreams” and that love story is between two women!
Yet, the lesbian narrative is not the focus of the movie – because it’s a David Lynch movie, it’s all pretty lucid!
We need more black lesbian movies and more diverse representation in lesbian films! Yes, we want more lesbians in movies, but we also want more diversity.
In this mock documentary, black lesbian Cheryl is trying to put her first film together.
So it’s a movie in a movie, which is already interesting, but what’s more interesting: Cheryl is interested in black women in film.
Cheryl works in a video store and finds out black women weren’t always credited and that’s how she starts her film about ‘The Watermelon Woman’ (how the fictional black actress Fae Richards in the 30s was credited).
Cheryl learns about Fae’s white lesbian lovers, and at the same time, Cheryl gets a white lesbian lover.
This movie is really complex if you think about it too much, but it’s such an important movie that illustrates how white lesbian history and black lesbian history are very separate.
Where to start with this one? For the most part that we were watching this movie we thought: wait, what is this?
Teenager Megan (played by Natasha Lyonne, who we all know as Nicky from the lesbian Netflix series Orange Is the New Black ) is sent to conversion therapy True Directions because her family and friends think she’s a lesbian.
It’s a campy* movie, but it is on purpose, and it’s quite smart actually!
If you’re looking for a more serious movie about conversion therapy, we recommend The Miseducation of Cameron Post .
But I’m a Cheerleader is directed by queer female director Jamie Babbit.
And RuPaul makes an appearance as an “ex-gay”.
*Campy (adjective) i n the style of camp: absurdly exaggerated, artificial, or affected in a usually humorous way
It’s time to continue with lesbian romance movies and lesbian love movies!
And yes, quite a few of these lesbian romance movies have a happy ending, but of course, we would love to see more movies of lesbians with a happy ending.
You can find these lesbian movies on Amazon Prime Video and some on Netflix.
Finally, an Asian lesbian love story! There are many Asian lesbian movies, and we are super happy with this one.
Also directed by a Chinese-American lesbian (Alice Wu), this movie is about Wil who’s juggling life as a surgeon and being part of a close-knit Chinese family who doesn’t acknowledge her being a lesbian.
But then Wil falls in love with Vivian – a ballet dancer – a girl she once kissed when she was little.
The story actually focuses more on Wil’s relationship with her mother, but I can’t tell you too much, or I will spoil things!
Make sure to read about Alice Wu’s Half of It later in this lesbian movies article too!
A beautiful movie about a young Afro-American woman called Alike.
It’s a coming-of-age story about a girl figuring out her gender expression and how to accept her orientation.
She meets a girl and falls in love, gets hurt, and finally builds up the courage to choose freedom.
There aren’t nearly enough lesbian movies in black cinema yet, which is why this movie and Rafiki are so incredibly important!
Pariah is directed by Dee Rees, a black lesbian, who admitted the movie was semi-autobiographical.
Looking for a hot lesbian movie and many steamy lesbian scenes ? This is the movie to watch!
There isn’t much plot nor talking in Below Her Mouth , but there’s lots of other hot stuff going on. Girl-on-girl action, in the bathtub, on the stairs, in an alley, in bed, everywhere!
I must say, the first time I watched the lesbian movie I didn’t like it that much. Probably because I was a baby gay and I thought the movie was a bit intense.
The second time I watched, many years later, I got to enjoy it much more. Friends told me that, after watching this movie, they for sure knew they were lesbian.
Below Her Mouth is about Dallas, a roofer, who meets Jasmine, a fashion editor. The two have a passionate connection that turns into a steamy love affair that changes their lives forever.
The movie is created by an all-female production crew, which is amazing (and important)!
Based on the private letters of poet Emily Dickinson, this movie tells the elaborate love story of Emily and her sister-in-law, Susan.
Rediscovering history like this (because of course there were lesbians in the 19 th century too) is amazing, especially when it’s packaged this well.
It’s funny how the movie doesn’t feel like other forbidden love stories; it is funny, passionate, ambitious, and charming!
Extra points for this movie for having a lesbian director (Madeleine Olnek).
Tip: make sure to also watch the lesbian series Dickinson !
This is my girlfriend her favorite lesbian movie, and was already in her DVD collection before she knew she was gay (I know, how could she not know?).
The story in short: Mia is engaged to Tim, but falls in love with Frida and of course, it’s all complicated.
I was afraid it would be a campy movie, but it does a really great job! There are a few flaws, but it gets a lot right.
The characters have depth and aren’t caricatures. The fiancé Tim isn’t a bad guy and that Mia’s bi is totally valid.
It might help that a woman directed the movie, and probably that it’s European ( Kiss Me is a Swedish movie).
Do you like this kind of romantic lesbian movie and story? Check out Imagine Me & You later in this list!
Carol is a lesbian love story made by gay filmmaker Todd Haynes.
It was named the best LGBT film of all time in 2016 and clearly, this is a good one. It’s a lesbian period drama, set in 1952.
It’s a love story: girl (Therese) meets girl (Carol), they bond and fall in love.
But of course, it’s complicated. The LGBTQ+ community criticized the movie for being made for the ‘male gaze’ still – but we have to say: we have to take this win!
The movie is based on Patricia Highsmith’s 1952 semi-autobiographical
romantic novel “The Price of Salt”
Like we said before, there are not enough movies about black lesbians.
So imagine the enthusiasm when Rafiki came: a movie about two Kenyan girls who fall in love, directed by a female Kenyan director!
The film has, sadly, been banned in Kenya for its gay theme. They see the film as “promotion of lesbianism”.
The story is about Kena and Ziki, two girls and daughters of two rival politicians who are running for the local elections. They fall in love, but it’s a forbidden one.
It’s not a very original storyline, but this is such a special movie – an African lesbian love story! You have to see this movie about lesbians in Africa.
Want to see more lesbian movies from the African continent? Watch The World Unseen and While You Weren’t Looking !
Lesbian age gap isn’t a common movie topic, but we’re so glad Freeheld made a movie about it!
Laurel, a detective from New Jersey, has cancer and needs to fight for her 19-year younger domestic partner Stacie to receive her pension rights.
It’s a movie about the inequality LGBT people face.
The movie was unfortunately less
radical than the screenwriter intended – degayed
to please a mainstream audience – but it’s absolutely a movie worth watching!
Freeheld is based on the true story of Laurel Hester. And Elliot Page (the actor who plays Stacie) came out as a lesbian shortly before the movie came out, which made the movie more meaningful to him.
In 2020, Elliot came out as transgender. You might have also seen Elliot in the LGBT Netflix shows The Umbrella Academy and Tales of the City.
Cyd moves in with her aunt in Chicago for the summer when she runs into a cute barista with a badass short haircut.
Cyd t
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