Moms Incest Stories

Moms Incest Stories


Moms Incest Stories

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Love comes in all genders, colours, age, size and shape.
But what happens when love is something that makes you question everything you’ve ever known?
“He gave me a call and asked me to pick him up, I got butterflies in my stomach. I met him outside and I knew it was him when he came towards me. He was crying and he gave me a hug. It was almost love at first sight but first, it was mother love. He gave me a mother hug. He came home in the truck and came to live with me and we were both happy as mother and son.”
“At first I told him,”I’m sorry I don’t know how you are going to react to this. I’m your mom and you’re my son, but I’m falling in love with you”. And he said: “You know what I am too. I was scared to let you know.”
“If they lock me up for love then they lock me up. There is no way anybody could pull us apart, and I really do love him. It hurts he is far away. It hurts really bad. I wish I could see him, talk to him, but I can’t risk it.”
In an exclusive, individual interviews with Daily Mail Online, they told how they are willing to risk everything to be together – and have decided to go public with their affair in a bid to raise awareness of Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA) relationships.
‘There’s a lot of negative comments I read on Facebook and things – people say it’s disgusting, it’s gross, she’s your mom but it doesn’t hurt me or affect me at all.
‘If they were in my situation or if they were to find out that somebody they loved was actually related to them then they’d be saying the exact opposite.’
“I will wait for her if she gets a jail sentence and I don’t. For me it’s not about patience it’s about commitment. If I’m committed to something I follow it through that’s the kind of person I am. If I love her enough and I’m crazy enough to stay in Clovis for her and crazy enough to face all the courts for her then waiting a bit of time to have the rest of my life being happy then I’m willing to do that.”

BREAKING NEWS North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un reported to be in "vegetative state."

Liza Dezfouli , OZY Author

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The intimate, the harrowing, the sweet, the surprising — the human.
Because there are easier ways to save on Mother’s Day cards.
The author is a writer, performer and visual artist based in Melbourne, Australia. 
My marriage is splintering. My baby’s just over a year old and my toddler nearly 3. They wake every single night — my older boy is asthmatic — and I’m the one who gets up to help them. My mother has a loving bond with my boys, and it’s good to have another pair of hands and someone to talk to. The tension between me and my husband escalates daily. He wants sex. I want to sleep for 200 years. He sulks. 
It’s late. We’ve had visitors, we’ve been drinking. I’m demented with exhaustion and stress. The baby needs a bottle and the toddler demands a hug. My husband sits on the couch and my mother’s on the floor in front of him. There’s an undercurrent, something unspoken, between them. He’s massaging her shoulders. While I get my sons fed and ready for bed, I can see the massage is becoming something else. My husband and my mother are making out, in front of me, in my living room. Unable to deal with it, I ignore them. I should throw a pot of cold water over them, throw them out of the house and out of my life, but I’m so tired my face is falling off and my bones are crumbling, and this is too outrageous to even acknowledge.
“Fuck ’em,” I think. “They deserve each other.” I take myself off to bed but can’t sleep. I hear the door to the spare room where my mother sleeps open and close. I hear them go in. Eventually, my husband comes into our bedroom.
In the morning my husband goes to work, and my mother and I pretend nothing has happened. This is the way of things in our family: hysterics when the cat’s tail gets caught in the door, but if your 16-year-old son takes off into the night in crisis or your 18-year-old daughter slashes her wrists, we don’t talk about it, it didn’t happen. Ours isn’t the only family like this, but with us the habit of denial runs especially deep.
Later, a friend asked, “Why don’t you have it out with her?” (My husband, by then, long gone .) Impossible — she’s pathologically incapable of assuming responsibility and would resort to attacking, crying or inventing excuses. Occasionally I’ve alluded to that night. Last year she wrote telling me she didn’t have sexual intercourse with my husband, and it was painful and unfair to be “falsely accused.”
It took a lot for me to understand my mother, and even more to forgive her.
When I told her I was writing this essay, she responded, “You do what you want to do. I’m not proud of some of the things I’ve done, but I can’t go back to change anything.”
Then I got a second letter, begging me not to cut her out of my life, that she would always love me unconditionally. I answered, pointing out that whether or not penetration took place is entirely beside the point, and if I were going to cut her out of my life I would have done so already. One reason I didn’t is that my sons deserve to have a grandmother who adores them, so I chose to protect their relationship with her.
It took a lot for me to understand my mother, and even more to forgive her, but I’ve learned to see her behavior in a wider context. My mother’s been competing with other women all her life — starting with her own mother over her father’s affections, with me over my father, my boyfriends, my husband, and with her friends over any man around. She’s such a flawed bundle of insecurities that she even needed her children to find her sexually attractive, imposing herself on us in ways so murkily inappropriate we were left demolished, muted, unable to form any kind of response.
Such dysfunction, such emotional disconnection, such narcissism speaks of damage that goes very deep. “I can’t remember anything from before the age of 7,” she said once. “What does that tell you?” I asked, but she remained silent.
Yet. My mother is a warm, charming woman with a playful, accommodating nature; as long as you’re not one of her offspring in emotional distress, she’s generous, kind and helpful. And she’s proud of me — even if she’s never known where she stops and where I begin: “I bathe in reflected glory” is a favorite saying of hers.
Despite the things she’s done, she loves me, tainted though that love is. As long as I play happy and keep my pain to myself, we get on famously. I can stay connected to her because I see her clearly. I know what to expect, and, more importantly, what not to. I treasure the good things we retain. But I can never trust her, and love only goes so far without trust. 
Buddhism teaches that our parents give us a body, and the rest is up to us. The spiritual teacher Miguel Ruiz established four agreements for a good life, and the second is: “Take nothing personally. People do what they do because of themselves.” The night she slept with my husband, my mother was driven by her ruined child-self, by the unformed, needy part of her that can’t know right from wrong. In healing my life, I’ve drawn on the wisdom and support offered by friends, daily meditation and practicing self-awareness without judgment — quiet noticing, if you will. My mother may never address the traumas she suffered — or those she caused in my life — but I choose compassion over anger, reflection over recrimination.


