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MOM service tech Adam is amazing! His knowledge when it comes to printers & scanners is unmatched. To make things even better, he is an extremely friendly individual & it always makes my day when I can see him! It’s a rare occurrence to have such a flawless experience time after time but with Adam & MOM, you get that. Every single time.
Jeff from MOM is amazing! He is always quick to reach out any time I call him about an issue with one of our copiers. He always explains if there will be a delay in a copier being fixed and when we can expect the issue to be fixed. I highly recommend MOM.
MOM service tech James is awesome! Not only knowledgeable in the technology, he was very patient and cordial to this old guy that is not so knowledgeable in the technology.Why would any business wants to use MOM for their business needs. It starts with folks like James.In a 10 year relationship with MOM, never have any one in that organization ever failed to deliver the type of excellent service that is very lacking in today's world.While they sell products, they deliver service and support!Thanks MOM!
Todd Boone is top notch and knows his stuff. He will quickly get you what you need and is very responsive to email/phone calls for any questions you may have. I wish we would of moved over with Todd and MOM years ago!
Working with Modern Office Methods for going on 4yrs as a client, I have had some issues with some but they've always went the extra mile to right any wrongs and make sure the customer was happy! I have only had wonderful dealings with Jason Price as my go-to guy for all my sales needs, and even after hours when I've had some emergencies when the service department wasn't in, I was able to get to Jason and he was able to make some calls and get me the help I needed! For service I've usually dealt with Jeff Shook who has always knocked things out of the park as far as getting things fixed and even providing instructions over the phone to get a machine back up and running at times when he wasn't able to get there in a quick enough time. There are a LOT of great things to say about my experience with MOM dealing with these two gentlemen!

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Hi my name is Dawn and this is my personal blog about my mommy experiences, making money, hobbies, marraige, family and more.

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Posted in Uncategorized | June 20th, 2014
Posted in First Grade , Mommy Stuff | October 13th, 2011
Posted in College | October 4th, 2011
Posted in Uncategorized | October 3rd, 2011
Posted in First Grade | September 23rd, 2011
Posted in Kindergarten | September 22nd, 2011
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Posted in Children's Books , Kindergarten , Party | June 28th, 2011

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So this month I have been trying to work on improving myself and working on my leadership skills. I decided to go to dinner with someone I know and would think of as a mentor and this person told me that I should go to a dermatologist to get my skin cleared up with I wanted to advance my career. He didn’t say it in so many words but that is how I interpreted it. I am 37 will be 38 in two weeks, and still have acne and I am forever concerned with the pimples and I try to cover it up. I do not always do it so successfully though. The other thing he said was I should get a new haircut. I understand that my hair is frizzy and curly but lots of people like it and compliment me often. I guess though it is a little more crazy then it should be if I want to advance my career. Seriously!?!?!?! I was taking in all of the suggestions but those two suggestions have been baffled. So it just confirms that this world is all about beauty and no brains. I may not be a goddess but that should not stop me from advancing my career and professional leadership in an organization.
Well yesterday my 6 year old daughter came home and told me that one of her friends made her choke. I asked her how and she told me this friend told her to fill her mouth with food and told her not to stop otherwise she wouldn’t be my daughter’s friend anymore. Really I asked. She said yes and she wouldn’t let me stop cause she told me that she wouldn’t be my friend anymore and I really want her to be my friend! I was flabbergasted by the fact that my daughter let someone control what she did by dangling whether or not they would be her friend.
I was bullied growing up and dealt with terrible girls and boys from 4th grade to 12th grade. My daughter is in 1st grade. I want to teach her to stand up to people like this and maybe they are not worthy of being her friend. It is hard for me to determine what to do. I don’t want to call the mother of the friend that did this but I also do not want this to happen again. I told my daughter to never do something that will hurt her whether or not someone threatens to not be her friend. Either they will be her friend or not and it’s not going to be because she shoved food in her mouth until she choked. Thank goodness she didn’t inhale a piece of the food and really choked where she needed the heimlich maneuver or for the school to call 911.
