Monroelee Com

Monroelee Com


Monroelee Com

January 4, 2022
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February 5, 2021
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January 7, 2021
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December 3, 2019

March 31, 2019
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Just Kidding …. I didn’t make any new years resolutions for this year …. It’s very apparent that I have a hard time sticking to them … meh .. im okay with it lol
One Goal however, is to put more time into what I love to do … and this is it .. my website, my onlyfans, try to learn to blog more, although i’m not really sure who or how many people actually read it …
Okay guys … if you haven’t watched Yellowstone .. you need to ASAP … Like how in the fuck have I been working from home all these years and 3 seasons of this show just happened to go unnoticed lol
Took me a minute because at first I didnt think I’d be into some type of “western” show lol . its not ..
It’s Western meets Sons of Anarchy – total cool … so different and Kevin Costners the man lol .
I won’t get into to much detail nor do a review of any sorts, but 10/10 would recommend.
Holy smokes guys …. January 7th and it feels like its already been quite the year lol like, is the show over? because I’m ready for it to be over lol.
I like to think I’m a pretty sound mind. What I mean by that is, is I don’t struggle with things like depression/anxiety, I’m not overly emotional, I’m a critical thinker, facts over feelings always and I’m a pretty chill person in general. That being said, I absolutely 1000% feel for anyone who is struggling mentally during a time like this, because no matter how “pretty sound minded” I think I am, I am 100% starting to feel the effects of this entire shit show that we are being told to endure right now.
That being said, looks like Albertas Lockdown Bans wont be lifted anytime soon and I have even more time to do really nothing lmao . So0o0o0o what way to better spend my time then making content for you guys, and figuring out what else I want to do in life.
As always: here are the following links to ALL MY REAL ACCOUNTS :
OnlyFans VIP Member OnlyFans FREE Member
Please please please guys, don’t fall for the trickery .. I don’t have any “secret accounts”. I won’t be found on any dating apps, and more importantly you cannot buy me for the night, unless its in the form of a camshow haha if ever in doubt, just send me an email.
Ive been struggling a lot the last 2 years … Trying to find my “Happy Place” .. and I don’t mean that in a bad way what so ever … I just needed to take time to find a way back to me … find a way back to what it was that I used to love about myself … what it is that I love now … and how to combine the two.
I thought for awhile I shouldn’t be doing this anymore … I shouldn’t be competing .. I shouldn’t put so much time into me … that I got so used to thinking I couldn’t be the person that I loved being .. because of whatever reasons I decided to let bother me .. I started putting everything and everyone else before myself .. again .. not a bad thing … but that fine balance everyone talks about … thats fucking hard.
But thats going to change … Some big things coming for the New Year
Seems like yesterday it was my 23rd Birthday .. and here we are, 10 years later. My, have things changed lol.
I may not remember specifics from my 23rd Birthday but I have no doubt it involved copious amounts of liquor, tons of makeup, a”birthday dress” that, now a days I wouldn’t classify as a wearable item, a birthday dinner followed by an endless night of dancing at some club then the aftermath of a house party, somewhere.
Even the thought of that night was exhausting for me to write lol so as I’ve said, my have things changed lol.
Once I hit 30 ( which isn’t old by any means ) ((( it was also my champagne birthday ))) .. and I had my big massive .. YAYAYAYA I’m 30 …. (it’s apparently a milestone for a female so I went with it), every birthday since then has been super chill and quiet however, always filled with good foods.
Yesterday was no different. I was spoiled by friends and family with Love and thoughtful messages all day which was all I could ask for. Babe bought me a spa day which was absolutely amazing. I’ve never been a big fan of gifts and would rather have an experience more then anything, so this was perfect. Once I was finished we then spent the afternoon and evening hanging out at home in comfiest with a few friends, drinking coolers and beers while him and his buddies worked on their Harley’s in the garage. The sun was shining, we got to sit outside in the sun, life was great. We had plans to go out for dinner, but in all honesty, after our relaxing day and a few drinks in, we decided on skip the dishes haha . Still ordered amazing food, Sawmill Prime Rib & Steakhouse, can never go wrong. Of course a few more drinks followed dinner but all in all, it was such a chill night. I wouldn’t have planned it any differently
I woke up, hangover free ( which is a great way to start 33 ), more motivated then ever, so here I am, coffee in hand, blogging away .. and planning my upcoming week. New week, same goals, just need to be better an execution haha. 33 is my year.
Welcome to your favorite swedish vixen's very own blog! Read all about me and my life! Don't forget to check out my site for all my hot XXX pics and vids!

