Money Whore

Money Whore


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"Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy someone else to shoot at." - Anon
This is an individual that should fall into the category of "Someone You Should Loathe". If you don't recognize this particular "public servant", let me enlighten you.
He is the current Secretary of the Navy and many (me amoung them) are demanding that his ass be made public and exposed as the WHORE that he is.
Please make this abomination known to all people. I really need your help on this one.
Posted by COB6 on Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 11:26 PM in Bust Their Chops | Permalink | Comments (18)
Signed this morning, brother. It seems that now that the Democrats are in power, anything goes. It just keeps getting more egregious.
Is he a former Navy guy or just some civilian who was nominated?
It's really starting to look like the Obama administration will be the worst in history, across the board.
Just tried to sign the petition (IE user) and couldn't get to it.
This, truly, is one of the most DISGUSTING and totally UNACCEPTABLE acts out of Washington ever. Just when I think the morons there can't stoop any lower they find a new level of vile behavior
Signed it just now as (petition number 10118) and forwarded on to the family for signature. As a Naval Officer with a younger brother who is a Marine, I find this totally and utterly unacceptable. Today, I am ashamed that my branch of service could be this crass.
Sent this article and petition link to friends at MARSOC, 1st Radio Bn, 2d Radio Bn, and II MEF as well as to Marine vets. Hopefully, they will also pass it along.
I signed the petition yesterday. What a crock....
Signed. This is beyond disgusting..its downright demented.
Per ordor of GREAT READER KIM Jong IL it is now decreed that another Public Outstanding Servant....or P.O.S., join the ranks of those who have long been in the US Glovernment serving themselves. Yes, that's right...YOU...
Mista DONALD C. WINTER... are now among those who will forever walk in the ranks with such people as Nanny Pelosi, Senator Dodd, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Barack Whose-Named Obama, and Barney Frank as a member in good standing of the A.I.G.!!!Congratulations M.R. (as Obama would say in special olympic bowling terms) DONALD C. WINTER for you truly are an AIG'er! Way to go you A$$HOLE IN GOVERNMENT!!!
(Along the DMZ near Fresno, CA)
I'm waiting for Ashton Kusher to jump out and tell us all we're being Punked.
2. Please include a warning at the top of any post that will cause me to shout obscenities. This is especially important when I'm at work.
He's was out of office as of 13 March.
Today I am embarrassed this guy is in my chain of command. Keep up the humiliation, he deserves it.
Signed the petition and forwarded to at least 25 people. Murtha is past being a drunken fool. He may hold a senate seat. But he is a traitor. What a goober.
As I said on the petition, 'This is like giving Satan the Keys to the Pearly Gates.'
I thought, "that's harsh", but then I clicked through and read what he did.
I was wondering if Rep. Murtha's 'concern' for 'justice' and 'impartiality' and such alleged 'liberal' values and priorities, which are often sodomized when liberal 'leaders' all of a sudden are in earnest 'scapegoating' mode to encourage the bloodlust of their demented followers in any particular two-minute scapegoat show. And lets admit if 'liberals' love scapegoating anyone their first choice has got to be anything to do with Military: Marines, Army, Sgt. Betrayus, or such easy fucking targets; who are bound by their RULES OF ENGAGEMENT.
Anyway, so my thoughts were if Rep. Murtha is such a wonderful fucking Saint of Impartiality and Justice; whend the fuck will he start screaming his head off about:
First watch this video of ex-jihadist Dr Taufique Hamid who explains why horny Muslim young men suicide bomb to be able to copulate with virgins in paradise.
Well that was before our smart Islamic scholars found a wonderful way in which these aspiring young men dying to have sex, don’t have to die to have sex ; they can enjoy virgins here and now and also get brownie points for sex with 72 virgins in the hereafter (one virgin in hand is better than 72 in the hereafter anyways). All they have to do is to rape a virgin Muslim sister and the Jihadi Jamat takes care of the rest.. That Muslima is talked into suicide bombing to avoid the disgrace and shame. The raped one then carries out suicide bombing , killing and getting killed for Allah , and gaining paradise as guaranteed by Quran (9.111) .
Here is a middle school boy taking his final exam practicals for his course “beheading 101″ in the Binnouri Madarasa, Karachi Pakistan.
Beheading training obtained in Binnouri Madrasa came handy to another graduate when his wife demanded divorce from him.
Where the fuck is the 'liberal' goddamn fucking outrage??????

