Morgana Pendragon

Morgana Pendragon

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My Lady Camelot's Favourite Daughter Lady Morgana King's Ward The Witch (by Kilgharrah ) High Priestess of The Triple Goddess (by Alator ) Hilda The Last High Priestess Sister (by Morgause )

β€œ She is the darkness to your light, the hatred to your love. ”
β€” Kilgharrah to Merlin [src]

β€œ When he died and I took you into my care, you fought me from the beginning. Your will is as strong as my own. You challenge me as a friend must. As your father did in his time. ”
β€” Uther on Morgana and Gorlois . [src]

β€œ I mean, the man's a total jouster. And just because I'm the King's ward, that doesn't mean I have to accompany him to the feast, does it? ”
β€” Morgana on Arthur [src]

β€œ Sometimes you've got to do what you think is right, and damn the consequences. ”
β€” Morgana to Arthur [src]

β€œ Thank you, Merlin. I know now who I really am. And it isn't something to be scared of. Maybe one-day people will come to see magic as a force for good. ”
β€” Morgana to Merlin [src]

β€œ I don't want to be brave. I just want to be myself. I don't want to be alone anymore. ”
β€” Morgana to Alvarr [src]

β€œ Merlin? He believes I've changed. And he's right. Soon he will see exactly how much. ”
β€” Morgana to Morgause [src]

β€œ I had to stop the future. I had to stop Morgana killing Uther. I didn't mean to do it like this. ”
β€” Merlin to Gaius [src]

β€œ "And then, my Lady Morgana, you must play your part well." "When have I not?" ”
β€” Cenred and Morgana [src]

β€œ Whatever relationship exists between Arthur and Gwen, you must destroy it. ”
β€” Morgause advising Morgana [src]

β€œ First I want you to suffer as I suffered. To know what it's like to be alone and afraid. To be disgusted with who and what you are. ”
β€” Queen Morgana to Uther [src]

β€œ What you're about to do will affect everyone. Even you. But most importantly, it will bring our enemies to their knees. ”
β€” Morgause to Morgana [src]

β€œ Arthur will replace him. There'll be no celebration until I take my place upon the throne. ”
β€” Morgana to Agravaine [src]

β€œ Uther was a curse upon this land, as is his son. I seek revenge for wounds they have inflicted, as do you. ”
β€” Morgana offering allegiance to Queen Annis [src]

β€œ You're Arthur's servant, nothing more. Yet, time and again, you've proved yourself willing to lay down your life for him. ”
β€” Morgana to a captured Merlin [src]

β€œ He knows all our plans. All our secrets. He knows everything. ”
β€” Morgana on Emrys [src]

β€œ We all have our secrets and, unfortunately for Guinevere, I know hers. ”
β€” Morgana to Agravaine [src]

β€œ Truth is, it doesn't matter which way you go. ”
β€” Morgana to Guinevere [src]

β€œ Taking Camelot was the easy part, Helios. I want Arthur. Where is he? ”
β€” Morgana to Helios [src]

β€œ You can't blame me for my father's sins." "It's a little late for that. You've made it perfectly clear how you feel about me and my kind. ”
β€” Arthur and Morgana [src]

β€œ Two long years I've known nothing but darkness. Patience and I are old friends. ”
β€” Morgana to Ruadan [src]

β€œ Prophecies do not lie. Arthur's Bane is real. Once it is known to us, his end is night. ”
β€” Ruadan to Morgana [src]

β€œ You should choose your allies more carefully. Any friend of Camelot is an enemy of mine. ”
β€” Morgana to King Rodor [src]

β€œ Good morning, my lady. I thought we could play a little game. ”
β€” Morgana to Guinevere [src]

β€œ You don't know how much I hate them. ”
β€” Guinevere to Morgana about the people of Camelot [src]

β€œ No! ”
β€” Morgana when she finds out that Arthur is trying to heal Gwen [src]

