More Than Just a Dream Pt. 02

More Than Just a Dream Pt. 02

Trigger warning: Mention of a past controlling/abusive relationship; character engages in some behaviors that other character interprets as controlling.

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I woke up with the unpleasant thought that what I'd done the night before might very well have been all sorts of creepy, so I tried to busy myself with menial but cerebral tasks in the effort to keep my mind off of Trey. It actually worked for a few hours, but while eating a late lunch, I found my mind wandering again.

Before I could convince myself not to, I texted Trey a simple "Hey" with a smiley face emoji. I spent the rest of my lunch time obsessively checking my phone, hoping he'd text back. But no such luck. Convinced that he'd clocked me as a creep (and rightfully so), I resigned myself to the idea that he wouldn't ever text back, and tossed my phone onto my bed before settling onto the couch for a Netflix binge.

A few hours and quite a number of rewinds later (because my mind kept wandering), I got up to stretch my legs and use the bathroom. When I came back, I realized I hadn't checked my phone in a while. My heart leapt when I saw there was a message from Trey. Maybe he didn't think I was a certified creep!

Trey: Sorry, I was on a long, intense call.

What are you up to?

Me: Nothing much, kind of bored...

I knew I should put my phone down and wait like a grown-up until Trey responded, but I couldn't help it. I was thirsting for interaction. I stared at my phone, waiting. The three 'typing' dots popped up and I held my breath. But then they disappeared.

Dejected, I huffed out the breath I was holding, then collapsed onto the couch, having not even realized I was standing the whole time. I tried to feel angry, but it was eclipsed by an overwhelming want, no, a need. I snuck another look at my phone, and the three dots were back. I sat up straight, but when they disappeared, I growled. I was about to hurl my phone across the room when the dots came back, and then another message finally came through.

I devoured Trey's words like I was starved and they alone could provide me sustenance.

Trey: B, may I take you out tomorrow night?

'Take me out.' Does that mean... like on a date?? Was Trey asking me out on a date? My heart and mind started racing and I had to take several deep breaths before I could think coherently. I would give anything to go on a date with Trey. But I had to make sure first.

Me: Do you mean like on a date?

Trey responded immediately, three messages in rapid succession.

Trey: Yes

If that's okay

No pressure of course

I chuckled to myself. 'No pressure.' As if I wasn't jumping-out-of-my-pants eager. But I couldn't let on how eager I was. Playing it cool, I responded:

Me: Sure :)

After a brief pause, during which I was sure I was going to faint from anticipation, Trey asked:

Trey: Where would you like to go?

I thought for a moment then wrote:

Me: Surprise me.

Which was utterly out of character for me, because I hate surprises. Like I almost accidentally choked my best friend to death when she arranged a surprise birthday party for me during my freshman year in college. But something made me write it anyway.

Trey responded with "Yes ma'am" and a smiley face emoji, which almost made me melt in my pants. Feeling a mess of relief, excitement, and nervousness all bundled together, I tried to relax with more Netflix bingeing, but it wasn't working. After a couple episodes of me spacing out, gazing into the middle distance, I decided to give up and bring my emotions to my bedroom.

I took out my vibrator and tried to get off while thinking of Trey, but something in my mind was getting in the way. I turned off the vibrator and lay in the silence. Slowly, it came to me. Something was bothering me about how strong my feelings were for Trey already. I literally spent less than 15 minutes in his presence, and yet, I was already completely enamored.

Was I that desperate to have sex? To spend time with someone? True, it had been 1.5 years since I was in a relationship, and nearly a year since I'd had sex. But I don't think it was that. Between my job, volunteering at a local community center, my hobbies, and spending time with friends, I wasn't bored or lonely. And my trusty vibrator got plenty of use. No, this was something else.

And then it hit me. The dream. It was all because of the dream. I hadn't seen my fuck-partner's face in the dream, so why was I so sure that it was Trey? It must be fate. We met because of fate and we met again because of fate. I wasn't feeling intense feelings for some random stranger. I was meant to meet Trey and I was meant to share a bed with him.

Upon further contemplation, I may have decided my thought process was not really sound, but for now, it was enough. The block in my mind was gone.

I turned my vibrator back on, and with the image of Trey's face, torso, and pants bulge firmly planted in my mind, I quickly coasted into Orgasmland, then drifted off to sleep.

