Mommy S Boy

Mommy S Boy


Mommy S Boy

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Nicole Madison

Last Modified Date: September 16, 2022

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A mommy's boy is a boy or a man who has a very close relationship with his mother. As an adult, the man may talk to his mother on a daily basis and spend more time with her than some consider normal. Often, he will turn to his mother when he needs advice and may respect her opinion above that of other family members and friends. In some cases, he may continue to live at home with his mother far longer than most adults. Such a man willingly does things for his mother whenever she needs help and vice versa.
Usually, the term carries negative connotations, and these men are seen as overprotected, smothered, and incapable of doing things for themselves. Interestingly, however, daddy's girls are not viewed as negatively. As such, it may be concluded that many view a close and protective relationship between a father and daughter as healthy, yet consider a man’s close relationship with his mother wrong and unnatural.
Often, the person who has the strongest feelings of displeasure concerning a man's relationship with is mother is his wife or girlfriend. Frequently, a woman in this position feels insecure about the attention the mommy's boy gives his mother, and she may believe his attention should be centered on her. The wife or girlfriend may be angered when her partner seeks his mother's advice or shares intimate details about their relationship with her. Women in this situation often become extremely resentful of the mother/son relationships.
In all fairness, the mother of a mommy's boy may feel jealous and resentful as well. She may believe her son's significant other isn't good enough for him, for example, or that no woman is really good enough for her son. In some cases, the mother may actually interfere with her son's romantic relationship, attempting to cause problems and remain the center of his attention. The man may be unaware or unwilling to face up to the negative emotions or behavior of either woman in his life.
Though being a mommy's boy is often viewed negatively, it is interesting to note that many people think a man's treatment of his mother is indicative of the way he will treat his wife or girlfriend. If that is true and the man can love both women, a man who has a good relationship with his mother may actually be a good partner in a close, romantic relationship. That is, of course, if the new woman can find a way to embrace his mother and gain her acceptance as well.
Nicole’s thirst for knowledge inspired her to become a PublicPeople writer, and she focuses
primarily on topics such as homeschooling, parenting, health, science, and business. When not writing or spending time
with her four children, Nicole enjoys reading, camping, and going to the beach.
Nicole’s thirst for knowledge inspired her to become a PublicPeople writer, and she focuses
primarily on topics such as homeschooling, parenting, health, science, and business. When not writing or spending time
with her four children, Nicole enjoys reading, camping, and going to the beach.
@anon247429: I do not agree with you at all. Being a Mummy's boy is not normal. There can be love for the mother, of course, but the girlfriend/wife should never be treated disrespectfully or be unappreciated (even if not done on purpose).
I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 15 years and we have two beautiful kids together, but the relationship is now dying because of him being a mummy's boy. I get along well with his mum and she treats me like a daughter. I can't complain about her, but she just never sees me as her son's partner and she is never letting go. I am always second in everything: discussions, holidays, dinner, outings, you name it. If there is something I want to discuss with my boyfriend, it has already being discussed with his mom first. She calls every day to ask him if he wants to eat her food, as if I am useless and cannot cook. She calls for him to go to walks with him. If we go somewhere, she is always there. If I plan something, the plans then change to something else because mum suggested it. Aagh!
He got sick and I was out of the picture completely. I think the doctors thought he was not actually in a relationship, but that he was a 36 year old guy living with him mum. If he has news, mum comes first. I have felt so useless and unloved. I feel I need to get out before it makes me ill.
Someone once said, that it should never have been part of a wedding ceremony when the dad gives away his daughter. Instead, it should be ceremonial that the mother hands over her son.
I would also like to add that my m.i.l is lovely, I like her and we get on very well. This can also make the situation difficult as I really don't want to upset her. I have tried to be subtle at times but get nowhere. When I have made it more obvious in what I'm trying to say, I worry that I may've gone too far. I don't want to fall out with her at any cost.
All these posts are saying exactly the same. That your man is always going to choose his mum over you. I can't compete with my mother-in-law because she gives, gives, gives and does, does, does and he never has to give or do anything in return. How can anyone compete with that?
