Mommy Sleep

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Mission: Sleep



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Sleep Deprivation & Postpartum Depression: Proven Tips to Help
Bristow VA family. Baby boy was born when Dad was deployed.
Baby Sleep Schedule for 7-9 Month Old

Overnight Care
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Mission: Sleep
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The role of the Registered Nurse
or Newborn Care Provider is to
feed, soothe, bathe, change &
provide all other gentle care to
baby through the night.

We also provide evidence
based education and ongoing
support to parents.

The role of the Registered Nurse
or Newborn Care Provider is to
feed, soothe, bathe, change &
provide all other gentle care to
baby through the night.

We also provide evidence
based education and ongoing
support to parents.

The link between sleep deprivation and postpartum depression has been proven over and over . According to the Sleep Research Society, women report “the highest levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms in early pregnancy and the lowest levels of social support.” Experiencing hormonal shifts is normal and expected after your newborn arrives but should be monitored. This blog Sleep Deprivation and Postpartum Depression: Proven Tips to Help, describes tips to increase sleep and sleep quality. These perinatal sleep tips can help keep normal post-baby mood shifts from elevating into depression.
The link between sleep and poor mental health outcomes up to 3 months postpartum affects not only women’s mental health but the health of the family as well.
Basic sleep hygiene is a great foundation for sleep for everyone. Parents of newborns may not be able to do all of these activities but try to include as many as possible into your day:
For many of us, the feeling of being “on” as a new parent and the adrenaline that comes with it hinders our natural sleep cycles. So we can’t sleep when we’re supposed to because our bodies are trained to be on alert for baby’s needs. Here’s what you can do to facilitate sleepiness when you’re overtired:
This is perhaps the easiest and most effective wya for both parents to get sleep!
Swap night time care duties with your partner – You can go in shifts like parent A is on from 9pm – whenever baby gets up overnight, then parent B is on from the end of that wake-up til morning. Better yet do a 3 nights on/3 nights off schedule. You may miss your partner but remember this routine it is only temporary and these restorative blocks of sleep help lower your risk of postpartum depression and keeps your immune system strong.
For nursing moms : If you’re breastfeeding during the night, simply stay in bed to nurse while your partner does all other care.
Accepting help is NORMAL! – Allow friends and family to provide child care relief, whether they act as a night nurse, or even if it’s just for an hour or 2 for you to get a nap.
This presentation was part of the Maternal and Child Health Coalition ‘s recent mental health symposium and was written and presented by Jordan Seidel, CLC and owner of Let Mommy Sleep, Las Vegas . If you ever have questions or need overnight support, contact us here . If you’re having thoughts that scare you call or text 988 , or contact the National Maternal Health Hotline at 833.9HELP4MOMS .
Mission Sleep is the 501c3 non-profit arm of Let Mommy Sleep. We strive to provide free, overnight baby care to military and first responders whose newborns arrive when their partner is deployed, wounded or deceased. When funds allow, we extend services to anyone in need. This post, Mission Sleep: Free Night Nanny Care for Parents in Need will describe exactly who we are, how we support families and how you can help too.
Let Mommy Sleep (LMS) began in 2010 as a very simple service: baby nurses and night nannies tend to newborns overnight while parents sleep and recover from childbirth. Though the creation of the business was a result the founder’s own traumatic birth experience, the concept is not a new one. What is new however, is that once regarded as a historical norm, postpartum support is now inaccessible to many. Families are geographically spread out, tied to work or fall through the cracks of health insurance to justify in-home healthcare. After seeing the overwhelming need and incredible positive impact overnight newborn care has on families, the owner of LMS felt called to bring postpartum care to those who serve all of us everyday . Limiting overnight care to parents whose partners are deployed, wounded or deceased ensures that funds are used to help those most in need. The goal is to eventually serve all military and first responders with newborns.
Overnight care is provided by the highly vetted, compassionate and experienced baby nurses (RN/LPN) and night nannies already working with us at Let Mommy Sleep. Hours are typically from 10p-6a but we remain flexible to fit the families’ needs.
