

I wish it would rain all day long
Because I wish someone else would cry in my stead
I wish it would rain all day long
Because then people don’t stare at me
Since the umbrella hides my sad face
Since in the rain the people are also each preoccupied
I want to breathe just a little bit slowly
Since normally both my life and my rap are too quick
Now everything returns to its place
In the sky my shadow shines
And I stand upon the darkness
My chin pointing down to my heels

Slow rap Slow jam Slow rain
Everything slow
Slow rap Slow jam Slow rain
Everything slow

Forever rain Forever rain Forever rain
Forever rain Forever rain Forever rain
Forever rain (Forever rain)

When it rains I feel a little like I have a friend
It keeps knocking at my windows and asks if I’ve been doing well
And I answer, I’m still a prisoner of life
I don’t live because I can’t die, but I’m tied to something
If only I could knock somewhere like you
If I could kiss the whole world deeply
Would someone greet me
Would they perhaps accept my wearied body
Please don’t ask anything, just keep falling forever
If you fall I don’t feel lonely, at least you, please stay by my side
I want to live in a ashy grey world
I know there is no such thing as forever

Slow rap Slow jam Slow rain
Everything slow
When it rains it pours
When it rains it pours, it pours
Forever rain Forever rain Forever rain
Forever rain Forever rain Forever rain
Forever rain (Forever rain)
Please keep falling forever

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