Mommy Bunny

Mommy Bunny

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Children's Books: MOMMY BUNNY LOVES ME BEST Read Aloud! 10 brothers & sisters fight over who's #1 in Mommy's heart! It's a rhyming KidTime StoryTime about Sibling Rivalry x 10! Who wins? Mommy does, of course. Because she's a SuperMom Bunny!

From Jessica Neal, who LOVES hearing from readers! You can write to her at & see her other stories here on KidTime StoryTime:
Me & My Fluffy Mom:
Short Adventures of a Loooong Dog:
Halloween Loooong Dog:
White Christmas of a Loooong Dog:

KidTime StoryTime narrates kid stories with love, funny accents and a cast of wacky puppets & stuffed animals who all seem to have strong literary opinions and sharply different tastes in books. From tough topics to classic Disney to bilingual stories, we aim to edutain & inspire a lifelong love of reading in children! Ideal for kids from birth through approximately 99 years of age. Because children's books are seriously awesome & surprisingly deep. No Kidding.

DEAR PARENTS & EDUCATORS! TO BUY THE BOOK, click this link: Your purchase helps support our free channel & the author at no additional cost to you.


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The Mommy Bunny
Hopping through motherhood one carrot at a time

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Hai, This is just random-ness π‘³π’†π’ˆπ’π’π’π’π’π’π’
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Hai, So here are just random songs I like listening to. Hihi 𝑳𝒆𝒕𝒔 π’ˆπ’π’π’π’π’(*^β–½^*)
β–ΆοΈŽ πšƒπš˜ π™±πšŽ π™Ύπš› π™½πš˜πš πšƒπš˜ π™±πšŽ – π™Ύπš—πšŽπšžπšœ β€œπšƒπš‘πšŽ πš–πš˜πšœπš πš›πšŽπšπš›πšŽπšπšπšžπš•, π™±πšžπš πšπš‘πšŽ πš‘πšŠπš™πš™πš’πšŽπšœπš πš–πš˜πš–πšŽπš—πš β€œ
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Srry this was short, Next time I’ll make longer blogs. -Yuri
Hai, So I have been a Kpop fan for almost 4 years and I have learned alot from it. From the many many groups I know and stanned here is the list……
When you are a fan of any group or singer, you really have to wait for the next song to be released. And in Kpop fans have to wait for the next comeback. Like sometimes groups go on VERY VERY long hiatus. And takes a VERY long time until the next comeback release.
Some Kpop songs teach you to Love Yourself and teach you to be less shy. I explain in a weird please bear with meh. Like I can’t explain this better, So here are song that fit this like Life lesson
✒ 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 – 𝑩𝑻𝑺 (π‘¨π’π’ƒπ’–π’Ž)
Of course Korean cause it’s Kpop, but it could help you in life. Like what if you meet a korean person and they can’t talk in english. It’s a natural thing to remember some words and if you have been a fan for a few years. And if you listen to a new song sometimes you would notice some familiar words.
So yeaaaahhhhh that’s it and this was very lame and boring but yeah
It’s me again, it has been more than a year since we have written here. For the next few days I might be making blogs here to get ready for a school assignment. -Yuri
β€œEvery pregnancy is different.” This is a phrase that I’ve heard too many times but something I’ve proven the hard way. With Yui, I had a chill pregnancy and labor which I wrote about in my old blog . I was hoping to have the same experience this time but every pregnancy is different and things have a tendency to not go as planned.
On my 31st week, I experienced severe stomach pain and had to rush to the Emergency Room which turned into an overnight stay in the Delivery Room where they monitored Kenji’s heartbeat while waiting for my diagnosis. It turned out to be gastroenteritis and I was discharged the next day. However, I started to have high blood pressure upon discharge which continued on to the weekend.
Tuesday of my 32nd week, I experienced unusual frequent and painful contractions which I thought would stop after a nap. However, after I took a nap, I noticed bleeding. So for the second time in just a week, I was in the E.R. They immediately rushed me to the Delivery Room for monitoring since the preeclampsia is consistent and my BP is going up.
Late in the afternoon, they did an ultrasound and although I was 32 weeks, the baby was found out to be very small due to IUGR or Intrauterine Growth Restriction and was only the size of a 29 weeker fetus. My OB immediately gave me steroids to speed up his lung development and some other meds that I lost track/count of.
Chapter 2: Monitoring, Monitoring and More Monitoring
I was hooked in the monitors again and was placed in the DR High Risk facility, without any communication to the family and the outside world. It was a night of monitoring and more monitoring. I literally didn’t know what’s going to happen to us and I think that anxiety might have added to my high BP. Lol. I would sometimes drift to sleep only to wake up with a commotion of the resident doctors as they see Kenji’s heart slow down then recover. There were times when they would shake my tummy and say, β€œmommy, gisingin lang natin si baby ha” and I’m like, β€œwhuttt???” At one point, I asked the resident, β€œdoc, uuwi pa ba kami?”