It is the time of year where students (especially high school seniors) are applying to college and also looking for scholarships and preparing to apply for other types of financial aid. So Moms of college age children please remind your kids that the government WILL NOT CALL THEM to offer them grants.
I received a message from the U.S. Department of Education saying that students have been scammed by telemarketers who contact them, and tell them they have won a government grant, then they ask for their bank account information. Many students are savvy enough to realize the call must be a scam, but some are taken in.
Help your kids avoid such scams by reviewing the following information at ”Don’t Get Scammed on Your Way to College,” available at .
(direct link to US Department of Education Consumer Protection publications section: )
So yesterday I was introduced (online) to a wonderful artist at BeHappyNow .  Her name is Jenny Meilihove and she was born in Russia. When she was 11, her family moved to Israel. There she studied in Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design, in Jerusalem. She was studying Visual Communications, and majoring in Illustration. Currently, she is living in Tel Aviv, and is a freelance illustrator , and most of the time you can find her drawing or making tiny dolls. She wants her artworks to bring happiness to everyone.
Check out her work if you can! What do you think of her work? 
Do you want to be featured on this Blog send me a message!
Ok so as this title implies I attended a Secret Indie Rock Concert this weekend. I found out about it through the Facebook fan Page of LI Pulse. They advertised that there were 10 spots available and I replied to see if I could get a spot. The address was unknown until they told you that you got one of the spots.
It all happened in Bellmore, NY and it featured The New Years , Alan Semerdjian , Aeroplane Pageant and Beat Radio . The show was sponsored by LI Pulse and Blue Point Brewery . It was advertised as a concert and when my husband and I put the address in the GPS it showed it was at a school however it was held as a backyard jam at one of the members of BeatRadio’s house. There were approximately 80 people expected and the bands were set up on the back patio of the house. It was a pretty awesome idea to get a Brewery and a Magazine to sponsor a small local event like this supporting local musicians. There was food, drinks and great music. It was cool and I felt hip (I don’t think the word hip is so hip anymore though) for the time I was there. I look forward to attending more shows sponsored by LI Pulse because they know that it is important to sponsor the Long Island region and provide strength by being part of events like this!
All of the bands were great although my family and I were only able to stay for the first two, which were The New Years , and Alan Semerdjian . I was able to listen to some of the songs from the other bands on their bandcamp or band websites which are linked within this post so check them out and buy their songs! I also got to personally speak with Alan Semerdjian and talk to him about his series in the LI Pulse. It was all very cool and a genius idea to get new fans to come listen to your music in a different venue rather than a bar. Kudos to Brian Sendrowitz from Beat Radio who hosted the event in his backyard and coordinated the logistics! The food was awesome too so Kudos to Brian’s wife (who I think made all the food!).
Have you ever been to a secret show?
Too bad I didn’t have my good camera with me. These are the shots I was able to take of The New Years, Alan Semerdjian and Brian Sendrowitz from Beat Radio.
On the Back to School Night handout that my daughter’s Teacher gave us “Remember- just as your child did not first speaking in full sentences, they will not be able to spell perfectly at first!” what is wrong with this sentence? I think this was either the clue that something was wrong or a confirmation of what my daughter was telling me.
Doesn’t it seem wrong that my daughter is being taught by someone who didn’t proof read the hand out and gave it to parents. I don’t want to argue with anyone or start a fight with the Teacher it’s only the first month of school. We all have jobs where we are expected to perform and prepare for the next day. If I submit a grant proposal with spelling errors it gets rejected and I could lose millions of dollars for my job, if I make a grammar error on an IRB approval letter I could change the meaning of an approval and make the college lose its license to have faculty do research with human subjects.
