Mommy Therapy

Mommy Therapy


Mommy Therapy

Written by Heidi Hanks
on June 25, 2014

Copyright © 2022 Mommy Speech Therapy

School’s out for summer! This sentence can bring parents both relief and a bit of anxiety at the same time. As a parent myself my goal is to not only survive the break, but to enjoy it, and maybe even take it a bit easier then usual while helping my kids do the same. However, like reading, speech and language practice is an ongoing process that shouldn’t get 3 months off if we want to see our little ones continue to make progress.
Speech practice can be done from just about anywhere, and with minimal prep and some creativity it can still be fun and effective. I know at my house multitasking is the only way to survive and with four kids there isn’t time for me to spend the entire morning putting a lesson plan together for each one. It’s a bowl of cereal and off we go. So I wanted to share some fun, quick ideas that I have used with my kids, that you could do to help you keep the practicing up while still enjoying summer fun.
Most people are familiar with at least some version of the alphabet game where you take turns going through the alphabet thinking of an animal or a food that starts with each letter of the alphabet. When targeting speech sounds you can play a similar game, only instead of thinking of animals that start with the letter k you might think of as many words as you can that start with the /k/ sound like “cat,” “cookie” and “kite.” You take turns going back and forth until someone is stumped and can’t think of another word. I call this “Phono Family Fun.” Okay, I really like alliteration. 😉
Sidewalk chalk is a summer staple at my house. There is so much fun to be had and so many possibilities with side walk chalk. You could create your own hopscotch game with speech words, make your own life size board game with speech words, or simply draw and color speech words in the driveway. Let your kids have a great time expressing their creativity on the concrete canvas of the driveway all while practicing the sounds they need work on at the same time. So much fun!
Go through the house and or yard and take pictures of as many things as you can that start with your targeted sound. Whoever takes the most pictures wins. Of course in order to get the prize they have to say each word clearly. 😉 You can even make a fun book of the pictures that were taken to review later.
Draw a word out of a hat (this could come from the worksheets here on Mommy Speech Therapy, the words in Articulation Station , or you could think of your own words), then shape your playdough into that word. Have the other players guess what you have created. For extra points you could have them say the word in a sentence.
Whatever your target sound is you can usually find a way to target it at the playground. For example on the slide you could practice the /p/ sound by giving a stuffed animal a “push” down the slide. You could practice the /b/ sound by giving a “big” push, or going down the “big” slide. You could practice the /m/ or /w/ sound by saying, “watch me slide,” “watch mom slide,” or “mom’s turn.” You may even try rolling marbles down the slide into a bowl. You could have them ask for “more marbles” to roll down the slide. You can practice the /s/ sound by saying “ssssss” all the way down the slide and then ending the word when you hit the bottom. The point is if you’re creative you can practice almost any sound anywhere, especially on the playground. 🙂
Whether you are in your backyard sand box or at the beach, kids of all ages love the sand! Make it a speech activity by burying objects or laminated picture cards for them to find. When they find the objects or speech cards have them say the word as they put them in their sand pail. Of course the goal is to find them all so be sure and bury them within a small area so they can be found easily by little hands.
Write each practice word on a piece of paper. Write the number of syllables in the word below the word. Then crumple each piece of paper into a ball. Have your son or daughter choose a ball, open it up, say the word and then crumple it back up and toss the paper ball into a trash can. If the word was a three syllable word and they make the basket they get three points. If it was a single syllable word they only get one point. Have fun, and don’t forget to keep score. Little ones can be quite competitive!
My kids LOVE playing hide and seek with flashlights in the house. Tape your practice words around the house then turn off the lights. Hand your child a flashlight and then go find the words. Have them say each word as they find them.
Choose books that are interesting to your kids and help them find pictures or words that start with the sounds they are working on. You may have them just listen as you say the words clearly for them to hear, or you may have them try saying the words as well.
Grab your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch and have fun practicing the words, sentences and stories together in the Articulation Station app anywhere. This is always fun, and just perfect when you are waiting at the doctors office, driving in the car, on a plane, or at home with nowhere to go at all.
Let’s not forget about BUBBLES! Bubbles can be one of my favorite therapy tools for little kids. You can read my post, “Bubbles to Improve Language Development” for more ideas on how to use bubbles at home to encourage our little ones to talk more.
With summer off and running I hope that you are able to find practical ways to help your kids practice their speech words at home. The trick is to be creative with your surroundings and play to what will pique your child’s interest.
What creative ways are you helping your children keep up with their speech and language practice at home?
Heidi has been a practicing Speech-Language Pathologist since 2000. She graduated from Utah State University where she completed both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. She began her career in early intervention and eventually started her own private practice where she has worked primarily with pre-K through school age kids. She is the founder of Little Bee Speech Apps and lives in beautiful Utah with her husband and 4 children.
How do i thank you for the worksheets and your expertise which you have shared with us parents.
I’m so blessed that i came across your blog.
I wish you were located in Australia !
Your kind words are thanks enough! All the best! 🙂
Wonderful article thanks for sharing!! I love playing the picture scavenger hunt with my kids.
hello, your blog is very helpful. How i wish I had this when my HI daughter was still a baby. May I use some of your lessons for my instruments in my research paper?
Yes, you are more than welcome to use any of the worksheets found on this site for your research paper as long as is referenced. Thank you!

