Monster Musume No Iru Nichijou Cerea

Monster Musume No Iru Nichijou Cerea


Monster Musume No Iru Nichijou Cerea


Teen And Up Audiences

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モンスター娘のいる日常 | Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou


Centorea "Cerea" Shianus/Rachnera Arachnera


Kimihito Kurusu Centorea "Cerea" Shianus Rachnera Arachnera Meroune "Mero" Lorelei Papi (Monster Musume) Miia (Monster Musume) Suu (Monster Musume)

Additional Tags:

Fluff and Angst Enemies to Lovers Found Family Betaed Gay Panic Useless Lesbians Closeted Character Nudity Partial Nudity Canon Related Bisexuality Falling In Love Sexual Tension Light Bondage




Published: 2022-06-27 Updated: 2022-08-27 Words: 9587 Chapters: 4/? Comments: 4 Kudos: 10 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 216




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Work Search:

tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit)

1. Daily Disturbances (Centorea)
2. Extraspecies, Extra Problems (Centorea)
3. Midnight Mayhem (Rachnera)
4. Blanketed Bashfulness (Rachnera)

(See the end of the chapter for notes .)

I began walking along the ceiling and down the hall. All the rooms that branched out of the hallway were on my left, with Honey’s quarters at the very end of the hall, right before the bend. As I walked towards my destination, I looked up at the floor below me, and made a game out of trying to identify which doors led to which rooms. Papi’s door was easy to spot, the floor right outside it was practically covered in feathers!

Miia’s door would’ve been difficult to tell apart from the others, if not for the tiny piece of shed skin near it that she had apparently failed to dispose of. I wondered how Miia might react if I brought it to her attention. Would she be angry? Knowing her, I figured it would be quite the embarrassment for her if


were to find out… I decided to crawl down the wall and collect the sample, I’m sure there’d some creep willing to do anything for it – like that ‘director’ my first host family sold me to. Alternatively, I figured that Miia might also be willing to do anything for me if I threatened to show my findings to Honey. I’m sure he wouldn’t even care, but she definitely would. I stuffed it into my nightgown pocket. On my way back up, I made sure to step all over her door; I was well aware of the sounds that would be produced by my legs tapping against her bedroom door, and I knew exactly what kind of fearful reaction said sounds would elicit from Miia. 

I continued down my path and walked past Centorea’s door. I looked at it for a while. I figured she would be trying her absolute hardest to protect Honey from me, so it would be best to check whether she was asleep. I quickly used a thread as a lariat to pull on the doorknob and twist it open. The door slowly opened without me having to push it, and soon enough it was almost entirely open. I anchored myself to the top of the doorframe with my pedipalps and peered into the room. She was gone. 

Was she hiding in there, waiting to ambush me? Perhaps she was. I carefully walked over the wall that connected the top of the doorframe to the ceiling, and made sure to enter the room


slowly. Once I was completely inside, I peered behind the open door. She wasn’t hiding there.
The room seemed safe enough to search,
so I walked deeper inside. I stood next to her ceiling light and looked around in all directions. I had seen it before, but the cleanliness of it all still surprised me. She was nothing like Miia or Papi. There was a small square table in the centre of her room, on which sat a bowl of carrots as well as an impressive-looking tea set. Lining the walls were also a few bookshelves, each one overflowing with various literary works. Apparently she liked reading translated epics from thousands of years ago, the tales seemed to be of both human and centaur origin… How fitting! There was also a weapon rack by the door through which I entered, on which had been placed three swords. She always had one with her too, so that would make four in total. 

I turned back around to gaze at that gorgeous tea set again. It was made of porcelain and had gold accents, with flower patterns covering the teapot. I used some web to create a rope on which I could descend to get a closer look. Upon reaching the floor, I squinted a little, and that’s when I noticed that there was steam rising out of the teapot’s spout. The mint tea inside smelled fresh, which meant that Centorea had probably prepared it just a few minutes ago. This was conclusive evidence that she was skulking around the house, just like me! My plan was now in jeopardy. 

I left the room and quietly closed the door behind me. I quickly climbed back up the wall and onto the ceiling and started making my way to Honey’s room. It was only a few metres away, but I still needed to remain as discreet as possible, so running wasn’t an option. Now that the threat of being found out loomed over my head, there was little time to waste, and little room for error… not that I would make any. I crept up to Kurusu’s door. As far as I could tell, he was a heavy sleeper, so I could afford to do something bold. I crawled onto the face of the door, facing down, and twisted the doorknob with my left hand. I pushed off the door frame with my second left leg and rode the door into the room as it rotated on the hinge. I then quickly crawled to the other side of the door without touching the ground and used some webbing to pull the door shut. I could finally climb down the wall and gaze at my prize. The thought that Centorea could be sleeping in here had crossed my mind while I was entering, but I didn’t think she’d be able to bring herself to ask Kurusu about it, and I was right. 