August 10, 2018
Photos Selfies
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January 13, 2018
Candids Photos Selfies Webcam
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January 12, 2018
Candids General Photos Selfies
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September 5, 2017
General Photos Selfies
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I find lately that my motivation for life in general is just meh.
Calm down .. Im not depressed or anything close to that range and I feel for people who go through that however, I just mean lack of motivation for things in life that should be important .
I spend most of my days worrying and helping others that I often more times than not .. forget to take care of myself … which ends up leaving me mentally and emotionally drained .
This post isnt a … ” oh poor M” kinda post and for those of you who truly know me .. know thats not what Im about at all … Im just having a hard time morphing back into the way I used to be and well .. this Blog is kinda similar to an online Journal where I can type away and feel just a bit better 😛
After the days said and done … and thats even before I open a computer to do my work work on here … Im already dreading it because all I want to do is sit down and either A) read a book or B) just zone the fuck out lol .. No questions .. No one needing anything .. Just total utter silence … Dont get me wrong though … I LOVE MY LIFE … I have the most amazing people in it and I wouldnt trade that for the world … I think I just need to put taking care of myself back in that mix because well … you have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of others .. and I think I lost my way with that ..
Ive always been a “fly by the seat of my pants” kinda person .. and I find as I get a wee bit older .. you cannot really do that as much .. schedule and structure is needed lol .
I post this picture above as a reminder to myself ( photo was from last summer btw ) because back here … I remember being happy, content and totally at ease with myself .
I know being in shape doesnt dictate any of those things .. however you need to feel good on the inside in order to radiate that on the outside …On the inside I mean health wise .. taking care of my body ect … The fact that I looked good was a bonus … but it was on the inside .. that I felt amazing .. Eating right, Sleeping great and just an overall good sense of health .. thats what I miss . My body now adays feels sluggish and tired .. and its 100% self inflected. Instead of taking the time to schedule my days with work and meal prep Ive been doing things half assed .. grabbing a peanut butter sandwich on the way out the door to work because I was to tired to prep my meals like I once did .. ect . Little things like this .. over time have a massive impact and you almost dont realize it until youre so far gone and the thought of it just seems exhausting in itself ……. BUT ITS TIME TO CHANGE THAT .
No one else will do it for me … so Ive got to do it myself . I plan on using the rest of August and the last month of Summer to wrap my head around that and start making these little tweaks in order to get back to where I used to be mentally .
SEPTEMBER im coming for you … The Old M will be making a return . Both in life .. taking care of myself .. eating right .. getting back into the gym .. and scheduling and prioritizing my time … Cleaning the house everyday is NOT something that needs to be done . I need to be comfortable and content with myself above anything else .
On the brighter side .. thank you J for being my gym and health motivation once again .. as you were so many years ago . And guys .. Ive got some good things coming for . need to get it in while I can .. J is heading back up North to work again . Something he hasnt done in 2 years … so back to 21 days gone and 7 days home .. I think ill have a ton of time on my hands for my self help months to come ahead !
Okay … I’m 2 coffees deep right now .. so as I type this .. not only are my legs KILLING me from yesterdays workout .. My fingers are shaking from being so heavily caffeinated before 9am lol
Im going to try and make a commitment here . I’ve seen Mr Bella, as well as some of the other Bella Babes do a “30 Days Of Blogging” Challenge .. and I always think to myself “what a GREAT way to stay current and interactive .. So here we go! I haven’t decided if I’m going to keep them all in “blog” form here . or throw in a VLog once in awhile on youtube ( and here as well ) so we will see what I’m in the mood for when the days come haha 
On todays agenda . Shower ( make sure you guys grab my SNAP CHAT its on SALE today ) Get all Dolled up as I have some Custom Content to shoot and then of course pop on MyFreeCams to hang out with all of you guys!
This weekend is going to be pretty low key for us because its still DAMN FRIGGIN COLD outside so other then braving the weather to hit the gym … not much will be going on lol.
