Moms A Whore

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15 Inappropriate Mom Selfies Taken In Grocery Stores

Humphrey Bwayo
Oct 12, 2017

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Technology is advancing rapidly, maybe a little too fast for some as they get way ahead of themselves. Well, it’s a bit strange when some individuals get so carried away with the whole selfie craze that they forget who they are. It’s hard to judge anyone, and especially mothers since it’s hard to relate to the kind of challenges that they face bringing up our young ones, but some of the moms in this article have taken their love of photos to a whole new level. It’s hard to figure out if the pictures were meant for self-gratification and they leaked out by mistake or if these moms were dumb enough to post the pictures themselves.
While grocery shopping might not be the most fun activity for any mom, and especially if she has a young one in tow, some of the moms in this article know how to spice up their weekly grocery store visits. While some of the inappropriate selfies are hilarious, some of them are downright disgusting and makes you wonder where our morals lie. We all make mistakes once in a while. However, we need to remember that the Internet never forgets. Here are 15 most inappropriate mom selfies taken in grocery stores.
Well, this mom decided to take a bathroom break, and in the middle of it, she thought it would be a great idea to take a selfie for her boyfriend. Little did she know, there was someone right behind her with the stall door wide open. Well, if she was a single mom trying to get a date, this must have gone horribly wrong. But in case she was trying to get a picture of the lady getting up from the toilet, then it is a total fail since her own face is still in the picture. Either way, it seems children nowadays are getting exposed to some freaky things!

We can never really control when a baby is hungry, and especially when they are too young to understand logic and reason. And it’s sometimes very annoying when people get offended when a mother breastfeeds in public (she clearly can’t help it when the baby is hungry). But what’s more annoying is a mother who decides to take a selfie of her baby suckling in public. Well, this woman was not going to take a break from vlogging when her baby wanted to feed, so she decided to continue with her vlog while breastfeeding. At the end of the day, she got massive views, but a lot of her followers felt it was inappropriate to take a selfie while breastfeeding.

As much as it’s annoying to everyone who gets a glimpse of these inappropriate selfies, it certainly isn’t as annoying for us as it is upsetting for the kid featured in this one. In this particular picture, the mom took a bathroom break to take a selfie and her son is clearly against it. While she tries to strike a pose with the peace sign, her son is in the background screaming in protest. She clearly can’t take a hint. If it’s bad for her son, her husband/boyfriend is likely not going to approve it. Plus the kid in the background is a total fail if she is planning on getting a date.

Social media has clearly taken over our lives, and if you are an Instamom, its obvious 90% of your pictures will have your baby in them. However, we understand that you need to take the best pictures for your fans, but still, you need to watch out for the safety of your child too. In this picture, the mom seems to have completely forgotten about her kid who is at the edge of the grocery store bathroom sink while she is busy taking sweet selfies. We just hope nothing bad happened to the kid, and that her fans put some sense into her head once the picture was posted.

Well, my favorite place to take a selfie in a grocery store would be in the tech section, next to the cool new gadgets. I am pretty sure everyone has their opinion when it comes to cool spots to take pictures. However, it seems like more and more moms in this list choose to have inappropriate pictures in the grocery store bathroom (must be really awesome in there too). In this picture, the mom has her blouse off in plain sight of her kid and takes a selfie of herself. Very good parenting here folks. We really hope you are the sitter and not her mom!

Well, this clearly got mixed reactions and looked like a picture that was taken for a laugh. Well, the mom puts on a fake bum, and her kid is in the background waving a peace sign. It’s really hard to judge this picture, but it’s still inappropriate because it’s in public. Plus you often wonder what kind of story the mom would tell her kid once she starts asking what the fake bum is for, and what it’s doing in a convenient store. It’s a pretty complex subject for a child that young if you ask me. It’s almost similar to waving an adult toy at the kid’s face and not thinking about the kind of trauma that could cause.

We all wanted supportive parents when we were young, and we had friends who had very supportive parents that almost seemed like friends. It’s pretty awesome to have a cool parent when you are young, because you are the envy of all your friends, and especially when you can sneak out with your mom into the grocery store bathroom and take a sweet selfie of your butt together. Well, that’s what the mum in this picture seems to be doing. I guess she will be pretty supportive when her daughter drops out of school when she’s pregnant! She deserves a medal for worst parenting though.

Grocery store parking lots are an interesting place to be during the day; you can catch a glimpse of shoppers trying to fight for a parking spot or arguing over a badly parked car. Well, all that drama never ends without a drunken showdown. In this picture, the mom seems to be the baby in the family. She is drunk, smoking and sitting on the baby’s pram. Whether this picture was taken for a laugh or it happened for real, it’s way too inappropriate and child services must have caught up with her once the picture went viral. The baby doesn’t look happy about mom’s actions.

Pictures make great memories, but not one like this. Before going to the grocery store, daddy and mummy decide they are going to take a sexy picture for daddy. The problem remains that the baby isn’t happy about it and can be seen hiding in embarrassment waiting for the ground to swallow him whole. Kids make the most embarrassing company when visiting the grocery store, but in this case, dad and mom were way ahead of him. If this was a stunt to teach him a lesson about behaving himself in the store, then they clearly went too far. He might need a great deal of counselling for this, especially if it was not his dad taking the photos.