This error seems to have let to me finding out about how the teacher treats the students in the class. It makes me concerned when I meet the teacher at Back To School Night, she sounds drab, unenthusiastic, annoyed to be there, unconcerned about the classroom and yes I know she was there at 8am that day and I know she has to have a new lesson plan tomorrow but I was at work all day also and ended up working at home the night before so that I could make sure I could leave early so that I can come to back to school night. Two other parents I know have expressed similar experiences about this teacher. There are some teachers that are excellent, however when my daughter comes home hysterically crying telling me the teacher is mean, singles her out when she does something and hates school I know there is something wrong. I spoke to the teacher yesterday about Gabriella’s asthma and when I was done with the conversation the teacher said “and”…… Really so my point about the spelling error seems to have led to a much larger problem and maybe that error was just the first clue. I have to wonder is my daughter a pathological liar or is there a real problem.
I have convinced my daughter to give the teacher “another chance”. What would you have done?
As a friend of mine put it on a recent Facebook comment on my wall “Gabriella hasn’t won the teacher lottery, now has she?” It seems I need to figure out what the problem is quickly or we might be cursed to repeat last year’s experience with the Kindergarten Teacher.
It all started last school year when her real Kindergarten Teacher came back from maternity leave in January.  I did not get the opportunity to brief her on the activities that transpired in the Fall and the transition issues because I did not think it was necessary. In the 4 months following Gabriella continued to be doing well however in conversations that we had with her she explained that her teacher yells at her often and yells at the class. I thought that maybe it was some transitional issues again because of a new teacher and there were some incidences of yellow lights or red lights (behavior punishments in the school district she is in). Also I did not think anything major of it because there were times that Gabriella’s actions might have warranted stern speech because she is very nosy and tells other children what to do how to do it and that they are doing it wrong. In addition I just assumed that since it was a new teacher that the students might not be listening because they were used to listening to the first teacher. However as the months went on Gabriella continued to tell me about this yelling.
Then on 5/5 Gabriella came to me and said that her tummy was hurting and if her tummy hurt does that mean she can stay home from school. She was pointing to her chest when she told me this and she said it hurt when she breathed. I was concerned at that point with whether there might be a real health issue or an issue in the classroom. I decided to call the teacher and speak with her and also bring Gabriella to the Doctor. I understand that getting a phone call like that might be a surprise and may put a teacher on the defensive however I needed to find out if my daughter was sick or had a problem with something in school. At the end of the conversation I told the teacher that I was going to bring Gabriella to the Doctor to make sure nothing was wrong and the teacher said that when Gabriella returned to the class she would try to get to the bottom of the problem and I agreed. I also asked that the teacher follow-up with me so that I knew what was going on and didn’t just hear it from my daughter. I thought maybe something larger was happening or someone was bothering her in the classroom.
The Doctor gave her a clean bill of health so we brought her to school and she cried hysterically. I had to get school nurse to help get Gabriella into the classroom. This behavior made me suspect something was really wrong. When I picked Gabriella up from aftercare I spoke with the aftercare supervisor and she explained that Gabriella told her that the teacher told Gabriella she was lying and that she should not lie to her parents. I started to get a little upset but thought it best to discuss at this point directly with my daughter. She repeated the same thing. She told me that the teacher said that she is lying about her yelling and that she shouldn’t lie. I was concerned with this statement and I wanted to better understand the conversation because I am hoping that my daughter does not lie and maybe misinterpreted what the teacher was trying to communicate with her. I know we all wish that our children are perfect but I pride myself on the fact that Gabriella is brutally honest sometimes too honest and ends up confessing everything about circumstances where she gets in trouble or other actions. I am concerned with Gabriella’s interpretation of this conversation because now she thinks that her teacher thinks she is a liar and I was concerned with the fact that instead of trying to find out what the problem was with Gabriella that from what Gabriella said the teacher called her a liar. I know that it was almost the end of school and I did not want to have
Korean Kiss Sex
Trampling Gagging
Black Hole Music

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