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It happened when I was 10. It’s not like most stories that you might have read about; there was no struggling, no screaming, no taunting or violence. It was silent—mostly because I had no idea what was going on.
It didn’t happen in an alleyway, or in a sleazy motel room. Not even in my own bedroom. It was in a dusty half-lit store pantry on the ground floor of my grandfather’s house. With about 9 other relatives on the first floor. It happened when I wasn’t alone.
Was it frightening? Hardly. If anything, it was confusing. I was only 10.
I grew up in a conservative home. I didn’t know the word ‘f*ck’ until I was 15. I only understood its meaning a whole year later. And yet now we have 8-year-olds using the word in grammatically correct sentences. My parents were traditional in their ways (and very strict).
I never once asked them, “Mommy, where do babies come from?” Maybe I wasn’t quite an inquisitive child. I knew there was a hole somewhere in my nether regions but I thought it was just for peeing.
So when grandfather asked me to follow him into the pantry and put his hands down my panties, I just stood there like the good doll I was while he sat on a stool behind me. He was gentle. But determined. Quick—before anyone else came into the kitchen—but long enough for me to remember his stubby beard rubbing against my neck.
I can’t remember when I realised the disturbing intentions of his action. Maybe it was when I discovered porn by accident. Maybe it was when I studied Chapter 4 of Science in Form 3. Maybe it was during “girl talk” with my guy friends in school.
But even before I figured it out, I knew my grandfather did something bad. Bad enough for my parents to tell me to avoid going near him when we visit after I told them about how he touched me “down there”. However, in my 10-year-old mind, it couldn’t have been that bad since they never confronted him about it. There wasn’t any big hoo-ha or dramatic family intervention. They simply told me not to tell anyone about it—sorry, mom and dad, for this.
In their defence, they couldn’t have prevented it. Not before it happened anyway. They couldn’t have known that they shouldn’t leave me alone downstairs while they chatted happily just several metres away. They couldn’t have known that they should have told me from a young age to “scream for help and run if someone touches you here or here “. And for that, I’ve never blamed them.
That’s not the case for my grandfather. Although I listened to my parents and avoided him, it was out of obedience and ignorance. Not because I actually understood why I should. And when I finally did many years later, I hated him for it. Which is a difficult task to do even after all these years.
It might be because it’s hard to hate someone who’s been dead for at least 10 years (I don’t keep count of the exact number). There’s only so much hate that you can give to a dead person because you can’t really do anything about it.
I don’t have any extraordinary lesson for you, other than the predictable ones. Educate your children so that their understanding of “down there” is not lacking; be observant so that any changes in your child’s behaviour doesn’t go by unnoticed; and do something when your child confides in you so that they know they can trust you.
Because not every case of child sexual abuse and molestation is about a child kicking and screaming.
Sometimes it’s a silent one, not because they are unafraid, but because they are confused, unaware, and simply just don’t know any better.
I consider myself very lucky. It only happened once and I was still ignorant. Nevertheless I’m in no way belittling it. I’ve heard of horrific experiences from victims of abuse, and even if it happened once, twice, or many times, there is always one similarity between them—they will be affected.
I sometimes wish that my parents did make a big deal out of it. I wish my relatives knew what a creep grandfather was.
On the other hand, I’m relieved that they didn’t. I can’t imagine having to face the embarrassment and the humiliation. More importantly, I also can’t imagine handling the rejection if they all knew but still did nothing about it. Or worse still, didn’t believe me.
Am I traumatised and never able to trust men again? Not quite. I am, after all, happily married. But till this day, I can’t stand stubby beards.
Editor’s note: This article is in response to the sudden (but very necessary) interest in the ugly truth of child sexual abuse cases in Malaysia . The writer would like to remain anonymous; however she’d like to remind readers that if they have a sexually abused child, it’s your responsibility to make them feel secure and accepted. Lodge a police report, or seek professional advice from a child psychologist/counsellor. Let them know that they are significant and that their well-being matters. 