Early Wednesday morning, I started bleeding again and was dilating but Kenji’s heart kept fluctuating and was taking a longer time to recover. When the OB arrived, she dropped the bomb to us. She said we had to choose at that point because I already have severe preeclampsia and although I’m 3cm dilated, the baby can’t wait for normal labor to progress anymore because he’s having a really hard time inside. Our option is to β€œterminate the pregnancy” or emergency caesarean section. Any further delay might be fatal to the both of us. So she asked, β€œwhat’s your decision?”
As if may choice talaga dun no? T_T
So in a matter of minutes, I was wheeled to the Operating Room. It was a whirlwind of CS activities and after a while I heard, β€œBaby out! Baby out!” after they saw that he had a cord coil, which is probably what’s causing his heart rate to fall. I heard a faint cry then they showed him to me and brought him to the Neonatal ICU.
At 1:12PM on that fated Wednesday, Kenji Avery was born! Because of the IUGR, he only weighed 907 grams and falls on the Extremely Low Birth Weight preemie group. With this, he had to stay in the NICU so that he can be monitored closely. He needs to gain weight and reach the 1.8kg target weight before he can come home.
For 55 days, the NICU became our home. We’re just glad that Kenji, being our little warrior, didn’t have any major complications and mostly just stayed to gain the desired weight. It is a journey of roller coaster emotions, where time both went by so fast and slowed down during the past 2 months.
Today is supposed to be his original due date but instead of celebrating his birth, we will be celebrating 8 weeks of premature life in the NICU and awaiting his discharge. Can’t wait to see this little fighter come home.
β€œ We all have a fighter in us. Preemies just have a little bit more. β€œ
Congratulations on landing your first job! I know you’re both excited and nervous to start this new journey. Don’t worry, that’s perfectly fine and it’s okay to feel nervous. It is a corporate world out there anyways. It CAN be a scary world, but don’t be. You’ll be fine.
There will be days ahead that will drive you crazy yet there will be much more that will bring so much joy. Fifteen years into the future, you will find yourself still here and you might wonder how you stayed that long. You will change a lot – emotionally and physically. Well, the bangs stay at least?
There will be tears, frustrations, lots of lessons learned along the way and I’m here to tell you that you’ll jump through all that hurdle. You might not know everything now but I will try to help.
Here are 15 things I learned through my 15 years in this journey:
As they say, β€œyou learn something new every day.” No matter how old or experienced you are, there will always be something you do not know. Always keep an open mind for learning. Talk to people, ask people, learn from everyone.
There will be moments that you will want to reach for the moon and stars and prioritize your career. But there will be times when you want to focus on yourself or your family. Both are perfectly okay. Priorities change over time. You will learn how to identify your priorities. You will learn when to identify your priorities as well. What’s important is to tell your supervisor and teammates to set expectations. Which brings me to the next point.
People especially your supervisors are not mind readers. For them to know what you want to do and what your priorities are, you need to tell them. You want a different role? Say it. You need to stay with your sick family? Tell them. You need to step out for an hour to exercise once a week? Let them know. Don’t fret, you’re not being a burden, you are actually helping them make their lives easier by planning ahead.
One of the things I learned is that it is okay to say No. If it doesn’t align with your priorities, you can decline. If someone is asking you to do something you’re not comfortable with, just say it. No need to explain. It’s your right.
You will hear about this β€œwork-life balance” phenomenon a lot of times. People will try to achieve this balance or offer tips to achieve this. It’s going to be hard if that is your goal because work-life balance is BS. If you will try to balance, there will always be a β€œbattle” or you will need to always choose between the two. Then I learned about β€œwork-life integration.” This way, you can integrate what you want to do personally with work. Want travel? You will get it here. Want to stay healthy and follow your passion? Join different groups or talk to like-minded people at work.