β€œ I want you to tell me where Emrys is. ”
β€” Morgana to Alator [src]

β€œ I have his true name. It is Merlin. ”
β€” Mordred to Morgana [src]

β€œ This is the last time, Emrys... ”
β€” Morgana taunts Merlin in the Crystal Cave [src]

β€œ You're wrong. Don't think I don't understand loyalty just because I've got no one left to be loyal to. ”
β€” Morgana to Merlin [src]

β€œ I know I can trust you, Merlin... you're a good friend. ”
β€” Morgana and Merlin discussing magic

β€œ You're a better man than your father. Always were. ”
β€” Morgana to Arthur [src]

β€œ What did I do to make you hate me so much?" "It's not what you did, but what you're destined to do! ”
β€” Gwen and Morgana

β€œ Nonsense, my child. My favourite patient is always welcome. ”
β€” Gaius to Morgana [src]

β€œ Every day I must look Uther in the eye knowing that if he were to discover who I really am, he'd have me killed. ”
β€” Morgana Pendragon on Uther [src]

β€œ There's a bond between us. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. ”
β€” Morgana and Gwen discussing Mordred [src]

β€œ I care only that Morgana takes her rightful place upon the throne of Camelot. ”
β€” Morgause on Morgana [src]

β€œ You're not alone. You're here with us. You need never be alone again. ”
β€” Alvarr to Morgana [src]

β€œ Gorlois raised me as a child. He made me who I am. ”
β€” Morgana to Queen Annis about Gorlois [src]

β€œ I am your one true ally, my lady. I am your one true friend. I would do anything for you, you know that. ”
β€” Agravaine to Morgana before his final mission [src]

β€œ Once I'm crowned Queen of Camelot, you may indulge yourself all you wish. ”
β€” Morgana to Helios pre-conquest [src]

β€œ Her love for that creature made her suffer more than she ever thought possible ”
β€” King Sarrum on Morgana's love for Aithusa

β€œ What if magic isn't something you choose? What if it chooses you? ”
β€” Morgana, on magic [src]

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Morgana Pendragon was the illegitimate daughter of Uther Pendragon , the second daughter and the youngest child of Vivienne , the elder paternal half-sister of Arthur , the younger maternal half-sister of Morgause and the adopted daughter of Gorlois . Originally a kind-hearted individual, Morgana became evil after being corrupted by Morgause and being betrayed by her former-friend Merlin . She subsequently turned against her family and friends, even helping to cause the death of her own father; she was ruthlessly determined to take over Camelot and allowed nothing to stand in her way. Morgana has been shown to have formed a bond with Mordred , whom Kilgharrah has foreseen would kill Arthur before Mordred betrayed her to Arthur , and she also formed a close bond with the young dragon , Aithusa , who saved her life. Soon after the Battle of Camlann, and Mordred's death, Morgana was killed by her nemesis Merlin with Excalibur .

According to Uther Pendragon , when Morgana's presumed father Gorlois was away fighting on the Northern Plains, her mother Vivienne had a brief affair with Uther Pendragon and later gave birth to Morgana. As she was born in the house of Gorlois , no one doubted her parentage. Morgana also stated that, as a child, she used to help Gorlois with his armour. She remained with her family until she was about ten years old, at which point Gorlois was killed by enemies of Camelot because Uther failed to send his best friend the promised reinforcements. As a result of Gorlois' death, Morgana was placed in Uther's care. It was stated by Uther himself that Morgana fought him from the beginning and was never afraid to speak her mind. As a young girl, she often practiced swordplay with her childhood companion, Arthur , and according to her, used to beat him with a sword, though he would later deny this. Being the only woman in the royal family, she would often sit beside Uther during state affairs and tournaments, seemingly filling the role which would have ordinarily been undertaken by the Queen of Camelot.

