Mortynography, conceal data.

Mortynography, conceal data.


Steganography is the practice of hiding one piece of information within another. One of the ways in which steganography can be achieved is through the manipulation of frequencies. This can be done by converting a raw hex to a frequency and hiding the hex within the frequency.

The code above is an example of how this can be achieved. It takes in an input hash, which is converted to a byte array. Each byte in the array is then mapped to a frequency, with the frequency being 20 times the value of the byte. This results in an array of frequencies that can be used to hide the original input hash.

However, it's important to note that while this method may be effective in hiding the input hash, it is not secure from detection. In fact, it is quite easy to detect the hidden data. The conversion of the hex to frequency is easily reversible, and the hidden data can be extracted by simply running the same process in reverse.

Using frequency manipulation as a method of steganography may be useful in certain situations where the goal is not to ensure security but rather to conceal the data from casual observation. However, it should not be considered a secure method for hiding sensitive information. It's recommended to use other methods that has a higher level of security for such purpose.

One possible application of this code is in the context of time travel. Imagine a scenario where a message needs to be sent back in time, but it needs to be hidden so that it cannot be intercepted or tampered with. Using this code, the message can be encoded as a raw hex and then converted to a frequency. This frequency can then be embedded in a signal that is sent back in time, such as a radio wave.

The receiver in the past can then use a similar process to convert the frequency back to the original raw hex, revealing the hidden message. This method of hiding information in a frequency could be a secure way to transmit information through time, as the frequency may be less likely to be intercepted or tampered with compared to other forms of communication.

It's worth noting that this is a fictional scenario and the science behind time travel is yet to be discovered, but it's a great way to illustrate the potential uses of this type of technology in a fictional context.

In conclusion, this code is an example of how stenography can be used to hide information within a frequency, and how this method could potentially be used in the context of time travel. It's important to remember that this is a fictional scenario and there is no scientific evidence that time travel is possible. But, the code is a good example of how to convert raw hex to a frequency and it could be useful in other areas such as encoding data in audio or other signals that can be transmitted over long distances.

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