Also, if you guys haven’t followed my YOUTUBE Channel .. get on that .. you never know when a video might go live 😉 Im thinking of throwing up some Sexy Lingerie Videos for you guys to enjoy and if there is something specific youd like to see me in .. check out my Wishlist … Gifts always get a video show off in return as well as a few custom photos and I mean, how cool would it be to see me in the Lingerie you’ve purchased for me inside my site 😛
Alright guys … Almost 9am … Time to get moving . So ill leave you with one last picture for now . and Ill see you all when I see you <3
Holy smokes …. I can’t get over how quickly … again … the weather here has changed … You’d think I’d just get used to these Prairie Winters … but no .. never lol. It’s gone from around -5 to +2 …. right back down to -32 to -25 ish and thats Celcius .. so its damn cold lol
Im such a summer / sun baby that I’d rather stay inside for months on end then put myself through heading outside into this shit … however … thats gotta change today …
Today marks Day 1 of OFFICALLY being back at the gym and training again …. I might have trained a total of 6 times since Nationals in July and to be perfectly honest … I enjoyed every minute of being away from diet / exercise and just living life.  I was talking to Coach yesterday and I think we’ve finally set some goals as to which shows I’ll be competing in this year and I’m super excited !! Im switching disciplines as well … so training will be a whole different ball game which im really looking forward to.
Last season I trained as a Figure Competitor. Competed as a Figure Competitor … but in order to stand on a National Stage as a Figure Competitor I would need another 10+ pounds of muscle on me, easily …. and at 5’2 thats just not happening … I mean .. it could .. but its not something I’m looking to do … its not my end game for what I picture in my head an my “ideal shape” .. So this year … I’m jumping back down into Bikini Babe Status lol .
Different Goals, Different Training and a totally DIFFERENT end game package .. Im excited to see what this year will bring! Im also thinking of keeping you guys in the loop this time around as well. Posting my progress pictures for you guys to see . ( and some dirty ones for you to enjoy 😉 ) It’s amazing what the human body can do and to see the weekly progress of a great training routine and diet plan may help encourage some others to start their journey as well! 
As always … I hope you guys enjoyed some of my random blog photos …. you know you can always find more inside my site ..
I honestly sometimes feel like I never get a day off haha .. Im not complaining by any means, it just seems like there is ALWAYS something lol .
I had today off from work work .. but life seems to never stop just because I want a day off lol. I got up this morning, showered and headed out bright and early to get some stuff done. First stop, Wal-Mart for some little grocery things … I swear, were at the grocery store at least every other day lol. The one thing with being a health freak, healthier foods go bad faster haha . So im there twice as much.
Chicken, Diet Pop, Apples, Bananas, Break and Greek Yoghurt were a couple of things that I can remember off the top of my head. Then I made my way over to the Dollarstore and then the Bank. Thrilling right?! haha
Now I’m back at home . Doing some site uploading . Adding a couple things to My MyFreeCams SharePage and relaxing a bit before I start that whole dinner process thing 😛
If you guys dont have access to my Content on MFC SHARE PAGE you can either tip 1000Tkns to have VIP access for the Month of September or email me @ for other payment inquires ! As always, my baby .. will get all the newest and up to date goodies above anything else, so make sure up Check out my Members Area for all of my goodies <3
Im so sorry for not blogging as much as I promised, as it stands, sometimes life happens and other things kinda take a quick pause for the moment while life sorts its happenings out lol .
Thankfully … My happenings are looking wonderful and now I can actually sit back, take a breather and focus some of my energy on things that I haven’t been. Such as you guys .. and my internet home.
Even though life was slightly put on pause, I managed to get a bunch of NEW CONTENT done for so I cant wait for all of your guys to see and enjoy my new stuff as I do know the last few site updates have been from my Content Vault lol
Other then that .. starting tomorrow … 1 new blog / video blog / everyday from now until Halloween. I challenge myself haha . Until tomorrow guys ..
Welcome to your favorite swedish vixen's very own blog! Read all about me and my life! Don't forget to check out my site for all my hot XXX pics and vids!

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