Mommy Thing 3

Mommy Thing 3


Mommy Thing 3

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Moms deserve to be pampered too.
Get Your Box

Beauty, lifestyle, and home products delivered to mom’s door

Day-to-day can be so predictable… you deserve a surprise!

Shop the Current Box
January 2022

Every day should feel this special
Give A Gift

Welcome to the Mom Things community! Keep an eye on your inbox for all the fun updates. 

Bi-monthly. 6 months. Or 12 months. Spoil yourself on your own time.
Tell us where to deliver your box of fabulous surprises and we’ll make sure it arrives in the first week of every shipping month.
Surprise! Make the best use of the gifts that keep on giving. And if you really love an item, order it individually from our shop.
Shipping months are January, March, May, July, September, and November.
Shipping charges are so lame, aren’t they? Mom Things has worked really hard to meet you half way and charge a flat rate of $5.99 per box.
Upon subscription, your Mom Things box for the upcoming month will be shipped within 24-48 hours of ordering (depending on inventory). If the current box is sold out, customers have the option to either build their first box or wait for the next shipping month.
If you’re already subscribed, you can expect your Mom Things box to ship during the first week of the shipping month. All renewals will be charged for the next box on the 20th of every shipping month.
Our most recent box was carefully chosen to keep up with cozy warm vibes the colder months always bring. We selected items with "sherpa" and "fuzzy" in the name to combat the cold and added a few products to help your skin stay bright and hydrated during the dryer months. A gorgeous new wallet was chosen to go with a new year of organization and we couldn't leave out something sweet for Valentines Day! Happy 2022!
Our lip glass goes well with this set
As a mompreneur, my life never seems to slow down. I'm so busy taking care of everything and everyone else, I forget to take care of myself. My Mom Things box makes me feel so special.
Mom Things boxes have quickly become one of the highlights of my month!! It is so easy to get caught up in the daily grind... The boxes have become a little bright spot in the midst of all the crazy.
I never knew what to get my girlfriends. Whether they’re hosting a dinner party or it’s their birthday, it was always the same ‘ole bottle of wine. Then I found Mom Things! I love spoiling fellow Moms with this box of fun.
As a teacher and a mom of three small kids, I love being a Mom Things subscriber! I literally take a sigh of relief when I see the cute box on my doorstep because I know it's all for me."
A perfectly beautiful curated gift box, so much fun to give or receive!
Copyright 2021. All Rights Reserved.

2 results found, page 1 from 1 for "its a mommy thing 3"
Kristal Summers Its A Mommy Thing 3 part1 (100.66 MB) File name: Kristal Summers Its A Mommy Thing 3 part1
Kristal Summers Its A Mommy Thing 3 part2 (43.74 MB) File name: Kristal Summers Its A Mommy Thing 3 part2

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