I stared in front of me, Kurusu’s bed was positioned horizontally against the back wall of his room. He kept his curtains undrawn at night, and I caught a glimpse of the waning crescent moon shining brightly. How these people managed to sleep in anything other than complete darkness was beyond me, but it wasn’t exactly time for me to ponder the nature of my own nocturnal tendencies – I had a Honey to tie up! I started by tying a big round knot along one of my ropes, naturally to use as a gag. I quietly walked over to him and observed him. I ran my fingers through his hair, doing my best not to cut it, and caressed his cheek, though with less enthusiasm than I meant to. 

I quickly got to work on him, gently placing the web gag in his mouth. I then threaded a cord between his bed and back, tying a knot around each of his hands with the extremities of the rope. His hands were only loosely attached to one another, but I pulled on both knots simultaneously, binding his hands together behind his back in one swift motion. To make sure that he wouldn’t writhe too much, I wrapped his legs up too. I’d try an elaborate position, but it was hard enough to do it without waking him, besides, why try so hard when he was already in my grasp? I began to slowly lift his shirt up… and then I… Well, I didn’t do anything after that. I just couldn’t bring myself to


into him like I imagined I would. 

I awkwardly stood over him, looking down at my prize, but unable to do anything more than that. It’s not like I suddenly started to feel bad about what I was doing. I guess he just wasn’t as attractive as I had hoped he was? But that didn’t make much sense at all, since this wasn’t my first time seeing him shirtless… I tried thinking a little harder. The moment I moved here, I had been thrust into the role of another one of Miia’s romantic rivals. This was, of course, an opportunity to mess with someone that was frankly too good to pass up, so I played along. I guess I never really took the time to consider my own feelings on the matter. Truth be told, I could only ever see myself acting as a thorn in the others’ sides during their hopeless attempts at becoming worthy enough for Kurusu to marry them. When it came to my own pursuit of him… I had a hard time matching the motivation and enthusiasm of my supposed ‘rivals.’ It’s not that I didn’t enjoy tying him up, tempting him, and deceiving him – I just… maybe I’d rather… I let out a frustrated sigh. I didn’t even know who or what the frustration was directed at, though I suppose that my sigh was rather loud, as Honey suddenly started squirming. I was


about to get caught in here again. 

He slept with a sleeping mask and I had bound his hands, so I had some time to act before being found out. I quickly cleared my throat. I could see him panicking, unable to use his limbs, and trying to remove his mask by shaking his head against his pillow. I pulled my hair back to reveal all eight of my eyes. In the corner of my eye, I spotted that he had gotten the mask off, and it was now loosely hanging around his neck. He was


groggy, as it was the middle of the night. Before he could come to his senses, I grabbed him hard by the shoulders to startle him. I made my eyes wide and bared my sharp teeth with the objective of looking as menacing as possible. I wanted to absolutely petrify him with the most hoarse, threatening voice I could make.

Succumb to me if you know what’s good for you! …

Kurusu produced a sound that I could only describe as being between a loud gasp and a yell. Thankfully, whatever it was, it was muffled by the gag I had placed in his mouth. At the same moment, his eyes had also gone wide. He sort of froze after that. I let go of his shoulders, and he fell backwards onto his pillow with a soft thud. I breathed a sigh of relief, though I made sure that it wasn’t as loud as the previous one. I supposed it was time to cut my losses and get out of Honey’s room. It was good to know that I hadn't


lost my touch, still, what an embarrassing performance that was! I was seconds away from having my way with him, and this time with no equine interruption! 

I reminisced about when I still lived among my arachne peers. There are no male arachne, so luring, trapping, and using men, usually human men, was how we had been operating since the dawn of time. And yet, I could not bring myself to do ‘it.’ ‘It,’ being of course the one thing my species had become known for. I stopped my thoughts from drifting any further. I released Kurusu from his bindings, and made sure he was asleep and tucked into bed. I needed to dispose of any evidence, so I used my claws to shred up all that rope I had brought along with me, and shoved it in the little trash can in the corner of his room. It was still full of web from my previous attempt last night. I couldn’t have orchestrated a better cover-up if I tried!

I looked at him one more time before leaving, and despite my appreciation for him, what with him taking me in and allowing me to live in his house, I felt as though I had become blind to all of his positive qualities. I knew that if someone were to hold a gun to my head and ask me to explain why the ladies I lived with seemed to be so captivated by Kurusu, my insides would end up painting the wall behind me. I tried to stop thinking about it all, but the conflicting thoughts that had crept into my head were refusing to leave. How naive was I, when I met him in that warehouse, to think that he would be the one to warm my cold arachne heart? He was just like any other man! I turned around and walked out of the room as normal. I made sure to shut the door quietly, though I was no longer concerned with concealing my presence. 

