Moon In Elvish

Moon In Elvish


Moon In Elvish

 Elvish Words - Physical World , Paul Strack
 Paul Strack
 December 19, 2021
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Conceptual Development: This term appeared in Silmarillion drafts of the 1930s with the gloss “Heart of Flame” (LR/240) and as ᴹQ. Anar “sun” in The Etymologies of the 1930s, already with the derivation given above (Ety/ANÁR, NAR¹).
Conceptual Development: In The Etymologies of the 1930s, ᴹQ. are has the sense “day” as a derivative of the root ᴹ√ AR¹ of the same meaning (Ety/AR¹), and it appears with this gloss in some later writings as well (PE17/148, PM/127). By the time Tolkien was writing The Lord of the Rings appendices, though, he had changed the sense of this word to “sunlight” as described above. The sense “day” was transferred to the words aurë and ré .
Neo-Quenya: I think this word can be salvaged as ᴺQ. aurëa “*daytime”, an adjectival form of the later word aurë “day(light)” (RC/727), by extension also meaning brightly lit by day hence also sunlit and sunny. Thus aurëa oron “daytime mountain” is one lit by the day = “sunny mountain”, and also aurëa arin “daytime morning” is a sunny morning. Aurëa would be both warm and bright as opposed to calina which is merely bright.
Conceptual Development: The term Anor was first mentioned in conjunction with early tales of Númenor (LR/41). It briefly appeared as N. { ánar >>} Anar “sun” in The Etymologies of the 1930s under the entry for ᴹ√ NAR¹ (Ety/NAR¹; EtyAC/NAR¹), but as Anor under ᴹ√ ANÁR (Ety/ANÁR). In The Notion Club Papers of the 1940s it was Anor , archaic † Anaur (SD/302-303, 306) and it retained this form thereafter.
Conceptual Development: Possible earlier precursors to this word include ᴱN. glarw “ray, radiance” from Early Noldorin Word-lists of the 1920s (PE13/144) and G. glaros “glare, blaze, splendour” from the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s (GL/39), the latter probably related to the early root ᴱ√ KALA “shine golden” (QL/44); see that entry for discussion.
Conceptual Development: The precursor to this name seems to be ᴱQ. Sil ( Sill- ) “moon” from the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, derived from the early root ᴱ√ SILI (QL/83). The root had various derivatives having to do with “gleam(ing)”, but in the contemporaneous narratives ᴱQ. Sil was translated “(silver) rose” (LT1/192 and 197 note #17). There was also ᴱQ. Silmo as a masculinized name for “moon” (QL/83), which seems to be the ordinary word for “moon” in the English-Qenya Dictionary of the 1920s (PE15/75).
The name ᴹQ. Isil first appeared in early versions of the tales of Númenor from the 1930s (LR/41). The derivation given above appeared in The Etymologies of the 1930s (Ety/THIL) and again in a 1972 letter to Richard Jeffery (Let/425).
Conceptual Development: A similar word ᴱQ. silma “a ray of moonlight” appeared in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, derived from the early root ᴱ√ SILI which was also the basis for ᴱQ. Sil “moon” (QL/83).
Conceptual Development: The name ᴱQ. Rána appears as a name of the moon in the earliest Lost Tales (LT1/192), though at this early stage its precise meaning and etymology were unclear. In Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s, ᴹQ. Rana appeared with a short a , with the translation “Wayward” (LR/240). The name also appeared with a short a in The Etymologies as a derivative of √ RAN from primitive ᴹ✶ Ranā (Ety/RAN). The long á was restored in Silmarillion revisions from the 1950s-60s (MR/130).
In some later notes, Tolkien said that Rána was the name of the spirit of the Moon rather than the Moon itself (VT42/13). Elsewhere this spirit was named Tirion , so this was probably a transient idea. In the indexes of The Silmarillion and The Unfinished Tales , Christopher Tolkien translated Rána as “Wanderer”, but the source of that translation is unclear.
Neo-Sindarin: If adapted to Neo-Sindarin, this word would probably become ᴺS. cúron , analogous to S. cýron “new-moon” (VT48/7), with S. Raun < * rānā reduced to -ron as usual in polysyllables .
Conceptual Development: The first precursor to this name seems to be G. Thilim “Moon” in an early list of names (PE14/13). This became G. { Thil >>} Sil “Rose of Silpion, Moon” (GL/67, 72) and G. { Thilmos >>} Silma in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s (GL/33, 67), derivatives of the early root ᴱ√ SILI as suggested by Christopher Tolkien (LT1A/Sil). The name Ithil first appeared in early versions of the tales of Númenor from the 1930s (LR/41).
Conceptual Development: A very similar form G. Rân “the moon” appeared in Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s (GL/64), as well as ᴱN. rán “moon” in Early Noldorin Word-lists of the 1920s (PE13/152), though in this period its etymology is unclear. It appeared as N. Rhân “Moon” in The Etymologies of the 1930s, derived from the root ᴹ√ RAN “wander, stray” (Ety/RAN), but in this period its Quenya equivalent was ᴹQ. Rana with short a . In later writings the Quenya form became Q. Rána , requiring a change to S. Raun since ancient ā became au in Sindarin.
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telpe ✧ Let/426; PE21/81; UT/266 telpe- ✧ PE18/093