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Individual Therapy offered by The Mindful Mommy Therapists
The Mindful Mommy © 2022. All Rights Reserved. The Mindful Mommy is an online therapy practice specializing in perinatal mental health. We offer therapy, consultation, and psychological evaluation services for women and families dealing with challenges related to pregnancy, family building, and parenting.
I am a licensed clinical psychologist offering individual and group therapy. While I enjoy contributing to psychology in many different ways, therapy is my passion. Therapy, or psychotherapy, is a type of treatment for mental health disorders that focuses on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. I work with clients presenting with various concerns, including perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, depression, and anxiety. The goals of therapy generally include reducing your current symptoms, increasing insight into your past and how it affects you today, developing coping skills and tools to deal with stress and other negative emotions, and improving your relationships.
Individual therapy As a psychologist, I provide individual therapy to teens and adults. My areas of practice include:
How it works If you are interested in becoming a new patient, we will initially meet through a secure video platform for a diagnostic evaluation. This is a 60 minute session that focuses on gathering information about your presenting problem, background, and goals for the future. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the therapy process. If we both feel that we are a good fit for one another, we will agree on a treatment plan and goals. Once a plan is established, I typically see clients weekly for 45 minute sessions.
I understand that childcare can often be a barrier to new parents getting help. If childcare poses an issue, you are welcome to bring your baby to our telehealth session. I am very flexible and patient and will work with you trying to get the most out of your session even if your baby is present.
Making the decision to reach out for help is a big step! I applaud you for taking action to better your mental health.







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A conversation with Dr. Jon Sarnoff of Premier Pediatrics with psychotherapist and parent coach, Olivia Bergeron, LCSW.
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Pregnancy and new parenthood can bring a host of conflicting emotions to the the surface. Whether you've got the baby blues, depression, anxiety or just feel “off,” Olivia works with pregnant and postpartum parents so that new families get off to the best possible start.
Sometimes anxiety, stress and sadness starts to take hold and we feel hijacked instead of happy. It can take a toll on our closest relationships, leading to isolation, frustration and feeling stuck. Olivia specializes in helping parents find the balance and joy again, even in the face of life's challenges.
Tantruming two (or ten) year old? Nothing working to get your child to cooperate anymore? As a certified peaceful parenting coach, trained by founder, Dr. Laura Markham, Olivia can help you develop and implement strategies so you can be proud of your parenting. Enjoy your kids again by creating connection and using loving guidance.
Olivia Bergeron, LCSW, founded Mommy Groove Therapy & Parent Coaching to offer counseling, classes, and help to New York City parents and is now pleased to offer parenting coaching to families around the country and the world. Whether you are trying to get pregnant, are expecting, have a new baby or older children, Mommy Groove is here for you. Olivia believes that healthy moms and dads lead to healthy families. When you find your parenting groove, the whole family flourishes. Read more...
Need ideas for handling daily difficulties with the kids? See below for some simple, practical parenting tips from Olivia.