Operation: Sleep, now known as Mission Sleep was launched in 2012. The 501c3 non-profit quickly landed on a national stage with appearances on NBC4 , FoxNews and at the White House Summit for Working Families . Like so many, the charity was forced to stop services due to COVID, but we’re back and ready to serve! We’re proud to have earned our Gold Level Transparency listing on , the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations.
We already know that overnight baby care has direct and positive results. Therefore, in a situation where one parent is unexpectedly unable to help, the mental and physical health benefits are even greater.
Real families we have helped in the past include military spouses who became widows during pregnancy, moms whose spouses received orders to deploy during pregnancy and a non-military father whose wife died while giving birth to their twins. Maternal death is still a reality even in 2022 and in these cases we extend service even without a connection to police, fire or military.
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Updated Sept 18, 2022 – Unlike physical emergencies which are often obvious to us, it can be hard to know when to reach out for help for mental issues. If you or someone you love is having thoughts that scare them, it may be an EMERGENCY. But what do you do if you just feel “off”? Or your loved one doesn’t seem to be getting better? If you’re not sure what kind of support is needed, the Postpartum Mental Health Resources chart below may help.
Below are postpartum resources in order of emergency need. Share and bookmark this resource.
Perinatal or postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, also called PMAD’s, are the most common complication of pregnancy. Educate yourself and your loved ones about potential issues before baby arrives. Becoming familiar with “what’s normal” versus what’s not can make the difference between a bump in the road and a crisis situation. The good news is that education and support is out there!
Here’s how you can get educated about postpartum mental health:
Questions you can ask yourself if you feel normal baby blues are blurring into a mood disorder are: Do I seem more sad than happy? or Does my partner have anxious thoughts that were never there before?
Whatever level of support is needed, there is help for you. Please let us know if we can help connect you with these resources or provide overnight support to help you recuperate or get healthy. Mental and physical wellness depend on each other! For a comprehensive list of all mental health resources, visit
The Infant Sleep Schedule for a 7-9 Month Old is almost the same as the routine for a 6-7 month old. There’s one big difference – in months 7 and 8, babies typically drop that third daytime nap in the 4:00 hour. You can expect some inconsistency while the later nap disappears- sometimes it will happen, sometimes it won’t. Don’t let this inconsistency bother you, it’s really “practice” for baby staying awake longer and consolidating into 2 predictable naps! When baby gets the all clear from the pediatrician you can then move on to our step-by-step instructions of H ow to Get Baby to Sleep Through the Night !
Our sleep schedules have been written under the direction of Registered Nurses and using the excellent advice from one of the original sleep coaches, The Baby Whisperer, Tracey Hogg. If you’d like to learn more about infant sleep, we also recommend The Good Sleeper , by Dr. Janet Krone Kennedy. This research-based book teaches the basics of sleep science and provides tools to solve sleep problems.
As always, the above is just an example. We don’t advocate any specific sleep methods and will cheer you whatever you choose as long as it’s safe of course! There are lots of experts out there but don’t forget that you are the expert on your baby. These schedules are another tool for parents who are looking for support, so we want to provide those evidence-based tools.
So you’re having twins, congratulations! It can all be overwhelming but don’t worry- we got you! Our team will help you get prepared with all the gear to welcome home your newborns below in Night Nannies Baby Registry Must-Haves for TWINS!
Yes you need a double stroller, 2 car seats and lots of clothes. Here are the registry must-haves you may not have thought of:
Don’t forget to take of yourself when the twins arrive. Birth recovery and those first weeks and months home are exhausting and might have you doubting yourself. This is normal, but giving yourself some grace will help the whole family. Here are some ideas:
You can see the whole Twins Registry here . Tell us if we missed anything on Facebook or IG! We make a commission from these sales but we actually really love and use all these items.
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