My phone pinged twice early the next morning, waking me up from what may have been my best sleep in weeks. I was delighted to see that the messages were from Trey.

Trey: Good morning, B. Is it okay if I ask you to meet me near the restaurant? I chose a place that I think is equidistant from where we each live.

**Not that I know where you live, but I figured you live near where you got on the train those times that I saw you. Please don't think I'm a creep.

I smiled, not just because of how utterly adorable Trey was, but because it was nice to know that I wasn't the only one who thought they were acting creepy.

Me: Not creepy, don't worry ;)

And sure, not a problem! Just tell me when and where.

Trey: Lt. Petrosino Square? 8pm?

Me: Perfect

Trey: See you then!

Me: Looking forward!

As was becoming customary, after we texted, I fell into a Trey daydream for a while, until my alarm rudely interrupted me. Reluctantly, I got out of bed and began my Sunday morning routine. After breakfast, exercise, and a shower, I got dressed, and made my way to the community center.

One fulfilling afternoon later -- during which I may have snuck in some thoughts about Trey -- I headed back home to get ready for my date with Trey. My date with Trey!

I spent a while trying to figure out what I should wear. Trey had said we'd be going to a restaurant, but I didn't know which restaurant, or how upscale it would be. Or -- and this was key -- what Trey was planning for... after. I'm not usually a sex-after-the-first-date kind of woman, I prefer to get to know my partners before we get to know each other in the Biblical sense. But it had been a very long time since I'd had sex. Too long. Long enough that I would be willing if he were.

Trying to reflect that in an outfit was difficult. After nearly an hour of deliberating, multiple outfit changes, and loads of sighing and groaning, I finally settled on what I thought was my best option: A short, tight emerald green dress with a mid-cut v-neck. Not too revealing, but not too modest either.

Elegant black pumps and delicate silver jewelry completed the ensemble. I spent extra time on my eye shadow, hoping my makeup would bring out the green in my eyes -- I was cursed with what my family calls 'swamp hazel' eyes. Ones that are just that perfectly horrid and unattractive shade of green-brown that call to mind Toad from Frog & Toad. And it took me until my junior year of high school to discover that red/pink, purple, and green bring out the green in my eyes, so they look more emeraldy and less swampy. Hence the green dress and the eye shadow.

Red eyes help too -- probably makes my eyes the greenest they ever are -- but showing up for the date looking like I hadn't slept in a week, dried up my tear ducts, had a contagious infection, or was strung out, was probably not the best strategy. So extra time on makeup it was.

I spent so long getting ready that I only had a minute to relax before it was time to leave. As I walked to the train station, I thanked myself for choosing black heels that not only looked nice, but also didn't immediately cause blisters and cramps.

Unsurprisingly, the train was delayed, but having an intimate knowledge of the MTA, I'd planned for that, so I wasn't worried. I kept myself occupied during the wait and during the train ride, after it finally arrived, with thoughts of Trey. Magnificent, handsome Trey. And Iwas about to go on a date with him. It almost seemed too good to be true.

But it was true, because when I got off the train and walked around the corner, there he was, handsome as ever, waiting for me. He was standing angled toward me but looking at the sunset, so I was able to get a good look at him as I approached.

He was wearing an impeccably tailored light gray suit with a light blue oxford shirt, no tie and no belt. Brown summery loafers with no socks, which made me smile for some reason. And oh, oh, was he wearing the one thing that never fails to turn me on? Flat fly dress pants with a hook and bar closure and an offset button. I can't explain it. I don't know why it turns me on. There's just something about it that does.

As Trey turned to face me I got a full view of his pants, the closure and the bulge -- which left little to the imagination -- and nearly melted right there on the spot. A flash of heat rushed to my pussy, and I had to swallow hard and squeeze my eyes and pussy shut so nothing would come rushing out.

I was so turned on that I barely heard Trey greeting me. I smiled dazedly and half-stumbled into his arms, which he'd opened for a hug, and took a deep breath, inhaling his amazing scent. How did he smell so good? Like when you walk past a dryer vent and the exhaust blows at you. That one second that you get a waft of heaven, that was what he smelled like.

