Money Magnet Crystal Bracelet | Attract Wealth, Prosperity, Abundance - Soul Charms

Money Magnet Crystal Bracelet | Attract Wealth, Prosperity, Abundance - Soul Charms

Our Abundance Luck money bracelet Set is handmade and the perfect set of dainty minimalist bracelets that is fashionable and with a purpose. The intention of each crystal aligns with manifestation of wealth, abundance, success, and financial prosperity. Each crystal used in the making of this bracelet was carefully hand selected and made with the intentions to attract more money and prosperity to those who wears it.


This Money Magnet Crystal Bracelet comes with 4 types of beads:

Green Aventurine - Aventurine is said to benefit its owner in all areas of creativity and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity. In this way, Green Aventurine helps you create your own luck and teach you to find opportunity in every situation. Luck is a mindset and Green Aventurine will help you achieve that skill. It's no wonder why this stone is so popular amongst gamblers in games of chance. 

Tiger's Eye - This stone is all about courage, integrity, and power. It is a stone of the mind and will help you gain mental strength, focus, and motivation to overcome your fear of failure, doubt, or uncertainty. Keep in mind that those who are wildly successful at their craft acted on their fear instead of letting their fear hinder them from doing the "hard" things. Wearing Tiger's Eye will give you the confidence needed to step out of the comfort zone, think outside of the box, and push right through self-limiting beliefs. Abundance is yours to conquer if you can master this mindset. 

Pyrite - This stone's name comes from the Greek word for "fire", and just like fire, Pyrite will create a spark in you to remind you of your own worth. It encourages you to expect more from yourself knowing you are worthy of abundance of health, wealth, love, and happiness. Meditating with Pyrite will help shift your perspective; it will light up positive opportunities that are present in your life that you may not have noticed before. As the Pyrite gemstone resonates with both Earth and Fire energies, it is a perfect amalgam of stability and passion. Pyrite reflects masculine nature, which is marked by action, will, and persistence. 

Citrine - If you want to stir your soul into taking tangible steps to achieve your dreams, but also looking for a stone that will sustain your motivation until your goals and wishes are realized, Citrine is the stone for you. Similarly, it’s called The Merchant’s Stone because it doesn’t only help increase wealth, but it also helps you maintain it. In your pursuit of money or success, inevitably there will be times you are overwhelmed by negative thoughts and emotions. Citrine, like the sunny rays of the Sun, emits a frequency that connects you to Love and Light, sending you uplifting vibrations of joy and happiness. 

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