Morgana is first seen by Merlin during his first days in Camelot when he enters her chambers. Morgana, not seeing him, mistakes him for Gwen while getting ready for a feast celebrating twenty years since the end of The Great Purge . Morgana resisted attending this celebration, expressing to Uther her sympathy for Mary Collins and her abhorrence for the Great Purge because of the lives taken to accomplish Uther's endeavour to eliminate magic from Camelot. Nevertheless, Uther orders her to be present to greet Lady Helen. Merlin is initially quite awestruck by the Lady Morgana and watches her flirtatious interaction with Arthur at the feast. She is first properly introduced to Merlin when Gwen is wrongly accused of witchcraft after witnessing his apparent attempt to sacrifice his life for Gwen's (though he was actually the one responsible for the enchantment of which she had been accused). His actions lead her to believe he has feelings for Gwen. She helps Merlin and Arthur defeat the Afanc that Nimueh used to poison the water supply despite them telling her it is too dangerous ( The Mark of Nimueh ).

Morgana is the daughter of Uther Pendragon and his adulterous lover, Vivienne, who was his best friend's wife, though this fact is hidden from Morgana. At a young age, Morgana discovers that she sometimes dreams of things that afterwards come to pass. The court physician, Gaius , gives her a variety of sleeping potions, but none proves particularly effective. Her powers first appear in the show when Morgana's dreams aid Merlin in defeating two Sidhe that wished to kill Arthur in order to return to Avalon including one of their own, Sophia , who was banished to a mortal existence ( The Gates of Avalon ).

Morgana has a strong bond with Mordred
Morgana later becomes deeply attached to Mordred , a young druid boy whose life Merlin saved, risking Uther's wrath should their actions be discovered ( The Beginning of the End ). Morgana was willing to defy Uther and hide the boy in her chambers; however, she is caught trying to return Mordred to the Druids. Arthur and Merlin aid in the safe return of Mordred to his people, for which Morgana is grateful. In return, she goes with Merlin to his home village Ealdor to help him defend it from bandits ( The Moment of Truth ).

Morgana has persistently been strongly opposed to Uther's ruthlessness towards magic and protested his decision to execute Mary Collins ' son, Thomas ( The Dragon's Call ), due to her belief that magic is an inherent quality rather than an active choice ( The Beginning of the End ). She appears at times to have an intuitive awareness of Merlin's abilities although she has never confronted him with it ( The Gates of Avalon , The Moment of Truth , Le Morte d'Arthur et al).

From early on, Morgana also shows signs of a darker side. Her bitterness over her father's death and Uther's pivotal role in it causes her great turmoil and ambivalence towards her guardian. This means that, when exacerbated by Uther's intention to put Gwen to death unjustly and his actual execution of her father on charges of sorcery, Morgana's bitterness blossoms into hatred and a desire for an end to Uther's bloody reign. She plots to have him killed and takes an active role in the performance of the intended murder. However, conflicted and weighed by her conscience, she repents of her intention at the last minute when confronted with the realisation that Uther cares for her. She then kills Tauren , the assassin, just before he strikes Uther down and Merlin kills the other sorcerers involved ( To Kill the King ). After these events she warns Merlin in a trance that worse things are to come.

Morgana's eyes glow golden for the first time, suggesting she has magic
Morgana's magic eventually begins to reveal itself. When Morgana unintentionally sets her room on fire and shatters a vase with magic, she becomes terrified. She goes to Gaius and tells him she fears she has magic. Gaius knows it to be true but lies to her in an attempt to protect her. Merlin advises her to seek out the Druids for help and advice, and Morgana eventually finds her way to a Druid camp where she is reunited with Mordred . Merlin later arrives, saying Uther believes she has been kidnapped and is going to execute everyone in Camelot who is under suspicion unless she is returned. Morgana does not want to go back, but an army of Camelot soldiers raid the camp and bring her back. Morgana thanks Merlin for what he did for her, saying her experience has taught her not to fear her powers, though she still realises the danger in exposing them. Arthur mistakenly believes that Morgana and Merlin have romantic feelings for each other ( The Nightmare Begins ). She is terrified of discovery when Uther hires a witchfinder to expose the last traces of magic and is desperate to keep her secret hidden. She is later taken hostage when the Witchfinder's treachery is exposed but is saved by Merlin. ( The Witchfinder )