The grocery store parking lot seems to be the new hangout and selfie approved spot, followed closely of course by the grocery store bathroom. Well, this mom found a bunch of petrol heads showcasing their vehicles in the parking lot and decided to take a cool selfie with her daughter showing off their bums. Well, posing for a photo next to a sweet ride isn’t really a bad idea, but doing so half naked with your bare butt in front of your kid is a bad example. Having your child join in on your inappropriate stunt is even worse parenting that could see you lose custody of your children.

It’s hard to be a mom, and that’s why most people would understand why a mom might need to have a bathroom break without notice anytime, anywhere. You simply can’t control what a child wants at that age, and in case you do, the results aren’t the best. Well, this mom decided to take a selfie while her son was trying to go to the bathroom behind her in the convenience store bathroom. It’s hard to figure out if the photo was of her son or the mom, but either way, it’s very inappropriate. But in case the mom was out to impress her date with this picture, it was a total fail.

Well, this had to be the worst and most inappropriate selfie ever. It’s hard to know what her intentions are, but from the way she was dressed, she was clearly trying to be a play mom. Social media has clearly gotten all our priorities messed up at this point, but she doesn’t seem to care. Her baby looked baffled and confused at what was going on. He is clearly too young to understand what is going on but his mom does. Shopping and taking care of her child is not going to stop her from showing the world what her ‘mama’ gave her. #goals

Well, this mom and her buddy decided the best place to take a selfie was in the middle of grocery shopping. Excellent choice. It’s hard to figure out who the mom is out of these two, but it’s obvious from the picture that whoever she is, she doesn’t care as much about her kid as she does her jugs. Long story short, her and her buddy decided to stop shopping, run into the bathroom and take this picture. While the kid has no say in this ridiculous idea, the two women seem to be having a ball snapping pictures in the grocery store mirror of their boobs.

It’s hard to figure out if her daughter came to the grocery store wearing that top, or they must have bumped into it at the convenience store and decided to take a picture of it. Either way, the top is very inappropriate, and her mom should know better than to have her daughter dressed in it, and worse take a picture of it. It’s only a matter of time before she will need counselling for this when she gets older. The T-shirt might have been a funny find, but they had no business dressing a toddler in it. If only she were old enough to know what it meant.

We are all trying to get into shape; it’s a craze. Everyone is trying to get healthy. Well, some people are taking this way too far. Do you work out at home? With the rest of the family and kids bothering you constantly? Then it’s best you keep your antics at the gym. It’s hard to know who’s idea this was, but the mom in this picture seems to have done a “flash mob stunt” in a grocery store. There’s nothing wrong with that; the only thing is I doubt her kids will have a straight face when they walk up to school Monday morning. It’s bad enough that they had to pull this stunt in their local grocery store. NOT COOL, MOM!
... but it costs a lot of money to get that done.
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Ronna Benjamin July 1, 2014 6202 views
A Bleached Out Old Whore? was last modified: June 30th, 2014 by Ronna Benjamin

