Moms Son's

Moms Son's


Free Mom Hacks Book: A week of meals, activities & tips planned for you!
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By Becky Mansfield · Published: April 30, 2017 · Last Updated: April 29, 2017 · Leave a Comment
❤️Teach your children to be responsible (soon they will WANT to help out around the house) by teaching them the value of responsibility and hard work with these "Swap Chores for Screen Time" CARDS! ❤️
Moms know that not all kids are alike. What my oldest might love, my second child might despise. And, even though they’re rough-and-tumble boys, their tastes are still very different. As they get older, I’ve been trying to find more and more ways to connect with them one-on-one. I want them to grow into young men with strong values, hearts of kindness, and a spirit of respect. That means a lot of discussions and a lot of getting to know them as individuals.
We’ve tried a lot of things and some have been successes while others have been…not so much. Since all of my boys are different, I try not to do the same thing with each of them unless they specifically request it. If you want start more one-on-one time with your sons, here are some of the things we have found to be successful.
Keep in mind that your child is also a great source for ideas, so if none of these appeal to him, he might have something else he’d rather do!
1. Car Shows
One of my sons loves cars. Old cars, new cars, fast cars…it doesn’t matter, because he loves them all. On one of our special nights we happened to drive past a car show that was happening in the parking lot of a restaurant. He asked to stop, so we did and he loved it. Instead of combining your day out with something else, try to hunt out car shows and make those the special day out. The great thing about just the two of you going is that he can look and ask questions of the owners as much as he wants without his siblings saying they’re bored!
2. Sunset Walks
My quieter son isn’t a fan of crowds, so taking him to a car show isn’t his thing. Find what works for each child. Perhaps it is taking a bike ride or walks. Try taking a sunrise walk in the morning (we love to do this – wake up before anyone else and take our dog, Coach, on a walk.) Or try a sunset walk after dinner in the summertime and just chat, kick stones, and look around. Our walks have led to some great conversations and a ton of insight into what goes on inside his amazing head. Give it a shot!
3. Train Watching
If you had asked me 15 years ago if I’d ever spend an afternoon watching trains go by, I would have said you were crazy. Now, after three boys, an afternoon of train watching sounds like a great time. We have a train that goes through our downtown area often, so when it goes by, we just watch it. This could be a fun idea for boys. Pack a picnic lunch and sit in the back of the van with the trunk open. Talk and watch the trains go by and make bets to see who can count all of the train cars. Trust me, time spent with your kids is always worth it- no matter what you do.
4. Lunch Dates
Our son, Beau, LOVES when we take him out to lunch. Allie and I go on lunch dates often because she is done with preschool at noon and the other boys aren’t done until 3:00, but I try to make sure that each of our kids gets to go out to lunch with mom, too. (Just one-on-one time eating & chatting. )  Our town even has food trucks for lunch, so that’s on our to-do list. When I spend time doing this with just one of the kids, it gives us a chance to bond and talk a lot over an easy meal. We try to pick NEW places to go, so it’s fun for everyone! 🙂
These three sweet boys have taught me so much about being a mom to boys. (It’s completely different from being a mom to our daughter… both so much fun, but different!) I love finding out what they’re thinking, about their hopes and dreams, and about things that they need help with. They’re going to take flight and be out on their own way too soon, but even then, I hope to continue finding time to spend together. I don’t worry too much, because as of now, they all plan on building houses in my back yard. 😉 lol!
We only have a few years to really be present in their lives. Let’s spend these years wisely.  I’d like to invite you to sign up for my FREE e-mail series called One on One time.  It is completely free & I will send you this calendar to get you started. 🙂 
Hi! I'm Becky Mansfield ~ founder of Your Modern Family. I am the wife to Mickey & the mom to four little blessings! I am a teacher turned play therapist and stay at home Mom. I love to share my organization tips, kid ideas, money-saving tips and recipes with you. Read more...
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Hi there! I'm Becky...
I'm a mom to four, a certified child development therapist, a teacher with a BA in education, and a best-selling author. Here you'll find encouragement, ideas, and support to help you create a home that your family (and you) want to come home to each day- It starts with us: You and Me.🖤 Find out more about me, here.
Hi, I'm Becky Mansfield!
Founder of Your Modern Family. I am the wife to Mickey (my HS sweetheart) & the mom to four little blessings! I am a teacher turned child play therapist and stay at home Mom. I love to share my organization tips, kid ideas, money-saving tips and recipes with you. More About Becky...
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Put one hand firmly over your eyes, open your fingers just a tiny bit and peek into this list of mothers behaving very, very badly.
By Christy Heather Published Apr 27, 2017
A mother is meant to be someone who loves you, who cares for you, makes you soup when you are sick…. a mother is a very special person who should be an example for you throughout your whole life, be at your wedding, be a good grandmother to your children...
Note, be AT your wedding. NOT BE THE BRIDE!
If there is something a mother or a step-mother, or even a GRANDMOTHER should not be doing, it is having a sexual relationship with their child. Even if the child is a step-child. Even if that child is an adult.