This is why the mothers always win! Because in normal relationships there needs to be give and take and mutual respect. My boyfriend goes to his mum, rants and raves and eats all her food and she says nothing! When I tell him his behavior is unacceptable he thinks I'm crazy and trots across the road where he can do anything and his mother will still worship him.
Unfortunately, I married a mamma's boy in January 2013, and this is my love marriage. But now our love marriage seems a hell marriage. From the start, his mom never liked me and my family.
I don't have any problem with his mom's daily basis calls, but now she is creating problems in my married life. She has a problem with my family. She says all kinds of rubbish about my family members and expects me to listen silently. Now she wants me to leave my own family. And my husband didn't say a single word to her.
I don't know what should I do. I am in India so divorce is not easy for me as it will affect my parents.
I am going insane with my boyfriend’s mother. Every day, she rings him and some days three or four times, and has the most stupid things to talk about, like what the weather is like, what he’s doing for the day, blah, blah.
I argue with my boyfriend all the time, saying don't be telling her personal things in our life because I don't want her knowing my business, but the rows get so bad and he won’t listen or consider my feelings. He just keeps on answering the calls and all.
He tells her all she wants to know and I’m sick of it. I feel she’s putting strain on the relationship, but it’s like talking to the wall with my boyfriend; he adores her that much.
I live with my boyfriend, but her calls are doing my head in. I’ve just given up trying. He is the love of my life and the first lad who has treated me right and I would be lost without him. I just can’t stand her. She has nothing better to do with her life than ring him up all time with stupid things.
Sometimes were in the middle of going shopping and she rings and he answers straight away, with me looking like a fool waiting until he is done on the phone. It’s very rude. I do get mad at him. I give up. Something I have accepted is she is a loser with no life and loves being nosy about our lives and he is worse for telling her everything she wants to know. I just have put up with it forever and I try my best not to let it get to me, but even the sound of the phone ringing makes me want to throw it out the window and go mental on her.
The worst part is she loves me loads and must think I adore her, but I can’t tell her to stop ringing. She would tell half the county about it and would get people to feel sorry for her. She doesn't work. She’s on welfare and only 53. I think she is just pure lazy and loves scabbing off others, but no way will she be taking a cent off me and my partner. I won’t let it happen. God only knows what’s going to happen when I have children. She’ll be calling 100 times a day, sticking her nose into our business.
If anyone has any advice on how I can deal with it better when the phone rings and not let it get to me, I would really appreciate hearing from someone. I am done talking to him about it. It gets me nowhere and I’ve been with him four years now. Does anyone have any advice to keep me calm and not care? I find it so hard.
My suggestion is "Please never marry a mommy's boy."
Ladies, I certainly can understand where some of you are coming from with mothers who are overly clingy how that could be very irritating. I can also understand where it is very bad when a man spends more time with his mother than his wife.
I must say though, that some of you have real insecurities, emotional hang ups and are extremely controlling and jealous.
If the so called momma's boy does not clearly meet the description of 1 or 2 and you leave him just know that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
You may get something far worse than a guy who loves and respects his mother in another relationship.
I just ended a three-year relationship with a mommy's boy and all these stories seem to have the same problems. Your man spends all his time in his mother's face. The intimacy, romance and respect is missing. Instead, you get judgment and demeaning comments to the point of verbally abusive. Anything not to take away from or displease mom.
Your man seems like a surrogate husband and you are there just to be arm candy for the socially acceptable circumstances. I too, thought if he treats her well, he will be good to me to. We went out for two and 1/2 years and I questioned a few things but dismissed them then. What a great guy he was!
Then I moved in. Wow, did things get ugly quick. She was horribly rude and mean and he did nothing about it. He then started acting the same way. I tried to talk to him, only to be told I was nagging, fat, selfish and many other names before I got cut off and was told to go away and punished.
I have more respect for myself then to allow someone to treat me that way. I gave him an ultimatum and eventually left. I'm glad I did!
I can totally relate. I have been with my boyfriend for three years and some months. Recently I asked him to go to a resort with me instead of going out with his mother, and I was glad that he agreed. But then when we got there, I thought this woman lost her son or something with the the amount of time she spent on the phone with him. Mind you, we only went for a weekend.