T. telpe “silver” ✧ NM/349
✶ kyelepē “silver” ✧ Let/426; NM/349 √ KYELEP “silver” √ KYELEP “silver” ✧ UT/266 ✶ kyelepē “silver” ✧ PE17/036; PE21/80
√ KYELEP “silver” Q. tyelpë “silver” ✧ UT/266
✶ kyelepē “silver” ✧ Let/426; NM/349 √ KYELEP “silver” √ KYELEP “silver” ✧ UT/266

S. celeb “silver” ✧ PE17/036; SA/celeb; UT/266 T. telpe “silver” ✧ UT/266

Q. Telemmaitë “Silver-handed” Q. Telemnar “*Silver Fire” Q. telepta “silver, silver, [ᴱQ.] of silver” Q. Telperien Q. telperin “like silver (in hue or worth)” ✧ SA/celeb Q. Telperion “?Silver Tree” ✧ NM/349; SA/celeb; UT/266 ᴺQ. telpetan “silversmith” ᴺQ. telpevistando “money-changer” ᴺQ. telpilin “silver piece, *silver coin” ᴺQ. telpingwë “silverfish” Q. Telporno “*Silver Tall”

Q. sanomë tarnë Olórin, Aracorno, Eomer, Imrahil, mi mísë, mi telepta yo morna, mi laiqua yo ninquë, mi luinë, ta Gimli mi lossëa “There stood Gandalf, Aragorn, Eomer and Imrahil in grey, in silver and black, in green and white, and in blue, and also Gimli in white” ✧ PE17/071

tyelpe ✧ Let/426; UT/266 ( tyelpe ) tyelep- ✧ NM/349

Q. telpë “silver, silver; [ᴱQ.] money” ✧ UT/266

✶ kyelepē “silver” ✧ Let/426; NM/349
√ KYELEP “silver” √ KYELEP “silver” ✧ UT/266

S. celeb “silver” ✧ Let/426 T. telpe “silver” ✧ Let/426; NM/349

Q. Tyelpelepta Q. Tyeleptalëa “Silver-footed” ✧ NM/349 Q. Tyelperion “?Silver Tree” ✧ NM/349; UT/266 Q. tyelpetéma “palatal series”

Ithildin ✧ LotRI/Ithildin; RSI/Ithildin ithil-din ✧ PE17/066

Celeb ✧ Let/423 ( Celeb ); RC/775; RC/775

✶ kyelepē “silver” ✧ Let/426; NM/349; PE17/036
√ KYELEP “silver” √ KYELEP “silver” ✧ UT/266

Kh. kibil “silver” ✧ PE17/036 Q. telpë “silver, silver; [ᴱQ.] money” ✧ PE17/036; SA/celeb; UT/266 Q. tyelpë “silver” ✧ Let/426 T. telpe “silver” ✧ NM/349