I wanted to claim his arms for myself, forever, so I could keep smelling him, and so no one else could. Luckily, a group of noisy tourists brushed past me, knocking some sense into me and preventing me from going full-on creep.

What was I thinking, smelling him like that?? I stepped back, out of Trey's embrace, suddenly feeling very ashamed.

Either Trey heard my thoughts, or I'd finally found someone as equally awkward as me, because just like this morning, he said, "Please don't think I'm a creep, but..."

I slumped in relief, no longer internally beating myself up. "...You smell really good," Trey said with an awkward chuckle. I gaped at him, not sure what to say. Trey winced and took a deep breath, no doubt about to launch into an awkward explanation of how awkward he is.

But I nipped it in the bud. Even though he was a head taller than me and could probably easily bench press me, something about Trey made me want to shelter him, protect him from ever getting hurt or upset. "You smell really good too. Trust me, I creepily smelled you for a good twenty seconds during that hug."

Trey giggled, which was not a sound I'd ever expected to hear from him. Then his giggle morphed into a big, hearty laugh. His laughter eased the tension and I laughed along with him.

When he caught his breath, Trey said, "I guess we're equally awkward and creepy then, huh?"

"It takes a lot to measure up to me in that sense," I said, smirking.

Trey's gorgeous blue eyes shined as he spoke. "Well then, I'm proud to call myself your equal."

As I looked at and listened to Trey, I felt another rush of heat, but this time it didn't go downward to my pussy. It settled comfortably around my heart, warming me from within. It was rare that I found someone geeky in the same way as me, and interactions like these gave me life. And if this was what speaking to Trey was like, I wanted more of it. All of it.

Still smiling, Trey extended his arm. "Shall we?" I placed my hand on his arm, and he turned us around and began walking to the corner.

Trey spoke up as we waited for the light to change. "I have to know. What's your secret?"

"What?" I crinkled my eyebrows but released them immediately when I heard my mother in my head, saying, "don't do that, you'll get wrinkles."

"How do you smell so good?" Trey clarified. I looked at him, and his eyes were open wide in interest, looking at me like I was the only thing there was to see. Fuck, he was making it so hard for me to not fall in love with him on the spot.

"B?" Trey urged, when I didn't respond.

"Oh, sorry. Dryer sheets. I put them in every dresser drawer. And in my closet," I replied, a bit absentmindedly.

"But I do too, and I don't smell amazing like you do!" Trey said, almost whining. The traffic light changed but he didn't move. I squeezed my eyes shut, pushing away all my wishful thoughts and tried to ground myself in the here and now.

"I mean, you do smell amazing also. But it is a different smell. The trick is..." I leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "get lavender dryer sheets."

Trey's jaw dropped in mock shock and he mimed mind-blown with his unoccupied hand. He even made the sound effect, which made me giggle.

"Are you laughing at me? Are you laughing at me?" Trey's De Niro impression made me even more giggly, and I couldn't respond. I just leaned into him, feeling that warmth in my heart again.

"Huh. Seems like you are laughing at me. Well for that, you're going to pay."

The warmth in my heart was instantly replaced with icy fear. Damn it, I really really wanted Trey to not be a controlling asshole like my last ex. I nearly took a step back, but something made me look at Trey and I saw the humor on his face.

"For that, I'm going to make you go to dinner with me," he said. I sagged against him, too relieved to quip in response. I just looked up at him and smiled. Trey smiled back, and the warmth returned.

The traffic light cycled back to green, and this time Trey stepped off the curb, leading us across the street. As we walked, I looked around, taking in the sights of Manhattan during sundown. Still bustling, but more with tourists than locals.

After a short block and one more intersection, which we crossed right away because the light was ours, Trey stopped. "We're here," he said.

I looked at the window of the restaurant and my heart sank. My face paled as I pulled my hand off Trey's arm and stepped back.

"What's wrong?" Trey asked, looking worried. If he was feigning worry, I was going to be so mad. I could already feel the ire rising inside me, pushing away my fear.

"Balthazar is my favorite restaurant. But I didn't tell you that, so how do you know?" My face hardened. "You stalked me on social media, didn't you?"

My breath and my heart rate started to quicken as I thought of how my last ex tried to control my social media presence while we were together and wouldn't stop tagging and DMing me after I broke up with him. If Trey was anything like him, I was going to end this right here, right now.

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