This has been ongoing. They are so close it sickens me. When she is sick, he takes care of her instead of her husband and she always wants him to do things for her and buy her stuff. She is OK with me, but I feel it is too contentious since he is 36 and I'm 32 and she won't give him the encouragement to start his life. He even sometimes sleep with her, and she does everything for him. I don't know if I can be with him anymore.
My mother-in law actually thought my husband should leave me at home in a snow storm (knowing I would be snowed in) to stay at her house because that's where he should be and should not be out driving in the snow (he is a professional driver; it's what he does for a living).
When we first moved into our own place together she would make family size aluminum pans full of his favorite foods such as chicken alfredo, lasagna, etc. However, I am a vegetarian and I could not eat any of it. Before we moved in together, she suggested that we fix up her basement and live in it. Previously, when my husband was not around, she would make comments stating that when it came down to it and he needed support "they only had each other" referring to him, his sister and his mother.
We actually lived in her house for a few months and I thought I would completely lose it. One morning she actually knocked on our door (which was his childhood bedroom) to wake him up for work. She didn't want him to be late.
On our first married Christmas, we decided to spend Christmas Eve at her house with the family and chose to be at our home on Christmas Day so my stepson could be at home to open his presents and we could begin our own family holiday traditions. Well, she made it very clear to me and informed me that she was jealous that I was going to have "her boys" with me on Christmas. My father-in law told me in front of my mother-in law on a separate occasion from the one just mentioned that his wife was jealous of me – now this is coming directly from my father-in law.
Before we could move in to our own home, we had to reside in at her house for a few months until the house was ready. She was not happy that we were getting our own house. She did not and still has not congratulated us on the new house. As a matter of fact, she couldn't deal with us moving our furniture, did not help at all and was so hurt by it all. We moved literally about eight minutes away from her house driving. Really? Are you serious?
Once we moved into our home, I basically refused to go back to her house. We were in our house for months before she ever came by to visit and when she came, she brought my husband his favorite cake. She comes to our house every now and again and she must always bring something. She can't just visit. With the economy being what it is and my husband's part-time work hours being cut, we were having some financial difficulty, making it hard to keep groceries in the house the way we once did. We always have food in the house. It may not be what we want but by no means are we starving. My husband works crazy hours so for lunch he would stop by mom's house to see her periodically or whatever. She started cooking lunch for him and now he goes over there almost daily.
Since we moved out of her house things have not been so bad because she can't control what goes on at my house and she hates that, but of course, she can cook her son lunch every day at her house. Now she loves telling me that she does not cook as much as she used to when both her kids/husband were home. However, every day, my husband comes home with a plate for only him (remember I'm a vegetarian). One day I went to pick up my stepson from her house, and as soon as I walked in the door she told me I needed to fix my husband a plate for him. I completely ignored her and sat down after my visit and when I was about to leave she got up and fixed a to-go plate for my husband because she knew I wasn't going to do it.
Oh, a while back, when we were still living at her house, we were having a cookout. My husband was the one cooking on the grill and as the cook, he was eating as he cooked. She said to my husband, “Since your wife won't fix you a plate, I will.” Also, every time I have a party or event at my house, she tries to take over the menu and make it her party. One time – the first and only time we asked her to make one entree – she took over the entire event. I was pissed, so now I simply tell her I don't need anything. Now trust me, I hold my own and made it very clear to my husband that I will not have her disrespecting me when she would make family size pans of his favorites. I told him if I ever walked in my house again and looked in my fridge and there was a pan of food from his mother that I cannot eat he could go back home and I meant it, and he knew it. That never happened again and I have literally trashed whole pans of food because I wasn't having it. I made it very clear that never will my husband be staying at her house while I am snowed in at our house. How dare she?
When she brings him his favorites, that's when I become the community volunteer and donate food to others less fortunate. When she finally did decide to visit her son at our home she would refuse to eat any food I cooked, so I returned the favor. Anytime I was at her house (and that's the ultimate slap in the face in her book) I would not eat any of the food she offered After I realized she was waiting until my husband was not around to say inappr
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