The following 15 mothers have jumped into the river, broken the last taboo and, in some cases, solidly pursued relationships with their children even with the threat of jail looming over them.
Sure, there is the psychological phenomenon of GSA, or Genetic Sexual Attraction, which can hit an estranged family member with a forceful rush of unwanted sexual feelings upon meeting their relative, but is that a good enough excuse? Even between adults? And lets not forget that these women are not always targeting adults, but boys as young as 12 who they should be looking after.
So put one hand firmly over your eyes, open your fingers just a tiny bit and peek into this list of mothers behaving very, very badly.
France, ooh la la, so romantic! Well I suppose it was for Elisabeth Lorentz and her former stepson Eric Holder, who fell in love after knowing each other for more than 15 years – knowing each other because they were step-mother and step-son, that is.
It seems that in this case, at least, there are a few factors that make this ‘forbidden’ romance a little less icky – to begin with, Lorentz is only 3 years older than Holder. They also waited until after the breakup of Lorentz and Holder’s father to have a relationship. They were adults when they met.
Both Lorentz and Holder have daughters who are about the same age – Lorentz’s daughter just happens to be Holder’s sister, goddaughter and now stepdaughter!
It took years for the pair of lovebirds to be allowed to be legally wed, but finally they managed, and had a lovely wedding involving both daughters.
And a special guest – the dad, ex-husband, granddad of the family who came with his blessings for the marriage!
The true cause of death of the late Brittany Murphy is still somewhat hazy – everything has been suggested from drugs to AIDS to murder to mold, but officially the cause of death was severe anemia and pneumonia, the very same thing that her widower, Simon Montack, died of only months later.
But that is not the only thing that was weird about the sudden and sad deaths of the young star and her husband.
It turned out that after the death of Brittany, her mother Sharon moved into the bedroom that she shared with her husband, Simon, and slept in the bed with him.
When investigators from the coroner’s office visited the late star’s house after the death of her husband, Sharon Murphy took them to the master bedroom and pointed out ‘her side of the bed’ – a side that also included prescription drugs that had been prescribed to ‘Sharon Murphy’ AND ‘Sharon Monjack’.
Really not cool. Grief may do many things to a parent, but sleeping with your son-in-law should not be one of them.
When Judah's wife, Rozie Gopoza died, he was no doubt heartbroken to lose the love of his life so young.
Rozie died in 2008 and then in the period of two years following that, love seems to have blossomed for young Judah in the most unlikely of places, the mature arms of his mother-in-law Felistus.
Have a look at the picture. Isn’t that a match made in heaven?
Well it wasn’t to be a match for long. Shortly after the pair tied the knot, poor old Judah passed away, leaving his mother-in-law/wife alone.
His family jumped on the chance to get rid of her from their lives, and she was not even allowed to attend his funeral, which would be sad except that does anyone else find it odd that two young people died so close to each other and this lady was connected to both of them? No? Just me…really?
Ok, so I literally DO NOT understand how the police figured this one out, but I’m suspecting Facebook.
It seems that the 44-year-old North Carolina mom Melissa ‘Missy’ Kitchens and her son, 25-year-old Shaun Pfeiffer were living together, with Shaun’s wife and child of course, and decided to get it on.
Where? How? Why? All I can guess is that he got up one night and went in the Kitchen… slow clap… hmm, anyway.
Why this happened is one part of the mystery, the bigger part is that the pair was arrested and charged with incest (and the son with a bunch of other things) – and yet they weren’t caught in the act. So how did the police even know it happened?
One guess is the wife, yet according to her Facebook she was intent on forgiving her lying, cheatin', motherf-ing husband.
I guess she wanted a good relationship with her mother-in-law.
In the UK a man may, if he so wishes, marry his mother-in-law, which is excellent news for the Blundens.
Not so much for the daughter of the bride, Irene Little, who is furious because of the betrayal she felt at her mother marrying her first husband Clive.
Irene has accused her ex-husband of being a violent man, and despite being angry with her mother, Irene has expressed concern for her mother's safety. Irene believes that her mother was there for her through a nasty divorce with Clive, and knows full well that he was abusive to her daughter. She claims that Clive told her he married Brenda to get back at his ex wife, and that her mother stood by Clive when he refused to pay child support for their two daughters.
Clive denies all this, and says that his ex-wife/daughter in law uses their internet and eats fish and chips with them.
I don’t know who to believe, but I know which family I am not going to for Christmas.
For this next inexplicable romance we take you to Zimbabwe, where a 40-year-old widow of 12 years has had her 32-year-old son living with her. Betty had paid for her son’s schooling and Farai was living with her and working to support her, in return for all the tuition fees.
Then Betty became pregnant, and went before the village court council to request to marry her son, telling the stunned and horrified council members that she should be allowed to marry him because her late husband’s brothers were coveting her, and she did not want anyone else getting her son’s money. Plus it was her son who knocked her up.
I wasn’t there, but I’m pretty sure that there was a whole lot of silence in that court, until there was a whole lot of NOPE.
The headman, Nathan Muputirwa noped loudly when he said 'no, this cannot happen in the village, it is a bad omen, really we ought to kill you but we can’t because the police won’t like it, stop it or GTFO.'