Making Morgana Pendragon the vessel of an enchantment
Sometime later, Mordred returns, sneaking into Camelot to see Morgana with the sorcerer Alvarr , who asks Morgana to steal a powerful crystal hidden in Camelot's vaults. Morgana eventually agrees and steals the crystal, delivering it to Alvarr's camp. When the crystal is discovered to be missing, Merlin suspects Morgana, having caught her in Arthur's chambers when she was stealing the key to the vault, and follows her to the camp, witnessing her reunion with Mordred. Through Gaius, Merlin gives up the location of the camp and Uther sends Arthur and his men to retrieve the crystal and kill Alvarr's men, forcing Morgana to ride to the camp ahead of them and give Alvarr warning. Despite this, Alvarr is captured, although Mordred was able to escape, and when Uther condemns Alvarr to execution, Morgana tells Uther that she disowns him in a heated argument. She later uses her sleeping potions to drug Alvarr's guards, allowing him to escape. Uther suspects Morgana when he hears Alvarr had help escaping and emotionally informs the court that whoever has been responsible has betrayed him, whatever the consequences ( The Witch's Quickening ).

Morgana is approached by Alvarr and Mordred
Sometime later, Morgana finds a letter from Morgause, asking her to meet her. Morgana meets with her and admits that she hates what Uther has become, confessing that she once had the chance to be his assassin, but saved his life instead because she believed he was still capable of changing for the better. However, she realises Uther would never alter his persecution, and that should he ever discover her true nature he will execute her. Morgause then casts a spell, causing Morgana to fall asleep. When Morgana awakes in Camelot, she thinks the meeting with Morgause was only a dream, but as the day progresses and everyone around her begins to fall asleep, she hides in her chambers until Arthur and Merlin return. Morgana, afraid of what is occurring around her and helpless to do anything about it, is disturbed when Merlin suggests that Morgause is behind it. Despite his own suspicions, Merlin covers for her when Arthur wonders why she is the only one not affected by the spell, claiming that Gaius must have given her a draught that fights off the sleeping plague before he succumbed to it himself. Merlin later discovers that Morgause made Morgana the vessel for the sleeping plague, unbeknownst to Morgana herself. For the plague to end, either Morgause must undo the spell or Morgana must die.

Morgana is therefore poisoned by a reluctant Merlin, who on Kilgharrah's advice sees it as his only option, and as Arthur fights Morgause's knights Morgana begins to suffocate as the hemlock enters her system, falling unconscious after realising that Merlin has poisoned her. Across the castle, Morgause becomes aware of Morgana's plight and realises her sister is dying. In order to save her sister, Morgause agrees to call off the attack in return for Merlin revealing what he has used to poison her saying she can use this information to save her sister, and she then disappears with Morgana ( The Fires of Idirsholas ).

An injured and traumatised Morgana is found
A year passes by in Camelot with Uther sending his men to scour the kingdom in search of Morgana, costing an ever-increasing number of lives as the soldiers are slaughtered by unseen forces, but Uther refuses to give up or see reason. Eventually, a close to hopeless Arthur and Merlin chance upon a dishevelled, frightened Morgana stumbling through the woods. They then return with Morgana to Camelot, and Gaius orders Uther to allow her to rest. When she awakes, Morgana shares an intimate moment with Arthur, explaining how she escaped the bandits who were holding her captive. He embraces her, promising her that she is safe in Camelot. As Arthur left, Morgana notices a nervous Merlin at the door and calls him inside, telling him she knows he poisoned he
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