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Published: 13:44 BST, 1 August 2016 | Updated: 12:23 BST, 2 August 2016
A vile mother was jailed for five years today for filming home-made porn movies with her own schoolboy son.
The mother, 36, was filmed having sex with her 14-year-old son - and sent the mobile phone clips to a family member living abroad.
A court heard she made a video of her carrying out sex acts with the teenager - and also other images of her three-year-old daughter.
A vile mother was jailed for five years today at Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court (pictured) for filming home-made porn movies with her own schoolboy son
The home-made pornography was sent to her cousin in Pakistan who allegedly had asked her to make the material.
The mother-of-four's 'shocking' crime only came to light when another of her daughters borrowed her son's phone - and came across the vile videos.
Prosecutor Ian Kolvin said the first of the videos of the mother and her son contained images of oral sex and other sex acts.
'She was telling him to take the video. It showed full intercourse. It showed the son with his naked mother, rubbing her breasts and vaginal area,' said Mr Kolvin.
When the police seized her mobile phone they discovered indecent images not only of her son but also of her three-year-old daughter.
Mr Kolvin said the woman, of St Mellons, Cardiff, told police in interview that she had agreed to video herself having sex with her son to please her cousin in Pakistan.
Her son, in a victim impact statement read to the court, said: 'I feel upset and ashamed of what she did. She should not have done it but I miss her very much.'
Her elder daughter told the court: 'I worry about my mum.'
Ruth Smith, defending, said her cultural background had made her particularly vulnerable and 'highly suggestible'.
Recorder of Cardiff Judge Eleri Rees (pictured) called the sex offences 'truly shocking'
She said the mother was forced to leave education at the age of 13 to work in the family business and into an 'abusive and violent' arranged marriage
Miss Smith said she had accepted the situation and 'her lot in life'.
She said: 'She appears to be a person that is very anxious to please and she will change accounts in order to satisfy what somebody is asking of her. She is highly suggestible of others.
'She was subjected to abuse by her husband and that is something she has accepted as her lot in society.'
Miss Smith told Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court that social services had given her a stark choice - to leave her husband or lose her children.
'She has lived her life within her culture as one that is expected of her - a devoted daughter and loving wife.
'She has been subjected to significant abuse. That coupled with her suggestibility may have resulted in a vulnerable individual.
'She was expected to do what she was told and she did not want to create conflict.
'It is clear she is a lady who deeply loves her children despite these offences. She is worried about the future and what will happen to them.'
Recorder of Cardiff Judge Eleri Rees said: 'These are truly shocking offences. Your duty was to your children. To that you failed in the gravest possible way.'
The woman admitted six counts including sexual activity with a family member, taking and distributing indecent images of a child reflecting 119 images and three movies.
She was jailed for a total of five years. She will have to sign as a sex offender for life and will be the subject of an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order. 
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by lisa keys

I am 39 years old and live with my son Jake, who is 18, my husband and I divorced five years ago and I now live a comfortable life with my son. The story I am going to relate to you has changed my life forever and made me happier and more satisfied than I have ever been before. I had been married for 21 years, when my husband cheated on me and left with a younger woman. ……
I am 39 years old and live with my son Jake, who is 18, my husband and I divorced five years ago and I now live a comfortable life with my son. The story I am going to relate to you has changed my life forever and made me happier and more satisfied than I have ever been before. I had been married for 21 years, when my husband cheated on me and left with a younger woman. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Lighting the blue touch paper Looking back, with the benefit of hindsight, I can see now that the seeds of my peculiar fascination with my son went back years. But I can date my epiphany to one particular moment, about three months ago. I'd just had a shower, before bed, and was sitting in front of the mirror at my dresser brushing my hair. It was quite a narcissistic moment, I'll admit. I was gazing into the mirror thinking that actually, for a forty year old woman, I didn't look too bad. ::::::::::::::::: mother and son : mom son : mother son : mom and son : mommy

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