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My niece, my mother, and I were sitting relaxed in my mother’s backyard by the pool for a before-dinner drink. The sun had just started to lower at the end of a hot and humid June day. I was sipping on a glass of Chardonnay. My niece was sipping on an iced tea; my mother was drinking water—apparently the “unfiltered” kind.
“And if I were going to be honest with you today, Ronna, what do you think I would tell you?” my mother asked me, nonchalantly.
“Uh oh,” I thought, “here it comes. She’s about to be honest with me about my hair.“ It’s always about my hair. And it’s usually not good.
My mom never mastered the art of conversational foreplay. She never learned that she was supposed to ask if I wanted her opinion before going in for the big bang.
I sighed. “It’s got to be about my hair, mom,” I replied.
“Because it’s always about my hair.”
Apparently, otherwise I am pretty perfect, because if I weren’t, clearly my mother would have told me.
She took a small breath, as if this were a little hard to get out. But I knew otherwise. It really wasn’t difficult at all.
“To be honest with you… you look like a bleached out old whore.”
My niece almost spit her iced tea all over the table.
I simply took another sip of Chardonnay, and braced myself for the fuller explanation. Because I knew my mother was just warming up. Nearing 80, she was not about to develop the art of tact.
She went on: it’s not the color; it’s the style- too young for me. It is stringy. It is too long.
“But, really, mom, a ‘bleached out old whore’? That’s kind of harsh, don’t you think?” I had actually blown my hair dry that very morning. The last time I had looked in the mirror, around noon, it had looked pretty good. Or so I thought.
“Maybe it’s just a mess because it is so humid today, and it’s extra frizzy.” Actually, I had been experimenting for two weeks with not shampooing at all in an effort to tame the frizz and keep the color intact. Apparently, that was not working out so well. I made a mental note to pick up a bottle of non-sulfate shampoo on the way home.
“It is definitely not the frizz. And no, I’m not being harsh . I am just being honest .”
My mother is fiercely proud of her brute (some might say “brutal”) honesty. She explained to my niece, a rising high school senior, how she is the only one in the family everyone can count on to be completely honest with them.
She gave a few examples of her past honesty, though I didn’t need those- I could write a book. She has given her unfiltered opinion about girlfriends and boyfriends of her children and grandchildren, unfiltered opinions about their choice of clothing and home decor (and yes, the pool table is still in my living room.)
She certainly gave an unfiltered opinion when I came home from college with a third hole in my ear, and I was saved from relentless nagging only when my brother came home from college with one in his.
Recently, she has told my beautiful niece– over and over– exactly what she thinks of her new nose piercing (you can imagine.)
It’s interesting to have a mother with no filter. On the one hand, I just love knowing what she thinks. I can always count on her honesty, and that’s important. On the other hand, it’s often plain old mean.
In any case, it was time to end this conversation.
“Mom, did you ever think that’s the look I’m going for? Mike just told me last night that he likes it when I look like a bleached out old whore. It’s sexy.”
Later, I wondered what she might have said if she had actually had a glass of wine that day. Really, how much more unfiltered can you get? Then I picked up the phone and made an appointment with my hair stylist.
After all, bleached out old whore is not really the look I’m going for.
“If I were to be honest with you today, Ronna, what do you think I would tell you?” my mother asked me. I took a gulp of Chardonnay.
Could the 2,598 people who “liked” oil pulling on Facebook be wrong?
My gray is the awesome product of my body's personal paintbrush
After 28 years of practicing real estate law, Ronna Benjamin realized how much she loved writing and how much she hated lawyering. She jumped into the world of writing at Better After 50 and never looked back! She is loving her “second act” as Partner and Managing Editor at Better After 50. Ronna writes humorously about the things BA50s are concerned about – personal experiences with adult children, the quirks of aging parents and in-laws, and her own emotional and physical health issues (i.e., insomnia, anxiety, and bulging waist lines). A native Bostonian who loves to spend time with her husband and three adult children, Ronna also enjoys sailing, cooking, running, and biking–and she tolerates skiing so she is not left home during family vacations. Check out her new book “We Are Better After 50 Because…” co-written by Ronna and her BA50 Partner Felice Shapiro, a perfect gift for the birthday girl in her 50’s!
No! You caved??? I was with you all the way through “that’s the look I was going for – Mike thinks it’s sexy”. Then you made the appointment to change it?
My Mom, (no longer with us) had little filter as well. However, I usually knew what battles to simply not have with her. But still, my hairstyle is my own. I do remember growing up as a child, being told, “get your hair out of your face”.
I’m letting my bangs grow out now at the ripe age of 51.
yeah, I caved. I looked in the mirror…
What a nasty, mean, selfish person. Lucky you survived. Keep your niece away from her! I doubt she has many (any?) friends…..
Very funny and truthful. My mother has a very similar style of conversation with me. With her friends she is nothing but pleasant and entertaining. I just spent the last month helping her move from a large house into a much smaller condominium. My hair passed the test, but my newly purchased expensive athletic sports were appalling to her. “Your not going out in that are you? You realize your bra straps are showing, and you can see your butt! I have pants that you could wear.” It is summer. I am at a coastal town in Connecticut. People routinely wear bathing suits into the downtown for shopping, with beach cover ups on. “Mom, it’s a sporty look. I have great legs.” My mother’s response, “but you are over fifty.”
I went up into my room and threw the skort and pretty turquoise matching top into a box I was preparing to send to my oldest adult daughter, who lives in Atlanta. I also got the similar white one out of my drawer and included it as well. I knew I would never enjoy wearing them again. I changed into black pants and a different shirt, put on make up, and my contacts. I return downstairs and she says, “See, you look beautiful. I was right!” My daughter loved her new cloths, she said she would wear them to the beach. Maybe my Mom was right.
OMG… So glad and sad to hear that there are other mothers out there like mine! My mother is also very unfiltered and doesn’t market it as honesty, but rather, “I’m just trying to help”. Apparently, everyone needs her ‘help’ for improvement. She can certainly dish it out whether it’s wanted or not, but can never take any advice offered back. She’ll get defensive and act hurt not realizing that that is exactly how her comments make others feel.
She has moved on from my hair and shifted her focus to my skin. The last ‘helpful’ observation was asking whether or not I put lotion on my neck because I apparently have quite the wrinkly neck. Previously, it was asking what face lotion/cream I was using because clearly it wasn’t working.
The worst part for me is when I start giving that type of comment to my family. I don’t want to be like her in that way. Ultimately, even though she thinks she is being helpful, she makes me and my sisters feel that we are never good enough. When I respond that I am a 50 year old adult woman her rebuttal is that she will always be my mother.
Does that sound familiar? May TACT be with us all!
Very familiar….I told this story to my daughter and said, “see, I come by the criticism honestly” but I try very hard to have a little tact too.
Good God, she’s harsh! Although as a child when I didn’t comb my hair my Sicilian nonna told me I looked like a whore .. all in Italian. I don’t think your hair is at all stringy. But when I had “bleached out whore” hair my solution was Not Your Mother’s Hair Thickener and Lifter (which for some reason removed frizzies) and the Enjoy brand conditi
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