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Practical Speech Therapy Activities for Home Practice. June 25, 2014 by Heidi Hanks. Continue Reading. Little Bee Speech Apps Making a Difference. March 17, 2014 by Heidi Hanks. Continue Reading. How to Teach Vowel Sounds. February 25, 2014 by Heidi Hanks. ... Mommy Speech Therapy .
914.340.3568 WELCOME Mommy & Me Speech Therapy is dedicated to getting your Tot (and big kid) Talking. We offer both private and group speech and language therapy . We use evidenced based practice to strengthen receptive and expressive language abilities, along with social and feeding/oral motor skills.
4. Playdough fun Draw a word out of a hat (this could come from the worksheets here on Mommy Speech Therapy , the words in Articulation Station, or you could think of your own words), then shape your playdough into that word. Have the other players guess what you have created. For extra points you could have them say the word in a sentence. 5.
The Mindful Mommyis a practice specializing in perinatal mental health. We offer therapy , consultation, and psychological evaluation services, as well as provide media and writing content in the area of psychology and mental health.
Olivia Bergeron, LCSW, founded Mommy Groove Therapy & Parent Coaching to offer counseling, classes, and help to New York City parents and is now pleased to offer parenting coaching to families around the country and the world. Whether you are trying to get pregnant, are expecting, have a new baby or older children, Mommy Groove is here for you.
Learn More About The Mommy Mentor You've come to the right place. Browse around to find the answers to your questions, or contact Dr. Thompson by phone or by sending a message from the Make Contact page. Dr. Thompson is now offering both in-person and telehealth services. Her office is located at 4401 6th Street, Lubbock, Texas.
Sep 21, 2021 Getting therapy is a perfect way to connect with an experienced expert and work through the mommy problems. It will be your first step to acknowledging the roots of the problem in your relationships. By getting professional guidance, you will make quality changes that will positively transform your life.
Jul 18, 2022 Participation in therapy : Finally, people who went on to recover from their mommy issues underwent psychotherapy. This helped them identify the abuse in their past, mourn it, and provided them with an outlet of understanding toward how it happened and how to prevent it from happening in the future. A Word From Verywell
Practical Speech Therapy Activities for Home Practice. June 25, 2014 by Heidi Hanks. School's out for summer! This sentence can bring parents both relief and a bit of anxiety at the same time. As a parent myself my goal is to not only survive the break, but to enjoy it, and maybe even take it a bit easier then usual while helping my ...
Dec 9, 2020 Family therapy is generally short-term and focuses on specific goals. It explores the patterns, conflicts, and ways of communicating in your family system. Family therapy may benefit you and your...
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The speech and articulation worksheets as well as the other downloads on this page have been created by Heidi Hanks, M.S.CCC-SLP, and are property of Mommy Speech Therapy. These speech and articulation worksheets are free to download as support material to the related articles found on this site, and they are intended for use in your home or therapy setting to help your child.
It's a free download and very easy to use. Plus you get 5 FREE screeners when you download it and the flashcards use real photographs that are clear and so much easier to identify for the kids. Learn more about Articulation Test Center on the Mommy Speech Therapy post entitled "New Articulation Screening Apps for Parents and SLPs"!
I'm excited to share my holiday speech mats with you! Simply download, print and laminate them and the possibilities are endless.. I created these speech mats as a fun and flexible way to target speech and language goals but I have used them for so much more.
Lastly, feel free to print and distribute any of the articles or information found on Mommy Speech I only ask that credit be given back to Mommy Speech Therapy and the web address ( be visible somewhere on the page.
The reason I named this blog "Mommy Speech Therapy" is because as parents we have the greatest impact on our children's language development. No one can make a bigger difference than you! My goal is to share some tips and techniques I have learned over the years in working with my clients and my own kids, ...
I too am trying to balance my "part time" career as an SLP and being the best mommy I can be to my 10 month old son. ... I would also love it if you shared Mommy Speech Therapy on your Facebook page. Thanks again, and best of luck on your new adventure! -Heidi. Christy. April 22, 2013 at 12:28 pm.
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