The intimate, the harrowing, the sweet, the surprising — the human.
Selling 20 million records after you grew up on welfare? A shocker. Still being around after all these years? Even more so!
OZY’s Eugene S. Robinson addresses queries from the love-weary in “Sex With Eugene.”
OZY’s Eugene S. Robinson addresses queries from the love-weary in “Sex With Eugene.”
Imagine finding gold and no one else knowing it was gold. Autographed books are that gold. And Sissy Spacek doesn't hurt either.
Going to the Maryland Deathfest was going to be a death metal day full of weed, speed, beer and tunes. But PCP?

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Open Discussions About Sexual Abuse and Incest.

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You are entering a forum that contains discussions of abuse, some of which are explicit in nature. The topics discussed may be triggering to some people. Please be aware of this before entering this forum. If you are posting about actions of yours which you feel are/were abusive please post about this in The Remorse Forum . If you have been falsely accused of abusing someone please post in the For Those Falsely Accused of Abusing thread . Please also note that discussions about Incest in this forum are only in relation to abuse. Discussions about Incest in a non-abusive context are not allowed at PsychForums. Thank you for your cooperation. The Mod Team

both my sister and I grew up in a loving and caring home with no problems at all. She is two years older than me and we have always been very close. at around the age of 12 (she was 14) we began to experiment with each other, this started by accident one day when we were wrestling and play fighting in her room. I accidently touched somewhere i shouldnt and then she did it back. before long this became the game we would play with each other. sometimes i would start the game and sometimes she would. We would sometimes end up on top of eachother and simulate having sex with each other when we were this age. as time went by it moved from touching and simulating sex to full sex. this continued until I was 14 or 15. My problem is not that I feel bad for these actions and it has not had any impact or my relationship with my sister we just pretend it didnt happen - or i try to. My problem is that I feel I am still very sexually attracted to my sister to this day some 15 years later. I once tried to talk to her about our past but she said she didnt remember having sex but could remember everything else. I dont know what to do anymore as I know im so attacted to her that it drives me crazy. can people please try to help me.

A difficult situation! I think from reading your post your sister is clearly moving forward with life and doesn't want to be back in that place. Yeah I get it's difficult and you want her to feel the same about you, but you're brother and sister. Let the past be what it is. You can't change it, but you can accept it and move forward TKe care

I'm sorry your sister hasnt validated the memory it could be difficult to admit in detail after several years. I think therapy would be a great idea. Talk about how it got that way where the adults were, how it could have manifested in ur life being a survivor. Obviously and attraction with roots in incest isn't the best healthy way to keep inside I think you can indeed put that into perspective so that it doesn't have to be shared in th
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