MoneyTree tutorial basics

MoneyTree tutorial basics

Jerin Jacob

This tutorial is for MoneyTree section

  • As you can see there are three dice 🎲, 
  • Dice will roll after each minute and random numbers are generated on each dice and the respected total sum of 3 dices are generated as you can see in the image above (2+1+1=3)

What you can predict?

Basic Rules [See more rules on the website]

You can predict on the base of each dice or based on the sum    

  • Predict on the sum, that sum will be odd or even

Odd( 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 are odd)

Even(4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 are Even)

  • Predict on the sum, that sum will large or small

Large ( The sum value in 11 ~ 17 are large)

Small( The sum value in 4 ~ 10 are small)

  • Predict on the sum, that sum will be a number given in the field
  • Predict on the basis of numbers on the each dies
Desktop image

[See more rules on the website]

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🚫 Don do these things🚫 - Illegal betting

  • Don't create multiple accounts
  •  Don't open an account on multiple devices
  • If you betting on more than 11 numbers, or betting on more than 70% of the total number on the same period game system will detect as illegal betting (at the same period, it is not allowed to bet on large, small or single, double in the same time)use of the platform for arbitrage, For cash violations, face-to-face violations and other violations, the system will detect all violations of the bet slips and will deduct all credits from the account. Please pay attention when placing bets in person, thank you

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