Monster Fucker - Redux Ch. 03

Monster Fucker - Redux Ch. 03

Turning a corner and ending up on a cobblestone street headed northwest and lined by less than stellar buildings, something plastered onto a wall caught Harold's eyes.

It was a testament to his current state of mind, that the first thought that came to his mind, when he saw his new wanted poster was," they never get my nose right," followed by an," I'll be..."

His bounty, formerly a respectable 10,000 notes had more than sextupled. It was enough to make a man want to turn himself in. He chuckled. It was still only the third highest bounty in the city, though it was no where close to the ones' held by the spider and the butcher. Those two were in a league of their own and he wasn't particularly fond of joining that league. It did bring a sense of delight that he was no longer in the same vicinity as Two-fingered Jack and Xu-shi. Those arseholes could go shove a stick up their bums.

Molly gave him a questioning look and he shook his head, smothering the smile threatening his features. There was a job to do, but he had the inklings of an idea trickling through the labyrinth of his mind. He just might have a chance.


Once more shackled, still underfed, and naked, Amelie sat in the stone cell she'd come to call hers for the goddess knew how long. She'd seen the friar and she wanted nothing more than to kill the human. If such a vile creature could even be called human. They'd twisted the goddess's teachings into something utterly repulsive and what that thing planned to do...

She grit her teeth at the memory, wishing she could have ripped that monsters throat when she'd seen what had become of half her family. She still had no idea what had become of the rest but given what she'd already seen it most likely wasn't pleasant. Why she'd not been subjected to what had befallen them was still a mystery to her and one she dreaded to consider. Whatever the case may have been she needed to escape and find a way to stop the fiend before they unleashed a hell she couldn't even begin to fathom.

How she was going to go about doing so was still beyond her but wallowing about in a cell wasn't going to cut it. She needed to escape. How though? The shackles were iron, she barely had enough energy to sit around all day, and the accursed moonstone collar shackled more than her transformation. She was a priestess and a princess for goddess's sake. A terrible priestess, but damn it she could do better than sitting around.

Think, think, think, she chastised herself as if the very act of repetition would force an idea into fruition. Given that she'd been at it for what had to have been days since she had the misfortune of meeting the friar, it wasn't working. She growled, stifling a cry roiling with rage, pain, and despair. She needed...

"Rise and shine, kitten," a masculine voice chuckled as her cell was swung open.

She looked up, a glare contorting her features. It was another of the barbaric jailors and an abomination birthed from the monster's vile alterations. She'd come to know this particular tormentor.

He was an ugly brute, all muscle packed beneath skin too tight for his hulking frame, a face that was the stitched amalgamation of beast and human malice.

He visited her cell between every other guard, to bring her what passed for food in this hell and leer at her for inordinate amounts of time. And, as he dumped her bowl of slop onto the floor and crouch, she knew today would be no different. She didn't want to eat, but the wracking pangs of hunger weren't making it easier.

And he knew it as he grinned at her, his beady eyes glinting in the dim light of the prison. He was hungry too. He reeked of it, the entire place reeked of it, but maybe...

It was a flickering thought, but maybe it...


"You won't know till you try," a voice at the back of her head whispered as her eyes darted quickly to the keys dangling from the brute's belt.

Maybe, just maybe there was a chance.

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