I felt my blood boil, and heard my stomachs moan. Why hadn’t anyone woken me up for dinner!? Various emotions kept welling up, one after the other. I was upset at my inability to take advantage of Kurusu in his sleep and confused at the prospect of intimacy with a man, regardless of species. I wondered how I could bring myself to believe that he would be any different from the disgusting slobs I used to dispose of when I still lived in an arachne coven
. (2) Just like them, I could tell that he was only after beautiful women, even if he refused to say it and did his best to conceal this desire. I was confused as to why the women in this house chased after him when he wasn’t even the most attractive person here! I kept interrogating myself relentlessly, but unfortunately, my search yielded no answers.

Sick of standing around in a dark hallway, I decided to respond to the pleas of my stomachs and get some leftovers to eat. If nothing else, maybe the food would help repel the sudden anger that had gripped me. I took a few deep breaths and turned the corner of the hallway. I recalled the fresh tea that I had seen in Cerea’s bedroom. If she really was awake, but was in neither of the rooms that I had visited, then there was no question that she was skulking around downstairs. As I walked down the stairs, I wondered about what reason she could possibly have to be awake at this hour. I was expecting her to boldly step out of the living room and confront me, but alas, my hopes were dashed as I reached the bottom of the staircase without interruptions. 

While navigating towards the kitchen, I tried imagining what I would even say to her had she caught me red-handed. She stands so tall that I’d probably have a hard time maintaining my composure. She’s such an imposing presence, even when she drops her knightley facade. On the other hand, she’s also quite the prude. It’s a little baffling at times. 

I quit daydreaming as I reached my destination and opened the fridge. Inside was a neat arrangement of rectangular plastic containers of various sizes, as well as some bottles, jars, and plastic bags. It was pretty much chock-full of food, which was to be expected in a house of 7, but unfortunately, I found none of the day’s dinner. I recalled the salad I had at lunch with Cerea… I don’t think I got to enjoy it as much as she did – carnivorous species like myself often have less taste buds than non-carnivores. Everyone living here knows this though, as Miia’s repeated attempts at creating anything edible make it painfully difficult to forget. Despite the fact that the salad tasted like nothing more than leaves and lemon juice to me, it was somehow still delicious. My stomachs started pleading with me again, but I was too exasperated to do anything about it. Skulking around at night was fair game in my eyes, but I wasn’t about to start cooking myself a meal. It was beginning to look like I’d have to subsist on snacks for tonight. If only Cerea was here to make me another salad… At least her presence would give me a cover story that would explain why I was in the kitchen in the middle of the night. Where was she anyway? It’s not like she could ever be as quiet as me! 

I was about to grab some crappy snack food from the pantry to tide me over until morning, before I heard calm, deep breathing coming from across the half-wall that separated the kitchen and living room. I glanced around, and noticed, out of the corner of my eye, some familiar golden locks of hair on the far side of the living room. She was quietly lying partially on her side, with her legs folded not quite beneath her, but rather sideways in such a way that her hooves were poking out from underneath the blanket she had buried herself in. The cloak that she usually draped over her lower equine body was neatly folded on a chair beside her… and so was her shirt. I didn’t know why she elected to fall asleep against a couch in the living room, nor how I missed her while coming down. I suppose that I was simply so focused on finding food that I must’ve stormed past her. 

I contemplated disturbing her by lifting her blanket, but she looked incredibly peaceful in her sleep… A little too peaceful for my liking… I crouched down by her, and placed a hand over her mouth. Getting as close as I could to her ear, I pulled back her hair and whispered:

Sleeping completely naked? I didn’t know that the noble Centorea could stoop to such lows in her pursuit of ‘master!’

She definitely heard me, because her eyes went wider than I’d ever seen them. A loud gasp followed, as well as some thrashing. In her panic, she actually kicked the living room coffee table with such terrifying force that it slid across the floor before colliding with the nearby navy blue accent chair. Thankfully, her gasps and yelps were muffled by my hand, but there wasn’t anything I could do about the loud, percussive, clash of furniture. She was frantically trying to cover up, untangle her blanket, stand up, and free herself from my grasp all at once. I needed to calm her down somehow. I took a deep breath and tried to speak to her with a voice softer and more melodious than even Mero’s.

Shh! … Shh… Calm down… Are you trying to wake the whole neighbourhood? … 

I didn’t think I could pull it off, but I saw her expression change, so it couldn't have been


bad. She had finally gathered her bearings, but was still hyperventilating. I immediately regretted ambushing her in her sleep like that, and without thinking, before she could say a word, I pulled her close, and placed her head on my chest. She closed her eyes, an
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