S. Argeleb S. Celebdil “Silvertine” ✧ PE17/036; RC/775; TI/174 S. Celeborn “Silver-tree; Silver Tall” ✧ UT/266 S. Celeborn “Tree of Silver” ✧ SA/celeb; UT/266 S. Celebrant “Silverlode, Silver-course” ✧ PE17/049; RC/775; SA/celeb; TI/174 S. Celebrían “Silver-queen” ✧ Let/423 S. celebrin “like silver (in hue or worth), like silver (in hue or worth), [G.] of silver” ✧ PE17/042; SA/celeb S. Celebros “Silver Foam, Silver Rain” ✧ SA/celeb

telepi ✧ Let/426 telep- ✧ NM/349 telep-/telpe ✧ UT/266

Q. telpë “silver; [ᴱQ.] money” ✧ NM/349

✶ kyelepē “silver” ✧ Let/426; NM/349
√ KYELEP “silver” √ KYELEP “silver” ✧ UT/266

Q. telpë “silver; [ᴱQ.] money” ✧ UT/266 Q. tyelpë “silver” ✧ Let/426; NM/349 S. celeb “silver” ✧ NM/349

T. Teleporno “Silver-tall; Silver-tree” ✧ NM/349; UT/266 T. telperin “like silver (in hue or worth)” T. Telperion ✧ Let/426

Kh. Kibil-nâla “Silverlode, Silver-course” ✧ PE17/036; PE17/037; TI/174

✶ kyelepē “silver”
Q. telpë “silver, silver; [ᴱQ.] money” ✧ PE17/036; PE21/80 Q. tyelpë “silver” ✧ Let/426; NM/349 Q. telpë “silver, silver; [ᴱQ.] money” ✧ UT/266 S. celeb “silver” ✧ Let/426; NM/349; PE17/036 At. tele(pe) “silver” ✧ PE21/71 Os. kele(pe) “silver” ✧ PE21/71 T. telpe “silver” ✧ Let/426; NM/349 Q. telpë “silver, silver; [ᴱQ.] money” ✧ NM/349 Q. tyelpë “silver” ✧ UT/266
Q. telpë “silver, silver; [ᴱQ.] money” ✧ UT/266 S. celeb “silver” ✧ UT/266 T. telpe “silver” ✧ UT/266
Q. telpë “silver, silver; [ᴱQ.] money” ✧ NM/349

kyelep- ✧ NM/349 kelep/kyelep ✧ PE17/036 kjelep ✧ PE21/71 t/kjelepi ✧ PE21/80

Q. telpë “silver, silver; [ᴱQ.] money” ✧ PE17/036; PE21/80 Q. tyelpë “silver” ✧ Let/426; NM/349
Q. telpë “silver, silver; [ᴱQ.] money” ✧ UT/266 S. celeb “silver” ✧ Let/426; NM/349; PE17/036 At. tele(pe) “silver” ✧ PE21/71 Os. kele(pe) “silver” ✧ PE21/71 T. telpe “silver” ✧ Let/426; NM/349
Q. telpë “silver, silver; [ᴱQ.] money” ✧ NM/349

ᴹ√ KYELEP “silver” ✧ Ety/KYELEP On. kelepe “silver” ✧ Ety/KYELEP
ᴹ√ KYELEP “silver” ✧ Ety/KYELEP

ᴹQ. telpe “silver” ✧ Ety/KYELEP; Ety/KYELEP

N. Celeb(?)rhein “?Silver-footprint” N. Celebdil “Silvertine” N. Celebras “Silverhorn” N. Keleborn N. Celeborn “Tree of Silver” N. Celebrant “Silverlode” N. Celeb(rind)rath “Silverlode” N. celebren “of silver, like silver” ✧ Ety/KYELEP; Ety/KYELEP N. Celebrond “Silver-mace” N. Celebros “Silver Foam, Silver Rain” N.
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