Former Paratrooper and Army Officer, "Blackfive" started this blog upon learning of the valorous sacrifice of a friend that was not reported by the journalist whose life he saved.
Email: blackfive AT gmail DOT com

Jim Hanson

Retired Special Operations Master Sergeant, Jim Hanson ("Uncle Jimbo") is now focused on writing about the military, politics, intelligence operations and foreign policy.
Email: jimbo AT unclejimbo DOT com
The Laughing Wolf

Writer, photographer, and raconteur C. Blake Powers is the Laughing Wolf. He is independent in politics and covers topics including journalism, military, weapons, preparedness, space, science, cooking, food and wine, product and book reviews, and even spirituality.
Email: wolf1 AT laughingwolf DOT net
Laughing Wolf's Amazon Wish List
Grim Beorn

Grim -- an Old Norse name that means 'one who wears a mask' -- blogs on issues of intelligence, information operations, and foreign relations.
Email: grimbeornr AT yahoo DOT com
Pinch Paisley

Instapinch Bill Paisley, otherwise known as Pinch, is a 22 year (ongoing) active and reserve naval aviator. He blogs over at on a veritable cornucopia of various and sundry items and will bring a tactical naval aviator's perspective to Blackfive. Readers be warned: any comments of or about the F-14 Tomcat will be reverential and spoken in low, hushed tones.
Email: wpaisley AT comcast DOT net
Mr. Wolf

Mr. Wolf has over 26 years in the Army, Army NG, and USAR. He’s Airborne with 5 years as an NCO, before becoming an officer. Mr. Wolf has had 4 company commands. Signal Corp is his basic branch, and Public Affairs is his functional area. He recently served 22 straight months in Kuwait and Iraq, in Intel, PA, and senior staff of MNF-I. Mr. Wolf is now an IT executive. He is currently working on a book on media and the Iraq war. Functional gearhead.

In Iraq, he received the moniker of Mr. Wolf after the Harvey Kietel character in Pulp Fiction, when "challenges" arose, they called on Mr. Wolf...
Email: TheDOTMrDOTWolfAT gmail DOT com

Deebow is a Staff Sergeant and a Military Police Squad Leader in the Army National Guard. In a previous life, he served in the US Navy. He has over 19 years of experience in both the Maritime and Land Warfare; including deployments to Southwest Asia, Thailand, the South Pacific, South America and Egypt. He has served as a Military Police Team Leader and Protective Services Team Leader and he has served on assignments with the US State Department, US Air Force Security Police, US Army Criminal Investigation Division, and the US Drug Enforcement Administration. He recently spent time in Afghanistan working with, training and fighting alongside Afghan Soldiers and is now focused on putting his 4 year Political Science degree to work by writing about foreign policy, military security policy and politics.


McQ has 28 years active and reserve service. Retired. Infantry officer. Airborne and Ranger. Consider my 3 years with the 82nd as the most fun I ever had with my clothes on. Interests include military issues and policy and veteran's affairs.
Email: mcq51 -at - bellsouth -dot- net


Chris Carter is a former USAF firefighter and now civilian firefighter who covers military history, national security, and baseball. Find out more at his website.

Twitter: @CrushingChris
EMAIL: crushnik AT yahoo DOT com


Tantor is a former USAF navigator/weapon system officer (WSO) in F-4E Phantoms who served in the US, Asia, and Europe. He is now a curmudgeonly computer geek in Washington, DC, picking the taxpayers pocket. His avocations are current events, aviation, history, and conservative politics.

Long Tab Sig O

Twenty-three years of Active and Reserve service in the US Army in SF (18B), Infantry and SOF Signal jobs with operational deployments to Bosnia and Africa. Since retiring he's worked as Senior Defense Analyst on SOF and Irregular Warfare projects and currently ensconced in the emerging world of Cyberspace.
Major Pain

Major Pain -- A Marine who began his blog in Iraq and reflects back on what he learned there and in Afghanistan. To the point opinions, ideas and thoughts on military, political and the media from One Marine’s View.
Email: onemarinesview AT yahoo DOT com

Froggy is 21 year Navy SEAL corpsman and vet of the War on Terror. Follow Froggy on Twitter @FroggyRuminates

"Driven" is an OIF vet, Sergeant and team Leader in the 82nd Airborne Division...

Uber Pig

Uber Pig was an Infantryman from late 1991 until early 1996, serving with Second Ranger Battalion, I Corps, and then 25th Infantry Division. At the time, the Army discriminated against enlisted soldiers who wanted use the "Green to Gold" program to become officers, so he left to attend Stanford University. There, he became expert in detecting, avoiding, and surviving L-shaped ambushes, before dropping out to be as entrepreneurial as he could be. He is now the founder of a software startup serving the insurance and construction industries, and splits time between Lake Tahoe, Boonville, and San Francisco, CA.

Uber Pig writes for Blackfive a) because he's the proud brother of an enlisted Civil Affairs Reservist who currently serves in Iraq, b) because he looks unkindly on people who make it harder for the military in general, and for his brother in particular, to succeed at their missions and come home in victory, and c) because the Blackfive readers and commenters help keep him sane.

Email: enlisted swine (at) gmail (dot) com.


COB6 spent 24 years in the active duty Army that included 5 combat tours with service in the 1st Ranger Battalion and 1st Special Forces Group . COB6 was enlisted (E-7) and took the OCS route to a commission. COB6 retired a few years back as a field grade Infantry officer. Currently COB6 has a son in the 82nd Airborne that just returned from his third tour and has a newly commissioned daughter in the 4th Infantry Division.


Subsunk is a retired US Navy Submarine Officer.

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