This is important to help you get by and have someone who can give you tips and tricks to stay sane. A mentor can help you when you are at your lowest and provide an objective perspective on things. Your mentor can help you with your career growth as well.
7. Networking is not just for earning lots of moolah. It is an essential skill
Over the course of time, you will meet a lot of people. Get to know them and establish a relationship, you’ll never know when you’ll meet them again and need some help from them.
In line with #7, avoid burning bridges. You’ll never know when you’ll need someone or work with someone you’ve had a conflict with. We are working professionals so handle differences professionally as well.
We are humans. Truly human. It is okay to feel unengaged or demotivated at times. The important thing is to identify why you’re feeling this and then work on improving your mood. Talk to someone (your mentor or a friend), relax or find a diversion.
Like your priorities, your non-negotiables may change over time. Know what these are and communicate them so that your supervisor and team knows.
Get a vacation. Take some time off. Everybody needs time to recuperate and find their happiness. When things get rough and you get tired, take a rest.
12. Opportunities are and can be created. Go for it!
There will be times when opportunities will knock on your door. If it does, that’s great! There will also be times when you need to create your opportunities. If you are open with your preferences, your supervisor might just carve out something for you. Remember that you are the sailor of your own boat.
13. You are important. Make yourself heard.
No matter what role you’re in, no role is too small not to be heard. Speak up and ask questions. It will take you places you’ve never imagined and learn things you never existed.
You will meet challenging people and clash with some values and priorities, but remember that each of us is unique. Some battles are worth fighting for and some are just not worth all the stress. If you find yourself in full gear mode, ask yourself: β€œIs it a battle or is it the war?”
Probably one of my mantra that kept me sane all these years. When things get tough, remember that This, too, shall pass and that tomorrow is another day.
Hi everybody! Are you having a coconut day? This is Yui and I’m also going to blog here together with mommy bunny. I will blog about stuff like kpop and fortnite! I’m so excited. Kaja!!(Let’s go)
There are plenty of good reasons to go to Japan and exploring authentic Japanese food is definitely one of them! Our Spring trip took us to Japan’s Kansai Region and we were able to taste some of the amazing food from Osaka, aptly called tenka no daidokoro (β€˜the country’s kitchen’), as well as Kyoto and Nara. Our food trip was based on what we wanted to try at that moment so it would usually go like this:
Mommy Bunny: β€œWhat do you want to eat?”
Mommy Bunny: β€œOkay” *opens Google and searches for β€œomurice nearby”*
We dined at some hole in the wall restaurants, food court at the mall, and some apparently popular places during our week-long trip. We’ve barely just touched (or ate) the tip of the iceberg but here are some of the oishΔ« food that we tried.
Osaka Mint Bureau Cherry Blossom festival
Konnichiwa! The Travelling Bunchies just came from a week-long trip in Japan to celebrate Yui’s 9th birthday. The highlight of the trip was celebrating her actual birthday exploring Kyoto in kimonos. I’ve always imagined how it might feel to wear a kimono and since we wanted to try something special for her birthday, I thought it would be the best time to try this experience. And boy, I’m glad that we did! It was such a surreal experience and one thing that will definitely be carved in our family memory bank.
Japan’s winter drama, Todome No Kiss or Kiss That Kills (english title), concluded with its 10th episode last week.
β€œThe story is about Otaro Dojima (Kento Yamazaki, my loves) who works as a popular host under name Eight. Because of a past incident, he believes that love makes people unhappy. He now only pursues money and power.
A mysterious woman appears in front of Otaro Dojima. The mysterious woman has a pale face with red lips. She kisses him and he dies, but the next moment he regains consciousness. He realizes he is now 7 days in the past. The mysterious woman also follows him. Due to her kiss, Otaro Dojima dies and goes back to the past over and over again.” – from Wikipedia and Asianwiki
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Fat Belly Porn
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Mommy Bunny | Black Roses Mosh Crew | Π’ΠšΠΎΠ½Ρ‚Π°ΠΊΡ‚Π΅
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