So they left and hid somewhere else, probably where they could pretend not to be mother and son.
Gloria Grahame was a blonde starlet from the Golden Age of Hollywood. Sassy and sexy, with a partially paralyzed mouth due to plastic surgery, Gloria Grahame was an Oscar winner and well known in her time. She is probably better known now for her portrayal of Ado Annie in the Rogers and Hammerstein musical Oklahoma!
Known at the time as ‘the tart with a heart’. Gloria played femme fatales and women who were attracted to dangerous men. This was echoed in her personal life.
Gloria married her second husband, director Nicolas Ray, and despite a tumultuous on/off relationship, they had a child together.
Nicolas had a son from his previous marriage, Anthony ‘Tony’ Ray. He was home from school for the holidays at the age of 14 when his father opened his door to find him in bed with… his own step-mother.
Busted in bed together, the child was thrown out and Gloria tried to make it work. They decided not to tell anyone about the stepson incident, but divorced anyway. She married again, and had another child, divorcing shortly after.
Unfortunately for Gloria, in 1960 she got a LOT of media flack when she married her own step son, Tony Ray. Sued for custody of her second child due to the unsavory nature of the relationship, the media ripped Gloria apart. Consoled by her step-son husband, she remained married for the next 15 years, having two sons who were also the nephews of her younger husband.
Emeline, last name unknown, is a sad story of a 19th century Maine woman who lives on only as a cautionary tale. Despite how long ago the terrible events took place, local historians personally remember the Emeline in question as a kind but very lonely woman.
Emeline was a bright and pretty child who left the poverty of her family to work in a cotton mill and send money home, as many children did in those pre-Child Labor Law days.
She was excellent at her job, and caught the boss’ attention – but for all the wrong reasons. Soon she was pregnant with his baby and at 14 she became a mother, away from her family and home near the cotton mills.
She sold her baby to a childless and good couple, who paid for her to go home, to a community where no one knew about the baby she had birthed at 14.
Emeline worked hard and kept her nose down. Obviously traumatized, she pushed away many suitors and was quiet and tried to fly under the radar.
When she was in her early 30s a man came to her town on business and rented a room from Emeline’s family. The two fell passionately in love despite the age difference, married and built a cottage together.
When his parents came to visit, of course they recognized with horror that their son had married his own mother, and the marriage was quickly annulled. They dragged him away from his mother/wife. Emeline was left an outcast, despised for the double sin of having a baby out of wedlock, and then marrying her own son.
She lived the rest of her life in poverty, an outcast who was shunned by all who knew her, wandering the grassy fields to eat berries and weep for her lost loved one.
There is so much nope in this I can hardly believe it is true, but by all intents and purposes it seems to be:
So this Carter woman has a baby at 18, and her very strict parents make her give it up. That is awful, but seems pretty standard for the time.
That baby grows up, has a son and dies.
That son is determined to find his grandmother and connect with her – and oh boy does he ever.
He sends her a picture of himself, which she thinks is super hot and they meet.
Despite the 50-year age gap, when they meet they are instantly attracted and after a night out, wining and dining, Carter seduces her grandson on the edge of her bed. I wonder if she took her teeth out and said ‘ Hello Sthonny?’ No, that’s just mean.
Then, after a year later of living together in unwedded bliss, they decide to have a baby with a surrogate.
They purchased an egg to make the baby, so thankfully, the baby will only be related to each of them once.
Some people love their kids a lot, I totally get that. Some, as we have seen, will pick one special child and marry it.
Patricia Ann Spann was more of an equal opportunity child wedder, and married two of them.
In 2008 Spann married her son, Jody Spann Jr., using a different last name on the wedding certificate.
Jody must have finally managed to get away, because he filed for divorce, citing ‘incest’ as the reason to split from his bride.
Well, you win some you lose some, and after reconnecting with her 25-year-old daughter, Misty Velvet Dawn (which is a fantastic name, anyone has to admit), Spann felt a strong closeness with her child.
She liked it, and so she put a ring on it in 2016, which unfortunately could end up putting both her and her daughter in jail for up to ten years.
A lot of the other entries on this list are women who were not blood relatives of their future spouse or conquest, or were victims of GSA.
Barbara Daly Baekeland was just a homophobic psycho.
Rich and beautiful, Baekeland was a socialite and model. She had one son, Antony Baekeland.
In 1967, the aptly named summer of love, 20-year-old Antony plunged headlong into a world of LSD and free love – love with another man.
Desperate to train him back to the straight and narrow, she hired her son prostitutes and when that didn’t do the trick, she figured that if you want a job done properly, you have to do it yourself.
Five years later, at the age of 25, Antony Baekeland killed his 50-year-old mother with a kitchen knife. Found to be criminally insane, he lived in Broadmoor hospital prison in the UK until he was released 8 years later, only to attempt to kill his grandmother and then successfully kill himself in a cell at Rikers Island.
Kim West and Ben Ford have "incredible and mind blowing sex".
This is lovely, except that they are mother and son.
Kim West gave birth to Ben when she was only 19, studying in America away from her native England.
30 years later she reunited w
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